Killing God Island

Chapter 1514: Section R 51: Ling Zifeng stuns Stark

Ben Xi and the Big Mac are definitely two-person duo with a certain strength, but they are not at the same level as the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's, and they can't be compared in terms of combat effectiveness or wisdom. Wisdom is not under Ye Minyu. The brother and sister are definitely better than Ye Minyu if they are planning together, but Zhuo Wenxin likes to be coquettish in front of her brother and listens to his various arrangements very much, so although she is smart, she will not say it under normal circumstances It was occasionally said that Zhuo Yanxuan was rejected because the plan was too vicious.

All in all, the siblings belong to them. The more dangerous the situation, the more savvy they are. They have their own plans whenever they are. Now the siblings have come to an important point they want , But they didn’t find the answer they wanted, but they met two Starks here. The two Starks also discovered the whereabouts of the brothers and sisters in the monitor, so these two are obviously It has been waiting here for a long time.

And when Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin faced two Starks in front of one after the other, the expression they showed was also very natural. At the same time, the brothers and sisters also showed a fighting posture back to back, and these two Starks It was two of the four Starks in the original ontology classification, and now there are a total of four Starks split by the Ontology, one of which is fighting Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng, but that Stark has become three Myself.

While one of the four was originally in Chen Tian’s direction, the other two now appeared on the side of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin’s brothers and sisters, and there was still a Stark position. At this time, he was not idle but stopped Ye Minyu. Waiting for the way.

So now the whole base is divided into three battlefields, one is Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng and a Stark again split into three own prescription positions, but this prescription position belongs to these three prescription positions The least number of people, after all, except for three Starks, all the other soldiers have been solved by Chen Tian. Now they can live with Chen Tian. Only Xu Stark and Xu Zi and Ling Zifeng can attack crazy people. Top live.

Originally Stark was a very arrogant person, and he didn't expect Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng to have this problem, so he always thought that only Chen Tian, ​​only Chen Tian's words, he would be alone, the reason why I brought a dozen people just to catch Chen Tianhou. These people were responsible for taking Chen Tian away. The original Stark arranged this way, but I didn't expect such a big change in the middle.

He had to cut off his body and let one himself and two more come out, so that a three-on-three situation could be formed. If the original three-on-three situation was Chen Tian, ​​neither Xu Xuan nor Ling Zifeng were strengthened by him twice. Maybe he can really make a heads-up and can beat Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, but the situation is different now. Chen Tian, ​​who has increased endurance and physical strength, has not reached the state of burning his own health when he opens the red child state. , Has already stepped on the entire Stark on the ground.

Moreover, because Chen Tian turned on the red child, his body heat had reached the normal flame temperature, which caused the squashed head to not be repaired, but the split cells were burned by Chen Tian’s flame with one foot, causing him to The body started to burn and no longer repaired. It turned out that he was afraid of fire. Although Chen Tian also has the same superb regeneration and repairing ability as him, he is not too afraid of flames because of his own red child status, unless the temperature of the flames reaches the level that can melt steel. temperature.

The rest of the general flame can’t hurt Chen Tian, ​​but Stark’s genes are very afraid of flames, and his seemingly invincible physique is even afraid of fire. Even if he has a lot of strengthening human abilities, he can’t resist Chen Tian’s kick at this time. The fact that the whole body was ignited, this screaming caused him to burn with flames all over his body, he could no longer copy and classify himself, and he could not repair his body, so he was burned into a scorched black body in front of Chen Tian’s eyes. . , When Chen Tian found this and was ready to help, I saw that two other Starks not far away were also solved by Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, which really made Chen Tian Suddenly stunned, I thought I needed my own help. I didn't expect Chen Tian to have time to help them. The other two Stark's endings were also killed by Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng like the one who was burnt.

After the arrest of Chen Tian's group, the overall strength of the team survived except for Ye Minyu. However, Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng did not change their strengths due to their physical constitution, but in fact other In terms of the two, they have been improved, and they are more powerful than their own attack power. Chen Tianshi has greatly improved his physical endurance, which allows him to use the ability to achieve more durable and more difficult to kill. Drop him.

The other person is Ling Zifeng. Ling Zifeng does not seem to have any improvement on the surface. Both his strength and some of his abilities are not very different from the original one, but like Chen Tian, ​​he has also improved more powerful than combat strength. On the one hand, it was that Ling Zifeng's original ontology of Zerg needed a lot of steps and evolution, and he could not fully use it, but after this evolutionary upgrade, he was able to use his ontology ability at will.

This kind of improvement is more fierce than Chen Tian’s improvement of physical strength. Originally, Ling Zifeng’s human form battle had a certain power limit. This is like the same lock. Ling Zifeng’s power stays within a certain power range and cannot be improved. I want to break through. He must become his original Zerg ontology to truly exert his terrifying power, so theoretically, Ling Zifeng was indeed stronger than Chen Tian when he first joined Chen Tian.

However, due to the fact that Xu Shan’s human strength limit could not be improved by the breakthrough factor, both Chen Tian and Xu Shun exceeded his strength, so his combat power was the third in Chen Tian’s team after not being strengthened by Stark. Combat strength, but now it is completely different. It can be said that his strength is really terrifying, and it is not an exaggeration to return to the team's first combat strength. In the case of real body battles, the combination of Chen Tian and Xu Shun may not be Ling Zifeng. Opponent.

In addition, Ling Zifeng's blood was highly toxic, so Star had no idea that Ling Zifeng would be so powerful. Ling Zifeng had eaten him without poisoning him. Now Stark has been digested by Ling Zifeng's huge body, so his There is no way for the genes to split and repair. After solving the Stark, Ling Zifeng returned to the human form and wiped his mouth and whipped up!

And now Xu Shun's attack power is even more exaggerated. Not only that, he is now in the state of Sky Tribulation with the shape of his toughened war bones. The two-meter-high appearance looks very powerful, and it is even more fierce in combat, except for the previous combat. His tailbone blade and the wings behind him, his whole body was also covered with very hard armor scales, and his eyes were also able to see the heat-sensitive perspective of the other’s fatal point, making Stark simply unable to fight Xu Shun directly. The battle is not on a level at all.

Although Stark has many other strength-enhancing abilities in his genes, he can’t hurt Xu Shun. The skin scales of Xu Shun are extremely hard. In addition, the powerful attack directly made Stark lose his victory in the battle. Hopefully, I thought that this guy could not kill him even if he hit him. Who knows Xu Shun’s crazy attack gave him a physical attack. Although he can repair it very fast, he can’t stand Xu Shun’s crazy crushing. Shattered.

Although Stark can repair it non-stop, the huge repair is also very exhausting like Chen Tian. Eventually, it can’t be repaired again due to the full overdraft of physical strength. The blood and the internal organs that Xu Shun directly hit are also very miserable. !

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