Killing God Island

Chapter 1477: R Zone 14: The Chen Tian team encountered an unprecedented crisis.

In the case of two Starcks joining forces, Chen Tian’s strength is absolutely crushed, and the single combat is not much different from Chen Tian’s strength, so Chen Tian’s current situation is not good, and he has not escaped. In addition to Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng were fighting here. The reason why the two did not support Chen Tian was that they also met their opponents and had to distract them from the enemies who would suddenly attack them.

The rest of the majority of people escaped after Wu Yifan punched a big hole just now, but there were many people chasing them in the back. I am afraid that it is impossible to run to Ye Minyu's formation so peacefully Medium, but even if they ran there, a lot of traps were waiting for them. In short, the situation is not much better than in the s zone.

Moreover, the space for escaping is now small, the main reason is that they are not very familiar with the position, and there is no combat strategy of Ye Minyu system. The whole is to rely on self-combat consciousness and Ye Minyu's on-the-spot command to step by step and escape.

In addition, they lacked Lin Xue’s long-range support and Angelina’s refuge, and they could not reduce the number of opponents while walking. They could only follow Ye Minyu’s command and play on their own to attack and defend themselves. Enemy, in short, everyone in the Chen Tian team is not idle, and everyone’s escape is very long.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng who had no choice to escape, were more dangerous, but it seemed that these Stark men were also well-trained, and they did not leave all three in order to attack all their merits in front of their boss. Chen Tian and the three of them left some members of the strong faction, and most of them chased them to Ye Minyu. Of course, Chen Tian saw that they had all fled, and he did not have a good chance of fighting against the two.

Moreover, all three of them can recover quickly after being injured, so Chen Tian also wants to hurry up and leave Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng quickly. After all, staying here is more dangerous, how can Chen Tian Can you not know?

So Chen Tian also competed with Stark for less than a minute to see the situation was bad and wanted to get away, but it was easier to escape from the two Stark hands. If there was a lot of blood around this, Chen Tian could By pumping the blood from the dead body to start the blood river, as long as there is blood river Chen Tian, ​​even if he plays two Starks, there is no problem at all. After all, with blood river Chen Tian, ​​there is unlimited energy.

But now Chen Tian must take into account his own physical wear and strength limit. After all, there are many enemies around and this place is not suitable for him to play real combat power. Therefore, Chen Tian continued to attack Stark in front of him, The other one also attacked Chen Tian in the rear, but Chen Tian ignored him a lot, just blindly evaded or even hit by him and did not fight back, so he forcibly attacked and continued to attack Xu Shun while he continued to attack. The direction is close.

Xu Shun also saw that Brother Chen Tian was approaching here, so he was also approaching Chen Tian among the five people who besieged him, and Ling Zifeng also saw that Chen Tian was approaching here, so he immediately blocked The attack in front, and seemingly backward, actually approached the two.

Stark also noticed that he wanted to retreat from Chen Tian’s eyes and attacks, so he communicated with another one’s eyes. Although he only looked at each other, after all, both of them were themselves. Understand, Stark in the back jumped directly, and fell over with a roll over, while both of them blocked in front of Chen Tian.

This allowed Chen Tian to use his own offensive force to force Stark to retreat, but due to the presence of another person, Stark suddenly appeared at the same time as Chen Tian attacked Stark in front of him, volley One leg kicked directly in the chest, directly kicking Chen Tian, ​​who was about to reach Xu Xuan, back again.

Things are not as simple as being kicked off. To be precise, after Chen Tian was kicked out, the two quickly stepped forward. One person directly pulled Chen Tian’s arm in the air, and the other took Chen Tian’s one. In the leg, Chen Tian stopped while the two were slamming back together, and at the same time punched Chen Tian's body with a punch, only to see Chen Tian's clothing was instantly cracked by the huge penetration force Sun Jian.

Chen Tian felt that all the bones in his chest were shattered, and his internal organs were naturally all shattered. If a normal person suffered such an attack, I would be absolutely dead and warped, but Chen Tian only felt that his body was very painful, the internal organs and broken bones He has begun to repair itself, but the condition for self-repair is not to be attacked again, but how can these two people not attack Chen Tian.

I saw Stark joined forces again and continued to punch Chen Tian with a punch. When attacked at the same time, the self-healing speed will be slowed by more than half, but Chen Tian’s so-called will not be killed, except for the ability to repair regeneration Very strong, another reason is that Chen Tian is a blood liquid that can turn his body into a red liquid instantly. This is when the two first battled, Chen Tian used the blood blade to cut their heads with blood. Half of it. And now Chen Tian has once again taken advantage of the fact that his body can be bloody. He was originally grasping Chen Tian’s human state arms and legs, because Chen Tian’s body became all The liquid, like blood, made the body they had originally grasped not grasped at once, but the bodies that Chen Tian instantly lost their human form penetrated their bodies directly in the form of blood touch.

