
I saw that the speed of the light mass was extremely fast, and everywhere it passed, it was all ashes!

And when they saw the terrifying destructive power of that huge white light mass, everyone’s blood pressure soared instantly!

It was as if even the heart had stopped beating!

What are you kidding?!

That, that, in the end… What kind of ninjutsu?!

And at this moment, the ape flying sun, seeing the huge light mass galloping in his direction, had completely frozen!

This, this thing… How is it the same as what the Nine Tails spit out at the beginning?!

But its destructive power is far above ~tailed beast jade!


However, the scene in front of him could no longer allow him to think about it, and he was originally going to try to resist this huge light mass.

However, after seeing the fierce destructive power, he also immediately let go of this idea.

I saw that he gritted his teeth and immediately jumped off the Hokage Building and jumped madly to the side!

The next moment, the huge light mass carrying the fierce force also hit the fire shadow rock directly in the blink of an eye!


The fierce and incomparable shock force instantly exploded, directly blowing the entire Fire Shadow Rock into pieces in an instant!

The power to destroy the decay also flattened that hill in an instant!

A loud bang suddenly burst out, and the entire earth shook even more violently, like the end of the world!

That deafening roar suddenly filled the entire heaven and earth!

Countless storms and dust also followed, sweeping towards the entire Konoha!

At this moment, Konoha fell into chaos.

The path that the ball of light flew through had formed an astonishing gully that was deep to the bottom.

I don’t know how many people died as a result.

Those ninjas who were a little closer didn’t have time to react at all, and they were directly blown away by this monstrous force in an instant!

The movement subsided, when everyone saw the amazing ravine, and the destroyed Fire Shadow Rock.

All of their faces changed drastically, and they froze!

Especially the Konoha ninjas, including the ape flying sun, were already terrified in their hearts!

What the hell is this… What is the situation?!

Ultimately… Who is it?!

A chill instantly rose from the bottom of their hearts, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief!

Due to Bai Yu’s devastating blow, it has already made some Konoha ninjas who are not strong desperate.

Some civilians were even directly frightened and fainted!

With the Fire Shadow Rock destroyed! The atmosphere of the entire Konoha Village has been solemn to the extreme.

If such an attack were to be repeated, the consequences would be unimaginable!

However, after a long time, there was no movement.

At this point, everyone in Konoha also breathed a sigh of relief!

At this moment, the ape flying sun slash was panting violently, his pupils were constricted, and his eyes were tightly fixed on the direction where the attack came from.

“This, this is…?!”

The familiar vibration just now had already reminded him of an extremely familiar name.

White feathers!

The attack just now was sent by him?!

Because of this strong vibration, it was not the first time that the ape flying sun chop felt it!

The day that Bai Yu had just left the village earlier, there was also the night of Uchiha’s extermination!

They all produced such violent vibrations!

Moreover, Shimura Danzo also told him how Hakuba attacked.

Although it is not that huge white light mass, but this powerful destructive force is the same!

That guy… How so?!

Join forces with Orochimaru?!

What kind of secret deal did these two make about?!

Damn it!

These two guys!

In the impression of Sarutobi Hinata, these two people didn’t seem to have any intersection when they were in Konoha, why would they join forces to attack Konoha now?!

What the hell is going on here?!

After thinking for a moment in his mind, Ape Fei Ri Chopper also raised his head sharply and muttered:

“Shadow Organization!”

“Could it be the Great Snake Pill…?!”

Speaking of this, he already had a vague guess in his heart.

Now he is also extremely regretful in his heart! If you know this, why bother!

At that time, he should have listened to Tuan Zang’s opinion and directly gave the two of them …!

Thinking of this, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also sighed helplessly.

“Then this time, let the old man…”

“Keep you in the village forever!”

As soon as these words came out, a touch of determination also appeared in the eyes of Ape Fei Richo!

Then he no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed towards the gate of the village, quickly rushing away!

At this moment, at the gate of Konoha Village.

The big snake pill and Luo Sha were already completely stupid.

Their pupils constricted, looking at the terrifying picture in front of them in disbelief!

An astonishing ravine ran directly through the entire village of Konoha from in front of them.

Even the entire hill of that Fire Shadow Rock has been blasted into slag!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Orochimaru couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and said in a trembling voice:

“Bai, Bai Yu-kun, you are… What ninjutsu?! ”

Isn’t that outrageous?!

