Killing God Island

Chapter 1114: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 81: Great Break

Just when Paul Kirami was so worried that he hadn’t figured out how to deal with it, Mai Suwo of the three wise men still chimed in directly: "The Thunder Array is indeed amazing this day, and the surrounding terrain is also in line with the sky. If the terrain designed by Thunder Array is really promoted by the formation, basically everyone here, except for us standing in the gossip array, should not be spared. The various props around the surrounding area allow its huge current to be distributed everywhere, and the shape arranged here is the circulating current, that is, the scattered current will form a non-stop circulating current and then gather in one place to maximize The current shock, even if they wear equipment with certain insulation, but this voltage can instantly turn people into ash."

"I have already seen this. Do you have any better suggestions?" Paul Kirami said this in a slightly elevated tone. Of course, since he has already seen what the opponent will use, then hurry up Find a way to say what useless explanations are useful? Who doesn't know that this terrain is very lethal with this formation? There is not much time now. The formation of this array is very fast, but because it is caught by the power of thunder and lightning from the sky, it is called the Sky Thunder Array.

So now Paul Kirami wants to hear how to deal with it, and he doesn’t want to hear anything that is useless now, because it will affect his thinking about coping strategies, so he will only ask McWaugh what he still has. The countermeasures, of course, if there is still no way for Mai Suowo, then he won't suddenly intervene to say this, but just before he has spoken about the point, he was interrupted by Paul Kirami's sudden rhetorical question.

So as soon as Paul Kiramy's voice fell, he continued to say: "I just had a way!"

"There is a way for you to sell anything here, hurry up and say, it's a matter of everyone's life!" Paul Kirami shouted to him with some qiji6de aloud, and Mai Suowo still seemed not to be angry, Instead, he said directly again, "This Sky Thunder Array, once the Sky Thunder has been drawn in this place, then we are finished, but if the Sky Thunder Array is broken? This formation is not an unbreakable formation, and I want to draw it out Sky Lei itself is not easy, and it is necessary to introduce Sky Lei accurately here, the precision of Chengdu is even higher, so whether Sky Lei's selection will fall to this place is due to the gravity in the following formation method And these metals on the ground spread to the places where objects are placed." The people who heard Mai Suwo still saying these words were smart people with better minds than ordinary people, so he didn't have to finish talking at all. All understand what he meant.

But the crux of the problem is how to break it, so they didn’t interrupt Mai Suwo’s words, let him continue to say how to destroy the formation of the Sky Thunder Array next, and what he said next is to shift the deflection of the Sky Thunder. It is necessary to use the current gossip layout map where they are located, and use this arrangement to form an array method called string spirit array. The simple power effect of this array is just the right benefit for Tianlei array, and the simple layout is as long as eight. The array can be pushed and used, but the props only need a magic pole, and this part is really in his hand, so he will explain to them so calmly, and he began to arrange the string spirit array. .

This string spirit array is complicated to operate but it is very simple to arrange. As long as the celestial magic pole is set in the center of the gossip figure, four things that look like rubber chains are placed under the four. And in the meantime, let the following people destroy everything around them or change their position completely, and Mai Wowo is still preparing to sit cross-legged and sit in the center of the array this time to control the string array.

Of course, this string array is simple to arrange, but it is very difficult to control, and he can do it alone. But at present, if you want to make everyone safe, you must let three other people in the gossip map help yourself together. After completing this string of spirits against the sky, of course, the sky covered with clouds has completely covered the sky, and you can hear the clear thunder, but the sky has not really led down, but Mai Suwo has begun to open After the Xing Ling array, the formation method has just been turned on, and the Eight Diagrams array tells that the power of the heavenly magic rod has been exerted to the extreme. Only the golden light emitted by a heavenly magic rod hits the sky directly. Wearing the sky above the cloud cover, the sound of thunder and lightning that followed the crackling sky became louder and louder.

Until the sky above, with a very thick white light beam straight from the dark clouds in the sky, the lightning generated between the surrounding rain and fog also produced very large changes one by one, but the only light beam introduced below is this huge light beam, and this The position where the beam of light is chopped down is exactly on the celestial pole. The yellow light and the white and blue lightning instantaneously produce a huge change in the surrounding voltage, and Mai Zuowo in the center of the array still directly pushes the celestial pole to turn its lightning effect. Added and moved to the strong elastic string of Liu at the center of the heavenly magic rod. As it was transmitted to the different bow strings at Liu, resulting in the center of the heavenly magic rod, the six fulcrums of the string spirit were in the middle of the current passed. As if the bow string was on the string, the current was used as an arrow to shoot out a green current similar to lightning. With the second huge thunderbolt from the sky, the huge sky lightning array was directly shot by Liu Liu from below. Halfway through the rapid fall, the current and the main body of thunder and lightning met directly in the air. After the impact of the huge flash of thunder, the sparks overflowed and the huge light directly scattered most of the dark clouds. These two huge energy bodies that collided head-on, Just like the fireworks of the festival, the dark sky was instantly dispersed.

