Killing God Island

Chapter 707: Evil Gong Bone

Sister Libyz said with a slight smile: "You have some reason to analyze, but once the three people on that side shot, I will directly shoot, you hope that you will not shoot later, these three people are not you can deal with People, so you just have to watch them for a while, if someone attacks you, then you can only ask for more blessings." Sister Liby Zizi said these words are also reasonable, mainly her It’s clearer because her fighting power is also strong with Chen Tian Xu Shun. Of course, you can see the seriousness of the current situation. These three people are obviously very confident in their companions, which proves that these two people At least there is a fight with Chen Tian and Xu Shun, and the rest are three people, and the strength of the three people is absolutely impossible to be too far away from those two people, which means that these three people go together , Then it’s troublesome, and Siby Liaz doesn’t think she can stop the attack of these three people, but she can barely block it for a while. If it is too long, it’s absolutely impossible, so she is thinking about what she should do next. Should we abandon these two people? But now even if Siberia wants to leave, he can’t go now. Now he wants to die, and those who join the battlefield indiscriminately will die. Only by maintaining the status quo, it’s safe. Although the situation looks stable, in fact, it will prosper and change at any time, so this is Siberian Liyazi, who is more worried, so now Siberian Liyazi is more worried about the battle between the two, but once killed The other two will directly anger the other three, the scene will be three hits and three is okay, but Chen Tian and Xu Shun will definitely be slightly weaker in physical strength, if they both lose that Sibi Liaz Sister and Badama don't want to live anymore, because these five people have no way to survive once they join forces, so at this time, Sibi Liazi also hopes that Chen Tian and Xu Shun can solve it as soon as possible These two people, before these three people have started, otherwise they are really dangerous. Of course, Chen Tian and Xu Shun are not stupid. Of course, they also know that it is the best time, but their opponents are not so easy to be Solve easily.

This shows why the three people are so calm when they watch the battle. If the two people have no strength, I am afraid that the three people have already started to help, so now everyone seems to be very calm. In fact, their respective shabu Everyone has their own ideas in the heartbeat, but they haven’t revealed it yet. Chen Tian’s idea now is to quickly get rid of the blind man, so he not only started to raise his silver dragon swing stick in a more violent way, but also The strength of swinging the stick is also greatly increased. Although his offensive is very obvious, it is not so effective for the so-called blind eyes Gejira. This level of increase in strength is simply impossible to have an effect unless hit. But it is a pity that they are not hit at all, and most of them are defended. The two sides have also seen the strength of the two sides who is more powerful. Chen Tian’s physical consumption is obviously much larger than that of Gejila, because he Having been controlling and storing so much blood behind, this is the main reason why Chen Tian consumes more physical energy than the blind man in front of him. If Chen Tian does not use half of his ability to control these stored blood, Chen Tian’s combat power will increase by one. Most of them, but it is precisely because of this that the opposite three did not get started. Of course, at this time, Chen Tian’s ability and various aspects are actually not as powerful as Xu Shun’s current use, except for the gorgeous exaggerated skills and the use of sticks. Chen Tian basically didn’t have too much brilliance, and of course Xu Xuan had misunderstood the other party from his ability to radiate his own energy. Xu Xuan’s strength was much stronger than that of Chen Tian, ​​which also led to more Pay attention to the battle between Xu Shun and Star Mousse, but the battle between these two people is really quite fierce, it can be said that it is far beyond Chen Tian's fighting splendor, especially the evil spirit of Star Mousse cooperates with his The way of fighting, the average person really sees him dying, but it is a pity that he met Xu Shun, a person who is consistent with his fighting routine, but has a different way of fighting. This makes Mus, a man with a bandage all over his body, a headache. If the average person has already died in front of him, it can be seen that he also has some admiration for Xu Shun, but Xu Shun’s attack routine is indeed It made him unable to attack his vital point at all, and Xu Shun's coccyx blade really made him a little bit worried. This coccyx seems to be a garden blade shaped like a spine. In fact, it looks like a triangular hook. The composition of sharp slices, don’t look at the slices, but the sharpness is extremely strong, and the hardness is even harder than steel and metal. It is impossible or impossible to directly cut off the weapons issued by Star Mousse. This hardness really has to make Star The mousse of Xu is very careful of Xu Shun’s attack, and although the star’s mousse is a strengthener, he is completely different from the rest of the strengtheners. He does not rely on his own strengthening genes. After all, it is not him who gives him such a fighting level. His own genes have evolved, but he has a very powerful evil power. However, after strengthening, his own evil power and his genes have become more powerful. However, this kind of skill really makes Chen Tian The person was stunned, and had never seen such a type of kung fu. The full name of this kung fu is called fat-reducing blade, which is abbreviated as blade cutting, because there are countless sharp blades in his skin, and not just sharp blades but There are various types of weapons, as if they are loaded with various weapons like a space bag, and these weapons will be applied to various unexpected ways in conjunction with his attack moves, making Xu Xuan's exaggerated aggressive People are also unable to get close easily. This kind of inability to close easily does not mean that his aggressiveness and defensiveness are extremely powerful or smarter than Xu Shun's moves. In fact, neither of them is the same, but he and Xu Shun All of them can be used as weapons in the whole body, so they are said to belong to the same type of person, but the attack mode of Star Mousse is more diversified than Xu Shun, and it does not refer to a single weapon. Or how strange is the hidden weapon, but all kinds of weapons are all used and the benefits are appropriate, and Xu Shun uses a variety of attacks that have evolved from toughened war bones, although the moves are varied, from beginning to end. So the two people seem to be fighting the same type of diversification, but they are fundamentally different.

