Killing God Island

Chapter 1515: R Zone 52: Frighten and then fight, then fight and then kill!

Since Xu Shan’s human strength limit could not be improved by the breakthrough factor, both Chen Tian and Xu Shun exceeded his strength, so after his second strength was not strengthened by Stark, he belonged to the third battle of Chen Tian’s team. force.

But now it is completely different. It can be said that his strength is really terrifying, and it is not an exaggeration to return to the team's first combat strength. In the case of real body battles, the cooperation of Chen Tian and Xu Shun may not be Ling Zifeng's opponent.

In addition, the blood of Ling Zifeng was so poisonous that Star had no idea that Ling Zifeng would be so powerful. Ling Zifeng had eaten him without poison. Now Stark has been digested by Ling Zifeng’s huge body, so his There is no way for the gene to split and repair. After solving the Stark, Ling Zifeng returned to the human form and wiped his mouth and whipped up!

And now Xu Shun's attack power is even more exaggerated. Not only that, he is now in the state of Sky Tribulation with the shape of his toughened war bones. The two-meter-high appearance looks very powerful, and it is even more fierce in combat, except for the previous combat. His tailbone blade and the wings behind him, his whole body was also covered with very hard armor scales, and his eyes were also able to see the heat-sensitive perspective of the other’s fatal point, making Stark simply unable to fight Xu Shun directly. The battle is not on a level at all.

Although Stark still has many other strength-enhancing capabilities in his genes, he can’t hurt Xu Shun. The skin scales of Xu Shun are extremely hard. In addition, the powerful attack directly made Stark lose his victory against him. Hopefully, I thought that this guy could not kill him even if he hit him. Who knows Xu Shun’s crazy attack gave him a physical attack. Although he can repair it very fast, he can’t stand Xu Shun’s crazy crushing. Crushed.

Although Stark can repair it non-stop, the huge repair is also very exhausting like Chen Tian. Eventually, due to the overdraft of physical strength, it can not be repaired again. Xu Xian directly hit the ground with blood and internal organs. Miserable!

Of course, after the three people of Chen Tian have solved this Stark, because these three people have not seen the plan of this base like the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's and Ye Minyu, these three people must all rely on the positioning scan of the watch to find The rest of the people seem to know their approximate location, but this base is not directly accessible. Sometimes they come to the end and find that it is a wall, and they have to bypass it again.

They did this in the beginning, and they walked as soon as they found that there was no exit in front, but the building of this base was as intricate as a maze, causing Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng to be completely circled, knowing that Ye Minyu and others now However, Chen Tian and Xu Shun had no choice but to go together, that is, whatever obstacles or walls in front of them, as long as they could not be broken open by force?

Although this method is a bit of a waste of energy and time, it is more useful than finding a path that can really be passed here. However, regarding the work of breaking the super hardness, the three of them still have to rely on Xu Shun’s tempered war bones. Yes, although Chen Tian's attack power is not weak, in fact, his own attack hardness cannot reach the artifact level, so in this case, Xu Xun must take his own action to solve this problem faster.

Chen Tian could have broken all the hardness that he couldn't break through the weapon of the silver dragon throwing stick, but in desperation now this weapon doesn't know where exactly it is, so now Chen Tian can only use it by Xu Shun The artifact, such as the steel war bone, forcibly breaks the obstacles ahead, so that it can advance vertically according to the detection position.

In addition to Chen Tian’s side solving the battle first, the other two groups are Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin’s brother and sister side and Ye Minyu’s side. First, Chen Tian’s side is the one that gathers the fewest enemies, while the other two sides The second is the brother and sister side of Zhuo, and Ye Minyu's side is the most concentrated place for all base reinforcements, but Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin also have at least more than 200 reinforcements.

As can be seen from the defensive situation here, it should be what Stark wants to hide specifically, so that there are so many people in this place, and not only these people, but also Stark One with the same appearance. The front and back blocked the path of the brothers and sisters.

Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin's calm-looking back-to-back posed with each other in a fighting position at any time, but they did not directly shoot at the two. Instead, Zhuo Yanxuan first said, "I have explored your strength Basically, you should be the leader of this huge base. If you can create a base of this size, you must not be stupid. Give you a way to live. As long as you tell me how the two brothers and sisters can leave here, they are not enemies. I can let you go!"

Stark laughed loudly as soon as he heard: "Who do you think you are, let me go? Do you think you can kill me?"

Zhuo Yanxuan's expression changed instantly, and said in a very serious and low voice: "How can you know if I don't try to kill you?"

Stark immediately shouted loudly: "I think your kid b pretends to be big, and I don't exist. I want to see how you kill me!"

Zhuo Yanxuan hadn't waited for his words, Zhuo Wenxin turned around and scolded loudly: "Which onion dare to scold my brother, today I will show you how you died!" Zhuo Wenxin directly rushed In the past, the original Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to deal with this person, because his sister took the lead, so he had to face another star who was exactly the same as Stark and asked: "That kid doesn't think I can kill him, so I disagree with me. Do you have to consider the point just made?

Originally, the two Starks were two identical identities that appeared after a body was destroyed. They have the same strength, skill, and personality in all aspects, so this man also shouted very proudly: "You are deaf. Are you and me just the same person? He disagrees. Do you think I will agree?"

"It seems that without any special means, you really don't know, you are causing everyone to go!" Zhuo Yanxuan said this, and strode forward to start confrontation with Stark, of course, this place is not Only these two people, there are more than two hundred strengthened people who were strengthened twice.

However, in the eyes of the brothers and sisters, these people are not a problem, they can only be said to be a little more. The brothers and sisters want to kill these two hundred people. It is really easy to understand. Their current level of evolution is different from some combat levels. Too many opponents are totally useless, and at this time the siblings are not really trying to kill Stark.

Because these brothers and sisters are not as reckless as Chen Tian in doing things, these brothers and sisters who face this kind of identity are basically disobedient and frightened, they can’t be scared to fight, they can’t fight to kill, So just the first step was a failure, so now the siblings decided to beat him with hard power first, and if they couldn't accept it, it wouldn't be too late to kill them.

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