Killing God Island

Chapter 750: The feeling of being together

As Crocker's finger moved, Crocker detonated all the detonating devices here. After hearing a loud bang, all the buildings at the center of the center of Jeff Deere's counterpoint exploded, The smoke around the whole place like a scourge suddenly made the big brothers of the other sites look at Jeff Deer's site.

Of course, he also knew what was happening when he saw this scene. Jeff Deere was the second to be destroyed after Yasali was captured after his death. The huge explosion was detonated one after another one after another. The entire base was eventually destroyed. The continuous explosion buried all the surrounding buildings and all the people in Chen Tian. Knowing that the explosion was all over, the entire base was blasted out like Crocker expected. It’s all flattened, not to mention the people inside. If the general fortified person might actually be blown up, there’s no bone residue left, but what Crocker didn’t expect was Chen Tian’s blood river through the ground. The blood of the Deadpool was forced to open and formed a small area of ​​defense shield, but the surrounding explosion was too powerful, and Chen Tian’s blood protection could not be completely defended. Eventually, because of the power, Chen Tian’s blood shield was directly blown up. There were countless blood drops, and at this time, Shirley, who had been sitting in a wheelchair, directly raised his head with one hand, and a white dazzling barrier was instantly formed around it, directly preventing all the surrounding explosive impact forces, and after the explosion There is also a very powerful white light beam inside. All buildings within the light beam area are very dazzling. All the buildings within the light beam are shattered by the earthquake. It can be seen that this light beam can not only defend, but also cause strong destructive power. As the light beam fades Everyone was safe, and even the enemy Jeff Deere and Crocker were not killed, because at the moment of the explosion, both of them were taken together.

At this juncture, both Chen Tian and Shirley protected all of them for the first time, and Crocker did not expect these people to have this kind of patience. Ke and Jeff Deere were also dumbfounded. I didn’t expect that the last move didn’t work for these people. These people were terrible. Because the explosion just happened so scary, I also let everyone have some battles. No, although there was no lethal attack on these two people again, it was completely impossible for them to run, because they were all surrounded by Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tian suddenly panicked. Shouted: "No! We are all right, so what about Ye Minyu, Angelina, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan? They are not around us, can they escape the explosion just now?"

At this time, Al, who has the same IQ as Ye Minyu, said: "She is okay, don't believe you look at your universal watch, if they die, there can be no blue signal for them." El is the Beggi family The members of his group, whose IQ is similar to that of Ye Minyu, are very smart and also serve as the brains of a team. After he said this, Chen Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but how they survived was indeed very confusing. The explosion just happened. It’s not small, but Chen Tian knows that the universal watch on his wrist can’t be wrong. Since they still show their marks on it, it proves that the four people are not dead, so Chen Tian turned his attention to these two vicious thoughts again. Jeff Deere and Crocker, who were going to kill everyone, originally Chen Tian wanted to solve these two vicious guys directly, but they were dragged by Al and whispered in Chen Tian's ear. After the words, Chen Tian immediately changed the expression of the fierce and evil and turned to the boss Jeff Deere of this site with a smile on his face: "The strategy you just wanted to die with is obviously a failure, but my adults have a lot of I still want to give you a chance to live, and you can prove that you are good as the boss of this film, so do you want to consider joining us? This t zone will change sooner or later, we are just promoting the progress of this zone. Don’t consider joining us? Don’t talk about this movie afterwards, maybe you will have a larger jurisdiction, do you want to consider it?” Chen Tian said this with a kind expression. In fact, Chen Tian just wanted to direct them directly It’s solved, but because the Al of the Beggie family whispered to Chen Tian’s ear, “These two are best not to kill. They have been here for so many years and can become a party overlord. They definitely have their own set of talents. And we still have to deal with the rest of the forces. We need human help to attack them. We have already killed and injured a lot of people. This time we killed more people who could not fill our dead and injured. We can’t beat more and fewer people, right? Talk to them about the tempting conditions to take the two of us as our strength, which will be more helpful for the next battle. We have already won this force and there is no need to kill them, and leaving them can still directly Asking if there are extra or hidden gems on them will also save us the effort to find this ruin again."

