316 Watching movies is fake! Su Qingge’s test

Su Qingge smiled and handed the drink to Su Hao, then took his hand and walked towards the entrance.

The little girl who was the ticket inspector said excitedly when she took the movie tickets that Su Wu handed over:

“Little brother, you are so handsome, I like you very much, I can contact you like you…

The ticket inspector girl hasn’t finished her words yet.

Suddenly, the beautiful woman next to Su Wu came forward to stand between Su Hao and himself.

That beauty can be regarded as the most beautiful woman she has seen in the past twenty years.

It’s just… just why this beauty looked at herself with such indifferent eyes.

The little girl was taken aback by the stern expression of Su Qingge, the beauty of Bing 377 Mountain.

What I wanted to say to Su Hao was swallowed directly back into my stomach.

After Su Qingge scared off the ticket inspector, she dragged Su Wu to the cinema.

Su Wu said with a smile:

66 needs a contact information, isn’t it?”

“Hmph… stinky brother, you know that attracting bees and butterflies, I saw that very coquettish female store manager put her phone into your hand.”

“How can there be any other way? Who told me to be cute and handsome?

“Ignore you.”

Su Qingge said coquettishly, and then took Su Hao’s hand into the screening room.

Follow the numbers on the ticket stub to find the seat and sit down.

There were not many people in this theater, and the few people who were seated were scattered.

After the two took their seats.

The lights dimmed, the screen in front of them lit up, and the movie started.

The story the film tells is simple.

It can be roughly summed up as the difficulties faced by a middle-aged woman with her son and a middle-aged man with a pair of children after marrying.

Two broken little families.

After going through all kinds of ups and downs, they are reorganized into a big family that truly loves each other.

It is worth mentioning that.

The unrelated siblings in the film gradually developed feelings after experiencing many hardships together.

But they are brothers and sisters in law.

The two clearly love each other very much, but after many twists and turns, it is always difficult to be together.

the end of the film.

Sister in order not to break the family (bjad).

Resolutely chose to go abroad.

It’s just the last shot of the film, but it seems to imply that the two finally achieved a positive result.

Su Qingge rested her head on Su Wu’s shoulder and carefully wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands.

She feels similar to her sister in the film.

Although it is not a reorganization of the family.

But she is hopelessly in love with her unrelated brother Su Hao.

“elder brother.”

Su Qingge called softly.

Su Hao turned his head.

He saw the tears in the corner of his sister’s eyes and couldn’t help but reach out and wipe it gently.

“Brother, are you saying that they will end up together?

Su Qingge asked softly.

“Of course they will be together, you don’t see when they end…

“But they are siblings?”

“What happened to my sister and brother?”

Su Wu chuckled lightly:

“They are not related by blood anyway. As long as one of them leaves their original household registration, they can get married smoothly.”


Su Qingge’s eyes lit up.

This is the answer she wants to get.

Su Wu rubbed his sister’s head and smiled:

“The reason for the filming is to create suspense. In real life, the two must have been together smoothly. After all, they are not related by blood.”

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