Killing God Island

Chapter 1468: R Zone 5: Brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family and Chen Tian, ​​slowly eating away the

Chen Tian released all the old, weak and sick who had just been arrested. As for why not kill them all to increase his killing point, at this point Chen Tian thinks that these people are already old, weak and sick. It’s miserable, we don’t need to add fuel to the fire. After all, Chen Tian still has a little sense of justice. Chen Tian thinks that even if he wants to kill people, he wants to kill these hegemonists. Bullying the old, weak and sick is not a skill. .

If this team had Ye Minyu fully in power, she would definitely kill all these people after asking what she wanted to know, but Chen Tian was different. Sometimes Chen Tian still had some sense of justice, although Chen Tian is not really a good person, but compared with Ye Minyu, he still has his own untouched pure land in his heart. There is still a small sense of justice in human nature.

Although Chen Tianxin’s heart is still not bad, as he has lived on this island for a long time, he is slowly being changed by various status quo on this island, and he is now a murderer who does not blink, but Chen Tian is It doesn't matter how much changes have occurred while adapting to the island, but there are some principles that Chen Tian still has certain restrictions on himself and team members, just like certain things that Chen Tian believes not to do.

Even Ye Minyu will give Chen Tian the face, so Chen Tian said that he let these people, and he really put all these people without killing. Chen Tian did this just because he didn’t want to bully the weak reputation, after all, Chen Tian Flattering what real men do must be upright. Since there is such hegemonism in this area, then we should not turn our enemies towards these weak people.

So after letting these people go, all the people gathered together to discuss what should be done next. After all, the current situation of this area and according to what these people said, they are also very clear about the location of these people. Chen Tian advocates going directly to the past These people have been destroyed. There is a saying that it is better to start first, and then start to suffer. Instead of letting the other party find us, it is better to kill these people directly.

Ye Minyu directly retorted: "Although your sentence is strong first, and it is true to suffer later, we still don't know anything about our current opponents. Such blindly active attacks are very detrimental to us. We can't just listen to these. Some of the things that the old, the sick and the sick are telling in the air are taken seriously. If this is the case, the organization may have been destroyed long ago. It is likely that these people also want to use their mouth to induce us and ambush us there."

After listening, Chen Tian nodded slightly and said, "What you said does make sense, but what should we do now? Should we just sit back and die?"

Ye Minyu smiled slightly and said, "It's not our style to sit and wait, but now if you start with them first, it's easy to learn because they know too little, so what we have to do now is to slowly approach them, and then slowly eat them. This is our plan. Of course, the first step is to approach them. With our current strength, there is no need to be afraid of them. As long as they don’t use the main force, we will easily deal with it. Once they attach importance to us and decide to use the main force to deal with us, At that time, I will treat them like those monsters in our s zone, and come to lure the enemy into the urn to catch the turtle!"

Ye Minyu’s plan is by far the most practical and feasible plan, and Ye Minyu’s sentence slowly eroded their sentence, which was also thought of by the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s family. Because the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s entered here before Chen Tian’s team, so this The Stark organization, which is also engaged in brothers and sisters, has some chickens and dogs. Although they have only two people, this pair of brothers and sisters is just like Ye Minyukou's slowly eating them. is to take advantage of the rural terrain of the r area to fight against them. One or two people and more than a dozen are not opponents of the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s. Many people cannot find this brother and sister. By detecting the location, the location is actually only probably inaccurate. Compared with the brothers and sisters, the terrain and their own very strong strength, the team of 30 people was wiped out for the first time, and then the Stark group was destroyed. Hundreds team.

Therefore, when the team of Chen Tian entered the r zone, it felt that it was quieter than expected. In fact, it was not quiet, but because it dealt with the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s family, they were all transferred to the direction of the brothers and sisters of Zhuo’s. Due to the shortage of manpower, the bravery and siblings of Zhuo's brothers and sisters are not so easy to deal with. Of course, the team of Chen Tian has also grown to one, but the overall cooperation with the opponents is very strong.

So now Chen Tian and they have clearly reached the center of this r zone, but they have not seen too many people. Some of the reinforcements left behind are not opponents of Chen Tian and others. This kind of random entry into the center of r zone. It really made Ye Minyu feel very surprised, and although the strength of the opponents he met was many times stronger than those of the old, weak and sick, but they were not as strong as them.

And there were not many enemies met along the way. Only 40 people as a squadron fought head-to-head with the team of Chen Tian. More than 40 people told the truth that Chen Tian’s team had already experienced two super-scale scuffles. Forty or so people can't count as much as this, and Chen Tian and they are there, so it can be said that it is very easy to solve these forty or so people.

Killing them basically Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng did not take action, the strength of the rest of the team can easily solve these people, so these people want to intercept the Chen Tian team is impossible, and it is obvious at this time Stark was very angry. After all, there were waves after wave, and nearly two hundred people sent to live to capture Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin were all destroyed.

I have to make Stark feel that these people are all waste, and obviously made them so strong. Even more than two hundred people could not catch even two people, and they were all killed. What did they experience? Just when he was seriously thinking about whether to continue to fight against the brothers and sisters, he hurriedly pushed the door to report, saying that a group of people broke into the center area in front of him. There are about ten people in this group. Almost one hundred brothers have been killed along the way.

This remark was even more like fueling the fire, causing Stark, who was about to explode with anger, to instantaneously thunder: "What are you talking about? Losing more than 100 brothers? What enemy is this time? What's going on? There are so many elites in my team, but they are the warriors that I have carefully selected. Everyone can fight. Why are there hundreds of people who can’t fight two people, and these people in front are actually killed by a small team of more than ten people? , And they are so well equipped that they are so vulnerable?"

This is also the most angry point for Stark. Obviously he has high expectations for these reinforcements created by his reinforcement, but this time why so many people have been killed, and it is still happening in both directions. , Which made Stark feel that he could not be a soldier, and the previous whereabouts of the brothers and sisters were uncertain. It was difficult to catch them, so Stark directly ordered that he should not care about the situation of the brothers and sisters. People chase, remember not to fight them directly, just follow their whereabouts, all the leaders in the rest of the group, and the middle-level cadres of the team all gather.

First set a small goal, such as 1 home

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