Killing God Island

Chapter 1469: R Zone 6: Provoked, should not provoke siblings!

Stark felt that these people were all wastes this time, and obviously made them so strong. Even more than two hundred people could not catch even two of them, and they were all killed. What did they experience? Just when he was seriously thinking about whether to continue to fight against the brothers and sisters, he hurriedly pushed the door to report, saying that a group of people broke into the center area in front of him. There are about ten people in this group. Almost one hundred brothers have been killed along the way.

This remark was even more like fueling the fire, causing Stark, who was about to explode with anger, to instantaneously thunder: "What are you talking about? Losing more than 100 brothers? What enemy is this time? What's going on? There are so many elites in my team, but they are the warriors that I have carefully selected. Everyone can fight. Why are there hundreds of people who can’t fight two people, and these people in front are actually killed by a small team of more than ten people? , And they are so well equipped that they are so vulnerable?"

This is also the most angry point for Stark. Obviously he has high expectations for these reinforcements created by his reinforcement, but this time why so many people have been killed, and it is still happening in both directions. , Which made Stark feel that he could not be a soldier, and the previous whereabouts of the brothers and sisters were uncertain. It was difficult to catch them, so Stark directly ordered that he should not care about the situation of the brothers and sisters. People chase, remember not to fight them directly, just follow their whereabouts, all the leaders in the rest of the group, and the middle-level cadres of the team all gather.

The strength of these people under Stark are all fortified masters from the s area, plus the promotion of his supergene evolution, their strength level is not weak, but unfortunately the opponents they met are the brothers and sisters Zhuo and Chen Tian. These two groups of people are not easy to provoke. Both of them are intelligent and powerful. Even though their strength is very strong, they are given a variety of terrain advantages by the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s and Chen Tian’s team. tyrannical.

They should have come to this area first. The terrain should be more familiar than that of the brothers and sisters Zhuo and Chen Tian, ​​but the smart people are all about inducing the other party to misjudge in various ways. At first, they are overwhelming with strength. Chen Tian and others gave each other a feeling that our strength was also very strong. When the other party came up with the real level, the Chen Tian team retreated completely. This seems to be a messy change, and they will definitely choose not to chase.

So Ye Minyu asked Angelina and Yao Jun to set up various spider traps along the way after they left, the bombs that have been arranged by various field troops and the various types of branches and ropes made through the environment are very easy to capture each other or even the other. The trap, combined with the poison given by Ling Zifeng to Yao Jun, will kill them if they are injured.

Then everyone bypassed this distance and attacked the opponent from a long distance with Lin Xue from the other side, making the opponent hurry to retreat backward, and the direction of the retreat was the position of the various traps just arranged, and then cooperated with Ye Minyu's on-site command and Lin Xue's remote sniper support The opponent who was playing had no time to estimate the advantages of the surrounding terrain, only to see how he escaped in front of him, and while they were in a panic, let Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng break down one by one.

The group that originally had more powerful individuals than the Chen Tian team actually made the Chen Tian team instantly extinct, referring to the fact that they had no time to use their own unique strength, because of their own chaos, the formation of the team was scattered and they touched each other. This kind of organization greatly damaged their overall strength, and cooperated with Lin Xue to kill the opponent's head at a long distance, so that they could only find a place to hide.

Since Ye Minyu has not participated in the war, she is naturally holding the telescope and observing the movement of this group of people in the distance, and informing Chen Tian and others where to wait for the panicked opponents. After all, the sense of oppression they are now giving is far beyond Their own strength.

In fact, they have the ability to fight against everyone in Chen Tian, ​​but because the team of Chen Tian cooperates too well, it always feels that Chen Tian and their people are in all directions, so that they have not started to fight each other, There is a heart that wants to escape. Unintentional battle is the main reason why they die so fast.

After all, in this area, it has been a long time since I met such a powerful opponent and team. Generally, they deal with five or six people, or even one or two people. Sometimes they are alone, and then dispatch the same manpower to match themselves. Of course, catching power becomes very simple.

But this time they met completely different from usual. The overall psychological quality of the team of Chen Tian is very strong. After all, they have experienced too many life and death. Now the psychological quality of each member is very good. With the command of Ye Minyu, the whole The team is exactly like playing with these people, and they are all solved very easily.

Of course, although the Zhuo brothers and sisters are just two opposite points from Chen Tian, ​​the distance is still relatively far away, but the strength and mind of the brothers and sisters also killed hundreds of them. Although the two did not have a positive relationship with these Hundreds of people struggled hard, but all people who tried to catch them alive were killed by various means. This was not good for the siblings, and the Chen Tian team did not dare to easily provoke the two.

I didn’t expect them to dare to provoke provocations, so it’s also a sure thing to lose the soldiers. After all, these people don’t know how ruthless the siblings are. Even if they don’t provoke them, they might provoke them. Thinking that this time they dare to provoke the siblings?

Among the brothers and sisters, Zhuo Wenxin is definitely a woman who takes pleasure in killing. Obviously Zhuo Yanxuan does not want to kill all these people, just let them know that they are good, they choose to retreat, but Zhuo Wenxin gives them Here comes a rush to kill.

They didn’t even leave the one who went back to report, but Stark saw that the manpower sent out didn’t come back one night a day. Basically, it was already certain that they were dead, so in the morning, they were Chen Tian. After a group entered the r zone, Stark sent a special tracking team composed of fifty people. This team is obviously stronger than the previous in terms of all strengths of the personnel.

Originally, Stark wanted to wait for the news that these fifty people formed a school team, but in anxiety that could not wait to come back, suddenly came a straight line straight ahead of Chen Tian's group and broke into the central area of ​​r district. This news is really like The fuel on the fire is general, after all, the center area is not far from here, what are the people who let go in front? Why did you come here to report?

In fact, Chen Tian and his gang, like the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family, basically killed everyone they saw, how could they report it to them, when they reached their true central area, here There are many eyeliners, so this time Stark will know that another force is currently approaching here.

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