Killing God Island

Chapter 708: The result of a strong match

The battle between these two people is different from the battle between Chen Tian and Ge Ji La. The two people will not see blood if they fight, as long as they see blood, they will immediately win or lose. You will die or I will die. After all, these two people attack. The means are too terrible, but they are all very sharp blades, as long as they see or scratch on the other side, it is not just a mouth or bleeding, as long as the two are fighting and fierce, as long as they are not cut or they are not Death is injury, even if it is injured, it is also a serious injury, so these two people basically do not fight with the weapon and the strongest attack place, or the body directly avoids the attack speed of these two people is getting faster and faster anyway, and the damage caused The force is getting faster and faster, slowly hitting from the ground to the sky and then from the sky to the ground. Xu Xun has a pair of bone wings behind him, which can stay and fly in the air for a short time. Flying, Gejila’s evil power seems to have a control over his own flesh, even a pair of flesh wings appear, that is, no bone fist is composed of flesh, it looks like two fat heads of the animal The ear beats the ground and rises into the air, although it can also fly and stay in the air for a short time, but it is far worse than Xu Shun’s bone wing. The flexibility can not only fly up and up and down, and cannot directly change the direction in the air. This is far worse than Xu instant, but although Xu instant's bone wings are very handsome and handsome wings, but compared with Chen Tian's blood wings, Chen Tian's blood wings can become larger and smaller It can be changed in various forms, and it can also last for a long time and fly more flexibly than him. Therefore, the structure of the wings is destined to its superior performance, so Xu Shun and Star Mousse in the air seized this opportunity in the air. Different side attacks found many shortcomings of Star Mousse. Although the fatal attack completely blocked him, he still hit Xu Xuan's foot and side kicks in different directions. Xu Xuan's foot It’s not a simple foot. Xu Xuan’s toughened war bones can directly strengthen various places where the body has bones. Of course, there are bones in the toes, so Xu Xuan’s toes can instantly become extremely powerful weapons with wind blades. Star’s mousse and his weakness in the air caused him to use his three daggers to block Xu Xian’s tailbone, but due to the impact, he also tilted his body directly to the right, and Xu Xuan slapped himself. The bone wing followed the body directly sideways and kicked directly on the right rib of Star Mousse, and Xu Shun's foot could be absolutely that simple. ,

Xu Xuan's foot is the one with the strength of fighting bones, this foot is wearing shoes before kicking. The toes are very sharp due to the hardening of the steel. They penetrated directly through the toes and directly into the ribs of Star Mousse. Star Mousse only felt a pain in his eyes and looked down. Under the ribs flowed out, at this time Xu Shun had retracted his foot, and then launched a second round of attack on Star Mousse with a coherent movement behind the tailbone blade. Star Mousse was completely flawless. Regardless of the wound, use your own weapon directly to the next gear. Because Xu Shun’s attack is to get a direct understanding of his life, this move is full of strength, and because Xu Shun can rely on bone wings in the air. From different angles to cooperate with his body to carry out the maximum attack strength, so this time although the star mousse was blocked, but the whole person was hit directly to fall, with a loud sound, his whole body fell to the ground At the moment of hitting the dust, Star Mousse only felt a flash of silver above him. He immediately opened the clothes that fell on the ground, lifted three submachine guns from his stomach, and suddenly burst into the air. Da Da...... Da Da Da....... Da Da Da, while the bullet shell fell from above, Xu Shun also used bone wings to block himself in front of him in a very direct way Blocked the bullet that was shot directly at him, how could the hardness of the bullet have the hardness of Xu Bone Wing, so Xu Xuan used the bone wing as a shield at all, so Xu Xuan directly fell down with the bone wing as a shield. With a loud bang, Xu Shun's bone wing hit the stomach of Star Mousse directly, and directly smashed his three machine guns into it. At the same time, the bone wing tip and wings after his fall Like sharp knives on both sides, he wanted to shoot directly at him. Xu Xun thought that this battle should be over, but what he didn't get was that Star Mousse actually released his beaming technique directly. A huge impact like an explosion, this great impact directly hit Xu Shun again in the sky. Xu Shun, who shot out, was shocked in the air and vomited more than one mouth, and the nose, ears, and mouth were bleeding three places. The strength is not only that, even Chen Tian and Ge Ji La have been affected. The two are fighting. Although they are both playing fiercely with their sticks, they also sounded no less than Xu Shun. Nor did it make such a huge blasting noise. When the two found something wrong, Chen Tian’s first reaction was to let the surrounding blood directly wrap themselves into a sphere, and the first reaction of Gejira, who had been fighting Chen Tian all the time, was Jump back quickly, because it was too sudden for a while.

The blood around Chen Tian was somewhat fragmented but was liquid after all, so even if it was broken badly, it could continue to fuse together as if it were water, and it was connected to Chen Tian’s main body again like a living body, and Chen Tian was only affected by the outer surface, and Chen Tian, ​​who was wrapped in it, was not injured at all, but Ge Ji La was not so lucky, how could the huge changes at this moment be easily avoided by a few jumps , So Ge Ji La had to defend his body with both hands forward. As a result, the clothes on his body were ragged, and there were many places on his skin that were bruised and bleeding, although his body was repairing the wounds by himself, But this undoubtedly caused his tired body to increase physical consumption again. The blasting power of the huge impact that spread at this instant is definitely not only such a weak area, even the other five people who have been watching the four-person battle are also affected. In the wake of it, among the three of Gejila’s group, he has been standing in the middle with a long-haired girly body. He has a perfect figure and a handsome appearance, but the dress and movement are a little girlish, but not shemale. The type of person, but he looks a little different from the normal handsome guy. I saw him take a step forward and raise his hand directly to block the shock wave in front of him. In front of him, it shattered like a glass, and only disappeared after exploding in front of him, and a man and a woman standing behind him with hands on hips were very calm and standing behind him did not panic.

