Killing God Island

Chapter 1505: R District 42: Zhuo Yanxuan VS Jincheng News

These miscellaneous soldiers that Chen Tian did not kill cleanly now are handled by Zhuo Wenxin, the sister of Zhuo Yanxuan. After all, Zhuo Wenxin likes to kill people. Killing a person can never satisfy her fun of killing, so I know very well Her character's brother gave her all the lives except Jincheng News.

From Zhuo Wenxin's excited expression, it can be seen that her inner murderous heart has risen. Then the fate of these people can be imagined, and Zhuo Yanxuan also said to Jincheng News with a serious expression: "Just beaten by me With a punch, you can lie down on the ground and may still save your life. Why don’t you want to fight anyway?"

After hearing Jincheng News, the anger was aggravated a bit: "Your kid is crazy enough, but you better shine your eyes to see who your opponent is!" After he said this, he directly attacked Zhuo Yan Xuan, and Zhuo Yanxuan also shot him directly without any politeness. Both of them are the kind of men who like to fight hard.

Jincheng News originally thought that the more he fought like this, the more hopeful he was, but in fact it was not the case. Both of them used their fists to hit each other with very fierce force, and it was not that fists and fists were fighting. Together, they used their own fists to hit the opponent's fists for the first round of melee, Jincheng News did not expect this man to dare to play this set with himself.

Originally, he thought that he would make such a fierce punch. This handsome man would definitely avoid it, so he thought about the next attack, but Zhuo Yanxuan actually broke his common sense that he is generally weak to handsome guys. Instead of avoiding his attack, he punched him head-on.

Jincheng Xun really didn't expect Zhuo Yanxuan to fight hard with him. The two's fists hit the other's chest firmly. The huge impact force hit the shock on the chest surface from the fist. At the same time, when the fists struck each other at the same time, a strong impact gas field was formed around the two of them, expanding from the two of them to the surroundings instantly.

The punch of these two people caused a huge hurricane to form around, and Zhuo Yanxuan's sister did not wear sports trousers like Qian Da by the side of Kuang Qi. Zhuo Wenxin likes to wear short skirts to show her beautiful legs. Daren, so under the impact of this sudden airflow, the skirt lifted up and at the same time made many people stunned, because they saw something amazing.

But it’s a pity that this incredible thing can only be left in their brains at the last moment, and even Zhuo Wenxin didn’t give any surprise to the people who saw them, and their brains burst with a kick while their legs swept across their faces. At the same time, with the advantage of her attack speed, it seemed that she was drowning from these people, but actually gave them a very deadly attack with an attack speed that was many times higher than these people.

So where Zhuo Wenxin passed by, only her body was turned away from her, and no living person, because Zhuo Wenxin's attack was characterized by extremely fast speed, even Chen Tian and they would not necessarily be able to keep up with her speed when they played against her, let alone These people, even if some of them are very powerful, but under her high-speed attack, what exclusive abilities and strengths are too late to be killed by Zhuo Wenxin.

Originally under the Jincheng News, there are still 16 masters who are absolutely not weak. It is also the 16 people who besieged Ben Xi and the Big Mac here so that they can not get out of it, and most of the two of them The physical strength is also consumed by these sixteen people. Although the number of people has been suppressed, these sixteen people are also people with real skills.

But these sixteen people are effective against Benxi and the Big Mac. Even under Chen Tian’s blood control ability, these sixteen people can survive under Chen Tian’s attack, showing that their speed can reach to avoid Chen Tian’s great age. Range attack, but Zhuo Wenxin is completely useless here. It can be said that Zhuo Wenxin's attack speed refreshed their knowledge of a person's moving speed. This movement speed is so fast that they have been killed by Zhuo Wenxin before they have responded, and they don’t know why this young girl is so fast, impossible with their strength She couldn't capture her moving speed at all, but in fact they could only see the slight phantom that Zhuo Wenxin moved to their side instantly, and it was the kind of moment when they saw their death.

When these people realized that the woman's strength was stronger than that of Chen Tian who had just slaughtered, in addition to Jinchengxun's strong opponent, here are the sixteen who can block the two of them. These people have the strongest strength, but in less than a few minutes, these sixteen people were killed by Zhuo Wenxin and eleven people. Now, in addition to the scared soldiers who are ready to kill at any time, there are still some powerful experts left. Five people were placed.

And these five people are also looking at her brother who has not solved the Jincheng News, so she is afraid that she will be bored when she kills them, so she deliberately left five to accompany herself to entertain herself, otherwise you will not have to play if you kill them all. In Xin's eyes, these people are all people who can be killed at any time, so now she and the cat grab the mouse and don't bite to eat this enjoyment method, so now these people who have not been killed by Zhuo Wenxin, One by one was scared and ran away.

With Zhuo Wenxin’s super-fast speed, it is absolutely impossible to escape in front of her, and the farther she dies, the faster she dies. And while Zhuo Wenxin enjoys this fun of chasing and killing, she is not far away The elder brother here also fought with Jincheng News for at least two minutes, and the two have changed from the form of beating each other into a competition of overall strength and skill.

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The reason why this evolved is not that Zhuo Yanxuan is not as good as Jincheng News, but that Jincheng News is fighting with Zhuo Yanxuan one by one, and his body can't bear it, so he dare not take the dodge again. The next moment Kai Zhuo Yanxuan attacked, Zhuo Yanxuan also began to dodge his attack. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan was not a fool. It was impossible for me to beat you to avoid, and always let you beat me.

The reason why this has been the case just now may be a man’s unacceptable style of play, which is to compare with him who is better in physical strength. Facts have proved that Zhuo Yanxuan has defeated Jincheng News. To say that Zhuo Yanxuan was not injured at all This is not the case, if Zhuo Yanxuan was not injured at all, he would not avoid his attack after he evaded, and immediately followed him.

It's just that Zhuo Yanxuan was much less injured than Jincheng Xun, but he was also hit with blood on the corner of his mouth. This kind of internal injury can be cured by Zhuo Yanxuan as long as he doesn't fight for 10 minutes or even half an hour. In addition to Tian's regenerative repair speed, he and his sister's own repair ability is the strongest, which shows that this pair of siblings' body repair ability is also quite strong.

But if the repair ability has been injured, it will stop repairing or even repair very slowly, and the self-repairing ability will be greatly weakened while moving at high speed and attacking the opponent, so Zhuo Yanxuan still has some physical injuries, and Jincheng Xun's expression was very dignified after fighting Zhuo Yanxuan. The reason why his expression was so dignified was that his exclusive ability was matched by his own combat effectiveness.

It can be said that he is fighting hard with no opponents, but this time he lost to Zhuo Yanxuan in front of him. This is obviously a bit of a blow to his self-esteem, but he will break his body without evading Zhuo Yanxuan’s attack. The endoskeleton is over, after all, the resistance of muscle tissue has reached the limit of meaning, so Jincheng News also had to put down his male self-esteem and chose to avoid Zhuo Yanxuan's fist.

In order to prove that he is stronger than him, Zhuo Yanxuan was still trying to avoid him while he was avoiding it. He also made him avoid the next attack of Jincheng News after making another punch.

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