Killing God Island

Chapter 1113: Heaven Tribulation Wan Kai 80: The Unable to Find

The 100-man commando led by Paul Kirami, who was not approaching the internal organs of the array and seemed to be approaching the main core area of ​​the array center very smoothly, finally made Ye Minyu in the center of the array a little restless contemplation. Up, she now has a calm expression. In fact, she can’t rest her irritable mood anymore, because these people don’t just understand that this method is so simple, and they don’t even touch the array, they go directly to the second line. The line of defense went directly, as if completely in control of everything in the town. This was the same as walking around the maze with a map, so Ye Minyu couldn’t help but called her personal efforts and called Chen Tian and Xu Shun. Come, let them not guard the first eight. These people did not intend to break the eight goals, but want to directly enter the center area of ​​the formation. Although they don't know the origin of the opponent, this time the opponent is not simple.

Ye Minyu’s personal practice of holding the roulette has completely changed the pattern in the array, even if those people took the information out in other forms before, but this time Ye Minyu has changed most of the pattern in the array. It means that all the organs as a whole and even their own people may be completely unclear where the safety zone is, but these people can approach the central area without starting according to the correct route, which really makes Ye Minyu some press. Can't bear the expression of panic. Where is the sacredness of these people?

The reason why Paul Kirami can be so smoothly located in the center of the array, that is, the inner core direction runs vertically, this is entirely because of the gossip-shaped eight-array diagram in the center area of ​​their forward array. One of the functions has always been to be able to detect the organs in the array and crack the location. After the four people are all experts in the array to discuss together, the conclusion drawn is the real conclusion, and this method is not only detectable The formation of the surrounding formation and analysis of the correct walking route, the more important reason is that this thing can also make various formations belonging to their formation, which is why Paul Kirami’s men can Taking one enemy to one hundred, and joining together in real battles is an unmatched and powerful real reason.

In this way, within 20 minutes, they didn’t touch any organs in the array, and of course they didn’t deliberately destroy them. They just bypassed the most dangerous areas of the array and proceeded to the core position of the array in the most concise way. In fact, Paul Kirami and these three very intelligent three people can work together to break Ye Minyu’s formation, so he personally proposed that he and the few people he said in his mouth should cooperate with all the whole people. If you really follow Paul Kiramie’s arrangement, Chen Tian’s group will face great difficulties, but unfortunately many people in the Quartet Alliance oppose Paul Kirami’s opinions, and of course there are many people who don’t think Paul Kiramimi has This skill, coupled with his middle-level cadres under the Alsace among the four gangsters, of course, the chances of his opinions being adopted are not high.

Not only was it not adopted, but instead he was able to crack the formation as a post, pushing him to the ranks of the cannon fodder of this advanced attack, which also has to say that sometimes talents are also excluded, and not every talent They will be recognized and will use their talents smoothly, and Paul Kirami is such a man who can let them perfectly defeat Chen Tian and his gang, but no one agrees with him, and regards him as a joke, and none of them Instead, the people of this skill seem to be very decent, pointing and arranging things in a sideways way.

So Paul Kiramy, in his breath, set all the plans that he could absolutely eliminate Chen Tian's group, and he didn't mention all of them, and after those who were not optimistic, proposed to put him into the assault team, he even wanted Unwilling to lose, he used these existing forces to fight hard with Chen Tian's group, to see whether he was really bragging about himself, and wanted to prove whether he was qualified to say these words.

This guy has the same potential as Chen Tian in all respects, but he has not been titled as the 13 Taibao by the four major families. Although he is talented and powerful, he lacks the strength to fight hard for a moment. He is not like Chen Tian who has the ultimate desire to leave the island and keep struggling, and the other 13 Taibao also have the heart of this kind of challenge that they want to leave and go to the strongest area a, and Paul. Kirami doesn’t have this idea, he just wants to stabilize in a region and prove his strength to get the power he deserves. He likes to challenge this characteristic of dangerous things. He was once concerned by the four major families, but he finally gave up on him. The main reason is that he cannot play a decisive role in an organization. Even a person with no talent is useless, that is, Paul Kirami, and this time he wants to challenge Chen Tian and his team to prove himself, Also let the four big families pay attention to this person again in the camera outside the road. After all, while paying attention to Chen Tian, ​​I also thought of it again for a long time. I also observed the newcomer Paul Kirami, although now he is not There are newcomers, but this time the duel between the two forces has also aroused the attention of many big men above the middle of the four major families.