And sister Siberia Leahzi, not far from the other side, also stood directly in front of Badama, crossed her hands in front of her and posed a horse step and pushed her hands forward, suddenly half a meter ahead of them After an explosion in front that was louder than the opposite, the two were as unscathed as they were, but there was a deep and deep pit under the ground. Due to the shot of Siberian Sister Leah, the other party also let the other The long-haired man raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and looked at the opposite Sibi Liaz, and gave her a thumbs-up. Although he did not speak, it was definitely a compliment.

And Chen Tianjian saw the storm around him, and the protective blood around his body was like a peacock in court. With the appearance of his own body, these protective blood also turned into countless very sharp blood red tentacles distributed around him, and Connected with the body of his subject, as he jumped up, the blood was also forwarded to the medical child like a red wave, and at the same time, Chen Tian, ​​who was the blood subject, also held the silver dragon sling stick to the front eyes. The stick was thrown away again, thanks to his eyes, otherwise the dense red tentacles around Chen Tian might feel nausea even if they were not afraid, especially if there was intensive phobia People saw that it would collapse instantly, because at this time, Chen Tian's blood contact in front had already launched various attacks on Gejila in front of him while the body did not fall, and the black ink unicorn in his hand threw The stick has launched various tyranny against these blood touches. Except for some of the attacks he must avoid, the attack hardness and strength of these blood touches are naturally not as powerful as the black ink unicorn throwing stick in his hand, but this is only Chen Tian. The assisted attack from the side, the real main attack is still Chen Tian who fell and slashed his head head-on, and Gejila also smashed all the surrounding blood touches into blood drops with a stick, followed by a Turn around and put your hands up one by one, and Chen Tian also directly smashed the stick from above, only to hear a bang, the two of them used a lot of force this time, with the explosion just made by Xu Shun just now The second super-shock wave caused by the impact of the two forces spread again to the surroundings, and the buildings hit by the two shock waves have cracked and some have even collapsed, although not as exaggerated as before. Explosions everywhere, but the power of the shock wave is not weak, and it is not the strong fluctuations of the surface, but the internal damage that is passed through as if the internal force is the internal damage of the internal injury effect. This starts when the building splits and then collapses. It can be seen that at the same time, Xu Shun was just shocked and spitting blood in the sky, just spreading his wings from the air to maintain balance, I felt a very bad shock wave in front of him came, Xu Xu felt that the shock wave area was too large Under the premise of unavoidable, Xu Shun used his bone-wing wings as a shield to block in front of him again. The power of the shock wave directly propelled Xu Shun from the air to the distance again, although the shock wave was protected by Xu Ji with bone-wing Stayed, but the power Xu Xun did not prevent it, so that the body was directly ejected again and hit the ground heavily. The ambassador of its strength appeared a deep hole with a diameter of one meter centered on him.

The five people who watched it were naturally affected again. The long-haired man once again raised his hand and pushed forward, and the scene appeared exactly the same as before, and he was directly blocked in front of him, but this time the power was greater than just now. Many, although he blocked it, his body took a step back. After preventing it, he retracted his hand and looked at his palm. His palm was already bleeding, although he was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it also made him His expression immediately became serious, and he looked at Chen Tian’s fighting direction for the first time, because Chen Tian didn’t have such a strength just now, and the feeling he originally felt was that Xu Shun was the biggest threat. The strength of his body can shock his palm hundreds of meters away, which is completely different from the energy field he just felt, and he also looked at Sibi Liaz and Badama on the other side, but The two also stood as if they were completely okay not far away, and looked at him again, while Sibi Leahy also smiled at the long-haired man in front of him and signaled that we were fine.

But in fact, Sister Libyzia is not okay. Although the shock wave was blocked, the blood in her palms was shocked, so she used her hands to back to smile and the long-haired man in front. He smiled slightly at the gaze.

Both of them acted very calmly in order to hide their palm injuries. It seemed that something was not easy for them to catch, but in fact everyone felt that the other side was more powerful at this time. , So this also makes the reason why both the long-haired man and Siberia Liaz don’t want to contradict each other, because neither of them currently knows the strength level of the other, but what is certain is that The strength of the two people is very bullish. Of course, this is felt from the perspective of the two people beside the Badama and the long-haired man. If Chen Tian and Gejira, who issued such a powerful impact, say that these two people do not have It is impossible to be affected, they have such power to fight the energy rebound, not to mention their own, both of them are shocked by each other’s weapons and their own strength by more than one meter, but both of them are pure tough guys. Man, clearly both of them suffered internal injuries but both seemed to be okay. They stood at a distance of less than three meters and posed in their respective positions. For a while, neither of them shot at the other again, and although Chen Tian stood watching It didn’t hurt at all, but many of the blood touches behind him in the United States in two minutes were scattered into blood water, which shows that this consumes more than half of Chen Tian’s physical strength, causing Chen Tian to be unable to control so much stored blood again. In the distance, Gejira, who appeared in a very cool posture, also knelt on one knee and gasped, and as he opened his mouth, blood also fell from the corners of his mouth and teeth, although It wasn't vomiting blood, but it can be seen that he suffered a lot of internal injuries.

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