Is this really something that a carbon-based organism can do?!


What kind of weird power is that?!

At this moment, the big snake pill known as the master of forbidden arts was also terrified in his heart.

The picture in front of him was so shocking that his brain was completely blank.

As the words of the big snake pill fell, Luo Sha on the side also spoke in a trembling voice:

“This, this is really, ninjutsu can cause… Destructive power?! ”

Although I had already seen it with my own eyes once, I saw this terrifying technique once again.

Luo Sha’s forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and even his breathing began to become rapid!

He alone is completely enough, right?!

What are the two of us doing together?!

A moment later, the big snake pill and Luo Sha also forcibly suppressed the terrified emotions in their hearts and took a deep breath.

The two of them are also extremely happy at the moment, fortunately, Bai Yu is now with them!

If he really encounters such a terrifying enemy as him, he really doesn’t know how he died.

Thinking of this, the two couldn’t help but shiver.

And at this moment, after delivering the powerful blow just now, Bai Yu clearly felt that at that moment, his internal organs seemed to be exploded, and he was extremely uncomfortable!

However, under the effect of the horse charm, this feeling was also expelled in just an instant!

He also felt this way after using this trick in Shayin Village last time.

He knew that his internal organs had been damaged, but after obtaining the horse charm, he was also healed.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu was also a little lucky in his heart, fortunately, he got a bug like the horse charm at that time.

Otherwise, as he frequently relies on the power of the Shock Fruit, his internal organs will also be irreversibly damaged at that time!

He now understands why Whitebeard in the pirates keeps hanging the medicine bottle.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yu also came back to his senses, turned his head slightly to look at the two behind him, and said with indifferent eyes:

“Let’s go, Orochimaru-san. Aren’t you still having an important thing to do?! ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, the big snake pill also smiled sadly and spoke:

“I didn’t expect that Bai Yujun actually had such terrifying strength!”

“Today, it was really eye-opening!”

As soon as the words fell, before Bai Yu could react, a figure also came to everyone in an instant.

Seeing that figure, the big snake pill was also slightly stunned.

Bai Yu, on the other hand, had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and spoke:

“Yo, finally here, one dozen seven!”

“You’re here, Konoha is about to be blown up by me!”

Hearing Bai Yu’s voice fall, Uchiha Itachi was also shocked, and then looked at the Konoha village behind him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this look, Uchiha Weasel instantly felt a heartbeat!

Seeing this scene in front of him, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink suddenly!

Even his breathing was slightly sluggish!

Seeing this, the big snake pill on the side immediately showed a somewhat unexpected smile and said:

“Oh, would you actually show such an expression? Uchiha one dozen seven! ”

“Haven’t you completely cut off your bond to this village?!”

“You, who are willing to ruthlessly erase even your own people, actually have some nostalgia for this village?!”

As Orochimaru’s voice fell, Uchiha Weasel just stared blankly at the scene in front of him as if he hadn’t heard it.

And before he could react, Luo Sha on the side was also a little surprised and said:

“Uchiha Itachi?!”

“Wait, is this little devil the guy who killed his own clan?!”

“Even younger than I thought!”

“At a young age, do you actually have such a heart? It’s just terrible! ”

As the words of the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosa fell, Bai Yu on the side also felt a little funny.

How good can you guy?!

Make your own son a pillar force and fight as a tailed beast weapon, how do you have the face to say such a thing?!

A moment later, I saw Bai Yu raise his eyebrows, and looked at the silent Uchiha Weasel in front of him and said lightly:

“Well, one dozen seven, for such a dark village, there is no need to linger.”

“If you really can’t stop it, then let me help you cut this bond!”

When the words fell, Bai Yu did not wait for Uchiha to react, and directly turned around and walked towards Konoha Village.

Seeing this, the big snake pill and Luo Sha on the side also took a deep look at Uchiha Itachi, and followed behind Bai Yu.

And at this moment, the Uchiha weasel, the brain is completely short-circuited, and it is already blank.

It was hard for him to believe that the village he was desperately protecting had become like this at this moment!

Didn’t you say that you would act only in the evening?!

White feather that guy!

Tricked yourself again?!

Since you already know that you are a spy, why not simply kill yourself?!

That guy, the purpose of this… What is it?!

After a moment, Uchiha slowly raised his head and slowly walked towards Konoha Village.

