344 tame BMW! Ride the horse and shock the audience

“Young Master Su, Miss Su, these are the best horse trainers in our Tiandang Mountains, and they will teach you two to ride horses later. 11

The store manager introduced.

He didn’t know if Su Hao could ride a horse, so he introduced.


Su Wu waved his hand and walked towards the snow-white tall horse.

“Master Su, this horse is named Xuejian. It is a hybrid of a Western sweaty BMW and a Dutch national treasure Friesian horse. It has the speed of a sweaty BMW and the speed of a Friesian horse…

The trainer who led the horse introduced Su Wu.

“Young Master Su, this horse is not for you to ride today. It has not been completely tamed.”

“You can take a look at the other two, they are very docile horses.”

However, Su Wu ignored him, staring at the BMW named “Xuejian” in front of his eyes.

Xue Jian seemed to feel a kind of physiological pressure.

It stepped on the start uneasily, its head swayed around, and it made an uneasy exhalation sound of “exhale hum”.

“Young Master Su, Xuejian seems a little abnormal today.”

The horse trainer who led Xuejian discovered its abnormality.

He hurriedly stood in front of Su Hao.

For fear that this untamed and unruly BMW will hurt Su Hao when it rushes.

If the eldest young master of the Su Group was injured in the Tiandang Mountain Racecourse today.

I’m afraid he won’t be able to get a foothold in this city anymore.

“Young Master Su, we’ll change you a docile horse right away, we still have a lot of BMWs in the Tiandangshan horse ring…

The store manager also noticed something strange and hurried forward to pull Su Wu away.

Su Wu glanced at him.

The shopkeeper suddenly stopped.

The outstretched hand also hangs in the air.

Although Su Wu just glanced at him just now.

But he could clearly feel the other party’s intentions.

Su Wu stretched out his hand and pushed aside the horse trainer who was standing in front of him, saying:

“Get out of the way, I’m going to ride it today.

The horse trainer was hit by the strength from Su Wu’s hand.

Unable to stand on his feet, he stumbled to the side.

He raised his head in surprise.

How could this young master of the Su family have so much strength?

And Su Wu reached out and gently stroked Xue Jian’s head.

Under Su Hao’s comfort, the horse miraculously quieted down.

It took the initiative to lower its head and use its head to go to Su Wu’s palm.

The intimacy is beyond words.

The horse trainers standing beside Su Hao were dumbfounded when they saw what was happening in front of them.

“This…how is this possible?”

Xue Jian “How can you be so affectionate with Young Master Su… A few days ago, Lao Wang was kicked out because he was too close to him.

“Yes, several trainers have been injured because of this horse, how could Su Gongzi…

Su Qingge only reacted when she heard the words of the horse trainers.

The horse in front of his elder brother is an untamed horse.

Although she is not proficient in equestrian one.

But also know that untamed horses are as fake as beasts.

There are countless cases of being injured by untamed horses.

“Brother, come back soon, that horse is… (Is it okay).

But Su Qingge’s words were only half said.

Because she was so surprised that she was speechless.

Just now-

Su Hao suddenly grabbed Xue Jian’s reins.

With the toes on the stirrups, he jumped onto the war horse.

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