Killing God Island

Chapter 751: Brothers and sisters after the war

Crocker smiled after listening: "Everyone has everyone's pursuit and death method. Since I followed Jeff Deere, I also have a different understanding of the brothers' righteousness, so I will not Suicide like Jeff Deere, and not suicide like him, I'm going to die and I'm going to die in battle!" After he finished speaking, he rushed directly to Chen Tian, ​​and he pierced Chen Tian directly with his knife, because Chen Tian Respecting his boss, of course, he did not evade, letting the knife in his hand stab directly into his chest, Chen Tian looked at Crocker, who was close to him again, as if there was no pain. After grabbing his hands piercing himself to fix his entire person, Chen Tian suddenly heard several blood touches formed by blood in front of his body, which directly pierced his important internal organs, but He didn’t pierce his heart, because Chen Tian didn’t want to be fatal instantly, and there was blood on the corner of Krock’s mouth, but a smile appeared on his face, and although Chen Tian was stabbed into his chest with a knife, he also showed On the smiling side: "You mean, let me kill you?"

"Yeah! I don't want to die in my own hands. I never admit my fate and always feel that I can control everything. I have been excellent before I entered the island, but I can die in the hands of someone better than me. It’s a comfort and honor for me!"

"I'm not good, I can win because I borrowed everyone's strength, and have more powerful and reliable teammates and friends than you, but I agree with your boss's point a little bit, that is, no matter how evil this world is, If you want to take the right word, only people who pay attention to people will not be betrayed and bizarre, just like you would rather die, you people really deserve my admiration, whether it is on this island or outside the island. In order to insist on the word righteousness, good end, and lasting to the end, so I respect people like you, even if you die, I will reunite all of you!" After Chen Tian said this, he drew out the blood touch that penetrated his body. Because of the loss of blood and the speed of the wound healing, he quickly died in front of Chen Tian. Although he could not conquer the combat power of these two men, Chen Tian let everyone except his team go to the ruins. In search of whether there is a gem, and his own group began to dig a pit, because Chen Tian wanted to bury all these people together, because Chen Tian appreciates these people, because they are righteous, although they are enemies, but It is worthy of respect. If you are not on the opposite side of life and death, Chen Tian really wants to make friends with these people, but in order to be able to leave the island for their own interests, Chen Tian has to kill them all for this reason, so it is in trouble After completion, Chen Tian also wanted to do some last things for them, that is, to bury their corpses as far as possible, and to reunite their brothers is also a kind of comfort to Chen Tianxin. The person who loves righteousness does not want to be enemies with it, while the rest of them are looking for gems in the ruins. This thing decides whether they can leave this area or not, so everyone is looking for them seriously, even some ruined stones and The broken walls require their manpower to move, but with their power, even without tools, they can relatively solve some relatively small problems until they find a very secret chamber in the ruins, just when they go down to find them. It was found that Ye Minyu, Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan were hiding in the secret room.

Yang Liu, the captain of the women’s team, suddenly asked when she saw Ye Minyu: "Why are you trapped here?"

Ye Minyu and others were dragged up and said: "Several of us were caught in these people's traps and fell directly from the place where you met to this underground chamber. I originally thought that we would be trapped here. I didn't expect to meet you. And it was because we fell into the basement that we avoided it. Otherwise, the huge explosion would definitely blow four of us to ashes." Ye Minyu, the four of them, were considered to have died and died because of disaster. There will always be a blessing after death, Yang Liu directly said this to Ye Minyu. At the same time, Ye Minyu returned to the team and also belonged to the assembly. Although the next search in the ruins did not find any gems, Ling Zifeng's road is good. News, because Ling Zifeng found two gems from his body after killing one of the five ancient gods of war, now Chen Tian already has five gems in his hands, which means that there are four gems that Chen Tian and his team reached Purpose, in fact, if you find nine gems, Chen Tian and his team do not need to continue to fight against the other party’s overlords. After all, they change the overall order of the T zone to let the other teams assist them, but in fact they are all different. So what Ye Minyu wants to achieve in front of everyone is to make them more motivated, so she deliberately told everyone that there are already five jewels in her hand. In fact, the rest also knew what she wanted to express, and of course she also did Instead of saying too many useless off-topics on this, let everyone find a place to rest for two days and wait for her to prepare for the next round of attack after a week. Since it was destroyed, there is no way to stay here. , A group of people can’t easily cross the line, otherwise it will make the other forces think that they want to attack but will start the war in advance, so they can only find some small organizations within their sphere of influence on Jeff Deer’s site. Place, and then forcibly occupy like a robber, kill this if you refuse to resist. After all, there is no fairness and reasonableness here. Power here is a symbol of everything. Everything can be forcibly obtained with strong strength. In fact This is also the way of survival most advocated by the four major families. ,

