Killing God Island

Chapter 1126: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 93: Chen Tian's cynicism and taunt!

The battle between Chen Tian and Paul Kirami is mainly not a real match between abilities, but a skill and various melee fights against each other, so Chen Tiancai did not press Paul Kirami with strength, but Chen Tian wants to use technology and his own ability to fight and defeat him completely. Chen Tian is such a person. He wants to admire everything. Even the enemy Chen Tian still has such a strong style, although he is not born. King's ability, but Chen Tian's super potential and extraordinary luck have given him a considerable speed of combat effectiveness. In fact, Chen Tian has chosen a low-key many times, and this time he did not fight Paul Kirami. Use full strength.

Instead, he wanted to make himself aware of the gap with himself, but Paul Kirami thought it was a pity that he didn’t fight Chen Tian a few years ago in prison. This time he had to fight Chen Tian well, so He wanted to defeat Chen Tian everywhere, but Chen Tian still stood up even if he was beaten or defended, which made him more and more suspicious of his fist. After all, Chen Tian was hit on Chen Tian. The fist is no less than one hundred fists, but he has not laid Chen Tian down, so Paul Kirami began to suspect that his fist is not strong enough, and kept making his punch more than the punch, until the strength After being unable to continue to improve, he found that Chen Tian seemed to deliberately let him beat himself.

Until his strength could no longer be improved, Chen Tian pointed to his face with his finger and said, "I want to solve me with your fist? Are you making trouble with me?" After Chen Tian said this, he went straight forward again A few steps, and every time a step was taken, a punch was punched, and each punch was firmly hit on Paul Kiramie’s face, directly knocking Paul Kiramie down on the ground for a long time. Did not stand up, this is the result that Paul Kirami did not expect at all, because he has been playing Chen Tian all the time, thinking that Chen Tian has been beaten by the hands without restraint, but in fact Chen Tian just just I want to see how much he can improve his fist strength, not because he can't fight back.

So from this time Chen Tian tentatively took another step forward, and while swinging his fist, Paul Kirami turned around and took the lead in hitting Chen Tian’s chest. This is a very fragile acupuncture point and was hit by future generations. The first reaction is the painful body tightening. If the average person is hit by this punch, he will definitely die in this position, but the strengthened person's physique is more than three times stronger than the ordinary person, especially Chen Tian. Strengthening people is even more than n times stronger than ordinary people's physical level. Chen Tian's physique in ordinary state is at least ten times more than ordinary people's, so although this acupuncture point is a human weakness, but strengthening people will be somewhat worse Because the strengthened person is still a person, and this part is a weak point of the human acupuncture point, hitting it will definitely be light and bloodless, and more importantly, life crisis will cause the heart to stop.

Therefore, Paul Kiramy uses quite a lot of power in this position. What is afraid is that Chen Tian’s level of strengthening the body may cause immunity to this acupuncture point, but this position really belongs to many fatal points, so Paul. Kirami's move was also a punch with the heart of killing him. Paul Kirami's melee ability is slightly better than Chen Tian's, but his physique is absolutely incomparable with Chen Tian. This punch is strong. The hit on Chen Tian’s deadly acupuncture point is not fatal, and it can be seen that there is a certain gap in the strength between the two, but Chen Tian’s disapproval of his close combat ability is always restrained by Paul Kirami.

Chen Tian’s ingenuity is not only born with combat potential. His truly terrible place is the superb carrying ability and the god-loving physique created by Ms. Zhao’s forced use of a very unique genetic modification method. This physique is terrible. It is not just super recovery and regeneration ability, but it is not restricted by normal human body skills and unlimited use of power far beyond human limit, just like the human head is cut off, no matter how strong it is to strengthen the body. If the head is destroyed or the head is cut off, Chen Tian will die, and Chen Tian won't do this. Chen Tian knew that he had this ability long ago.

But he does not really understand why he is like this. Of course, in addition to his physique, this ability, he just keeps strengthening himself to awaken different abilities and create new moves, but even the same The effects of bullets shot in different shapes of guns and guns of different materials are completely different. Although this kind of metaphor is a bit inexplicable, it is quite appropriate to use the metaphor of Chen Tian. Chen Tian’s physique is that as long as humans are afraid of things, he is not afraid, as long as the body is not completely destroyed, it is not affected by the fatal flaws of normal humans, that is to say, normal people will be acupunctured. Being temporarily put on the body, and Chen Tian will be fine, similar to this fatal acupuncture point, although it also works for Chen Tian, ​​it will minimize the power, so he punches very hard, but Chen Tian The injury was just a bit of pain, and it would be very painful to be stuck with the array, but it would not cause too much injury.

