Killing God Island

Chapter 1155: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi Chapter 122: Digu Skeleton

On the evolutionary super constitution, Arthas is much more than Chen Tianqiang at the starting point. Of course, Chen Tian’s acquired ability is also a very powerful constitution, but there is still a certain gap from the innate ability. Although Chen Tian’s constitution From Ms. Zhao, but can you really share the same with those with real innate ability? In fact, these so-called strengthened people are all copies of innate abilities, that is, so-called imitations. In the face of powerful imitations, they are nothing in front of the real ones, and the super-evolved physique produced by Ms. Zhao’s super-evolved body , It belongs to the super-synthesis of genuine and imitation products, the strength is naturally those incomparable lists of strengthened bodies and the strength of the real product before the difference can basically be divided equally, but why use this term to describe non-innate ability and innate ability What about the gap?

This is because the innate ability acquires this ability from an early age. With the use of this ability from a young age, the use of innate abilities is just as common as people eat. It takes a lot of time and a strong understanding to develop one's own abilities and to develop stronger abilities. Even if the acquired abilities have great potential, they may not be proficient in the use of certain abilities of ordinary innate abilities.

Alsace jumped directly to draw a knife and chopped directly towards the monster more than a dozen meters high, but when the knife was chopped in the past, it felt like the knife was completely empty. It fell quickly with the strength of the knife, but nothing was cut. It also convinced Alsace that this was not what they saw in front of him. The real murderer should be... Alsace thought of using the knife body's reflective point directly here to refract his body and reflect it with his own reflection The real shadow of this thing is reached, and this real shadow is attacking his body, although Arthas's body can completely not be afraid of the attack of this triangle magic weapon.

But he still turned directly and folded the three-meter long knife into a one-meter-wide and wide sword instantaneously, and then immediately turned and wielded the sword directly to cut off the back full triangle device. The just over three-meter long sword was attacking tall objects and The long-range attack is very effective. It is not very flexible in the face of a melee attack that is too long, but the broad sword is absolutely perfect in terms of flexibility and cutting speed. More importantly, the cutting strength is more aggressive because of the increase in weight. Powerful, becoming a broad-sword weapon is a three-edged composite on both sides. It is very difficult to heal or recover both the object and the wound after being slashed. It is basically difficult to suture the wound made by the military's three-sided army thorn.

So Arthas directly turned back and sidewise, directly splitting the hexagonal shape of the main body into two halves, and when this thing was chopped in half, the body of the giant monster he saw in front of him only appeared directly from The situation of splitting in half above, so Alsace can also be sure that if you want to really kill so many monsters that look terrible in front of you, no matter what way you attack them, as long as you don’t hit the deadly point just now, It's useless and it will only be counter-killed. That's why obviously those people have good skills but half of them are killed by this thing.

As Alsace knows its operating principle, he still directly slashes dozens of times in front with his wide sword, and there will be a monster every time he wields the sword in his hand. Dead, of course, this is what Alsace sees in the eyes of others, but all the terrifying forms they fear in their hearts, but they are all killed by Alsace with a sword, which also It made the seven or eight people present admire him even more, and convinced her even more. After all, the monsters they could not kill with their own tricks were solved by the boss. Let them think that Arthas is too much stronger than them, but it is not that they cannot kill the feared monsters in their hearts, but that they are attacking the wrong position.

After all, they don’t know how to get the exact position of this magical item, their attacking method, etc., but even Ye Minyu’s personal control of these magical items can’t avoid the sword from Alsace’s hand. All the monsters of Alsace were solved by Alsace. Of course, half of his men died and half were injured. Basically, except for his accidents, he was more or less injured, but he did not have a missing arm and broken leg.

This is mainly because they did not fight Xu Shun. If these people fight Xu Shun of the Chen Tian team, they will definitely become disabled even if they pass by in front of them. After all, there are only two people who fight with Xu Shun. He is similar to or even stronger than him. This kind of person may retreat intact, and the rest will only appear if he has the strength to deal with him under Xu Shun, even if it is a big disaster and he must escape from his hands. The case of missing arms and broken legs happened. After all, Xu Shun used his toughened war bones. It really can be used as a weapon in all parts of the body, and its powerful aggression can even be given. With a fatal blow, we can see how aggressive he is, but these instruments can be controlled by remote Ye Minyu. Although they can also use a variety of weapons to kill people, they cannot be compared with Xu Shun. After all, these things are just for simplicity. For entertainment, he really didn’t even have the three-story combat power of Xu Shun’s regular combat.

