Northern God Territory border defense line.

Hundreds of war ships from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory were displayed outside the border defense line. Beams of spiritual attack beams shot out from the war ships and bombarded the defensive formations of the Northern God Territory border defense line. Every bombardment caused The defensive formation shook for a while.

Under the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, twelve figures sat cross-legged, struggling to maintain the defensive formation. Every time the defensive formation was bombarded by hundreds of spiritual source attack beams, the twelve figures sitting cross-legged shook. His face turned pale.

Their deity-transformation mana and deity-transformation thoughts were being consumed at an extremely rapid rate.

But after shaking their bodies, they immediately sat up straight again, and their magic power and divine thoughts were poured crazily into the defensive formation to maintain the normal operation of the defensive formation.

Moreover, they have also prepared some elixirs that can quickly restore the magic power and spiritual thoughts of transforming gods, but refining the elixirs requires dual tasks. While refining the pills to restore the spiritual thoughts and magical powers of transforming gods, they have to go to The defensive formation was infused with divine thoughts and magical power, which made their minds extremely exhausted.

"I can't hold on anymore!"

This is the thought in the minds of these 12 God-Transforming Lords from the Three Realms camp.

Hundreds of war boats were attacking the defensive formation non-stop, but there were only twelve God-Transforming Lords maintaining the defensive formation. They were immortal cultivators, not perpetual motion machines.

It is impossible to maintain the defensive formation under attack for a long time.

"Fellow Taoists, if you continue to hold on, according to the distance, our reinforcements will arrive soon." The Nascent Soul cultivator in the middle said in a low voice.

Zhou He and some of the heads of the God Transformation Sect of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region stood on a war boat, watching the defensive formation on the border of the Northern Divine Region swaying under the spiritual attack beam of the war boat.

It is estimated that the border defense line of the Northern God Territory will be breached very soon, and their Nascent Soul army will be able to drive in.

But the circle of demons from outside the territory has not yet arrived, but they cannot break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory at this moment.

This is what Liu Tianyong explained. What Liu Tianyong wants is not to break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, but to kill all the extraterrestrial demons at the Nascent Soul level.

Then come the occupation of Northern God Territory.

Sure enough, when Zhou He thought of this, Liu Tianyong's spiritual message rang in his ears: "Sect Master Zhou, let the offensive slow down a little. The demons from outside the territory have not come to support, so don't break the defense line at this moment."

After hearing Liu Tianyong's voice transmission, Zhou He quickly transmitted the message with his spiritual voice and ordered each immortal cultivator controlling the war boat to slow down the attack.

Regarding Zhou He's arrangement, several of the sect leaders of the Shenhua Shen Sect beside him suddenly became confused and asked Zhou Helai: "Sect Master Zhou, why do you want to slow down the offensive?"

Zhou He, under the arrangement of Liu Tianyong, commanded the Nascent Soul army in the entire Eastern God Territory and Western God Territory. Although other Shenhua sects also sent armies, their sect masters did not have the power to issue orders, only the right to assist.

Regarding this, the sect leaders of these Shen Transformation Sects have no objections. They just need to help. Liu Tianyong is now the only God Transformation Lord in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory.

They didn't want to get into trouble with Liu Tianyong.

Zhou He heard their doubts and explained: "The border defense line of the Northern God Territory is only the outermost line of defense for the demons outside the territory. Even if we break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory at this moment, the demons outside the territory will be frightened and hide in the sect they established. Inside, we are relying on the sect-protecting formation, so we have to attack again, wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

"It is better to slow down the offensive at this moment, wait for the reinforcements from the extraterrestrial demons to come, and then defeat the border defense formation, and wipe out all the extraterritorial demons that will come to the rescue."

"So that's it. Fellow Daoist Zhou is still very wise!" After hearing Zhou He's explanation, the heads of the Huashen Sect complimented him repeatedly.

In the past, if they were the sect leaders of the God-Transforming Sects of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, they would not compliment Zhou He as much as they do now, for no other reason than the face of Liu Tianyong, the God-Transforming God Lord.

Zhou He naturally knew that they flattered him so much because of Liu Tianyong's face and allowed him to command the entire Nascent Soul army.

Zhou He, as the master of the Transformation God Sect, has cultivated to this point, and naturally he is a close relative of the sect, so he will not just be careless.

The Nascent Soul army of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region slowed down the offensive of the war, which immediately made it easier for the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators of the Three Realms camp who maintained the border defense formation of the Northern Divine Region.

Although they didn't know why the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region slowed down their offensive, it would be great if they could buy some time to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Seize the time to refine the elixir and restore the consumed magic power and divine thoughts."

The Nascent Soul cultivator in the middle said to the other 11 Nascent Soul cultivators through his spiritual thoughts.

Of course, the other 11 Nascent Soul cultivators also knew that this was an excellent opportunity, so they immediately took the time to refine the elixirs in their bodies and restore the spirit-forming thoughts and mana they had just consumed.

Only in this way can they persist longer, until Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling, Wen Xingrui and others arrive with the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons from the Three Realms camp.

Sure enough, after only giving them a little time to rest, Zhou He issued another order to resume the original attack frequency. In a moment, these 12 Nascent Soul cultivators from the Three Realms camp were struggling to maintain the defensive formation one by one.

Under this wave of offensive, Zhou He no longer gave them any time to breathe, and kept increasing the intensity of the attack.

