Killing God Island

Chapter 1492: R Zone 29: All staff except Ye Minyu have increased their strength!

Of course, these five people are also making progress toward the base while planning. In short, these five people are not the kind of people who talk on the paper. These five people are all people with very strong combat experience, so these five people also follow the distance from the base. The direction is getting closer and closer, and the overall combat plan is also getting more detailed and more thorough.

At the same time, a very big event also happened inside the base. Stark is now very happy. The whole person is energetic, and after the four splits, he is not fighting each other now, because In the past few days, these four people have been strengthening the Chen Tian and his team for a second time. If he is alone, he may have to study for a long time. Now the four of them divide their work, and the success of the research makes him extremely happy.

This is because Stark's seizure of these people has made his intensive experiments a great pleasure. First of all, Chen Tian found that after he strengthened the genes again, he could not be strengthened at all, and his physique would be injected by himself. Strengthen the gene swallowed up, and then reorganize and build up the idiom's own gene chain, and Chen Tian's physique originally belongs to the advanced physique with no evolutionary upper limit, and belongs to the physical qualities that are almost completely similar to Ms. Zhao of the world's top ten.

With his own independent evolutionary method, it is impossible to fuse with any other genes, and the speed of physical recovery of Chen Tian will be accelerated after swallowing it. Now Chen Tian has been awake, but he is kept in a closed experimental room. Inside, since Chen Tian's exclusive weapon, the Silver Dragon Slingstick, was not around, he could not break the wall of this room with his fist. So Stark has reached the goal of trapping Chen Tian.

Next is Xu Juan, who can be turned into a weapon all over his body. After Xu Juan was injected with the secondary strengthening gene, his body did not confidently swallow the 6 gene, but merged with this gene, but Xu Instant's already strong physique caused no genetic degradation after fusion, but instead a strange effect completely inspired the original Sky Tribulation State that Xu Xun didn't use completely arbitrarily, and even made his Heaven Tribulation state evolve more comprehensively. Too.

It turned out that the gene that Xu Shun had injected before was the snake gene. It is no wonder that the last time he was stimulated from the Heavenly Tribulation state, his eyes had a thermal sensor, which could see the location of the other party’s fatal point, but he could not fully use it. He also possesses highly toxic, but it is much worse than Ling Zifeng's poisonous blood, but this time Xu Shun can not only use this thermally sensitive double pupil ability at will, but more importantly, he inspired the power of his python.

In the past, Xu Xun did rely on the strength of the toughened war bones to make his attack power very high, but it is not a complete power type. Now Xu Xuan has powerful power himself, and the power of the python can also be under his normal circumstances Allowing him to reach a completely different level from the original, he strengthened Xu Xun's overall explosiveness as a whole, which has greatly increased Xu Xuan's strength. It is not yet possible to evaluate because he has not completely battled the strongman, but The strength of Xu Shun's current tailbone's blade could not shut him.

Of course, Ling Zifeng can't get rid of the quilt and inject the gene that enhances the second degree of evolution, but Ling Zifeng's situation is very similar to Chen Tian's situation. Originally, Ling Zifeng was not a fortified person, and belonged to a semi-human being. Besides, his body is not a human, of course. The genes are also different from normal people, plus he has venomous blood, so these genes are also swallowed by his own constitution. Ling Zifeng belongs to the person who was injected with this gene and did not make any changes.

So this has also attracted Stark’s attention. After all, the second-degree fortified gene that has been admitted to it will degenerate if it does not show signs of becoming stronger, but Ling Zifeng, a mixed gene that has been admitted to this fortified agent, has any effect None of it really made Stark feel more interesting to this person, so he injected a variety of different gene potions into Ling Zifeng, and the results were completely ineffective.

So now Starck can only wait for Ling Zifeng to wake up and see what happens to people who are injected with so many different fortification agents at the same time. In fact, they have made Ling Zifeng's body to be awakened by Ling Zifeng's body. This is why Ling Zifeng will fall into a coma.

And among the Chen Tian gangs arrested at the same time, not only Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng, in addition to the killing of A Ruiqi, four other members were also arrested and gave them different experiments. They They are Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, as well as Lin Xue and Angelina who were abandoned due to Ye Minyu's surgery.

Now these four people have also got a huge boost in their strength at this base. This time Chen Tian’s entire team was arrested. Although it seemed to be a crisis that was almost wiped out by the regiment, another way of thinking was that besides losing A Rui It's a pity that a member of the team felt that all the other members greatly improved the overall strength, and it wasn't just an increase of a little bit but a similar change.

This is the reason why the four Starcks will laugh and laugh. If there is not so much fun, for Stark, the four of them may have been fighting each other for a long time. Yao Jun has always been constrained by his physique. Limits his strength, obviously has a strong fighting consciousness and level, but because of his own strength can not be fully exerted, this time Stark’s experiment has achieved his physical limitations, and gave him a large evolution of at least ten times. Promotion, now Yao Jun can already say that the overall increase in strength is not a little bit.

Wu Yifan was a bit tragic. Stark saw that one of his arms was a robotic arm, and he actually transformed him into a semi-mechanical body, and the other part of the human body also increased its strength several times. Naturally, the overall strength increased a lot, but only in Without his personal permission, he was transformed into a semi-mechanical body. Fortunately, the man has not been transformed into a robot, which is considered humane.

In addition, the strength improvement of Lin Xue and Angelina is even more terrifying, and it is also a work that makes Stark more satisfied than the strengthening of these two people. I have to say that Ye Minyu has a good vision of things, but that biochemical arm is quite strong. Its role is not such a simple thing as a unilateral attack. Before Stark wanted to transplant this biochemical arm to his team members, but unfortunately no one can survive, so they can only wait for the opportunity. Too.

Unexpectedly, after discovering that the two were in a coma, this biochemical arm had been transplanted onto Angelina's broken arm. Stark originally thought that this very important biochemical arm was lost, and was looking for it at any cost. When I went back, I suddenly found that this arm was perfectly connected to Angelina's arm. This has to be said that this arm really has a relationship with Angelina.

And ordinary people who had not been strengthened by Lin Xue, this time they got even more amazing things, that is, the same replicating genes as Stark, the leader of this base, and the perfect fusion rate made Stark have to I appreciate this girl even more, so that it is like his own sister. Although the two are not related by blood, they will inherit from this genetic ability. The two will be similar to their relatives. In addition, Lin Xue is young and looks very cute. It really made Stark feel a feeling of his sister.

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