As his words fell, the ninja’s face was also full of solemnity. I saw that he answered in a deep voice:

“That’s not the case, Third Hokage-sama. The dark squad we sent out to assassinate Bai Yu has all disappeared! ”

“Moreover, according to the intelligence they finally sent back, it seems to be at the border of the Land of Wind!”

As his words fell, before the ape flying sun could react

I saw a one-eyed old man next to him with half of his head and hands wrapped in white bandages, staring at the ninja in front of him with gloomy eyes, and said in a deep voice:

“Land of the Wind?!”

I saw that he paused, and a cold color appeared after his eyes, and then he continued to speak:

“Stay tuned, I’ll be notified as soon as there is any news! Also, immediately send a squad to the border of the Land of Wind to see what is going on! ”

As his words fell, I saw the ninja nodded heavily.

“Yes, Master Danzo!”

The ninja quickly retreated and disappeared in front of the two.

These two old men are the third-generation Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash of Konoha Ninja Village, and the other one is the leader of the ‘root’ in Konoha, Shimura Danzo!

Seeing the ninja retreat, Danzo’s eyes narrowed, and after a moment, he looked at the ape flying sun sitting on the chair and said in a deep voice:

“Ape Fei, it seems that things are not so simple this time!”

As soon as these words came out, I saw the ape flying sun on the side take out a pipe and light it, and after exhaling a thick smoke, he spoke:

“The dark squad that you and I sent out to obliterate Bai Yu this time are all elites, and they are all the strength of Shangnin, how could such a thing happen?”

Hearing his words, Tuan Zang was also full of solemnity, and after a moment of silence, he continued to speak:

“I said earlier, you shouldn’t have let Bai Yu go in the first place, can’t you just hand it over to me?!”

“Now there is so much trouble!”

Speaking of this, a little anger appeared on Shimura Danzo’s face.

After all, of the dozen or so Shangnin sent, half of them belonged to his ‘root’ organization.

You must know that the combat power of a superior ninja is still not to be underestimated!

And now, actually….

In Shimura Danzo’s heart, he already thought that the elite squad was dead!

Therefore, now he also pushed the responsibility onto the ape flying sun in front of him.

As his words fell, I saw that a chill instantly rose under the eyes of the ape flying sun. Shen Shen said:

“Bai Yu is indeed a rare talent, but if you think about it, can he solve a dozen of us Shangnin alone?! He only has the strength of Shangnin now! ”

“It’s still a little too early to tell, wait and see, maybe there will be good news soon!”

As soon as these words came out, Shimura Danzo looked at the ape flying sun indifferently, and said lightly:

“I hope that’s really what you said, there will be some good news!”

“That’s why I say that you are just too kind sometimes!”

“You listen to me in the morning, imprison him, or simply wipe him out.” There will be no such troubles as now! ”

“Although he is only a shinobi now, don’t forget, he is only fifteen years old!”

Listening to Shimura Danzo’s words, Sarutobi Richo’s face also gradually became solemn, and he took a sharp breath of the pipe in his hand.

Tuan Zang’s words have been made very clear, Bai Yu will definitely be a great threat in the future!

Seeing that the ape flying sun chop did not answer, Shimura Danzo snorted coldly and turned to leave.

When he left, Sarutobi sat quietly in his chair, staring at the message on the table in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking…


And at this moment, the Land of Rain Hidden Village.

Compared to the birds and flowers of Konoha, it looks a little bleak.

This is a ninja village founded by Hanzo, the legendary ninja known as ‘demigod’.

Due to its geographical location, the rainy season in Yuyin Village is constant all year round, and it is located at the junction of the three superpowers of the Land of Fire, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Earth.

At this time, the light rain kept falling.

In the midst of a gloomy cave

The sound of water droplets continued to sound, and humid air filled the surroundings.

“You mean, that Red Sand Scorpion turned down your invitation?”

Suddenly, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a figure wearing a black robe with an orange swirl mask on his face and asked.

At this moment, his appearance could not be seen clearly, only a right eye flashing with blood-red light.

It is the leader behind the Xiao Organization, the mysterious mask man!

In front of him, there were two other figures, both wearing red clouds and black robes.

One of them was Xiaonan, who had returned to Yuyin Village from the Land of Wind.

The other person, with short orange hair and a pair of light purple reincarnation eyes, emitted a faint light in the dark. The leader of the Xiao organization – Payne!

The mask man and Payne looked at Xiao Nan, seemingly unable to believe what she said.

The next moment, I saw Xiao Nan nodded lightly and said indifferently:

“Not only that, but there is also news.”

I saw Xiao Nan pause, glanced at the two people in front of him, and continued to speak:

“The three generations of wind shadows in Shayin Village are dead!”


What the?!

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