Of course, Ye Minyu was in the center of Qimen Dunjia, and he also noticed that a formation was facing directly against his own Thunder Array. If Ye Minyu did not force the formation to continue, I am afraid that this huge impact just enough to break the Thunder Array, because Ye Minyu's control and threw three wind chimes, borrowed the five elements to strengthen the density of the dark clouds and the humidity between the air, so that his thunder array resurrected instantly.

The original Mai Suwo still thought that it had been broken, and he just sweated and sighed with relief, but in the process of the black clouds will disperse, suddenly it seems that there are winds around, and because of the wind direction factors, these black clouds Gathered again, and this time the air humidity is much higher than last time, which means that the power of attracting Sky Thunder again will be even greater. However, due to the excessive use of the Heavenly Magic Rod, Mai Suwo still has not recovered his physical strength. I can only rely on the assistance of the team leader Paul Kirami and the other two people. After all, this is a matter of life and death. But it is not only him who fails to die, so at this juncture, there is no subordinate As a matter of fact, Paul Kirami, because he does not understand the operation of this method, can only listen to his arrangement now, and Mai Suwo still instructed the three people at this time to transfer the degree of the gossip chart and use the magic pole. Change direction and teach Bergeron how to operate in just one minute. Then he jumped off the gossip map and ordered the rest of the people to destroy several objects arranged in the following. Slightly changed, when everything is similar, Bergeron looked up again.

At this time, the sky above the thunder has not been drawn down. If it is really so fast, I am afraid that it is not so easy to do it in time on the original device designed by Ye Minyu to increase the range of diffused energy. It’s not so quoted, but if Ye Minyu’s brain that day had already used powerful computing power, and used the components and surrounding terrain of the surrounding array to make very precise calculations, almost 98% Zero error rate, it’s a pity that some of them have variables. The sky thunder array meets the string spirit, and it will lose from the ancient times without win. This is the life and death in the formation. It is not a problem of ability and controller. Meeting Tianlei array will be defeated, which is also irreversible by Ye Minyu.

With a muffled noise from the rainy layer again, a sky thunder that was thicker than just now and I don’t know how many times it was split again, and this time the location of the split was that Ye Minyu deliberately used a wind chime in another place, making the sky thunder fall. The point has changed. This time Ye Minyu wants to maximize the thunder of this day by hitting a magic tool that he has already prepared, which has been prepared by Wandian, which can transform a huge lightning strike into a super strong volt current instantly, and install it in a wave tsunami. The floating current oscillates, that is, all people are turned into debris. This kind of current is actually turning this array into a circular conductor without dead angles. How much power the sky thunder draws will continue to circulate and increase with this power. A series of electric shocks at high volts and time is equivalent to the fact that as long as the lightning is led to this position unimpeded, it will not stop at all for more than a few hours.

Even a few hours of strong physique electricity will be slagged by electricity, especially Ye Minyu also borrowed the magic machine of Tianji wind chimes, so that the thunder of Tianlei array has increased several times, but Ye Minyu is not in this position after all, he You can perceive the changes around the town through the master control roulette, but you can't really see what is happening in that direction like Tianyantong, otherwise he can't lead Tianlei to the passive hand and foot converter.

As a result, when the huge sky thunder hit Mai Suowo’s still-changed AC steering gear, it caused a huge force to directly avoid everyone around it in the form of the same conductor, and then all the power of the thunderbolt was reintroduced into the sky magic pole. At this time, Bergeron sitting cross-legged in front of the Devil’s Rod with Mai Suwo still handed him the method. The current was directly distributed to the Six String Spirits with the Devil’s Rod as the main body. With the same power and six different strengths, the sky Arrows, earth arrows, dry arrows, black arrows, spirit arrows, and ghost arrows have a total of six extremely fast current light arrows. They only wear the sky to penetrate the entire dark clouds covering the sky in an instant, and all the dark clouds in the sky are forcibly dispersed.

And Ye Minyu in the main lineup of the Qimen Dunjia Center, the three wind chimes also floated above him at the same time, and Charlotte fell to the ground, and each wind chime split from the middle, and even Ye Minyu vomited blood. Covering his chest with his hands and pinching his fingers, the other party had broken the Tianlei array that he had set.

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