As the words of the big snake pill fell, Ape Fei Ri Chopper was also full of solemnity, and said in a deep voice:

“Your strength, you don’t need to prove it to me!”

“As long as you can use it correctly, will it cause the current situation?!”

As soon as these words came out, even Bai Yu in mid-air couldn’t help but feel funny in his heart, but despite this, his eyes were still only indifferent.

It seems that this guy of Orochimaru came to Konoha this time, so is the heart to prove his research results to Sarutobi even stronger than killing him?

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also raised his eyebrows.

As Ape Flying Sun’s voice fell, Orochimaru began to laugh sadly.

A moment later, I saw a sudden flash of color in his eyes, and looked at the ape flying sun not far away and said:

“In the end, it’s just that you don’t agree with my research!”

“If you had chosen to make me the fourth-generation Hokage, it wouldn’t be the end now!”

Speaking of this, the big snake pill’s originally smiling face also instantly became gloomy.

Looking at the eyes of the ape flying sun, there was also a look of resentment!

As the words of the big snake pill fell, not only the ape flew to the sun, but even Bai Yu, who was watching the battle in mid-air at this moment, was slightly stunned.

Is this guy of the big snake pill really still worried about this matter?!

However, if he really became the fourth generation Hokage, the current Konoha might be Shimura Danzo’s world.

Bai Yu couldn’t help but think secretly in his heart at this moment.

A moment later, Bai Yu soon smiled and shook his head.

After this time, it is also the old fox family of the Shimura Danzo that is the only one!

After all, this time, the plan, but with him secretly helping silently.

And at this moment, the ape flying sun chop, also full of sadness, his thoughts seem to go back to many years ago, and a series of pictures are constantly flashing through his mind.

The next moment.

I saw that he withdrew his thoughts, looked at the disciple in front of “073”, who had placed high hopes on him, and said in a low voice:

“Great Snake Pill, what is in Watergate’s heart is the true will of fire, and as for you…”

“The heart is too dark, and the position of Hokage is not suitable for you!”

Speaking of this, Ape Flying Sun’s gaze also looked at the white feather standing in the air.

Similarly, in his eyes, Bai Yu’s heart did not have the so-called will of fire!

As the words of the ape flying sun chopping fell, the big snake pill also seemed more and more excited, only to see that the expression on his face gradually began to become fierce, and he spoke:

“Enough! Opening and closing your mouth is what kind of will of fire! I’m tired of hearing it! ”

Looking at the expression on the face of the big snake pill at this moment, Ape Fei Richo’s heart also seemed a little helpless.

Many years ago, he had the opportunity to kill the Great Snake Pill, but because of his compassion, he let him go.

That’s what it is now.

And as for the white feathers…

He has already made this mistake twice, and in the end, it is all his own consequence!

If I had listened to Tuan Zang, wouldn’t the result have been different?!

Just as the ape was pondering, Bai Yu’s faint voice also came from midair, interrupting his thoughts.

“Okay, Orochimaru. Hurry up! ”

As soon as these words came out, Ape Fei Ri Chopper also tensed up, staring closely at the figure in midair.

Bai Yu this guy… What’s going on?!

He really didn’t seem to be planning to do it?!

The big snake pill who realized this was also slightly stunned, and said with a sneer:

“Okay, Bai Yu-kun, it won’t make you wait too long!”

“Sarutobi-sensei, it’s up to me… Defeat it with your own hands! ”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the big snake pill also showed a lingering gaze, staring at the ape flying sun on the opposite side.

At this moment, the ape flying sun chop, but stared solemnly at the white feather in the mid-air!

His instinct told him that the danger level of this guy Bai Yu was far above the Great Snake Pill!

You have to solve the white feather leisurely!

Thinking of this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also spoke to the two dark parts beside him:

“You two, first find a way to hold the big snake pill, and after I solve the white feather, then come and besiege the big snake pill!”

When the two dark departments on the side heard this, they were also slightly stunned, and then they saw that one of the dark departments also hurriedly spoke:

“Three generations of adults, but…”

They naturally knew that the danger level of Bai Yu was much higher than that of the Great Snake Pill, so the two of them were not very willing to involve the aging third-generation Hokage in danger at the moment!

However, before he could finish speaking, Ape Flying Sun Chopper directly interrupted them.

And there was no too much nonsense, I saw that he instantly raised his hands, and saw that his sealing speed was extremely fast, and the sealing was completed quickly!

“Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!”


A furious fire dragon instantly spit out from the ape flying sun’s mouth, constantly dancing in the air.