Ask for flowers

Since I can’t guard Konoha, then at least I have to guard it well… My brother –


After the three of them entered Konoha Village, they jumped on the roof and began to rush towards the location of Hokage’s office.

The next moment, I saw that Bai Yu’s eyes also turned purple, emitting a faint purple light.

The big snake pill and Luo Sha on the side were also suddenly shocked when they looked at Bai Yu’s eyes!


This is again… What ninjutsu?!

Is it Hitomi Jutsu?!

How come there are so many weird things on this guy?!

Before the two could think carefully, Bai Yu’s voice also slowly entered the ears of the two.

“Found it!”

After speaking, he also immediately rushed in one direction.

Seeing this, the big snake pill and Luo Sha also looked at each other, although they were shocked in their hearts, they still did not slow down, and immediately followed Bai Yu.

A moment later, under the leadership of Bai Yu, several people also came to a roof and stood quietly.

The next moment, three figures also immediately appeared not far from the three.

Seeing the figure that took the lead, the big snake pill also smiled compassionately:

“Yo, long time no see, ape fly… Teacher! ”

Hearing this, I saw that the ape flying sun on the opposite side was also frowning, ignoring the big snake pill, but his eyes were tightly staring at the black-robed figure!

Shen Shen said:

“Bai Yu, why are you in the same league as this guy of the Great Snake Pill!”

As the words of the ape flying sun chop fell, I saw that the two Konoha dark parts beside him were also shocked!


White feathers?!

It’s our Konoha’s rebellion, Hakuba?!

I saw a cold laugh come out, and the figure wrapped in the black robe also slowly took off the hat on his head, revealing that handsome face.

I saw that he was wearing a faint smile on his face at the moment, looking at the ape flying sun and spoke:

“Yo, long time no see! Three generations…… Hokage! ”

“I didn’t expect to recognize me at a glance, shouldn’t I feel honored?!”

However, the moment he saw that face, Ape Flying Sun Chopper was also breathless, and the two dark parts with the mask next to him also trembled!

It’s true…… It’s him?!

At this moment, the air here instantly quieted down, only the sound of explosions constantly coming from the surroundings.

I don’t know how long it took, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also stared, looked at the three people in front of him and said in a deep voice:

“So, what is the purpose of your attack on Konoha this time?!”

I saw that he paused, then looked at Luo Sha on the side, and continued:

“Fourth generation Mekazekage, I didn’t expect you to believe it so easily, our two rebels in Konoha?!”

“Besides, Bai Yu almost destroyed your Sand Hidden Village before, but now you can actually swallow your anger and cooperate with him?!”

As Ape Flying Sun’s words fell, his face was instantly gloomy.

Hearing his words, Luo Sha also sneered and spoke:

“Sorry, Miyo Hokage. Such a great opportunity, I can’t miss it! ”

“After all, as long as this time is successful, Shayin Village will no longer be the weakest existence among the five hidden villages!”

As soon as these words came out, I saw that Ape Fei Sun Chopper’s face also changed, and said in a deep voice:

“In that case, let me completely destroy your Shayin’s conspiracy today!”

“As for you two…”

After speaking, Ape Fei Ri Chopper also looked at Bai Yu and the big snake pill, and continued to speak:

“Since you’re here, don’t leave today!”

Hearing his words, I saw Bai Yu laughing coldly:

“You seem to have misunderstood something, Sandaime!”

“It’s just your personal grudge with Orochimaru, I don’t want to interfere!”

As soon as the words fell, I saw that Bai Yu also slowly floated into the air, while faintly speaking:

“Okay, Orochimaru, next! It’s your own business! ”

Looking at Bai Yu’s slowly floating figure, the ape flying sun on the opposite side was also instantly stunned.




This guy… What’s the situation?!

Fly straight ?!

Also, listening to what he meant, could it be that he was planning to watch the play from the sidelines?!

Just when several people were shocked, I saw the big snake pill suddenly opened his mouth and said with a smile:

“Okay, Sarutobei-sensei, it’s time for the two of us next!”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, I saw that Luo Sha next to him also flashed and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the ape flying sun chopping the three people was also even more confused.

These guys, what’s the situation?!

Obviously such a good opportunity, why not attack together ?!

Just when several people were puzzled, I saw the big snake pill on the opposite side continue to speak:

“I came to you for one thing.”

Speaking of this, a chill also rose in the eyes of the big snake pill, and after a moment of silence, he continued to speak:

“Just to prove to you…”

“My strength Ding!”.

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