Killing God Island

Chapter 1550: Q Zone 7: Zhuo's brothers and sisters do not dare to fight the opponent!

Bei Qibu really had to wait only one person to enter the island this time, and the only person he really wanted to fight with was only him. Bei Qibu didn't come to this island for the small characters who could kill him with these one tricks in front of him. .

Naturally, I don’t want to embarrass such powerful strengtheners like Shirley and Zhuo’s brothers and sisters. After all, he’s going to fight with them now. It’s very easy to solve the battle. The style of Bei Qibu, the person he really waits for is madness, just madness, he came to this island just to prove that he is the strongest person in the world.

So this time he came here to make a determination, and this determination may not be understood by the average person, but Bei Qibu came here this time, just to prove his own strength, to fight against Chen Tian either to kill or be mad Be killed.

And here is the only way to leave the q area, so Bei Qibu is here to wait like a rabbit waiting for the arrival of the madness, and at this time the madness, Qianda, Han Li, and Yan Xi have already taken the helicopter The plane flew over the q zone. Just as the pilot was about to find a safe place to land, he suddenly stood up and said directly to the pilot: "There is no need to land. Open the plane door and let's go down on our own!"

The man who flew the plane froze for a moment, because the height was so high from the ground that the pilot said directly to Kuang Qi: "Seven young masters, there are only two parachutes for this plane, but you have four!"

At this moment Han Li shouted impatiently: "Let you open the door, open the door, what's the word?"

Pilot: "Yes yes! I know it!" There was still another person on the pilot's co-pilot who directly helped Kuang Qi open the door, Kuang Qi jumped down without taking a parachute, and then Qian Da jumped immediately. Going on, Yan Xi followed, and only Han Li pushed her glasses and flirted at the pilot brother: "We don't need a parachute at all!" She also jumped at the end of the sentence and jumped straight!

When they jumped down, the pilot also sighed and said to the person sitting next to him: "This group of fortified people is really terrifying. Once this technology is successfully developed, it is really hard to imagine what our humanity will become in the future! "

Hearing this sentence, the person sitting next to him was even more humorous, and directly returned the sentence: "Maybe our rice bowl will be lost in the future, everyone will fly, and the plane may be eliminated!"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!" After these two people laughed at each other at the same time, the plane flew out of the island, and after a few people jumped, the madness did not change its wings like Chen Tian. Assisting the flight, Kuangqi just kept falling until the sound of the ground rang, Kuangqi stood directly on the ground, the huge gravity depressed the ground into it, but Kuangqi did nothing at all, as Kuangqi’s Landing accurately, Qianda and Yan Xi also landed directly on the ground. Both of them landed safely on their feet. It can be seen that the two people are also pretty good behind them. Han Li was the last one to land. This guy used the watch after landing. Detected the surrounding terrain.

When he was about to say which route should be the best for Kuang Qi, Kuang Qi directly waved to Han Li and others, "You don't have to look at those cumbersome topographic maps, just follow me this time!" Kuang Qi this time It is based on the fact that the energy emitted by Bei Qibu directly decided to go over there. The character of Kuang Qi had never known what to back down since he was a child, and he also wanted to know what kind of person is so powerful. Of course, he can deal with the strong. It's also fun to be crazy.

Therefore, Kuang Qi decided to go directly to this side. At the same time, because the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's brothers and sisters were so clever, they directly speculated that according to this terrain trend, then there is only one exit from the q area, so this pair of brothers and sisters directly I figured out where the exit should be, so Zhuo Yanxuan took his sister to this place, chatting and enjoying the scenery with her sister while happily traveling like this, while killing some unknown poses. Life and death.

All in all, the brothers and sisters did not have any difficult battles when they came here, and the brothers and sisters came here with laughter and laughter along the way. This atmosphere is really like the brothers and sisters coming here for a holiday, but this The opponents met on the road are indeed not very high level, although they are indeed the strength level of the q zone, but in the eyes of this pair of siblings is quite vulnerable.

However, this man whom the two brothers and sisters met this time was not a good character to deal with. This man was just Bei Qibu who had just helped the women’s team to kill the rogues. He now belongs to the madness of waiting here like a rabbit, but Kuang Qi hasn’t waited yet, but he has waited for the two brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family. This is really a coincidence. The brothers and sisters usually kill when they see someone, but this time the pair of brothers and sisters see people who are so ordinary in appearance. He didn't shoot him directly.

Because Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin can vaguely feel this person's unusualness, although they can't fully explore this person's strength foundation when entering the realm of micro-level, the brothers and sisters who have always been very rigorous in their work have naturally not rushed him.

Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin were unable to detect the foundation of Bei Qibu’s strength, not because they were not strong in the micro-environment, but because they could not leapfrog into the opponent’s strength, they could only detect the same strength as their own or weaker than themselves. Person, so this pair of siblings immediately dared not act lightly, and this person seemed to have no malice towards Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin.

Seeing this pair of young men and women with a surprised expression froze a few meters in front of them, Bei Qibu also came naturally to the pair of brothers and sisters. An invisible and powerful temperament is indeed for masters who can feel the strength of the strong. It was a great sense of oppression, but it seemed to the brothers and sisters that he wasn't taken back by half a point, and it also made Bei Qibu very satisfied.

I saw that he stopped suddenly and said to the brothers and sisters of Zhuo: "Very good! You are qualified. Although I know that I can't detect my strength foundation, but I know your current strength situation very well, I have to say you The two of you are very strong, and from the perspective of my oppression against you, you two are also very courageous and courageous. In short, I am very satisfied with your two, so I allow you to leave the q area!"

As soon as Bei Qi stepped out, Zhuo Yanxuan responded directly: "Thank you for not being enemies with us, our brothers and sisters are grateful!" Zhuo Yanxuan left his sister after saying this, after all You can leave the q area no further, and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin immediately accelerated their pace, and soon disappeared in the sight of Bei Qibu, who also smiled slightly after letting the two brothers and sisters go. Continued to lie in the shade.

The real reason why Zhuo's brother and sister met Bei Qibu was not so arrogant, but both brothers and sisters felt the strength of this person's strength, not the two of them could deal with it, so even though the strength of Zhuo's brother and sister is indeed very strong, but strong There are strong players in the middle. So far, the Zhuo brothers and sisters have been able to fight against the mid-term and advanced stages of the top ten of the quasi-world. However, in the face of the top experts in the world’s top ten, it is basically Unable to parry, even if they want to kill the brothers and sisters, even if they can't solve it with one move, they can't withstand a few moves and can't fight.

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