Killing God Island

Chapter 787: Brothers and sisters. Let me kill you first

Since there is no transportation or even horses at all, all the journeys are run on their own, so here are thanks to the strengthened people. If the continuous running of ordinary people is impossible, even special forces or individual soldiers They can't make them move so fast.

But when Starrudi ordered everyone to repent in the direction of the original Krum site, he saw a dense forest in front of him. After all, there was only one person standing on the road. There was only one person. This person was not someone else. Yan Xuan himself.

Starudi saw that Zhuo Yanxuan appeared here at the moment, and his expression was suddenly stunned. If according to the original plan, Zhuo Yanxuan should start with his younger brother and the people he brought to Steve Lanji’s site from the rear. The sneak attack was right, how could he appear here?

But Starudi is not stupid, and stupid people can’t be the overlords in thirteen sites in the central area of ​​the t-zone. He has subconsciously guessed that things have changed. He may have been calculated by Zhuo Yanxuan, but now It was too early to draw this conclusion, so Starudi still asked with a smile: "Why are the Yanxuan brothers here? You shouldn't be behind Steve Ranji with my brother?"

Zhuo Yanxuan also said: "Yeah! But that has been a long time, and now I have been waiting for you for a long time here."

"Oh? Waiting for me for a long time? I don't quite understand what you say, what are you waiting for me here? Doesn't our original plan look like this?" At this time Starudi was actually very angry and panicked, but he But I really want to understand, even if this kid betrayed, I want to know why I betrayed me, and my brother has been following him. My brother's strength should not be weaker than him. Why is he here now? Did my brother betray me with him, or did their siblings have an ulterior conspiracy?

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan appeared in front of him. The amount of information was a little too large. Without telling the reason, Staru Rudy's heart is quite complicated now. What about the manpower I gave them? And Zhuo Yanxuan's sister? Didn’t their siblings never separate?

Thinking of the place before he continued to ask Zhuo Yanxuan, he took the lead and said: "You are also a smart person, I am here now, I think you should also guess what is going on?"

When Starudi heard Zhuo Yanxuan say this, his inner anger directly flowed into his heart, so Starudi asked Zhuo Yanxuan in a very ugly, ugly voice: "It seems that you have betrayed, Can I ask you the last three questions now?"

"Yes, of course, I am not in a hurry anyway, and I also want to know what you want to ask!"

"Okay, then I'll ask them together. What about my brother who walks with you? Why betray me? And where is your sister who you have always been inseparable from?" Starudi asked in one breath. Three questions

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled and replied, "I didn't expect you to have a lot of questions. Since you asked them together, I'll answer them together. Although your brother hasn't died completely, it's hard to protect myself now. May come to help you, I betrayed you, of course, because I found a force that is more in line with my realization of leaving t zone, and I planned to cooperate with you, in fact, only to be able to successfully enter your site from the middle zone of t zone, of course After entering, I’m just a little tricky. You will be taken as a pity. As for your last question, where is my sister who has always been inseparable from me? My answer is that of course my sister will not be separated from me And, where she is now is behind you!" Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly snapped his fingers after this sentence, and Starudi suddenly felt that the screams of his rear hand also came out.

When he looked back, he discovered that Zhuo Yanxuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin was originally hidden behind them, and he carried a very crazy attack on this side with a dagger alone. Sealing the throat, its strength makes ordinary members who are not members of the cadre move forward Toby, Zhuo Yanxuan smiled slightly after seeing their formation chaos, and at the same time blew a whistle again, rows of Zhuoyan hidden in the dense woods on both sides Xuan's men used his homemade bows and arrows to shoot Starardi's team at the same time.

You have to know that before they followed Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters, they were all Starardi’s original men. Sexual attacks, of course, they also know that Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin have cooperated with the most powerful force, Steve Lanji, which means that having such a big man as a backer does not need to fear Stararudy.

Moreover, many things Zhuo Yanxuan told them before were realized. One of them was that he said that all the elite troops that Staru Rudi had come out to challenge Steve. Ranji challenged the stone with an egg. It will be defeated and flee, and these series of things have happened. Therefore, the team of more than 200 people under the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Yanxuan also increasingly trust the pair of brothers and sisters, and let them split into two ambush to this The ambush point is also part of Zhuo Yanxuan's plan.

Although Starudi and Steve Lanji struggled hard, the situation was heavy, but even if his elite was wrong and endured, he was still more than three times Chen Tian’s manpower, and the most important thing is that most of them are members of the elite army. , Ordinary members have long died of death, but even if they are some people with strength, Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister Zhuo Wenxin still does not give these people a face, and a man with a dagger rushed and killed from the back alone, of course this Point is also part of Zhuo Yanxuan's plan.

