Killing God Island

Chapter 1506: Section 43: My name is Zhuo Yanxuan!

Jincheng News was fighting with Zhuo Yanxuan one by one, and he could not bear his body, so at the next moment he dared not to dodge the attack from Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Yanxuan also began to dodge his attack After all, Zhuo Yanxuan is not a fool, it is impossible for me to beat you to avoid, always let you beat me.

The reason why this has been the case just now may be a man’s unacceptable style of play, which is to compare with him who is better in physical strength. Facts have proved that Zhuo Yanxuan has defeated Jincheng News. To say that Zhuo Yanxuan was not injured at all. This is not the case, if Zhuo Yanxuan was not injured at all, he would not avoid his attack after he evaded, and immediately followed him.

It's just that Zhuo Yanxuan was much less injured than Jincheng Xun, but he was also hit with blood on the corner of his mouth. This kind of internal injury can be cured by Zhuo Yanxuan as long as he doesn't fight for ten minutes or even half an hour. After all, except Chen In addition to Tian's regenerative repair speed, he and his sister's own repair ability is the strongest, which shows that this pair of siblings' body repair ability is also quite strong.

However, if the repair ability has been injured, it will stop repairing or even repair very slowly, and the self-repair ability will be greatly weakened while moving at high speed and attacking the opponent, so Zhuo Yanxuan still has some physical injuries, and Jincheng Xun's expression was very dignified after fighting Zhuo Yanxuan. The reason why his expression was so dignified was that his exclusive ability was matched by his own combat effectiveness.

It can be said that he is fighting hard with no opponents, but this time he lost to Zhuo Yanxuan in front of him. This is obviously a bit of a blow to his self-esteem, but he will break his body without evading Zhuo Yanxuan’s attack. The endoskeleton is over, after all, the resistance of muscle tissue has reached the limit of meaning, so Jincheng News also had to put down his male self-esteem and chose to avoid Zhuo Yanxuan's fist.

In order to prove that he is stronger than him, Zhuo Yanxuan was still trying to avoid him while he was avoiding it. He also made him avoid the next attack of Jincheng News after making another punch.

However, Zhuo Yanxuan’s current mentality is the same as that of his sister. In fact, they are all fighting with Jincheng News with this semi-entertainment mentality. If Zhuo Yanxuan wants to really kill him, he doesn’t have to fight for so long. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan With the ability of Ghost King and Yan Xi's Eye of the Evil Emperor, the two very powerful abilities are at hand. If Zhuo Yanxuan takes out any of these two abilities, he can easily kill Jincheng News.

But Zhuo Yanxuan did not do this, but took out his own skills to fight Jincheng News, because Zhuo Yanxuan's own real skills are not bad at all, so Zhuo Yanxuan sometimes does not need to rely on the ability of others To tackle any opponent, Zhuo Yanxuan is actually a master of the body like this, so Zhuo Yanxuan's physique evolution is generally no one can strengthen people.

At least among those who entered the island in the same group as Chen Tian, ​​no one but Chen Tian survived. The speed of body evolution could catch up with him, but the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan’s body evolution was slightly different from that of Chen Tian. It is different from ordinary people's physique and special evolutionary methods, and Zhuo Yanxuan's physique is a pure body that upgrades and evolves through battle. In addition, Zhuo Yanxuan's own combat talent makes Zhuo Yanxuan, in addition to his physical hardness and tough defense , The speed of his own physical repair power and the fighting method are very strong.

If Zhuo Yanxuan does not want Jinchengxun to hit himself, it is not easy for him to hit himself, so now Zhuo Yanxuan who is better than Jinchengxun's physique now wants to convince him with combat skills. This is Zhuo Yanxuan. There is no reason to kill him directly, because Zhuo Yanxuan, like his sister, prefers to find fun in battle, Zhuo Yanxuan enjoys the fun of killing in battle, and Zhuo Yanxuan likes to fight each other until despair . Especially when dealing with people of this type of arrogant personality, he feels that he is very strong and confident. Once he fails, he will fall into a state of inner despair. Despair in this state is exactly how Zhuo Yanxuan can experience the fun of fighting.

However, Zhuo Yanxuan is indeed the kind of person who likes to fight, otherwise he will not become stronger and stronger. Since he was a child, he likes all kinds of fighting, so it will indirectly let his sister learn various fighting methods. , So Zhuo Yanxuan brought his sister to the road of no return since childhood, but in fact Zhuo Yanxuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin is the kind of person who will definitely become a ruthless person even if he doesn't learn all kinds of fighting techniques. The woman who got rid of the battle fate!

And Zhuo Yanxuan is also a kind of person who is born to be very talented in fighting, so he has various advantages in the battle with Jinchengxun. Jinchengxun who has played this is also somewhat suspicious of life, because Jinchengxun’s exclusive ability is Block outbreak means that his defense can not only fully defend against attacks of various degrees, but also have a certain ability to rebound the opponent's power, so under his attack defense, the opponent will be subject to his own rebound and his attacks.

As long as he defends against his opponent's attacks, he will bounce back his opponent's attacks by more than half, but his own defense can be unscathed, plus his own attacks can be said to be as long as Jinchengxun uses his own ability to cooperate with himself to attack ordinary people. It is simply unstoppable.

It is precisely because Jinchengxun has such capabilities and its own powerful strength that it will make his strength absolutely the strongest in addition to Stark in this base, but it is a pity that his powerful exclusive ability is in In front of absolute strength, Zhuo Yanxuan's forced attack could not be suppressed at all, which is why Jincheng News began to lose confidence in itself.

He really didn't expect Zhuo Yanxuan's attack to be able to break the defense. Originally, he thought that he could block any attack from his own exclusive block, even though Zhuo Yanxuan broke the defense with three punches, but Zhuo Yanxuan seemed to have nothing. There was no sign of being hurt by his own strength.

Instead of breaking his defense, he punched Jinchengxun in the chest with a punch, and slid his legs for several meters on the ground at the same time to stand firm. Jinchengxun had been completely defeated physically and internally. He now belongs to Zhuo Yanxuan with no chance of defeating.

Zhuo Yanxuan completely shut down a very proud and arrogant Jincheng news. In addition to the large amount of physical consumption, now he has shown fear in the steady pace of Zhuo Yanxuan walking towards him. Fear, and the whole body trembles unconsciously backwards, especially his two legs have begun to involuntarily move back and forth.

When Zhuo Yanxuan saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he did not stop his pace of walking forward. It seems that now the fun of fighting between Zhuo Yanxuan and Jinchengxun has been enjoyed for him.

I saw his eyes instantly killing, his smiling mouth opened, and said Jinchengxun: "You didn't just ask me who are you? I will tell you now, I am the one who killed you, me Called Zhuo Yanxuan!"

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