Of course, the main difference is the difference in hardness, which leads to the gap in strength. Xu Xun has the advantage in the hardness of weapons. In this short five-minute hands, Xu Xuan has used his own hardness of the toughened war bone, and has broken the Si. Dar Mousse has thirty daggers, as long as it is a common iron weapon and Xu Shun's hard fight, it will be cut off. The comparison of ordinary iron in Xu Shun's toughened war bones is as weak as ordinary iron, only Chen Tianyinlong stick throws this A kind of high-density alloy weapon can really hold the strong attack of Xu Shun’s coccyx blade. If the star’s mousse is not a weapon, it may have been solved by Xu Shun’s body, and Star’s mousse body There are a variety of weapons inside, and even machine guns, but Xu Shun’s current strength can clearly see the trajectory of the bullet, and can be blocked by his coccyx blade or directly avoided by the body, although the bullet is basically Can't hit Xu Shun, but will limit and delay the speed of Xu Shun's close attack, thus increasing the distance from Xu Shun and then carrying out the second attack against Xu Shun. Close-up, the main reason is not because of his melee level, but because Xu Shun’s coccyx blade is too sharp, and the hardness can cut off his weapon. If the long-range cut off can’t hurt him, but close The distance is completely different. Once your dagger or other weapon is cut off, it will be cut off together with his body, so Star Moose and Xu Shun are very careful when fighting, Star Moose Although the whole body was covered with weapons, but he did not have a very good weapon that was very handy. Although he could use any weapon and used it very well, he lacked one to let him fight with Xu Shun. This is what makes him uneasy to fight Xu Xun in close combat, not because he is weak in close combat, and Xu Xun's inability to close is not really impossible to enter, but Xu Xun's thinking is not a rash approach. But the moment when you want to find out the weakness of this person and want to get close is to take his life, so the two are still as gorgeous as just using different weapons and weapons on the match to suddenly emerge the two The strength is extraordinary, but this attack is not to test each other, but both sides are fighting against each other with their own real strength. If they can kill each other remotely, it is a good thing for the two. Therefore, it is impossible for the two to waterproof to test whether the other has to close the battle to kill the other, so that the other people can see the sparks of the fight in front of the two, but unfortunately no one has seen blood.

The battle between these two people is different from the battle between Chen Tian and Ge Ji La. The two people will not see blood if they fight, as long as they see blood, they will immediately win or lose. You will die or I will die. After all, these two people attack. The means are too terrible, but they are all very sharp blades, as long as they see or scratch on the other side, it is not just a mouth or bleeding, as long as the two are fighting and fierce, as long as they are not cut or they are not Death is injury, even if it is injured, it is also a serious injury, so these two people basically do not fight with the weapon and the strongest attack place, or the body directly avoids the attack speed of these two people is getting faster and faster anyway, and the damage caused The force is getting faster and faster, slowly hitting from the ground to the sky and then from the sky to the ground. Xu Xun has a pair of bone wings behind him, which can stay and fly in the air for a short time. Flying, Gejila’s evil power seems to have a control over his own flesh, even a pair of flesh wings appear, that is, no bone fist is composed of flesh, it looks like two fat heads of the animal The ear beats the ground and rises into the air, although it can also fly and stay in the air for a short time, but it is far worse than Xu Shun’s bone wing. The flexibility can not only fly up and up and down, and cannot directly change the direction in the air. This is far worse than Xu instant, but although Xu instant's bone wings are very handsome and handsome wings, but compared with Chen Tian's blood wings, Chen Tian's blood wings can become larger and smaller It can be changed in various forms, and it can also last for a long time and fly more flexibly than him. Therefore, the structure of the wings is destined to its superior performance, so Xu Shun and Star Mousse in the air seized this opportunity in the air. Different side attacks found many shortcomings of Star Mousse. Although the fatal attack completely blocked him, he still hit Xu Xuan's foot and side kicks in different directions. Xu Xuan's foot It’s not a simple foot. Xu Xuan’s toughened war bones can directly strengthen various places where the body has bones. Of course, there are bones in the toes, so Xu Xuan’s toes can instantly become extremely powerful weapons with wind blades. Star’s mousse and his weakness in the air caused him to use his three daggers to block Xu Xian’s tailbone, but due to the impact, he also tilted his body directly to the right, and Xu Xuan slapped himself. The bone wing followed the body directly sideways and kicked directly on the right rib of Star Mousse, and Xu Shun's foot could be absolutely that simple.

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