Therefore, it is impossible to confront Alsace with full combat power. Let Alsace have several combos and extremely fast attacks, resulting in Lian Ye Minyu’s brain that responds so fast, and he can’t create a frontal attack that can avoid Alsace. After all, this hexagonal magic weapon is really not easy to flexibly avoid his attack speed, so in just a few minutes, Alsace was completely destroyed.

Originally, Alsace thought that when it was safe outside the cliff, he suddenly began to climb up from the cliff. The bones of the bones clicked. These white bones have white smoke shields inside the bones in addition to the whole body. The original Alsa Si didn't care too much about these small skeletons climbing up from the bottom of the cliff, but when he looked down at the cliff, he was completely stunned, because all the bones under the cliff were dense, And these white bones are holding the mist like Cheng Jing and are climbing up one by one, and the number is completely incalculable. It can be called a sea of ​​skulls.

Alsace's expression was tense for a moment. The first thought in his heart was whether these skulls actually existed, or were they the same illusions as before? But he also knows that he can’t see the signs at all. He has to go to time to try it himself. Besides, his body is so hard, even if the little skull holds a sword and sword in his hand, I am afraid It's not too hard to hurt Arthas, so this time like last time, Arthas still chooses to try it up personally.

After all, Alsace’s physical fitness is quite amazing. If Chen Tian’s ecstasy physique can’t be beaten, then his physique can’t be beaten. After all, as long as he wants his body hardened, the hardness is quite amazing. Call him It’s no exaggeration for her body to be invulnerable.

Alsace's body hardness is absolutely, so at present, the one with the strongest body hardness among the strengthened people is known.

Therefore, he is not afraid of these skeleton soldiers at all. His body hardness is now the legendary absolute front-row tank. His wide sword was thrown in his hand. The three-mila wind sword in the second form appeared again and cut straight forward. , Directly cut off all the skulls that had just climbed up in front.

The feeling of this knife is too real, not at all like a feeling of chopping on a fake object. This feeling is really true, so he is using his own mind to analyze calmly when he hacks the surrounding skeletons again. And thought about the solution.

Alsace, like Chen Tian and Xu Shun, is a melee mode of ultra-violent aesthetic fighters, and these three people are always in love to think about solutions and put their opponents in place whenever they encounter difficulties in battle. solve.

Alsace is also this kind of person, and its powerful combat ability can be called the four major leagues, the four of the bosses are the strongest in close combat.

Arthas faced the scene of the sea of ​​skulls in front of him at this time. He held a three-meter long knife in the second form of a broad sword, and cut all the skulls in three meters passed by the long knife in front of him in half.

The feeling of slashing is absolutely real, are these really skeletons? The main reason is that there are too many things on this island that people have to believe. Even if these things cannot exist outside the island, there may be many kinds of evolutionary creatures and strengthened humans on this island. Things, even various monsters that have become more than a few meters high due to evolutionary failure, not to mention the scene in front of me, but although this scene looks very incredible,

Arthas, from his own knife-cutting and various perceptions, made him have to think that this can only be played hard, and there was no destructible method around him.

Although Arthas is very easy to attack these skeletons, it does not mean that others are also very easy to attack these games, although the children of this play also have their own fighting methods.

But their fighting style is also very powerful, but they can’t stand more and more of these skeleton soldiers, how high the cliff is, they climbed from the bottom of the cliff, and the result is that the dense bones, although the attack is not very strong, but can’t stand the crowd, Moreover, these skulls are very strong in vitality, and it is not easy to kill them. The broken bones can be regenerated as long as the white mist does not disperse and continue to attack. Therefore, there are more and more skeletons around here.

This is the main point, not that they can't beat these skeletons individually, but that these skeletons can't beat the resurrection more and more, and the stronger the death, the stronger. This is the real reason that makes some people feel scared, not only They can't kill them, and they are constantly being consumed by these skeletons.

This is not very good for them. These skeletons seem to be constantly evolving. This degree of evolution is related to their death. Each time they die, they will become larger and darker. Their strength speed and bone hardness are also greatly improved.

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