The mysterious land of the West.

A violent fight broke out in the forest. The fight was between a fifth-level early-stage wolf monster and a human cultivator. This human cultivator was none other than Li Jingxing.

He and Wu Tao first returned to the Western Mysterious Realm from the War Merit Hall. Along the way, they had already defeated three fifth-level early-stage monsters and gained three opportunities.

This is the fourth opportunity he has encountered. This wolf monster in the early stage of the fifth level is the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf, and what he is guarding is a fifth-level moon spirit fruit tree.

This fifth-level Moon Spirit Fruit Tree absorbs moonlight to grow, and the condensed fruits also gather the essence of the moon. It is very suitable for cultivators who practice the spiritual energy of the moon.

In the Three Realms camp, most of the immortal cultivators of Huiyue Immortal Palace practice the Zongzong techniques of Huiyue Immortal Palace. This Yuehua Spirit Fruit can just be traded with the immortal cultivators of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

Li Jingxing is a cultivator of the Star Immortal Palace. He practices the method of the stars, not the method of the moon.

This Moon-Screaming Wolf monster in the early stage of the fifth level had its natural attack power of the Moonlight Blade. Moonlight Blades spit out from its mouth and attacked Li Jingxing.

Li Jingxing had a golden light defense shield around him. When the moonlight blade landed on the golden light defense shield, golden sparks flew out. However, no matter how sharp and extremely fast the moonlight blade was, it could not break through his golden light defense shield.

Unable to break through Li Jingxing's defense, Li Jingxing could attack the Howling Moon Demon Wolf throughout the whole process without worrying about defense. With a magic weapon in one hand and magical power in the other, Xiaoyue Demon Wolf suddenly became clumsy.

It knows that its method is single and may not be the opponent of the human race's god-turned-god king, but after guarding the fifth-level moon spirit fruit tree for so long, it can only wait for the next moonlit night for all the spiritual fruits on the fifth-level moon spirit fruit tree to mature.

After swallowing and refining, it can advance to the fifth-level mid-level realm, and its life level will increase by one level from then on.

Therefore, even under desperate circumstances, Xiao Yue Demon Wolf still wanted to give it a try and expel this human race's god-turned-god king.

After Li Jingxing broke through to the second level of the God Transformation, the power of his magical power was even greater than before, and the power of the magic weapon he used to attack was more than doubled. The reason why he accompanied the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf in the fight was not to directly take out the talisman and kill the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf with one blow.

All because he had already obtained three opportunities along the way. After obtaining this opportunity, he wanted to wait here for Junior Brother Li to arrive before exploring together.

Having Junior Brother Li follow him all the time, all opportunities were taken away by him. Junior Brother Li had no chance at all, and Li Jingxing felt quite embarrassed.

After fighting with the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf for a while, Li Jingxing felt that he was not interested. However, with his current strength, he could not kill the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf head-on, because the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf was in the early stage of perfection, equivalent to the third level of the human race's God Transformation. layered.

He relied on the defensive golden light shield on his body, and the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf could not break through his defense, so he was able to fight back and forth with the Howling Moon Demonic Wolf, as if they were evenly matched.

But without the defensive golden light shield, he would have been injured by the Moonlight Blade of the Howling Moon Demon Wolf.

"Just use the talisman to kill it!" Li Jingxing thought in his mind, took out a talisman from his storage bag, activated it, and the talisman instantly turned into a golden long sword, killing the moon-whispering demon wolf with lightning speed. Behead.

After killing the Howling Moon Demon Wolf, Li Jingxing came to the fifth-level Moon Spirit Fruit Tree, picked off all eight Moon Spirit Fruits on it, packed them in a special jade box and sealed them to prevent the aura of the spirit fruits from dissipating.

After leaving the Western Mysterious Realm, you can sell these eight Moonlight Spirit Fruits to the Divine Lord Xuan Yue or the Divine Lord Gu Yue and other God Transformation Lords from the Huiyue Immortal Palace.

