Not long after the two of Bai Yu and Scorpion left here, several figures also appeared here.

When they saw this mess, their faces were full of surprise.

Who the hell is capable of causing such powerful destruction ?!

These people were none other than the Shangnin Squad of Shayin Village, and they had just returned to Shayin Village after completing their mission when they heard the amazing movement.

When they arrived here, they were shocked by the sight in front of them.

Obviously, a fierce battle broke out here just now, and the strength is definitely not weak!

One of the dark-skinned middle-aged men looked at the scene in front of him with a solemn face, and his mind was constantly thinking.

Could it be….

Is it the third generation of Kazekage-sama?!

Thinking of this, the ninja was also slightly stunned, and then said in a deep voice to the two people beside him:

“Go around and see if there are any clues!”

“Yes, Captain!”

The two ninjas answered in a deep voice, and immediately began to probe around.

When the people saw this amazing ravine, a sense of foreboding rose in their hearts.

Soon, a voice suddenly sounded, it was none other than one of the Shinobi just now.

“Captain, there is a situation over here!”

As his words fell, the middle-aged man was also slightly startled, and immediately ran towards that side.

“What’s wrong, what’s the discovery?”

I saw that Shinobu nodded slightly, and an object appeared in his hand.

When he saw what the ninja was holding, the sand ninja captain was also shocked and said in shock

“This, this is…”


As a ninja of the Sand Hidden Village, he quickly recognized that it was a part of the puppet’s body!

Could it be the ninja of our Sand Hidden Village?!

Thinking of this, the sand ninja captain also began to wonder in his heart, and he was also a little confused at this moment.

However, just as he was thinking, another Shinobu also hurriedly ran towards him, shouting anxiously as he ran.

“Team, captain….!”


Seeing the anxious look on his face, Captain Sand Ninja also felt a pang in his heart!

“Go over and see, there are corpses over there!”

What the?!

Hearing this, he also immediately rushed in the direction pointed by the ninja!

And when he came to a huge crater and looked at the corpse lying in the center, he couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

Immediately, I was relieved.

Just now, he thought it was the corpse of the three generations of wind shadows!

Now, it seems that my worries are somewhat superfluous.

Nevertheless, he immediately came to the side of the corpse, ready to take a closer look.

And when he saw it clearly, a look of shock instantly appeared in his eyes, but his heart was full of doubts.

This is….

Ninja of Konoha?!

Next to this dead ninja, an iron ninja guard lay quietly, and on it was the symbol of Konoha’s ninja!

Why did Konoha’s ninja appear in the Land of the Wind?!

Could it be that he was sent to assassinate Lord Kazekage?!

Thinking of this, the expression of this sand ninja captain instantly became solemn.

He is only guessing now, and there is no direct evidence.

But he is also very sure now that the ninja of Sand Hidden Village must have fought against the Konoha ninja!

After thinking for a moment in his mind, he began to carefully observe the corpse in front of him.

At this time, a medical ninja from the Sand Ninja Team was crouching next to him and began to perform a full body examination.

The Konoha ninja’s body was covered in blood.

The expression on his face was very painful, but more of it was frightened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying!

A moment later, the medical ninja also slowly stood up, and then said lightly:

“His internal organs have all been shattered, as if he has been hit into his body by some terrifying force.”

Break the guts?!

Hearing this, the Sand Ninja Captain’s face also showed an expression of disbelief.

He also doesn’t believe his ears now.

After a moment of silence, he saw him speak to a ninja beside him

“Any other discoveries?!”

Hearing this, the Shinobu slowly shook his head.

Seeing this, he also immediately spoke:

“Take this corpse with you and return to Shayin Village immediately!”

The rest of the Shinobi, after listening to the medical ninja’s words, their faces were full of surprise.

As the words of this sand ninja captain fell, everyone also immediately came to their senses and nodded slightly.


The day passed quickly.

Land of Fire, Konoha Ninja Village!

In the Hokage office, two figures stood quietly in it.

In front of them, one of them respectfully reported the situation to them.

Those two old faces showed shock, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Until the Konoha ninja finished reporting, the figure wearing the Hokage cloak and the Hokage robe slumped weakly in the chair.

My body also began to tremble slightly!

It wasn’t until a long time later that the frightened emotions in his heart were relieved, and I saw him mutter

“Fifteen Dark Divisions…”

“All killed?!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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