Killing God Island

Chapter 23: Sick Girl Axe Girl (Part 2)

Of course we are afraid of death, but is there any better way? "Chen Tianye sighed helplessly: "Really! Now there is really no way to die. "

Just then a girl with an axe came over and said: "Hey! Ugly man, do you want to live or die?"

When Chen Tian saw the girl in front of her, the whole person was also stunned, because she was holding a **** hand axe in her hand. Do she want to kill me?

"Of course I want to live!" The girl walked to the tree that bound Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tianyi, who was scared by the axe in her hand, closed her eyes. The blood on the axe was thrown on Chen Tian's face, but the axe was cut off It's not Chen Tian's head but the rope that binds him.

Chen Tian thought that this head fell to the ground and did not expect a false alarm: "Why did you let me go? Are you not with the black people?"

The girl smiled after hearing it. It was a girl with a long and beautiful appearance, about 16 years old, but her hair was scattered on her face until there was a scar on the left corner of her eyelids. Her height was only about 1.59 meters. At this time she looks very weak, but Chen Tian does not know that this girl is actually terrible!

Before entering the island, the girl had severely injured many girls of the same age due to minor fantasies, and was later admitted to a mental nursing home for treatment. Later, because of the impact of watching zombies, he hacked many nursing home patients with the axe in the fire emergency box. Finally, he was adopted by a world-class killer and became a brutal girl who does not pay attention to the logical order of her work style.

Not only is she a brutal personality but also a very **** sick girl. Although she looks very weak in appearance, her fierce temperament is changeable. She may just chat with you and feel very destiny. Maybe she will directly attack you with an axe in the next second. The head was cut off.

Why did such a terrible girl appear here? Because Chen Tian chose to sacrifice herself in order to cover Angelina and Finaya, which made the girl feel that Chen Tian was very manly, because she saw the same scene in a corner at the time.

And this scene reminded her three years ago, because she had fantasy and always acted very violently, so she was imprisoned in a sanitarium and injected into the town all day long. Can only lie in front of the window to see girls of the same age playing with their parents in the sun.

But she wanted to receive treatment every day alone, and her mind gradually became more and more distorted until she acted in rebellion. She killed the nurse and everyone who tried to prevent her from escaping with an axe. Inadvertently meet the world's top killer Frank who also lives around.

And everyone in the world is afraid that she fears her away from her and thinks she is sick, but Frank never dislikes her, and loves her like a father, which also makes her young heart rely on Frank .

Frank knew she was a killer and could not protect her by her side forever, so she taught her a lot of survival experience that the killer should know. At first she didn't want to learn Frank and asked her why you didn't learn?

"Because I have illusions, I'm afraid that after you taught me **** someone, the scene I saw when I was awake would be the scene that killed you. I don't want to lose you!" Frank laughed after hearing: "I live with you It’s been a year, and I’ve never taken the initiative to ask for your name, but I really want to give you a name. I want to call you Ben. Vinos!"

"Ben Xi. Vinos? Why did you give me this name?" Frank touched her hair and said: "Because the uncle also has a lovely daughter, about the same age as you, unfortunately because the uncle is a killer, so I haven’t seen her for many years. I give you this name just to make you forget the past and start again.

And I will take care of you like my daughter in the future, but there will be many dangerous things happening with my uncle, so what if you don’t learn some combat skills? " "But Uncle... I'm afraid that after I learn **** people, what if I get crazy and hurt you?"

Franck laughed again after hearing this: "Relax! If you can get hurt, your uncle died many years ago!" That's how Franco raised Ben Vinos like a successor. At the age of 16, he lost his life to cover himself in a mission.

Frank’s last view gave her the same affection as her father cared for her daughter. In fact, Frank could escape without Ben Xi, but instead of doing so, Frank chose to save a morbid relationship without death. little girl.

So the moment when Frank fell, the image given to Ben Xi was a hero full of fatherly love, so when Ben Xi saw Chen Tian to save Angelina, she reminded her of Frank.

The meeting between Frank and Ben Xi is already uncle’s age, but Chen Tian is not as handsome as Frank Ten, but Chen Tian’s scene really reminded Ben Xi of Frank in the past. This is the reason why Ben Tian saved Chen Tian.

After Chen Tian was tied up, Ben Xi said very coldly to him: "Since you don't want to die here, just leave with me immediately!"

"Wait! Haven't you seen people hanging from these trees? Save them too. Let's leave here together. If we don't save them, their end will only be slaughtered like animals. Human race!"

Ben Xi said angrily again: "Do you know how many of them? If you save them all, it will not be so easy for these people to want to leave."

"Then I can see that death is not going to save, you have to be afraid that you will go first!" Chen Tian turned around and went to save people, this move was stomp: "What kind of good person are you? Since you are not good person , Don't blame me for you!"

Ben Xi didn't wait for Chen Tian to say that he was gone. Chen Tian untied these dozens of people and said, "You don't want to die here? So don't panic, why do you follow me one by one? I will deal with urgent matters, but if you are timid and afraid to run around, don’t blame me for him!”

These dozen people nodded and followed behind Chen Tian. Chen Tian saw the bodies of two black men who had been hacked to death by the axe girl without taking a few steps forward. This should be Chen Tian who had just done that girl. When I think about it, I walked deeper into the forest.

It is now evening that I did not expect those black people to be dancing, and more than ten beautiful women wearing thin long legs were dancing around the flames, and the other dozen women were accompanied by wine. Chen Tian’s nature made him forget to leave now. Instead, he hid aside and peeked.

A yellow-haired Caucasian whispered in Chen Tian's ear: "Hey! We should go, let's leave here quickly while they are playing!"

Chen Tian, ​​who was peeking at this time, was willing to leave easily, so Chen Tian said to these people: "I'm not going to leave for now, the few of you hurry to leave here! Anyway, there is no rope to bind you, you leave quickly. Here it is!"

These people looked at Chen Tian's expression at this moment, and their eyes looked directly at the beautiful women dancing there. These people shook their heads helplessly and retreated quietly.

But these people were clumsy, and some people were moved by the branches to make a loud noise, which also alarmed those black Chen Tian who didn't find it well, and was turned around by a black woman standing behind him with a stick On the forehead.

"Ah!" After yelling, more people were attracted!

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