After picking the Moonlight Spirit Fruit, Li Jingxing left this place. He had to wait for Wu Tao to come over, and naturally he couldn't wait in this place of spiritual things. If you encounter other gods who come to explore spiritual objects, it will be fine if they are from the Three Realms camp, but it will be terrible if they are too spiritual to cultivate the immortal world.

The masters of the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm who have a lower level of cultivation than him are okay. If they meet a late-stage God-Transformation cultivator, even if he has the talisman exchanged in the War Merit Hall, he will not be able to kill a late-stage God-Transformation Immortal cultivator.

He had no choice but to run for his life.

Li Jingxing was flying slowly in the air. He was looking for a place to practice while waiting for Wu Tao.

Just when Li Jingxing was looking for a place to practice, a sudden change occurred. As the God-incarnation Lord, his intuition told him that danger would befall him. After cultivating to the level of the Divine Lord, one always has an instinctive intuition when facing danger.

Therefore, without hesitation, Li Jingxing directly took out the highest level defensive talisman he exchanged in the War Merit Hall from his storage bag, the fifth-level intermediate defense talisman golden light shield, and directly activated it, a golden light shield instantly formed and enveloped him.

Although the golden light shield is a fifth-level intermediate defense talisman, a cultivator at the seventh level of divine transformation cannot split it with a single sword. It will also take some time to break through the golden shield's defense.

This is the defensive talisman produced by the War Merit Hall. Its defensive strength is astonishing, and there is absolutely no cutting corners.

The fifth-level intermediate golden light shield talisman had just been activated to form the golden light shield, and the flying sword had already pierced the golden light shield. The golden light shield was immediately rippled by the stabbing, but in the end it did not pierce the golden light shield.

"This in the late stage of divine transformation."

Li Jingxing's expression changed slightly. The speed of this flying sword was too fast. Fortunately, his intuition was sensitive. Otherwise, if he had been one breath later, this flying sword might have killed him.

And in this Western Mysterious Realm, those who would kill him as soon as they saw him must be a cultivator from the Immortal Realm who is too spiritual.

"The devil outside the territory has some tricks!" Sure enough, a figure appeared in Li Jingxing's spiritual sense. This person looked very familiar. He was a seventh-level immortal cultivator from the Eastern God Territory.

Li Jingxing does not have a talisman on him that can kill a seventh-level immortal cultivator with one strike. Only the fifth-level intermediate golden light shield talisman can resist a seventh-level immortal cultivator for a period of time. However, once the talisman is used up, his life will still be in danger.

So the best strategy now is to run away.

Very decisively, Li Jingxing took out another Feiyun Escape Talisman from his body. This Feiyun Escape Talisman was also a fifth-level intermediate talisman. After taking it out, he activated it and patted it on his body. Li Jingxing's figure instantly escaped into the sea of ​​clouds at an extremely fast speed. .

Seeing Li Jingxing's decisive escape, the Eastern God Realm's God-Transforming Lord of the seventh level was startled, and then he used his magical escape technique to chase after Li Jingxing.

Li Jingxing's Feiyun Escape Talisman was very fast, but while escaping, he thought that in the direction he was traveling, Wu Tao would also rush to this place. If he encountered the seventh level of the Eastern God Realm's God Transformation, Wu Tao would be in trouble.

Thinking of this, while Li Jingxing was escaping with the Feiyun Escape Talisman, he took out a communication talisman from his storage bag, entered the message for Wu Tao to return to the War Merit Hall, and then activated the communication talisman.

The communication talisman turned into a beam of light and flew back.

The person from the seventh level of Eastern God Realm who was chasing after him saw the communication talisman, but he did not stop him. He thought to himself: "Are you looking for reinforcements? Okay, let's see if your reinforcements can kill you." Come here before."

The idea of ​​this seventh-level god-transforming person from the Eastern God Territory was also very simple. If the extraterrestrial demons who came to the rescue were weaker than him, he would kill them all. If they were stronger than him, he would just run away.

As long as he doesn't run into Lord Ning Shen, he is sure to escape. Even the other eighth-level extraterrestrial demons who have transformed into gods, or the ninth-level extraterritorial demons who have transformed into gods, can't even think of killing him.