Jeff Deere is not the only organization in this area. They are only the leaders of many organizations in this area. However, because some small organizations are too weak, they must seek more powerful organizations to take shelter and borrow his The site survived, so when their backing downed, these people did not even dare to resist. These people are actually the kind of people who are bullying and afraid to follow the tigers, foxes and tigers, so when they met Chen Tian’s group, they were immediately scared. You have to wait to reach their site. The place where these people were originally has already been emptied, but Chen Tian wanted this quiet place, and although the fights are gathered together now, there are not many people. Fully open.

After Chen Tian settled down, at the other end of the thirteen territories, this time did not end because Chen Tian calmed down, because the other side was also happening at the same time as Chen Tian’s team attacked Jeff Deer’s site. The big guys on the site also tore their faces to fight each other, and the two big guys were the life and death battle between the ghost king's brother Staru Rudi and the nearest Krum. Krum really did not expect that both After playing this way, one of the big brothers was resolved. When it was supposed to be united with each other, Krum did not expect that Starardi behind him would sneak into his territory and force a fight in this situation. Of course, Krum did not want to have too much dispute with Staru Rudi unilaterally. Even if Staru Rudi first attacked his site, he still wanted to communicate with Staru Rudi and demanded a truce, but At this time, Starudi was moved by the proposal of his brother Ghost King and brother and sister Zhuo, how could he be willing to give up, plus his brother's brave and warlike, his brother and sister's ghost wife is also a very powerful woman, plus the brother and sister Zhuo With the help of one-third of the elite troops of Starardi and the King of Ghosts, forming an elite team of 500 people, led by the King of Ghosts and his wife, and the other by the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s. Led, in just less than an hour, he captured Krum’s three locations and directly crossed the five-kilometer site directly to his site’s main base. This has completely angered Krum, which For anyone, they have completely touched the bottom line of this person, so this time Krum has not pointed the battle at Chen Tian’s group, and the elite troops originally prepared to deal with Chen Tian’s group are also directly used to fight against the ghost king and Zhuo's brothers and sisters are the two current enemies, but the ghost king is a very fierce and absolute main force. Although the ghost king and his brother Starrudi did cooperate with Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, but Starrudi I still don’t trust him enough, and I put the relatively true main center on the side of my own brother, the ghost king. The hands of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are basically ordinary or elite. Such unstable and sudden high and low people, if this pair of brothers and sisters are very strong, it is really difficult to achieve this expected effect, of course, this pair of brothers and sisters IQ is so high, of course, also understand the idea of ​​this guy Staru Rudi.

However, it doesn’t matter to the brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, because they are not for the purpose of striving for the world, and everyone is using each other’s relationship and trusting each other is reasonable, as long as the final goal can be successfully achieved Okay, the ultimate goal of the brothers and sisters is to leave the t zone, just like Chen Tian’s group, so with their powerful wisdom, of course, the idea is the same as the wise man Ye Minyu of the Chen Tian team. They all want to use this trick to completely disrupt the entire t zone. Use forces to get these nine gems in the battle. As long as the chaos here becomes more chaotic, the dispute between the interests of some people and the rights between each other will become stronger. At that time, as long as the valuable things will be slowly all It was found that this is an important reason why the two brothers and sisters want the ghost king to persuade his brother to launch a power dispute with them. This pair of brothers and sisters have no interest in rights at all, and they also stayed in the team of Chen Tian and knew that Chen There is a well-minded Ye Minyu in the Tian team, so Zhuo Yanxuan, who is similar to Ye Minyu’s wisdom, thinks that she can think of it absolutely, so the two of them are very confident and have not discussed with Ye Minyu. People count the next step of the other party in their own layout, which can also be said that the wisdom of these two people has completely surpassed the rest of the team's wisdom.

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