The next moment, I saw that the furious fire dragon instantly split into three clusters, directly rushing towards the white feather in mid-air!

The moment the blazing flame appeared, the surrounding temperature also increased sharply by several degrees!

And the fire dragon that was divided into three clusters, as if it had been given life, directly surrounded Bai Yu’s figure!

Seeing this scene, a dark ninja couldn’t help but exclaim:

“It’s really worthy of being a third-generation adult, who can actually control this technique to this point accurately!”

Ape Flying Sun Slash’s understanding of this technique has reached the point of being supernatural, you know, it is extremely difficult to skillfully control the direction of the fire dragon.

And the ape flying sun chop, but did it!

This is the power of the ape flying sun.

And once hit by this fire dragon bomb, the enemy will turn into ashes in an instant!

And, it’s hard to dodge!

At this moment, Ape Flying Sun Chopper was also staring at Bai Yu tightly.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper also understood.

Can’t give this guy a chance to shoot!

Otherwise, Konoha Village will definitely be destroyed!

And at this moment, the big snake pill, seeing the ape flying sun slash suddenly launched an attack on the white feather, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

He didn’t expect that Ape Flying Sun Chopper would actually choose to attack Bai Yu, who was watching the play.

Having seen Bai Yu’s terrifying technique with his own eyes, he was also completely dumbfounded.


Sarutobi-sensei, what is this for?!

Why did you choose to attack Bai Yu?!

Could it be that he had already felt the powerful strength of Bai Yujun?!

Could it be that his former teacher was… Old confused?!

Thinking of this, the big snake pill is not in a hurry.

Standing in place like that and watching the play quietly, he also wanted to see what other secrets Bai Yu’s body had.

The next moment.

The furious Fire Dragon Flame Bomb instantly arrived at Bai Yu’s side, already completely surrounding him!

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu’s eyes were also slightly surprised.

He also didn’t expect that Old Man Ape Fei would actually choose to do it directly to him!

However, just for a moment, the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

It seems that you have realized that I caused the previous destruction?!

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Bai Yu’s mouth, and his eyes also returned to their previous indifference.

Feeling the gradually rising temperature around him, he only slowly stretched out his hand and remained motionless.

And the two dark ninjas were also full of doubts when they saw Bai Yu’s move.

This guy… What’s going on?!

In the face of such a powerful fire attack, actually… Don’t hide?!

Could it be that he planned to resist the fire hard?!

No way?!

Although they knew that Bai Yu was very strong, the eyes of the two were also full of disbelief.

Seeing this scene, a trace of fierceness flashed in Ape Fei Suncho’s eyes!

“Fry me!”

However, a strange scene appeared.

Those three furious fire dragons did not explode as ape flying sun slashed as he thought.


Seeing this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper was also full of doubts.

What’s going on?!

Before he could think about it, a dark ninja beside him suddenly let out an exclamation, interrupting his thoughts.

“That, that’s…!”

Ape Fei Ri looked up and saw that the three furious fire dragons were slowly shrinking at this moment!

What, what?!

Before he could fully react, he saw the originally violent fire dragon. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In just a moment, it disappeared without a trace, without the slightest trace!

If it weren’t for the scorching aura remaining in the air, the blazing flame would have never appeared at all!

This guy… What was done?!

Seeing this strange scene, Ape Flying Sun Slash and the two dark parts beside him were also puzzled.

What’s going on?! He doesn’t seem to use ninjutsu?!

And the big snake pill on the side was also a little confused.

He clearly saw that before he was about to be devoured by that furious fire dragon, Bai Yu only slowly raised his right hand!

Then, this strange scene happened!

What the…… Circumstance?!

When he fixed his eyes again, he saw that around Bai Yu, there was a seemingly innocuous white shield, enveloping his entire body!


Seeing this, the big snake pill’s gaze also froze slightly.

Don’t…… Has it been absorbed?!

After realizing this, the big snake pill also shrank his pupils and looked at the figure standing in mid-air in shock.

Bai Yu, actually return this trick?!

How many secrets are hidden in his body?!

At this moment, Orochimaru only felt that the secrets on Bai Yu’s body had become more and more, and he was even completely unable to see through this guy now.

The silent silence spread instantly, and at this moment even the air was a little quiet.

A look of surprise also appeared on Ape Fei Ri’s face again, and when he saw the smile that slowly appeared on Bai Yu’s face.

I saw that he also stared, and did not relax because of this, and his hands began to quickly seal again, and a more complex seal was also completed in an instant!

The moment the seal is completed.

I saw a huge Chakra water curtain suddenly appearing!