So Chen Tian will change his normal face and sincerely want to try to let the two join, but Jeff Deere even smiled after listening: "Oh! I have to say that you are very powerful, I originally wanted to die with you, I didn’t expect you to have nothing at all. I was defeated, I was defeated. What I am now pursuing is not to survive, but to meet those brothers who are willing to die for me, if I want to be like those who are greedy and afraid of death In order to join you to survive, I am afraid that it will hurt the brothers who are willing to go through the fire for me. I will not let them chill in the ground, one day for the brothers for life and brothers, so I wish you can be true before death Change the status quo in Zone T and fulfill my wish that I didn't realize!" Jeff Deere finished the sentence and directly pierced his heart with his knife.

Just a few words completely touched Chen Tian’s heart. Chen Tian didn’t expect that the kid in front of him was really enough to talk about brotherhood. Although he died, Chen Tian also respected him as a real man at this time. No wonder his There was no one who would die rather than die, and no one was greedy for fear of death. Chen Tian looked at the dead Jeff Deere and felt some heartache, because Chen Tian most respected this kind of person. Although he is an enemy, he is really a person. A worthy opponent.

So Chen Tian decided that he would dig a pit for him and bury it for himself, because he really could not bear such a motivated leader, the corpse wilderness, Chen Tian sighed and turned back and asked the wise man Crocker next to Jeff Deere. : "What about you? Would you like to join us?",

Crocker smiled after listening: "Everyone has everyone's pursuit and death method. Since I followed Jeff Deere, I also have a different understanding of the brothers' righteousness, so I will not Suicide like Jeff Deere, and not suicide like him, I'm going to die and I'm going to die in battle!" After he finished speaking, he rushed directly to Chen Tian, ​​and he pierced Chen Tian directly with his knife, because Chen Tian Respecting his boss, of course, he did not evade, letting the knife in his hand stab directly into his chest, Chen Tian looked at Crocker, who was close to him again, as if there was no pain. After grabbing his hands piercing himself to fix his entire person, Chen Tian suddenly heard several blood touches formed by blood in front of his body, which directly pierced his important internal organs, but He didn’t pierce his heart, because Chen Tian didn’t want to be fatal instantly, and there was blood on the corner of Krock’s mouth, but a smile appeared on his face, and although Chen Tian was stabbed into his chest with a knife, he also showed The smiling side: "Do you mean, let me kill you?"

"Yeah! I don't want to die in my own hands. I never admit my fate and always feel that I can control everything. I have been excellent before I entered the island, but I can die in the hands of someone better than me. It’s a comfort and honor for me!"

"I'm not good, I can win because I borrowed everyone's strength, and have more powerful and reliable teammates and friends than you, but I agree with your boss's point a little bit, that is, no matter how evil this world is, If you want to take the right word, only people who pay attention to people will not be betrayed and bizarre, just like you would rather die, you people really deserve my admiration, whether it is on this island or outside the island. In order to insist on the word righteousness, good end, and lasting to the end, so I respect people like you, even if you die, I will reunite all of you!" After Chen Tian said this, he drew out the blood touch that penetrated his body. Because of the loss of blood and the speed of the wound healing, he quickly died in front of Chen Tian. Although he could not conquer the combat power of these two men, Chen Tian let everyone except his team go to the ruins. In search of whether there is a gem, and his own group began to dig a pit, because Chen Tian wanted to bury all these people together, because Chen Tian appreciates these people, because they are righteous, although they are enemies, but It is worthy of respect. If you are not on the opposite side of life and death, Chen Tian really wants to make friends with these people, but in order to be able to leave the island for their own interests, Chen Tian has to kill them all for this reason, so it is in trouble After completion, Chen Tian also wanted to do some last things for them, that is, to bury their corpses as far as possible, and to reunite their brothers is also a kind of comfort to Chen Tianxin. The person who loves righteousness does not want to be enemies with it, while the rest of them are looking for gems in the ruins. This thing decides whether they can leave this area or not, so everyone is looking for them seriously, even some ruined stones and Broken walls require their manpower to move, but with their power, even without tools, they can relatively solve some minor problems, until they find a very secret chamber in the ruins, just when they go down to find It was found that Ye Minyu, Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan were hiding in the secret room.

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