Killing God Island

Chapter 24: Amputated arm

"Ah!" After a scream, more people were attracted!

The black woman hit Chen Tian's head with a stick, but Chen Tian looked at her with her big eyes, nothing. The woman didn't expect her head to go down with such a forceful stick?

If the average person was beaten with this stick, he must have passed out, but Chen Tian’s head was more powerful than the normal number of times. Chen Tian did not even feel the pain in the top of his head, but his head was lowered. His upper and lower teeth were almost Bite his tongue.

The black woman saw Chen Tian go down and didn't stun Chen Tian, ​​and immediately took another stick to force Chen Tian to come again. As a result, Chen Tian was still okay and pointed at him and whispered: "Don't force me to hit the woman !"

Chen Tiangang said this cruelly, and the woman uttered: "Ah!" A scream, and then fell to the ground. Chen Tian, ​​who was sprayed with blood on his face, looked down on the ground in surprise, but his body was upright. The black woman who lost her head, and the person who appeared from behind the woman was the girl who had just rescued Chen Tian.

"Aren't you gone? Why did you come back?" Chen Tian asked directly, Ben Xi said with a heavy face: "I'm not coming back, do you think you can escape from here by yourself?"

Chen Tian realized that at this time he had been exposed, and many people around the torch had surrounded him with Ben Xi: "It seems that if you want to live, you can only fight, and you will follow me after a while. Is it?" Chen Tian gritted his teeth and looked around. As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed over alone.

I saw a round of axe in the girl's hand, a white light flashed instantaneously while the head of the front person was already flying in the sky. At the same time, she was like a madman when she killed, no matter how many people around her, her sensitive movements can be relaxed. Evades the enemy's attack, and then splits the opponent's axe through the middle with the most brutal **** blow.

At this time, her crazy smile and blood beads sprayed on her face made Chen Tian feel that this girl was a little... terrible!

Of course, although Chen Tian also used his fists to fight down several people, he did not treat the enemy as cruelly as Ben Xi. Ben Xi gave Chen Tian a somewhat murderous tendency at this time. Her murderous expression was an intoxicating addiction. With the feeling of enjoyment, and the strength of Benxi is so strong that even Chen Tian feels that if she is an enemy with her, she is likely to be killed by her!

In less than five minutes, Chen Tian and Ben Xi were left alone. Chen Tian also looked at the body with an exaggerated expression: "This girl actually killed so many people?"

Before she killed, her expression was quite normal, but now she has a fanatical smile, and this laugh makes Chen Tian sound a little creepy: "Hehehehehe...hehehehehe!" Chen Tian She watched her approaching to herself, but Ben Xi stared at Chen Tian with a hollow expression in her eyes.

"Hello! Are you okay? What's wrong with you? don't even want to cut me?" Chen Tian stepped back and carefully asked this sentence, but the original Instead of answering Chen Tian's question at all, he laughed more exaggeratedly with an axe in his hand.

"I kill me, kill me... I want to kill you all, I want to kill you, you all want to live, I will avenge you, I will kill them all! Hahahahaha ..." She seemed to have hallucinations, and the whole person roared and yelled around her like crazy.

Until the moment Ben Xi discovered Chen Tian, ​​she shouted loudly as she walked towards Chen Tian: "Kill all of you, you must all die!" The sharp light of the hand axe cut into Chen Tian's neck instantly

Chen Tian's eyes widened and shouted again: "Are you crazy?" The axe showed no signs of stopping. Chen Tian knew that this was about to be cut to the absolute head, so he quickly ducked sideways to avoid it Ben Xi's attack.

At the same time, he lifted his foot and kicked towards Ben Xi. Ben Xi also escaped Chen Tian's attack. An axe faced Chen Tian again and came over, Chen Tian was scared out of a cold sweat because she was so sensitive Lightning, such a close attack made Chen Tian simply unable to dodge in time.

Chen Tian was determined to give up his arm at this time, so he raised his left hand up one gear without thinking, his forearm was neatly cut off, and Chen Tian also kicked on Benxi's stomach.

Ben Xi was sitting on the ground kicked by this foot, and Chen Tian also picked up his broken arm and shouted: "Are you sick? My arm was cut off by you... Why are you doing this to me?" Blood spewed from Chen Tian's amputated limb, but Chen Tian didn't feel much pain.

Ben Xi stood up again from the ground, her eyes still shouting empty: "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

She rushed towards Chen Tian again, and Chen Tian also shouted angrily: "You give me enough to stop!" Chen Tian also punched at Benxi with a punch, and at the same time on a hillside not far from here , Mad in a suit, smiled and said to the long-haired woman beside him: "Qian Da, look over there!"

Qianda looked in the direction of his finger and saw Chen Tian and Ben Xi fighting: "You mean let me kill them in the past?"

Kuang Qi shook his head and said, "Don't you want to follow me and keep getting stronger? Now there is a good chance, do you see the girl with the axe over there? She called the crazy loli the world's top killer Frank’s righteous daughter, I had heard of her strength before entering the island, but I didn’t expect her to come here."

Qianda also asked again: "Do you mean to let me deal with her?" Kuang Qi nodded and said, "Your master Zhao Ying is definitely stronger than Frank, so I think you should be able to deal with her, should five minutes be enough? You can't kill her under five minutes, I will not allow you to kill her. If she can survive under your knife for five minutes, it means she has certain potential."

Qianda nodded and said, "I see!"