Proof that he knows that with the strength of his sister, these people are not even at all to her, so let her cut it enough in her own way now! Of course, Zhuo Wenxin is really experiencing the joy of killing in her own way. She was originally a crazy woman born with violent cells and killing without blinking, and taking pleasure in killing. She is also a very talented person with a fighting talent, plus The arrows from the upper and lower sides cooperated with each other, and the entire formation of Starardi was in a mess.

Zhuo Yanxuan looked at his watch and shouted to his sister: "After giving you the murderous feeling of five minutes backward, five minutes later according to the original plan, Zhuo Yanxuan shouted this sentence directly!"

The younger sister Zhuo Wenxin made an ok gesture to his brother, and then Zhuo Wenxin showed a row of teeth on the corner of his mouth, his expression looked very fierce, and the whole person ran forward at a very fast speed. In the process of running, she held a knife in each hand. At the moment she rushed into the crowd, her hands waved in various poses at the fastest speed. While the body maintained the original running route, the places she passed were not only rows of people falling, but also Both hands are covering his neck, and the blood at the neck is like a burst of blood bursting out, and this scene looks unusually magnificent.

Of course, more than half of these people are masters who are not weak. Even if they didn’t see Zhuo Wenxin’s movements, they were instantly killed. This strength made Staru Rudi feel a little nervous. This brother and sister fell down. Where the land comes from, this strength may not even be very cheap even if you go out in person.

At this time, the second-hand Tida Li, who was next to Starudi, did not directly get started, because he had heard about this before from Stanson. At that time, he just wanted to know whether it would be true. After drawing the conclusion, and according to this scene he wanted to save his strength, he has now begun to consider his own way.

Of course, the most anxious at this time is still Staru Rudi, because this time he was really pitted by the two brothers and sisters of Zhuo Yanxuan, and now the entire core strength has not only suffered a heavy blow, but also offended the forces of Steve Lanji, Not only were they chased in front of them, they also met Zhuo Yanxuan's traitors, not only the whole plan was a scam, but now they also entered Zhuo Yanxuan's already selected ambush point.

Now, not only did Zhuo Wenxin take the lead in the rear massacre, but Zhuo Yanxuan was in front of him, and there were archers on both sides who seemed to shoot more than 200 people. The continuous arrow rain over the sky had already let Many people are injured. Although these games should not cause fatal injuries to some fortified people whose strength has reached a certain level, they are afraid of anything, and this multi-power will naturally increase, so this dense arrow shot from above It also kills dozens of celebrities, and even more people are injured. Why doesn't Zhuo Yanxuan care about his sister being shot? That's because Zhuo Wenxin's speed is very fast. As long as these arrows are not too much and dense when she intends to guard against them, they are invalid in her eyes, so Zhuo Yanxuan will let them shoot without any worries. You don't even need to consider whether you can hit it, as long as you shoot to the general location below and shoot again at the fastest speed.

What Zhuo Yanxuan said is very simple, but the effect is very obvious. Just less than a minute, the effect has forced Staru Rudi to order the cadre members to deal with the situation in two groups in the past, and the rest of them except the rear The outsiders are all ready to follow Starudi behind, and the so-called breakout is directly in front of Zhuo Yanxuan, and here is the only route back to the Krum site, so if you want to pass, you must go to Zhuo Yanxuan. Behind him, a battle with Zhuo Yanxuan is inevitable.

Zhuo Yanxuan was still standing in front of him, looking at the front. Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to see what emergency measures the other party would take, but at this time, Stararud, who was in a panic, asked directly Tedali, who was second in command and a military division.

"What should we do now?" Although he already had his own thoughts in his heart, he hoped to have a better plan to deal with, so he would ask Tidari next to him, and at this time Tidari What he thinks is not the comfort of the whole group. Now he is thinking about how he can get out of here and find a relatively safe place. I don’t want to be wiped out with you here, so I have to find a way to leave. This.

Just as Tidari thought of his retreat, Staru Rudi asked himself, "What should we do now?"

Without thinking about it, Tida Li directly replied: "What else can I do? Things can only be fought with them. If you kill a road, that is the way of life. If you can't escape, each of us can leave here alive. Isn’t this the current form? In addition, there should be no better plan. Now, the gibberish of reconciling with him is not easy at all. You see his sister’s crazy killing method and that ugly face at this time. Is fierce, what do you think will happen if we don’t rush to kill the past?"

These words of Tidari, in Starudi's opinion, were extremely true, because he felt the same way in his heart, he asked this mouth just to hear if there were better opinions he didn't think of, but from Titi The conclusion reached in Darry's mouth is exactly the same as his own, so Stararudy said directly to Tidari: "You are right, you don't have to think so much about the moment of life and death, and now we only need to preserve our own Life.

Starudi’s words are actually very encouraging to the people around him, but don’t look at the fact that these people have just more than three times more staff than Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters, and they have killed a lot in less than five minutes. People, now they have more than a hundred more people than Zhuo Yanxuan's brothers and sisters. Staring at the steadily shrinking staff, Starudi finally shouted out loud.

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