Immediately afterwards, above the huge water curtain, bursting blue thunderbolts appeared instantly, and the two immediately blended together!


Seeing this scene, the faces of the two dark ninjas also changed…

Even the big snake pill on the side was shocked!

Is the compound ninja method of Lei Dun and Water Dun?!

Realizing this, the corners of the big snake pill’s mouth were also slightly hooked.

It is worthy of being a ninjutsu professor with five chakra attributes, Sarutobi-sensei!

But…… This guy from Bai Yu doesn’t seem to be of much use!

Just as he was thinking, he saw that the ape flying sun chop also spoke in a deep voice:

“Compound Ninja Fa Thunder Water Dragon Bomb!”

The next moment, I saw that in the huge water curtain, a dragon composed of water dun instantly appeared!

And on its body, entangled with countless blue thunderbolts!

With the appearance of this thunder water dragon, the huge sense of oppression also instantly enveloped the surrounding space!

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is also full of solemnity at this moment.

I saw his gaze froze.

The furious lightning water dragon also let out a roar, and then rushed towards the white feather in mid-air at an extremely fast speed!

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu’s eyes were still indifferent.

I saw that he shook his head helplessly and spoke:

“Sandaime, why don’t you understand, it’s useless!”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also trembled.

And that lightning water dragon also rushed to Bai Yu’s body and directly slaughtered at his body!

At this moment, the four people on the ground were staring intently at the figure in the mid-air.

However, just when the lightning water dragon was about to touch the white feather.

It is also instantly reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, it was like that furious fire dragon flame bomb, completely disappeared!

What, what?!

This…… How can it be?!

A look of horror also appeared on Ape Fei Ri’s face again.

However, this time, he saw the white shield looming around the white feather!


A moment later, he also muttered:

“So that’s it, is it absorbed?!”

When did this guy Bai Yu have this ability?!

Can you actually absorb ninjutsu?!

Thinking of this, Ape Fei Richo’s gaze towards Bai Yu became more and more solemn.

Has this guy Bai Yu really grown to a point where it is difficult to resist?!

Just as he was thinking, Bai Yu’s faint voice also slowly reached his ears, interrupting his thoughts.

“Three generations, I have said that I will not participate in your personal grudge of masters and apprentices.”

“Why, so attached to me?!”

Hearing this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also forcibly suppressed the shocked emotion in his heart, raised his eyes slightly to look at Bai Yu, and said in a deep voice:

“Bai Yu, what is the purpose of your alliance with the Great Snake Pill?!”

“Is it really to take revenge on Konoha?!”

As the words of the ape flying sun fell, the big snake pill on the side was also suddenly stunned, and then revealed a strange smile, staring at Bai Yu tightly.

For this question, he was also a little curious, could it be that this guy Bai Yu… Is there really no hatred for Konoha?!

And at this moment, Bai Yu, after hearing the words of the ape flying sun, also grinned:

“Tell you the truth, Miyome.”

“I do have some hatred for Konoha!”

When the words fell, everyone was slightly stunned1.8.

Sure enough!

However, I saw Bai Yu continue to speak:

“But that was before!”

“Now I’m just taking money to do things.”

“I came to Konoha not for anything, just to…”


As Bai Yu’s voice fell, everyone was a little confused.

What the?! In order to…… Money?!

Did I make a mistake?!

Is it to come and rob Konoha’s property?!

Undoubtedly, Bai Yu’s words have already made several people a little confused, and their eyes are also full of doubts.

Looking at the confused expressions on the faces of several people at the moment, Bai Yu also sighed helplessly, and said indifferently:

“Forget it, you don’t understand it.”

Then he continued to speak to the big snake pill:

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, big snake pill!”

I saw Bai Yu pause, and then said to the ape flying sun:

“Don’t worry, Sandaime, I said that I won’t interfere in your battle.”

“But if you still want to continue attacking me, then…”

“It’s hard for me to guarantee that I won’t make a move!”

After speaking, Bai Yu’s eyes also flashed a lingering color.

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Ape Flying Sun was also slightly stunned.

However, before he could carefully think about Bai Yu’s true purpose.

I saw that the big snake pill on the opposite side also licked his dry lips, and said grimly:

“So, now it’s my turn to perform, Sarutobi-sensei!”

As the hoarse voice of the big snake pill fell, the two dark parts also took a step forward in an instant, directly blocking in front of the ape flying sun.

Before he could react, a voice that did not contain any emotion instantly reached the ears of several people.

“I said, don’t meddle in their personal grudges.”

“No, you can…”

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