Killing God Island

Chapter 1491: Section R 28: What happened inside the base?

Even in the base where Stark is located, these fortified people doubled even if their own physiques enhanced their exclusive abilities, but single fighting alone is definitely not an opponent of any of Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, but there is a saying that a tiger can’t stand a group of wolves, So now if there are any loopholes in the plan.

They are all likely to stage the scene of the failure of the Chen Tian team, but the skills of the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family can definitely escape, so although the pair of brothers and sisters are calm, they now want to be able to leave here as the ultimate goal, so this It was planned that neither of them would expect a fatal problem.

Among these people, Ye Minyu escaped hurriedly and did not carry a device such as a laptop computer. This kind of equipment is available for use on the island, but it cannot be connected to the Internet or it can be broadcast live through the computer.

Therefore, the computer can be exchanged, but it can not be connected to the Internet, and can only be used to play single-machine games to relieve boredom. Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister, Wen Xin, has a small style notebook. Although the screen is small, the configuration is very high for reading. It is just right to take the contents of the USB flash drive.

Originally Zhuo Yanxuan spent a lot of murderous points. The handheld computer exchanged for her sister is suitable for playing various games and easy to carry, but this time it was used for a large purpose. However, the main research is the layout of the base, and on this basis, Ye Minyu put forward some of his views.

"I think first of all we should solve some objective reasons, that is how we enter this base next. After we dived into the base before, I think they must have strengthened the defense of the base. First, if they want to enter, it should be twice as difficult as before. , Even after we entered, I didn’t know where Chen Tian was detained now. Secondly, we couldn’t confirm where the entrance to the next area was at the base. In short, there are many difficulties before us, we must It is necessary to formulate a complete and feasible plan!'

As soon as Ye Minyu finished speaking, Zhuo Yanxuan interjected and said: "There are indeed some very difficult problems that you said, but you do think too much, even if we think that next year will not be what you say. The perfect plan." Zhuo Yanxuan directly told the truth. In fact, the truth before everyone is that there is no perfect plan in Ye Minyu’s mouth.

Of course, this fact Ye Minyu is naturally self-aware. The reason why he said this is to brainstorm, but it seems that there is no exact and feasible complete solution for the brothers and sisters. In fact, how can this pair of brothers and sisters not think about what to do next However, it is a pity that Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin did not come up with a perfect solution in Ye Minyu's mouth.

There is no good way for these three clever people, that is, there is really no better way, so the three can only take one step at a time, try to dive into the base of the island first, and then meet with everyone after encountering difficulties It was the current solution to discuss how to deal with it.

In addition, Zhuo Yanxuan Ye once again said to Ye Minyu: "I have some relatively feasible methods. After entering, we are divided into three teams. My sister and I are responsible for letting us enter safely and dealing with what you can't deal with. Ruthless role, and you are responsible for finding Chen Tian’s position and practicing our rescue together, and Ben Xi and you brave guy come in and kill all kinds of people to attract their attention, and our brothers and sisters are responsible for this The team uses our brother and sister’s special techniques to help you two get out of the critical moment." After Zhuo Yanxuan finished speaking, after looking at the respective expressions of Ye Minyu and Ben Xi's team, he asked again: "What do you think?"

From the attitude of Ben Xi and Ye Minyu, these two are seriously considering their own interests. After all, this is a joint cooperation, but in fact, according to Zhuo Yanxuan after entering, it is necessary to be in the original five. On a personal basis, the power is more dispersed, but Zhuo Yanxuan’s plan does have some magical effects. After all, the three people each have their own purposes, so this method seems to be dispersed again, but it is actually for the three groups. Everyone has their own benefits.

After all, Ye Minyu returned to the base for his teammates, and the Zhuo Brothers and Sisters were looking for how to leave this area. As for Ben Xi, of course, also had his own wishful thinking. He wanted to use the mind and strength of the Zhuo Brothers and Sisters to leave here as soon as possible. But she also understands that this pair of siblings is still very cautious about the two of them. This pair of siblings is not the kind of character who will trust each other after working with me several times.

Therefore, Benxi wants to obey their arrangements and want to build trust in him this time. After all, it is indispensable to use this pair of siblings in the future, so Benxi must show a certain value of interest to their siblings. That’s right, this is because of this idea, so I didn’t reject Zhuo Yanxuan’s proposal at all, and Ye Minyu felt that there might be no better way besides this method.

However, after nodding, Ye Minyu asked, "How do we connect with each other on the island? We can't locate each other with the watch on our hands?"

Zhuo Yanxuan directly nodded and said: "You are right, we can only use this tool to contact each other. After all, there is no mobile phone or intercom, so we can only use this universal watch if we want to contact each other. Some of the functions provided to us are in contact with each other and sending messages to each other is too much trouble. We just position each other as you said, letting us know where each other is, and how far away we are.

Then we can use some signals to represent the meaning and intention we want to express. We will now begin to formulate our secret codes between each other. The alarm will be sent every ten minutes to determine our brothers and sisters and Ye Minyu and your position. The following proves that we found important information. For example, Ye Minyu, you found Chen Tian where they are, our brothers and sisters found where to leave the exit, and so on. It means that you need support. "

Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan only said a part of the setting of the secret code. Of course, there are some supplements and suggestions given by Ye Minyu and his sister. However, these secret codes cannot be formulated too much. Not easy to remember.

Of course, these five people are also making progress toward the base while planning. In short, these five people are not the kind of people who talk on the paper. These five people are all people with very strong combat experience, so these five people also follow the distance from the base. The direction is getting closer and closer, and the overall combat plan is also getting more detailed and more thorough.

At the same time, a very big event also happened inside the base. Stark is now very happy. The whole person is energetic, and after the four splits, he is not fighting each other now, because In the past few days, these four people have been strengthening the Chen Tian and his team for a second time. If he is alone, he may have to study for a long time. Now the four of them divide their work, and the success of the research makes him extremely happy.

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