317 Beautiful scenery! Su Qingge wants to buy interesting clothes

After the movie–

Su Qingge seemed to be still immersed in the atmosphere of the movie.

She hugged Su Hao’s arm tightly, the eyes of a little bunny with red eyes~.

Su Wu stretched out his hand and gently stroked Su Qingge’s hair, and said comfortably with a chuckle:

“If you want to see the two of them succeed in the end, then my brother will pay them to make a sequel and let them be together in the end?”

Su Qingge blinked her big eyes when she heard the words, but she didn’t respond for a long time.

After reacting later, I couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Reaching out his hand and gently hammering his brother’s back, he said tenderly:

“Brother is bad, you are cheating.”

Su Wu smiled and said nothing.

Su Qingge was so coaxed by Su Wu that she forgot her frustration just now.

Holding Su Hao’s arm, he regained his energy.

“Would you like to go shopping?

Su Wu asked.

Su Qingge nodded vigorously, and then said:

“Don’t my brother know that the way to make women happy is to buy, buy, buy? Be a qualified brother.

When Su Wu heard the words, he showed a doting smile again and said with a smile:

“Okay, okay, I’ll accompany you in everything you do today, and my brother will pay for everything you want.

Su Qingge took a step happily upon hearing this, raised her hand and said excitedly:

“Brother is the best, long live brother!

Her movement attracted the attention of many people.

And the men and women who walk together have the same idea in their hearts.

The men envied Su Wu.

Because this person not only looks perfect.

And it seems that he is still a wealthy child of a rich family.

The most important thing is that he actually has such a beautiful and very cute girlfriend.

“Ah…. if only I were him!”

In their heads, the men fantasized about themselves and Su Hao if they could be interchanged.

The women were envious of Su Qingge.

the reason one by one

Naturally, she envied her beauty and temperament like a goddess descended from the earth.

The second is to envy her boyfriend, who seems to be equally flawless and handsome.

There was even a daring girl who sneaked out her phone.

Photographed Su Hao and Su Qingge.

Then sent it to the sister group, with the following sentence:

“I went shopping today and saw this pair of handsome guys and beauties, I was so envious of kissing.

caused many friends to reunite.

Some of them replied:

Really “It’s a natural couple, you go and get me an autograph, I’m really envious.

“Such a handsome boy actually has a girlfriend, I feel no love anymore,

When the girl put away her phone and looked at the location where Su Wu was just now.

Only to find out that the golden boy and girl have long since disappeared.

・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0.

Su Qingge pulled Su Wu left and right to avoid.

The ultimate goal finally stopped at a company called:

In front of the shop of “Na’s Secret”.

The decor of this store is very different from other adjacent stores.

The lighting in the shop is dim and warm.

There are also a few pinks with very low brightness as embellishments.

In the window-

One of the two models is wearing one, without exception, the fabric is very small, and some are still translucent.

“This is?”

Su Wu didn’t understand what Su Qingge meant.

Su Qingge’s face blushed.

Buying an “interesting” dress for my brother to see today was something I planned a long time ago.

“Cough cough…

Su Qingge explained softly:

This ” is a brand of pajamas that is very popular recently, my pajamas have not been changed for a long time, it is time to buy a new pajama. 1

“But it’s not like pajamas…

Su Wu looked at the dress with little fabric and fell into deep thought.


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