So when Paul Kiramy punched it, this move was originally his killer skill. Countless masters were temporarily unable to use any abilities by this move. They lost their fighting power and died at the same time, so Paul. Lamy looked up confidently. When he looked up, Paul Kiramie's expression froze for a moment, because Chen Tian was looking at him at this time, and his expression was an indifferent smile. This smile It looks like he is mocking him. This is Chen Tian’s most classic mocking smile, a very exaggerated contemptuous laugh, which makes Paul Kirami instantly angry, and sees him punching a laugh, immediately It was another punch in the same place. At the same time, Chen Tian just took a step back because of this excessive force, but did not fall down. Instead, his mouth opened wider, showing a row of white teeth. And the sharp tiger teeth, because Chen Tian looks very happy, so this expression is a taunting look in the mockery, and Chen Tian also asked him very smoothly: "You don’t think that just this punch Can you solve me?"

" guys, why are you okay? is this possible!" Paul Kirami actually He was able to fight, but at this time he fell into a very surprised and continuous back with a horrified expression, and Chen Tian took a step back again, stood firm and hit the knee and jumped directly forward Since Chen Tian didn't have the power to untie Chi Zi, he didn't seem to be bouncing very hard, but the distance and speed of the jump really reached the front of Paul Kirami in a moment. Almost face to face and bumped together.

But the two just looked like a face-to-face close to zero distance. In fact, the speed was too fast to make the people look like they were face-to-face as if they were together. In fact, they know that the running speed is too fast. The effect of phantom overlap And, just at the moment when the two were about to hit their faces, Chen Tian had already punched Paul Kiramy with a punch, but the speed was faster than the speed at which the body was beaten, so he was present None of the people saw Chen Tian punching, only saw Paul Kiramy's flying backwards after the two faces were close to each other.

Paul Kirami did not expect that the ugly guy in front of him was actually punching at a fast speed, and suddenly he could not even see clearly. In the next second that Paul Kirami felt that he appeared suddenly, he had not waited for his body to have Any resistance, his body has been beaten by Chen Tian, ​​because Chen Tian’s power of the red child is quite strong, the red skin of the whole body vaguely seems to be emitting high heat outside, and at this time Chen Tian did not Going straight to solve him directly, so Chen Tiancai's merciful opponent Paul Kirami said: "You didn't want to challenge me three years ago? Didn't you just look crazy? Is it just this skill? Are you crazy about this skill? You want to challenge me with this strength. Are you insulting me or raising your own strength? I will give you another five minutes to show to I am your strongest strength, after all, this uncle has not much time to waste on you. The reason why I give you five minutes is also because we were prisoners in the same prison three years ago, and because you want to challenge me, I can still remember my face, so I will let you take out any skills within five minutes. If you still fight with me in this way, then I can only kill you without giving you any chance. ."

After Paul Tian was beaten and flew out by Chen Tian, ​​he was insulted by Chen Tian again. His inner anger was really like a volcanic eruption, so he slammed directly: "You ugly people will be nauseated by the one-eyed dragon, you Install nmlgb{Chinese pinyin abbreviation} in front of me? Do you think you are better than me nb by punching me out? mlgbd Do you think I have this strength? Let people like you see me? I wanted to be slow Slowly tormenting you, and then letting you slowly die like a mental breakdown, but now Lao Zizi has changed his mind, because I can no longer see you and listen to you like sb."

In fact, Chen Tian certainly knows that Paul Kirami has not used all his strengths. After all, it is impossible that he has no other abilities, so Chen Tian concluded that this guy is also testing his own strength. Of course, the two just just wanted to fight close. Hard work, to be honest, Paul Kirami’s progress strength and skills are indeed much better than Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian’s instantaneous explosive ability after using the red child state is beyond the exaggeration that Paul Kirami imagined, so Chen Tian only A jump from the back appeared in front of him instantly and punched Paul Kirami out of a distance of more than three meters. In fact, Chen Tian did not really use the real strength of the red child state.

This is that Chen Tian is afraid that he will really kill him with a punch. After all, Chen Tian has super strength, and his confidence level is also quite explosive. Chen Tian wants to know the strength of this guy. If only Qiang is strong, Chen Tian will provoke him deliberately, and at the same time, Chen Tian also wants to kill him in his true state, so that he will have the feeling of victory after defeating him.

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