Before, they cut off half of their heads and did not die. This time, they pierced many places on their bodies, including the heart and other internal organs, and Chen Tian did not forget to stir it with blood to hurt him. Adding to the injury, Stark’s internal bodies were instantly damaged severely. If someone else died ten times, Chen Tian knew that these two people were definitely not so easy to kill.

So even if the two fell down, Chen Tian returned to human form and spread his wings. He flew to the sky and attacked their fallen body again. They instantly killed all the enemies who attacked him at this time. It seems that Chen Tian was not injured at all, except that the clothes were worn out to see the trace of the battle just now, but even so, Chen Tian also consumed some physical strength. Although there are still many physical strengths, it is also because of the short fighting time.

However, Chen Tian also knew that since his head was destroyed, his heart would be injured and he would not die, so Chen Tian would continue to attack Stark so strongly, but the situation is really as Chen Tian expected. Both of these Starks are full of hollows and bones, and they can even see the internal organs and intestines in their bodies, but they are not dead!

Chen Tian's expression was very dignified, but he didn't continue to attack these two people. Instead, he turned and ran in the direction of Xu Shun, because Chen Tian knew that even if he was attacking these two people, he might not be able to kill them. These two people, these two people are obviously the kind of immortal type of strengthening people who are unkillable and have super repair and regeneration ability like themselves.

Therefore, Chen Tian does not want to fight with such strengthened people. Both parties cannot easily kill each other, but they constantly consume each other’s physical strength, depending on which side of stamina and physical strength is strong, and finally can kill them completely. On the other hand, Chen Tian did not need to die with such a reinforcement, so he immediately turned and ran in the direction of Xu Shun.

Chen Tian is obviously trying to take his two brothers out of here first. After all, this is the most unsafe. In addition to the two guys that Chen Tian feels very difficult to deal with, there are many Strengthening people is not weak. The reason why they are solved by Chen Tian so quickly is because Chen Tian and their lives exchanged their lives, and because Chen Tian cannot kill himself easily, the dead are the enemy.

If you really fight seriously, these people may not be killed by Chen Tian so easily. After all, these people are not even Xu Xun’s tail blades. It is not a ruthless character that kills. The reason why these people are solved or thrown away, these people's strength is obviously rooted in Xu Shun. Their strength is infinitely close, and the number is also dominant.

If these people didn't want to catch Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng alive, I'm afraid Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng are already bruised, which is why they tried to get close to Chen Tian many times but were blocked many times. Analytical skills and strong fighting consciousness have killed five fortified people who are close to his strength, but many still do not even look on the sidelines.

It can be seen that these people have the ultimate goal of catching these two people alive, and Chen Tian they do not interfere. It seems that they believe that their boss can smooth this boy, so they did not participate in the battle between Chen Tian and Stark.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng felt that the situation was a bit bad. Although the bodies of the three were very strong, they were no more powerful than the T-zone dogfighters, but those who were strong but not high in fighting consciousness were no better than Although the mutants in the district have strength but not too much IQ, these people are powerful and conscious of fighting, and there are so many people in the number, so Chen Tian just thought that it is not the time to fight, but the desire to bring Xu Xu and Ling Zifeng left here quickly.

This is actually the gap between the two. The overall strength of these people in the r zone is indeed far more than many monsters in the s zone. In addition to Chen Tian’s struggle to deal with the two Starks, Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng also belong to the same. This matter cannot be fully developed, after all, they are not dealing with one person, and these people are not people who can be solved in two or three times.

The most important thing is that these people also have different exclusive abilities and their cooperation with each other. It will not be like the mutated creatures in the s area have no cooperation. Now the three people are all in a state of suppression, and even three people want to interact with each other. It is very difficult to get close. Now Chen Tianwei is about to sprint into the direction of Xu Shun immediately after hitting two Stark bodies, but he has been blocked by more than ten people, and the attack methods of more than ten people And cooperation with each other.

He pushed Chen Tian back again. When Chen Tiansu was helpless, a chill came from behind, coupled with his super-sensing ability to enter the micro realm, he had guessed that the latter two were difficult to deal with The guy has completely repaired his body, so Chen Tian also turned around at the same time, and the two Starks had reached him. The running speed was several times faster than before.

Nine Heavens Emperor

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