Killing God Island

Chapter 1156: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi 123: Skull Forbidden Land, Peak of the Cliff.

Alsace’s attack is very easy for these skeletons, but it does not mean that others are also very easy to attack these games, although the children in this play also have their own fighting methods.

But their fighting style is also very powerful, but they can’t stand up to these skeleton soldiers more and more, how high this cliff is, they crawled from the bottom of the cliff, and the result is that the dense bones, although the attack is not very strong, but it can’t stand up to many people. Moreover, these skulls are very strong, and they cannot be easily killed. The broken bones can be regenerated as long as the white mist does not disperse. Therefore, the denser skeletons around this area are fighting more and more.

This is the point, not that they can't beat these skeletons individually, but that these skeletons can't beat the resurrection more and more, and the stronger the death, the stronger the reason. This is the real reason that makes some people feel afraid, not only They can't kill them, and they are constantly being consumed by these skeletons.

This is not very good for them. These skeletons seem to be constantly evolving. This degree of evolution is related to their death. Each time they die, they will become larger and darker. Their strength speed and bone hardness are also greatly improved.

Soon these people were surrounded by these skeletons. Originally these skeletons were the same size and color, but the skeletons that were attacked first had already begun to evolve, so now these skeletons are larger and smaller After enclosing them, they were all kinds of attacks on them in all directions, and they were all armed with axe weapons.

In addition to the strength of their evolution, the attack while surrounding them also makes many people injured and colored, unless they have the more immobile physique of Alsace, and they are not afraid of any weapons. Damage, and their own attack power is still super strong, but their body strengthening hardness is not strong enough to ignore the attacks of various weapons. After all, the number of skeletons is too large to avoid the weapons in their hands.

These skeletons are basically a person. After surrounding, they are chopped at the person with any weapon in hand, so unless the person's strength can hit all the skeletons around, it must be more or less. They will be cut, after all, so many skeletons can’t avoid them at the same time. Only the majority of the skeletons can be knocked back, and the remaining skeletons will take advantage of their fate and strike them with weapons. Some of them are not important. There will be some minor injuries in the position, but some people are cut off the back of the cushion and even the important parts are not far from death.

After all, it’s impossible for them to fight against so many skeletons when their arms are broken. After all, the number of them is too small compared to these skeletons, so they are surrounded by groups, so now they can only care for themselves, and there is no way to take anything. Tactics, so these people are all painted. Except for Alsace's very casual use of knives to open the way forward, the rest of the people are really relatively strong at first, but with these skeletons As the number of evolutions increases, it becomes more than just a lack of physical strength, but it becomes impossible to avoid being cut to some extent before each shot, although their self-healing ability is also good. But repairing the wound is very physical. Once the body enters the fatigue period, it will lose the original ability to heal the wound, and it is likely to bleed to death because of multiple wounds seen on the body.

So these dozens of people also began to change from the first minor injuries, slowly getting tired, and finally the limbs and arms were cut off, and finally killed by these skeletons, maybe in the middle of the world so far, that is, Alsa Sri Lanka is not afraid of these skeletons. Even if the rest of the people are very strong, they can’t remember their injuries, and they can’t avoid the attacks of these skeletons, because now they are all surrounded by skeletons, and there is no place to avoid them. Because they have been directly engulfed by the entire sea of ​​skeletons. Although these skeletons are not powerful enough to kill them all through siege, they can continue to consume them constantly. This consumption is chopped and scratched by axe and various sharp weapons. If the people of Alsace are not very strong, I am afraid that this body will be cut early They bleed too much, and their body repair ability is still quite awesome, but they can’t stand so many skeletons attacking at the same time, there is no possibility to avoid it, and they can’t avoid it at all. They can only keep sneaking forward and some who want to attack themselves. The skeletons are solved first, and these skeletons seem to be unable to kill at all, and not only can not be killed, but these skeletons are still evolving. The color of the bones of the body becomes larger and the color change of the bones makes the fighting power of these skeletons skyrocket.