This is his confidence.

However, he didn't know that Li Jingxing did not ask Wu Tao to come to rescue him, but asked Wu Tao to return to the War Merit Hall to wait for him. He also had to escape from the seventh-level induction range of the Eastern God Realm's God Transformation before he could activate the War Merit Hall brand to return to the War Merit Hall. .

He would not activate the mark of the War Merit Hall under the induction of the seventh-level god of transformation, otherwise the War Merit Hall would be exposed. Once this trump card is exposed, it will be detrimental to the future situation.

Li Jingxing's fifth-level intermediate Feiyun Escape Talisman is still very fast.

The seventh-level God Transformer soon couldn't sense Li Jingxing's aura, but he didn't panic at all. He just thought that when Li Jingxing's fifth-level intermediate escape talisman lost its effectiveness, he would always be able to catch up with the opponent, unless the opponent had a big body. Put this kind of talisman.

That means the other party deserves to escape with his life.

However, in this mysterious Western realm, one less trump card is just one, and it is very cost-effective to use the trump card of the extraterrestrial devil.

But what he didn't know was that Li Jingxing escaped from the range of his spiritual sense, and immediately activated the War Merit Hall brand without hesitation. His body dissipated directly into the void, and in the next moment, he had returned to the third level of the War Merit Hall. layer.

While he was on the run, Wu Tao had already received the summons talisman from Li Jingxing.

Wu Tao's speed was extremely fast, and he flew through the air. Suddenly, a ray of light shot towards him. Naturally, he was very familiar with the breath of this light. It was the communication talisman produced by the War Merit Hall. Wu Tao stretched out his hand and the communication talisman fell. into his hands.

"It's Senior Brother Li's messenger talisman!" There was Li Jingxing's aura on this messenger talisman. Wu Tao pinched the messenger talisman, and words immediately fell into his heart.

"Junior Brother Li, there is a Seventh Level Divine Transformation from the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm in front of me, who is chasing me. Don't go any further. Let's go back to the War Merit Hall first to take shelter!"

This was Li Jingxing's voice. After Wu Tao listened, the communication talisman also turned into light and disappeared.

"It's a bit difficult to deal with the seventh level of the God Transformation. Let's go back to the War Merit Hall first to avoid it!" Wu Tao muttered to himself, and immediately activated the War Merit Hall brand and returned to the third floor of the War Merit Hall.

When he returned to the third floor of the War Merit Hall, Li Jingxing was still on the run.

This is a time difference.

Wu Tao looked at the third floor of the War Merit Palace and immediately took out the Dharma Mirror to send a message to Li Jingxing, but there was no response from the Dharma Mirror. He guessed that Li Jingxing might still be running for his life and could not receive the Dharma Mirror contact from him.

However, Wu Tao was not worried about Li Jingxing's life at all, simply because he knew that Li Jingxing must have exchanged his own escape talisman in the War Merit Hall, and a mere seven-level God Transformation man could still escape under his hands.

Therefore, as soon as Wu Tao moved, he wanted to go back to the 10x Acceleration Training Room to practice and wait for Li Jingxing's arrival. But suddenly, Wu Tao thought that he had the fourth-level spiritual fruits he had obtained in the Western Mystic Realm during this period. These spiritual fruits Some of them were for Chen Yao to use when he was going back to the Three Realms. Some of them were not used by Chen Yao, so he planned to give them to his master Wen Xingrui.

"Master should be in seclusion at this time and wants to reach the realm of spiritual transformation. During this period of seclusion, spiritual objects are even more needed. I will send them to master right now!"

Wu Tao thought about this, and immediately activated the imprint of the War Merit Hall, and reached the second floor of the War Merit Hall.

Arriving at the second floor of the War Merit Hall, Wu Tao took out a summons token to summon Wen Xingrui. If Wen Xingrui was in retreat, he should be able to see his summons.

So Wu Tao quietly waited for Wen Xingrui to reply to his message in the main hall on the second floor of the War Merit Hall, and then came out of the retreat to meet with him.

