343 Massage from sister

Su Wu smiled and opened his mouth submissively.

– Swallow the food in the mouth, showing a comfortable look on the face.

He turned slightly to the side.

The body fell backwards.

Just lay on the blanket.

Follow your eyes to the sky.

In the blue sky, there were a few floating clouds of white flowers, and there was a cool breeze blowing past.

“Brother, come on my lap.”

Su Qingge crawled over from the side, then knelt on Su Hao’s head with her legs, patted her thigh and said.

Su Wu naturally wouldn’t refuse the human flesh pillow. 19

After sitting up and moving a few times, he lay down again and rested the back of his head on Su Qingge’s thigh.


Su Qingge lowered her head, her long hair fell like a waterfall, and her beautiful face looked at him with a smile.

Su Wu moved his head, then closed his eyes to feel it, then opened his eyes a moment later and said:

“It’s alright, I seem to have discovered a new use for you, sister, so you don’t go to school in the future, just concentrate on being a pillow for me. 9

“You hate it.

Su Qingge’s face turned red from shyness.

Reach out to hammer Su Wu’s chest.

And when her hand fell on Su Hao, it turned into a soft massage.

“Be sensible. 33

Su Wu closed his eyes and enjoyed Su Qingge’s massage.


Su Qingge Tsundere snorted, and then pressed her shoulders for Su Wu.

after a while

Su Wu opened his eyes again, he sat up and said:

“For your hard work, in return, I will force you to press it.”

Hear the words one by one

Su Qingge immediately smiled.

Lying obediently in Su Wu’s arms, he couldn’t wait to close his eyes.

Su Wu put his hand on Su Qingge’s shoulder, slightly mobilizing a trace of his true energy.

True Qi followed the movements of Su Wu’s fingers, flowing through her body and limbs like a stream.

Su Qingge only felt that her brother’s hand was warm, as if it had magic power.

The whole person is light.


But she immediately realized that she had lost her way.

He quickly opened his eyes and grabbed Su Wu’s hand.

“What’s up?

Su Qingge sat up, shook her head gently and said:

“No, it’s nothing, I just don’t want my brother to work too hard.”

Just at this moment, the sound of horse hooves sounded not far away.

Su Qingge looked over.

It was found that a child was riding a horse on the hillside under the guidance of the staff.

“Brother, shall we go horseback riding?”

Su Qingge said.

“Okay, but…

Su Qingge looked around and found that there were a lot of people, and said:

“There are a lot of people here, you ask them to prepare an open grassland for us to ride. 39

Su Qingge nodded, picked up her mobile phone and called the manager of the farmhouse.

“Prepare us two docile horses, and prepare an empty horse farm, and my brother and I will go horseback riding later. 39

Su Qingge said to the phone.

“Yes, yes, please wait a moment, we will prepare now.”

The store manager was startled by Su Qingge’s icy tone and stuttered.

This is because he doesn’t know Su Qingge well.

Otherwise he will understand.

Su Qingge was not dissatisfied with him.

But to everyone except Su Wu who thought it was true.


Su Hao and Su Qingge also stood up and walked around.

Not long after, the store manager ran over, sweating profusely, and said respectfully:

“Young Master Su, Miss Su, the good horses and the horse farm are ready over there, please come with me.”

Su Qingge nodded and took her brother’s hand naturally.

Walk behind the manager to the other side of the grassland.

After passing through an iron gate.

A small but very private grassland appeared in front of me.

On the other side, a few staff members were holding a white horse, a maroon one, and a black sweaty BMW waiting there.

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