Killing God Island

Chapter 1127: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi Chapter 94: Turn on Heaven Tribulation and confront you!

After Paul Tian was beaten and flew out by Chen Tian, ​​he was insulted by Chen Tian again. His inner anger was really like a volcanic eruption, so he slammed directly: "You ugly people will be nauseated by the one-eyed dragon, you Install nmlgb{Chinese pinyin abbreviation} in front of me? Do you think you are better than me nb by punching me out? mlgbd Do you think I have this strength? Let people like you see me? I wanted to be slow Slowly tormenting you, and then letting you slowly die like a mental breakdown, but now Lao Zizi has changed his mind, because I can no longer see you and listen to you like sb."

In fact, Chen Tian certainly knows that Paul Kirami has not used all his strengths. After all, it is impossible that he has no other abilities, so Chen Tian concluded that this guy is also testing his own strength. Of course, the two just just wanted to fight close. Hard work, to be honest, Paul Kirami’s progress strength and skills are indeed much better than Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian’s instantaneous explosive ability after using the red child state is beyond the exaggeration that Paul Kirami imagined, so Chen Tian only A jump from the back appeared in front of him instantly and punched Paul Kirami out of a distance of more than three meters. In fact, Chen Tian did not really use the real strength of the red child state.

This is that Chen Tian is afraid that he will really kill him with a punch. After all, Chen Tian has super strength, and his confidence level is also quite explosive. Chen Tian wants to know the strength of this guy. If only Qiang is strong, Chen Tian will provoke him deliberately, and at the same time, Chen Tian also wants to kill him in his true state, so that he will have the feeling of victory after defeating him.

Therefore, Chen Tian will wait for him to start the Heavenly Tribulation, and after his final battle with this kid, he can be the leader of these hundreds of people, even if he does not have his own special special ability, he can at least turn on the Heavenly Tribulation state, so Chen Tiancai Give him five minutes to turn over, but Chen Tian is more looking forward to his a little strength, after all, it’s a bit boring to kill him like this, and Chen Tian also treats his companions Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng and A Ruiqi. The three are very confident. After all, the strength of the three is Chen Tian's heartfelt approval, so Chen Tian will be so single-headed with this guy.

Therefore, Chen Tian is completely annoying Paul Kirami, but Chen Tian really gave Paul Kirami a chance to open the Heavenly Tribulation, Chen Tian guessed right, Paul Kirami really will open the Heavenly Tribulation state, and the sky After the robbery state, he turned out to be an ordinary human form. As long as it is the ordinary human state, the strength of the heavenly robbery form will not be too bad. The main reason is that the genes and the genes that are integrated into the transformation are well integrated, and the human genes are dominant. Genetically strengthened bodies can change their body shape without being affected by other genes when they are in a state of natural disaster. Of course, some will even become other species. Of course, during this period, they may have self-control capabilities or may completely lose their self-control capabilities. This is possible. Therefore, strengthening physical fitness is not only a standard line used to measure the strength of a person, it can only be used to measure whether this person has a true potential standard.

Many experts do not dare to come up and start the state of Heavenly Tribulation. It is also because this state is very difficult to control freely. Sometimes, it may not be able to change the original state, or even never return, or even lose the reason after the change. , So to be able to turn on Sky Tribulation, it is also necessary to adapt to and control Sky Tribulation. This is not an easy task, which is why most of the fortified people know that they can’t use Sky Tribulation. , This kind of dare to bear such a big risk to open the state of Heavenly Tribulation with the determination of death, of course, the more the number of openings, the higher the proficiency, the slower the mastery, but the risk is that the number of openings is very small. These times, it succeeds if it can be changed back, and it will always become a monster if it does not return.

So many people who want to become real masters are afraid to become monsters because of excessive pursuit of this power in the body, but many people are also forced to helplessly, constantly challenging people in life who dare not challenge or all kinds of dangers. In fact, the strength of such people is really strong, because only people who are not afraid of death can really become stronger. This island is also an experimental base for such people to keep strengthening. A base like this may be the entire world. This place is so huge, and it is the only default human evolution base by the world government. Of course, the inside inside is naturally known to many countries, but each country is actually selfish and wants to have this technology. After all, this is a A genetic evolution project that can promote the evolution of all mankind.

Moreover, the experiments were carried out by some wicked and mortal people in various countries of the world. Anyway, these people are all death row criminals. Even if they do not enter this island, they must die, and all the people who entered this island have already declared death outside the island. Even Chen Tian is the same, so if they want to leave the island, they must enter the strongest area a in the center of the island, and then be mixed in the area a. And after they leave the island, they will have their own new identity, and the people who can be selected to leave this island are also fortified people with super strength, and they are definitely the most powerful in all aspects of the body, regardless of the degree of evolution. Excellent talents are qualified to leave the island.