Northern God Territory border defense line.

Wen Xingrui received the summons from Wu Tao, and he was also very confused. Hasn't his apprentice entered the mysterious realm of the West? It’s not that it will take two years for the Western Mystical Realm to end. Why did it come out of the Western Mystical Realm so quickly?

But this message is indeed Wu Tao's message, and it can't be wrong. However, there is currently no God-Transforming Lord in the Three Realms camp, and Liu Tianyong is attacking the defensive formation on the border of the Northern God Territory. If his disciple Wu Tao is really making military exploits Palace, then Liu Tianyong’s disaster can be lifted immediately.

Thinking of this, Wen Xingrui sent a message to Wu Tao and said to Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling: "Fellow Taoist Yu, fellow Taoist Tianmo, I'm not joking. It was really Li Shenjun who sent me the message. We don't need to retreat now. I have already given him the message." Li Shenjun has sent a summons, and Li Shenjun will definitely come to help immediately!"

At this critical moment, Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling also knew that Wen Xingrui would not joke casually. They believed Wen Xingrui's words. Yu Zhengsheng nodded and said: "Okay, fellow Daoist Wen, let's stick to this for a while." Time, waiting for Li Shenjun’s arrival.”

At this moment, the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators who were maintaining the defensive formation could no longer hold on. They fell to the ground one by one. As soon as they fell to the ground, 12 more Nascent Soul cultivators immediately took up their positions and continued to maintain the defensive formation. The operation of the formation.

"Fellow Taoists, hold on!" Yu Zhengsheng's words resounded throughout the border defense lines of the Northern God Territory.

Although it is not known why Yu Zhengsheng issued this order, none of the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons in the Three Realms camp retreated, but obeyed Yu Zhengsheng's order.

They believed that Yu Zhengsheng did not want to die here and there must be a reason for him to issue such an order.

Liu Tianyong, who was attacking the defensive formation, was also surprised that Yu Zhengsheng and the other extraterrestrial demons did not escape, but persisted. But what was the use of such persistence? Nascent Soul cultivators are Nascent Soul cultivators after all. How can they maintain the formation forever under the attack of the God of Transformation?

But it's better not to escape. When this defensive formation is broken by him, all these extraterrestrial demons will die.

In the main hall on the second floor of the War Merit Hall, Wu Tao quickly sensed that the summons token was coming. As soon as his spiritual sense penetrated and read it, he had activated the War Merit Hall brand to create the War Merit Hall.

His body had already reached the sky above the Three Realms Alliance Sect. He reached out and touched the storage bag on his waist. The fifth-level intermediate Mystic Light Escape Talisman appeared in his hand. He slapped it on his body and his body immediately turned into a mysterious light and headed towards him. The border defense line of the Northern God Territory flew away.

"Liu Tianyong, the newly promoted God-Transforming God Lord, is attacking the border defense line of the Northern God Territory! The defensive formation on the border defense line of the Northern God Territory cannot last long under the attack of the God-Transforming God Lord, even if the opponent is a new God-Transforming God Lord!"

Therefore, Wu Tao directly consumed a fifth-level intermediate Mysterious Light Escape Talisman.

The fifth-level intermediate Mysterious Light Escape Talisman was indeed very fast. Soon, Wu Tao's 41,000-mile spiritual sense had sensed everything on the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

In his induction, the defensive formation on the border of the Northern God Territory was just broken by Liu Tianyong.

Liu Tianyong laughed loudly: "All the extraterrestrial demons must die!"

Liu Tianyong's divine transformation power condensed into a giant palm, and he slapped it towards Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, Tianmo Guling, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons from the Three Realms camp.

Feeling the giant palm where the magic power of the Transformation God was condensed, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the Original God Demon Race in the Three Realms camp trembled in their hearts, making them feel the huge gap between themselves and the God Transformation Lord.

Just when the giant palm condensed by the divine transformation power was about to fall, a breeze seemed to blow through the air, and the condensed giant palm was blown away.

The giant palm dissipated, and a body floated quietly in the void.

It was none other than Wu Tao.

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