However, this time Paul Kirami walked to the junction of Qimen gossip within thirty minutes. This is a place where Ye Minyu could not tolerate a large leap, and once it was done in this place, it would lead to many formations because of the formation. The internal power is damaged and the real power of the self-alignment cannot be normal, so under normal circumstances, Ye Minyu does not want to let Chen Tian and these people fight against them at this location, but unfortunately it is too late, these people The speed of the approach was faster than Ye Minyu's expected range. The dangerous formation ahead did not stop them at all.

Moreover, these people are all soldiers, and their physical qualities are stronger than those of ordinary people. With the enhanced physical qualities that continue to evolve after being strengthened, they are suitable for combat and advance under various conditions, so their speed of advancement will exceed the speed. Ye Minyu's expected range. At this speed, Chen Tian and Xu Shun and others have not yet waited to leave the Eight Gates, and these people will break through the junction of the strange gates and gossips, so Ye Minyu can't now expect Chen Tian to use force to stop them. Yes, so Ye Minyu is preparing to personally fight at the general control office with the people who break in here with the formation method, even if he can't stop it, he will delay their progress.

So Ye Minyu directly adjusted the core surface of the formation and the terrain, and let its formation reverse to close the formation gate, which means that there is no birth gate in all formations at this time, that is, it is completely impossible for you to leave or go out. It is tantamount to a total blockade and to imprison some of the designated positions in a certain place, and Ye Minyu is not hiding the students at this time, but completely closing the students, causing the entire formation to be reversed and forcing their location to death. District, to forcibly confront each other with these people


So after Paul Kiramy came to this lot, he also ordered everyone to stop and advance, because there was no intersection where he could leave in his gossip map, and after he and the other three observed, they all agreed There are no students here, and not immediately followed by...

The situation of being forced to fight, after all, these people, led by Paul Kirami, can also see that the surrounding ground seems to be moving, which can feel the change, and also indicates that someone is actively controlling here, so Paul After Kirami used the intercom to issue a command to prepare for the team leader of the following 100 people, he also asked the three people around him: "What do you think he will do next to deal with us?"

Bergeron of the three said directly: "Looking at the clouds above, it should be a lightning strike!"

"I think it should be almost an attack method such as lightning current. Although we are all wearing combat equipment, we may not be able to withstand the lightning current. Once this is true, we are likely to be more than half of the casualties. Since you can guess it should be Can it be cracked?"

Bergeran responded directly to Paul Kirami’s question: “I don’t know it can be broken, I just know it, and with the surrounding terrain and our current location, I can hardly think of the best way to crack it. "Paul Kirami also hurriedly looked at the surrounding mines and the surrounding mines. There is no fully insulated place to evade, but Ye Minyu, who wanted to use this trick to put them to death, had long thought that there might be Someone broke through here, so this backup plan is to set up all the conditions that the sky lightning strike array method should have. Even the terrain has made certain changes in Chengdu for this formation method, and strived for the sky lightning strike to destroy the other party’s largest. effect.

Just when Paul Kirami was so worried that he hadn’t figured out how to deal with it, Mai Suwo of the three wise men still chimed in directly: "The Thunder Array is indeed amazing this day, and the surrounding terrain is also in line with the sky. If the terrain designed by Thunder Array is really promoted by the formation, basically everyone here, except for us standing in the gossip array, should not be spared. The various props around the surrounding area allow its huge current to be distributed everywhere, and the shape arranged here is the circulating current, that is, the scattered current will form a non-stop circulating current and then gather in one place to maximize The current shock, even if they wear equipment with certain insulation, but this voltage can instantly turn people into ash."

"I have already seen this. Do you have any better suggestions?" Paul Kirami said this in a slightly elevated tone. Of course, since he has already seen what the opponent will use, then hurry up Find a way to say what useless explanations are useful? Who doesn't know that this terrain is very lethal with this formation? There is not much time now. The formation of this array is very fast, but because it is caught by the power of thunder and lightning from the sky, it is called the Sky Thunder Array.

So now Paul Kirami wants to hear how to deal with it, and he doesn’t want to hear anything that is useless now, because it will affect his thinking about coping strategies, so he will only ask McWaugh what he still has. The countermeasures, of course, if there is still no way for Mai Suowo, then he won't suddenly intervene to say this, but just before he has spoken about the point, he was interrupted by Paul Kirami's sudden rhetorical question.

So Paul Kirami continued to say as soon as his voice fell: "I just had a way!"

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