In order to evade Ben Xi's second attack after Chen Tian's punch, he actually jumped and jumped more than two meters high and then flicked his left arm in the air. The blood from the left arm's amputated jumped behind him. Ben Xi blinked in the air, and at this moment Chen Tianyi stretched his right hand and directly pinched Ben Xi's neck.

"You wake me up, don't force me to kill you!" Chen Tian said that he still wanted to kill the madman with his right hand, but he didn't expect that his dexterous body broke free from Chen Tian's shackles. While an axe was cut on Chen Tian's chest, the blood flew up, and Chen Tian felt his red blood being drawn by the axe in the air.

"Ah! Damn it! Am I going to kill her hand today?" At this time, Chen Tian only saw the sharp axe of Ben Xi's fatal blow, and he was chopping a sharp metal into his throat. Chen Tian, ​​who was shaking, buzzed in his ears.

Immediately thereafter, in front of Chen Tian's eyes, I saw the sparks caused by the dazzling metal impact. At the same time, a pair of slender white legs also flashed in front of Chen Tian's eyes, until he kicked it on Ben Xi's body. Chen Tian only looked at it The woman beside the body.

This female show fluttered and scattered in front of Chen Tian's eyes, followed by her charming posture with her tall body passing by Chen Tian, ​​and had not waited for Chen Tian to react. Ben Xi fell to the ground and cut it straight away.

When a knocking sound came out again, Ben Xi shot off Qian Da's attack with a hand axe, but this time, although the Qian Da bomb was rotated in the air for a week before landing, Ben Xi was also sliding on the ground by this shock The distance of more than three meters barely stopped.

At this moment, Ben Xi felt that the tiger's mouth holding the axe was spurting blood: "What are you doing?"

"Then you remember my name, my name is Qian Da. Wilson!" Qian Da stood in front of Ben Xi, and Chen Tian realized that the woman's figure was not only perfect and stylish, but also had a height of at least 1.8 meters. Also holding a Japanese sword about a meter long.

Ben Xi also stood up from the ground and whispered a warning: "You better not provoke me!"

"What can you do to make you angry?" Qianda rushed over and slashed horizontally. Unexpectedly, Benxi also ran quickly towards the face. As she approached Qianda, she also jumped up at the same time, and Qianda didn't. I thought she stepped on Qianda's knife while jumping, and then slammed into Qianda with an axe very close to Qianda.

Qianda faced a zero distance blow without revealing the slightest fear. Instead, she lifted her leg and kicked the axe in her hand directly into the air. The strength of this foot directly caused the moment in the air to lose its balance immediately The ground was directly grabbed by Qianda and pulled from the air.

Bang banged on the back of the sturdy back, and at the same time she saw that the blade in Qianda’s hand was coming towards her. Benxi brought her hands together to get the white blade empty-handed, but because Qianda’s arm strength was much stronger than her , The tip of the knife still stuck slightly in her chest: "You guys! Get away!"

The explosive power of Benxi used his shoulders to force the knife into three pieces in Qianda's hand, and the tip of the knife was still inserted in Benxi's chest. The other half of the blade flying in the air was caught by Ben Xi and flew out directly.

Although Qianda escaped the fatal point, she scratched her delicate nose bridge. At the same time, Qianda also had a slender side leg that twirled from the air and chopped off directly. He spurted blood under his chopped leg and knelt directly on the ground.

Qianda turned around and lifted her legs to kick her head, kicking a foot in front of Benxi’s chest. Benxi, who was kneeling on the ground, flew directly for a long distance, and Qianda wiped a small wound on the bridge of her nose with an angry expression Ben Xi, who had fallen to the ground and had lost her fighting power, walked over again.

Ben Xi fell to the ground this time and tried to stand up. The pain in her body made her fall into the hallucination again: "Damn it! I want to kill you! I want to kill you!"

After she finished the sentence, she climbed up from the ground again, but her body was a bit unstable: "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!" Some of her shaking body was walking towards Qianda step by step Going, Qianda's expression was also very unfriendly and turned again. At the same time, her right leg was lifted and turned sideways with her body. This foot kicked towards Benxi again.

The loud bang Qian Da's face sank in an instant, because her foot just happened to be guarded by her hand: "Enough! Five minutes have passed and we should go!"

Qianda raised her hand and looked at the watch for more than five minutes. Unexpectedly, this crazy girl could fight me for five minutes? Chen Tian also stared at Kuang Qi silently with a serious expression on his face.

Because Chen Tian's punch with all his strength had no effect on Kuang Qi, Chen Tian's entire right arm was numb and he could not squeeze his fist again.

How could this guy appear here? Chen Tian looked at Kuang Qi again with a fearful expression, and Kuang Qi also smiled at Chen Tian slightly: "Your left arm was cut off? But rest assured that the person can repair the body by himself, and of course the right arm will also It grows slowly, but it may take more than half a month for people with strong recovery ability."

After he said this sentence, he left with Qian Da. Chen Tian picked up the severed arm and closed it with his broken arm, and strangled tightly with his clothes. He didn’t expect that Chen Tian’s recovery ability could even fight After he went to repair himself, five days later, Chen Tian's left finger could move slightly.

Chen Tianxin sighed: "I still don't want to take her around this mad woman, in case when I get sick and kill me, but how can I save my life, in case she was in a coma It’s miserable to be discovered by others.” Chen Tian thought of it, threw Ben Xi onto the tree and turned away.

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