Killing God Island

Chapter 1551: Q Zone 8: Why should Bei Qibu challenge the madness!

Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin were unable to detect the foundation of Bei Qibu’s strength, not because they were not strong in the micro-environment, but because they could not leapfrog into the opponent’s strength, they could only detect the same strength as their own or weaker than themselves. Person, so this pair of siblings immediately dared not act lightly, and this person seemed to have no malice towards Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin.

Seeing this pair of young men and women with a surprised expression froze a few meters in front of them, Bei Qibu also came naturally to the pair of brothers and sisters. An invisible and powerful temperament is indeed for masters who can feel the strength of the strong. It was a great sense of oppression, but it seemed to the brothers and sisters that he wasn't taken back by half a point, and it also made Bei Qibu very satisfied.

I saw that he stopped suddenly and said to the brothers and sisters of Zhuo: "Very good! You are qualified. Although I know that I can't detect my strength foundation, but I know your current strength situation very well, I have to say you The two of you are very strong, and from the perspective of my oppression against you, you two are also very courageous and courageous. In short, I am very satisfied with your two, so I allow you to leave the q area!"

As soon as Bei Qi stepped out, Zhuo Yanxuan responded directly: "Thank you for not being enemies with us, our brothers and sisters are grateful!" Zhuo Yanxuan left his sister after saying this, after all You can leave the q area no further, and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin immediately accelerated their pace, and soon disappeared in the sight of Bei Qibu, who also smiled slightly after letting the two brothers and sisters go. Continued to lie in the shade.

The real reason why Zhuo's brother and sister met Bei Qibu was not so arrogant, but both brothers and sisters felt the strength of this person, not the two of them were able to deal with it, so even though the strength of Zhuo's brother and sister is indeed very strong, but strong There are strong players in the middle. So far, the Zhuo brothers and sisters have been able to fight against the mid-term and advanced stages of the top ten of the quasi-world. However, in the face of the top experts in the world’s top ten, it is basically Unable to parry, even if he wanted to kill the brothers and sisters, even if he couldn't solve it in one move, their brother and sister couldn't withstand a few strokes and they were completely unable to parry.

So the brothers and sisters would just leave so consciously. Even Zhuo Wenxin, who always likes to make noises and kill people, seemed quite normal this time. He watched his brother whisper and said, thank you for not being an enemy of our brothers and sisters. Our brother and sister were very grateful for this sentence, and Zhuo Wenxin didn't refute it, it seemed to be very cleverly following his brother.

Because Zhuo Wenxin also knew that the strength of the man in front of him was not even an opponent even if the two of them were added together, Zhuo Wenxin would look so well-behaved, and she didn’t want to provoke the guy in front of her at this critical moment. It is also a famous saying, so Zhuo Wenxin, who always likes to laugh at others, is also very clever and sensible. After all, she still wants to live well with her brother. Although he likes to kill others, she doesn’t want herself and her brother. Was also killed.

Although there are not many people who can kill this pair of siblings, this one is definitely one of them, so this pair of siblings really dare not act rashly in front of him, and even look at Bei Qibu's face, but Bei Qibu This man treats his brothers and sisters with such beautiful appearance, and he is indeed very kind and does not have the posture of a strong man, and he does not want to waste extra strength. After all, he has felt that madness is almost coming.

So he is also very much like letting the people in front of him can leave this area quickly, otherwise, once he and Kuang Qi really fight, everyone in this q area will be affected by the fight between the two, so he does not want to because The battle between the two affected more casualties. After all, Bei Qibu was not a bad person. He just wanted to challenge more powerful men to die for the fight because he was considered a cursed demon by his family since he was a child.

The kind of power not looking for scared many people. Although he did not go astray like a kid, he was used as a weapon for murder by the four big families, but he was also annoyed by his own strength. A lot of things, of course, as the Beiqi step that keeps getting stronger, his strength is gradually known by more people. Because he does not have the strong backing of the four big families, he was imprisoned after accidentally killing people. .

But because the prison life was too cruel, and because his strength became stronger, everyone who angered him had a good end. Later, he was requisitioned by the special forces, and he was relieved of serving his sentence. Later, he became a step by step. A senior government official, but because of his arbitrariness and bellicoseness, he was deemed the number one dangerous man by the military court and was wanted. When he fled from the US Marine Corps, he took a company special warfare member.

These people, coupled with his ability, can be said that there is no such a force that dares to easily provoke, and finally fled to the Heimuhe camp camp, where he became a party overlord, as long as the arms trade is conducted, the money woman is not lacking in the north, but yet Not stable in his current situation, and the United States has always ordered to remove this dangerous man, but failed many times and finally had to help four family members to intervene. Only the four family members can make an organization that cannot be destroyed. Completely disappeared.

Due to the intervention of three of the four major families, the armed forces on the Heimu River side were defeated, but Bei Qibu was not completely eradicated, and for many years, Bei Qibu was also provoking the four major families to prove his strength. He and the US, in fact, he has been dying for the past few years. His purpose is to prove to the world that you can’t kill me because my strength can’t be killed, only who I want to kill Just kill anyone, no one can kill me!

In order to prove this point, Bei Qibu began to challenge the top fighting power of all countries in the world, and he was selected by those who are absolutely truly powerful, defeating them to prove his strength, and the world really has There are not many people with fame and strength, and many are hidden behind the major countries and the four major families, so it is not easy to find challenges alone.

If you want a challenge, it will definitely not be completed overnight, but Bei Qibu thinks of a person. As long as he can beat this person, there is no need to challenge the top powerhouses in other countries. These powerhouses will consider themselves as the strongest because they are now All believe that Kuang Qi is the strongest man in the world, known as the existence of God of War. As long as he can defeat this man completely, the fame of Bei Qibu will make everyone who stands at the top of the battle force submit.

Therefore, Bei Qibu came here to fight Chen Tian for a fair and just battle. This battle is a battle that wins or loses each other’s lives, and also to prove whether he can truly be called the battle of God of War, so in this battle Before the beginning, for example, the brothers and sisters of Zhuo family, as long as they did not actively provoke Bei Qibu, he would ignore them and even let them go.

In this position where Bei Qibu is located, except the mad qi, as long as he does not actively attack him, he can pass safely, and after the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family leave here, the two of Ben Xi and the Big Mac also follow the brothers and sisters to come here At the same time, the two also saw Bei Qibu lying in the shade.

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