Therefore, after continuously consuming these people's physical strength, these skeletons that should have been solved by him slowly became stronger and stronger, which was also the main reason that caused them to be unable to withstand later. The ordinary skeletons assisted and attacked from the side, and these in front The bitter mouth with huge darkening color makes a frontal forcible attack, and the strength of the attack of these skeletons has reached the point that they dare not easily block the heavy blow with their arms. If it is really as easy as just defending, the arm will appear The tragic ending was cut directly.

Now it is possible to continue stubborn resistance as long as the limbs and important parts of the body are not seriously injured. As long as they can stop themselves from dying, Alsace can rescue them, because Alsace will not be injured. Only clothes All of the cuts were wounds, and there was no slight wound on the skin. Especially, he had a weapon that was extremely lethal for them. That is the three-meter long knife in his hand. So simple, the powerful fighting force in his hands has transformed these skeletons around him into a very strong skeleton more than three meters high, and Alsace is not the kind of independent boss who ignores his comfort.

When he saw that his men were seriously injured, he immediately sprinted in their direction at a very fast speed, and waved a three-meter long knife in his hand to smash all kinds of skeletons in front of him, but when he passed The severed skeletons slowly began to regroup from the ground and began to grow larger. These skeletons continued to plan so that they could not be killed, which also made Alsace feel a bit bad.

Even if these skeletons evolved a few meters high, they still could not cause any damage to Alsace. As long as Alsace wanted to put himself into a combat state, the muscle hardness of his body was even higher than that of steel. Can these things hurt him?

But it is a pity that although his men are very strong, after all, no matter how his body evolves, it is impossible for him to have the stiffness of his body, but although the strength of these people can be called a master, they can’t stand the number of bitter people and evolution. In this kind of scene, if Arthas did not save them in the past, their current mentality would have collapsed long ago, but fortunately they saw their boss come to rescue them again, so they began to reorganize again and fight against these bitter mouths again, although The wounds on them continued to increase. After all, the skeletons in front of them would be attacked by the skeletons in the back, and the ones in the back and front would attack together. The skeletons on the left and right would attack them.

All in all, no matter how they attack, they will be cut more than ten times. If their muscle strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people, the depth of the cut is enough for them to stay aggressive. Although they A lot of blood also bleeds, but the wounds are generally not deep. After all, they are also experienced veterans, and the combat skills and physical evolution of the hardness are also quite high.

These people are insisting that Alsace also sees it, so he killed them all the way, and the skull in front of wherever he went was swept away by Alsace no matter how far he evolved. Alsace’s attack on these skeletons had no reaction time at all, no matter how exaggerated the evolution of how many times they were killed, they were crisp like paper in front of Alsace. All the skeletons were beheaded by him. This speed and super high outburst really envied him and felt that he and his boss are really right against each other. They are really strong, but in fact they really have innate ability. Human, strength is indeed boundless. Arthas rushed head-to-head towards the sea of ​​dense skeletons. Using a word to describe it, he couldn’t stop him from running at all, and he was like a strong attack. Thousands of skeletons just made a way, and shouted to a dozen people in the central area surrounded by thousands of skeletons: "We follow me in a circle, don't fall behind!"

"Good boss!" They all said this with a loud shout, followed by Alsace's three-meter sword in his hand and shouted: "The brothers can follow my pace, if they are left behind He will die!" After he said this, his feet would force the whole person's speed like an arrow shot, and he would sprint forward while waving a three-meter long knife in his hand to unfold the front quickly. Dazzling all kinds of cuts.

And the dozen or so men behind Genzi followed him non-stop, fearing that he couldn’t keep up. After all, he couldn’t keep up with his footsteps. There was only a dead end. After all, these skeletons were really terrible, but Al Sass is also considering a problem, even though I can unimpededly take them all out of the center area, but Alsace does not know how to leave this very strange-looking world, after all, Ye Minyu's formation belongs to one tree and one world And the world where Arthas is now is the Shura Hell in the Thousand Worlds. Even if they can really pass the peak of the cliff in this skull forbidden area, the rocky shore corpse sea in front of them is waiting for them. The real living corpses ahead also belong to different levels.

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