Of course, these people who leave this island, although they also have super powers in the form of the Heavenly Tribulation that are not human, but most of them are masters of the State of the Heavenly Tribulation, which is a human form. Emotional fluctuations fall into a violent state, and there will be no irrational behavior during combat. Letting people in the state of human catastrophe leave the island is also to reduce the occurrence of this situation. Of course, another important factor is that this experiment is called In the genetic experiment project of the God Project, all countries want not only to surpass human power, but also to be comparable to the power of God, so this is called the God Creation Project. This kind of strengthened person who turned on the Heaven Tribulation and turned into a monster is undoubtedly a failure. It can only be used as a biological and chemical weapon in the military. After all, all countries want to create gods beyond humans, not monsters with human thinking.

So when Chen Tian saw that the other’s state of the Heavenly Tribulation was a human form, it naturally seemed that it would be interesting to take over the battle inside. In fact, this was not the case. Paul Kiramy’s state of Heavenly Tribulation was not imagined. Phenomenon that has greatly improved the level of all aspects of the body, but this does not mean that this state of heaven is very wasteful and useless. It can only be said that this ability is very suitable for Paul Kirami, if it is for others It can only be regarded as a very useless or even garbage state. Of course, some of the many fortifiers are even more useless after turning on the Sky Tribulation state. This kind of fortifiers are also there, and Paul Kirami belongs to it. It is one of them, but he found out the remaining functions that can be used or even shine.

After Paul Kiramy opened the Sky Tribulation, although he did not speed up his movement speed, nor did he double his muscle surge strength, and even his physical abilities were weaker than just now, this made him have a state of microcosm. Chen Tian is in deep thought. After all, Chen Tian is more skilled at using this ability than before, so he can clearly sense that the opponent's strength is weaker than before.

So Chen Tian is now thinking, whether he is actively attacking in the past or waiting for the other party to actively attack, mainly because Chen Tian feels that this guy’s state after opening Tiankai is seeming to be weaker. This is after Chen Tian saw him opening Tiankai. , But did not take the initiative to attack him. After all, this guy just beat me for nearly 20 minutes. The melee strength is certainly not weak. If you don’t turn on the power of Chi Zi, you can’t knock him down in an instant. But now it seems that the other party is getting weaker. This is the main reason for Chen Tian’s confusion. It is precisely because Chen not only did not act rashly, but thought in his mind whether he should actively attack? After all, it seems that you are not in a hurry to take a shot in front of you, but Chen Tian is really in a hurry now. Chen Tian has noticed the abnormality of his departure. Although he believes that his three companions are very strong, Chen Tian now thinks more Still solve this guy quickly, and then respond to Xu Shun three of them.

After all, the war is about to start now. At present, this is just the first team to test the first here. For this team, it must be dealt with as early as possible, and then better prepared for the next real battle, so Chen Tian I feel that playing with this kid for 20 minutes is long enough. I’m tired of playing. It’s better to end as soon as possible. This is Chen Tian’s idea. At the same time, the Quartet Alliance is entering the wave every 20 minutes. Of course, the third wave is now. The team has come in, and these people Chen Tian who are the first wave of the second team have not yet solved all of them, but they are not far away from all of them. In addition to Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng and A Ruiqi, Ye Minyu also brought When Angelina and the women's team came, it was men who helped them, so Chen Tian could feel what was happening outside.

After all, the battle between Chen Tian and Paul Kirami has already produced a small gas that formed these two separate fields. This kind of shock wave can’t interfere with the inside. It is what Chen Tian battled with Paul Kirami for so long. The two things you want to be popular like a tornado have been formed within five minutes of the two men’s strokes. Now the two belong to the two. Only one person can die to stop it completely, which leads to a strong countercurrent of flying sand and rocks around. Shock.

However, what Chen Tianzhen didn’t expect was that the state of the Heaven Tribulation used by Paul Kirami this time was not to add explosive power to him, but to allow him to acquire a variety of abilities like superpowers, generally this exclusive There is only one kind of ability for a master, but because he does not have this exclusive ability, he belongs to the unique ability of her own Heavenly Tribulation state after opening the Heavenly Tribulation state. This ability of hers can be overridden at the same time. Six different abilities, and more exaggeratedly, can also change his physical state, making him like a three-headed and six-armed image of Nezha in mythology and legend, and this image can actually do it.

And he also has a bunch of so-called magic instruments. These magic instruments are just like Chen Tian’s Yinlong swing sticks. They belong to Paul Kirami’s life-saving things at the bottom of the pressure box. It is only used when solving opponents, but he is different from Chen Tian. Chen Tian only has a silver dragon throwing stick but has strong power and hardness, and Paul Kirami has a lot of magic tools, and cooperates with this three-headed six-arm In the state, not only can the eyes see some of Xu’s movements around, but the six arms also hold six magic instruments of the same style as Ashura.

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