Killing God Island

Chapter 1476: R District 13: All the staff joined the battle, and they fled in embarrassment.


While Chen Tian took a step backwards, the two long and identical Starks fell to the ground at the same time, and Chen Tian’s pierced body was slowly recovering. It seemed that Chen Tian had nothing to do. It's the same, only the clothes were opened two holes by the attack just now.

However, the Stark whose head was cut off in the upper half fell to the ground. The heart was still beating on its own, but the brain was cut off. The body fell for a while without the brain unable to run, not because of death. .

The two Starks quickly copied their genes and re-cut the upper half of their heads. The time it took was really similar to Chen Tian’s own regeneration and repair, so when the two stood up again, Chen Tian also realized that this time the opponent did not seem to be so easy to kill.

Moreover, the knowledge of the two of them took the lead, and many of their men also appeared here one after another. At this time, both Ye Minyu and the rest of the people felt that the situation was very critical, and the two members of the team, Angelina and Lin Xue, also All of them are in a comatose state, and they still need three people to protect. The rest of them can't all reach the level of combat power of Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng.

So in the face of the two powerful enemies in front of them and the men who rushed behind them, it is clear that the Chen Tian team has now become a besieged lamb.

The current form is very unfavorable to everyone in the Chen Tian team. After all, the Chen Tian team is based on the art of war. The advantages of time, place and people do not account for the slightest advantage, and now they are obviously surrounded by them. Now Chen Tian looked at the two people who had just appeared to have been killed in front of him. When he stood in front of Chen Tian again intact, Chen Tian smiled, and Chen Tian showed his very exaggerated smile, and looked beside him Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng shouted: "Old rules, the three of us continue to cover them from leaving here!"

After hearing Chen Tian say this sentence, the two Starks also waved directly at the back of the hand, "Kill them all!"

After the words came out, the people behind them swarmed up, and Chen Tian could not intercept these people at this time. Chen Tian saw from the eyes of the two people in front of him that the two had regarded Chen Tian as the first to kill Opponent.

At this moment, the scene here became chaotic. Ye Minyu directly asked Wu Yifan to use the mechanical arm to smash a wall in the back, and let everyone not follow him in a panic, and acting according to his instructions would never be a problem. Although it is so arbitrary, the rest of the Chen Tian team basically believes in Ye Minyu, so in the process of seemingly chaotic retreat and battle, Ye Minyu pulled out two Nepalese sabers and joined the battle.

Moreover, he was the commander of the entire team and joined the battle personally. At this time, all members must be in the battle, and Ye Minyu led these people to his deployment area. At first, they bypassed this formation. Now Belonging to Ye Minyu, Wu Yifan smashed the wall with his fists to open the way, and slowly led them into the formation he had just arranged.

That’s why Ye Minyu let everyone listen to her battles. After all, in this formation, all of them are included, so even if someone who is not on one’s own side dispatches the organization, the enemy’s people will gradually step into the formation. The route of death in the law, so Ye Minyu must be in everyone's fighting position, what means and direction should be used to avoid dying with them.

So in this situation, Ye Minyu is very busy, and he has to take care of fighting with others, and the safety of the rest of the team. He also wants to prevent everyone from being disjointed during the fight. Individuals want to protect two Angelina and Lin Xue who are in a coma, which means that five of the team cannot join the battle.

Now they only rely on Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng in front, and these people who fled to the rear, although they are led by Ye Minyu as a whole, in fact, only Ye Minyu, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan and A Ruiqi have been fighting. Several people.

While the battle was going on, Chen Tian realized that the strength of these two people was not simple. In addition to the same attributes that he and his own could not kill, the more important thing was that the two Stark were quick and fierce. Chen Tian This time, the number of duels with the master is the highest among all the people on the team, so the previous combat experience makes Chen Tian feel that these two are quite difficult to deal with.

So Chen Tian directly took out his true skills and fought with the two of them. After all, it was just a preliminary test. I already knew that the strength of these two people is absolutely not weak, and they have the same undead attributes as themselves. To be honest, it’s okay even if it’s awesome. As long as he doesn’t have this immortal attribute, it’s not a big problem. Otherwise, if both sides can’t kill him, he’s consuming the other’s physical strength. This kind of battle basically ends up losing both. .

If you are evenly close to each other, it’s okay, but if you fall behind and what is happening now, Chen Tian feels that the fear of what will happen next is only the downside, but your own responsibility is to let everyone retreat first, and later you will How to say later, although Chen Tian is not stupid, but in this case, it is indeed shown that the charge is stuck in the strongest side. Don't think about it first, take a step by step, anyway, you will not die for a while.

Chen Tian, ​​who has this idea, fought with two long and identical Starks. When the strength of the two men joined forces, Chen Tian was crushed. The single combat is not much different from Chen Tian’s strength. Now, Chen Tian’s situation is not good, and there are two people who are still fighting here besides Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng. The reason why they did not support Chen Tian is that they also met their opponents, And also distracted from surrounding enemies who would suddenly attack them.

The rest of the majority of people escaped after Wu Yifan punched a big hole just now, but there were many people chasing them in the back. I am afraid that it is impossible to run to Ye Minyu's formation so peacefully Medium, but even if they ran there, a lot of traps were waiting for them. In short, the situation is not much better than in the s zone.

Moreover, the space for escaping is now small, the main reason is that they are not very familiar with the position, and there is no combat strategy of Ye Minyu system. The whole is to rely on self-combat consciousness and Ye Minyu's on-the-spot command to step by step and escape.

In addition, they lacked Lin Xue’s long-range support and Angelina’s refuge, and they could not reduce the number of opponents while walking. They could only follow Ye Minyu’s command and play on their own to attack and defend themselves. Enemy, in short, everyone in the Chen Tian team is not idle, and everyone’s escape is very long.

Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng who had no choice to escape, were more dangerous, but it seemed that these Stark men were also well-trained, and they did not leave all three in order to attack all their merits in front of their boss. Chen Tian and the three of them left some members of the strong faction, and most of them chased them to Ye Minyu. Of course, Chen Tian saw that they had all fled, and he did not have a big chance of fighting against the two.

Moreover, all three of them can recover quickly after being injured, so Chen Tian also wants to hurry up and leave Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng quickly. After all, staying here is more dangerous, how can Chen Tian Can you not know?

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