"I can't hold on any longer!"

"Hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer."

A look of despair appeared on the face of the Nascent Soul cultivator who was already in the Three Realms camp. His magic power and spiritual thoughts of transforming gods were already in a state of exhaustion. Once his magic power and spiritual thoughts of transforming gods were exhausted, he would no longer be able to maintain it. If this position in front of him collapses, the entire defensive formation will be implicated.

Once the entire defensive formation is implicated, the positions of the other 11 immortal cultivators will also be affected and cannot be sustained. At that time, under the attack of hundreds of war boats, the defensive formation on this border defense line will immediately collapse.

Once the defensive battle collapses, their fate can be imagined, and they will naturally die. The immortal cultivators in the Tailing Immortal Realm regard them as extraterrestrial demons and will not spare their lives.

At this moment, war ships flew over behind them. They felt the fluctuating breath of the war ship behind them, and the despair on their faces instantly dissipated and turned into a look of ecstasy.

"We finally persisted until the reinforcements arrived." The 12 Nascent Soul cultivators who maintained the border defense formation cried with joy.

The war boat from the Three Realms camp arrived soon. Wen Xingrui and Yu Zhengsheng had already made arrangements. As soon as they arrived, 12 figures rushed out and flew towards the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators who were maintaining the defensive formation. By.

"Fellow Taoists, let's come. You go back and rest first."

"Okay, then this defensive formation will be handed over to you." The handover was completed in an instant. The 12 Nascent Soul cultivators, who were in a sluggish mood and were about to run out of their magic power and divine will, took out their flying magic weapons and flew He climbed into the air and came to Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling.

"I've seen Commander Yu, Commander Tianmo, and Commander Wen." These 12 Nascent Soul cultivators bowed their hands to Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling.

Yu Zhengsheng looked at them, felt their breath was low, and said: "Thank you for your hard work, you should go back to the sect to recover!"

Then they arranged a war boat for them to return to the Three Realms Alliance Sect. They said they were going to return to the sect to recover, but in fact they were told to go back to the War Merit Hall after returning to the sect to use the accelerated training room to restore their mana and spiritual thoughts.

After Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, and Tianmo Guling came with reinforcements, Zhou He's eyes also penetrated the defensive formation on the border of the Northern God Territory and fell on Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, and Tianmo Guling. In his heart, Overjoyed, he said to himself: "As expected, they are all here."

Liu Tianyong, who was hiding in the sky, was also overjoyed: "Okay, okay, they are all here. Now we only need to break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory to crush all these extraterrestrial demons to death."

The reason why Liu Tianyong used the word 'crushed to death' is that for him now, whether it is Wen Xingrui, Yu Zhengsheng, Tianmo Guling, who has mastered the foundation of becoming a god and condensed the heart of demonic thoughts, or others. He is as easy as crushing an ant to the Nascent Soul cultivator and the Original God Demon Clan.

With the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators in a state of complete victory taking over each position of the defensive formation, the defensive formation was slightly stabilized.

Seeing that the border defense line of the Northern God Territory was not broken by the Nascent Soul army from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling who arrived at this time were relieved. Their eyes penetrated the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. Looking at the Nascent Soul army array in the East God Territory and the West God Territory.

"There are hundreds of war boats. None of the Nascent Soul cultivators who have practiced the foundation of god transformation who fought with us before came to join the battle? With them, with these hundreds of war boats, we have 16 practitioners here With the foundation of becoming a god and the heart of demonic thoughts, do they think they can break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory?"

Yu Zhengsheng frowned slightly and analyzed Wen Xingrui and Tianmo Guling on the side.

"No!" Wen Xingrui shook his head and said.

Yu Zhengsheng nodded gently and said: "If it can't be done, it must be a fraud. Perhaps as you, fellow Taoist Wen, guessed before, they may have really given birth to a new God-Transforming God Lord."

"So we must not think that just because we have 16 fellow Taoists here who have mastered the foundation of becoming gods and condensed the heart of demonic thoughts, we can go outside the border defense line of the Northern God Territory and sweep across the opponent's army." Wen Xingrui said in a deep voice. .

"Fellow Literary Daoist, don't worry. Neither Daoist Daoist Heavenly Demon nor I are reckless people. Let's just wait and see what happens. If the other party really gives birth to a new Divine Lord, then we will have to abandon the border defense line of the Northern God Territory and temporarily close the Northern God Territory. Leave it to them." Yu Zhengsheng frowned slightly.

At this time, in the Nascent Soul army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, Zhou He was also waiting for the demons from outside the territory to come out to fight with their army. However, no extraterrestrial demon came out to fight against the opponent's defensive formation that had been attacking them.

Zhou He's heart moved slightly, and then he started to use various strategies, and found that the demons outside the territory were watching his changes.

After attacking the border defense line of the Northern God Territory for a day, they only took turns to replace the Nascent Soul cultivators who maintained the formation, but did not do any other actions. This made Zhou He feel very uncomfortable.

Because his goal is to lure the extraterrestrial demons out of the border defense line, and then Liu Tianyong, who is hiding in the dark, appears in an instant and takes action. None of these extraterritorial demons will be able to escape the palm of the God Transformation Lord.

Liu Tianyong was hiding in the void. He had been hiding in the void for a day. He found that Zhou He could not lure the extraterritorial demon out of the border defense line using various strategies.

He looked at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory and finally couldn't help but take action: "This border defense line of the Northern God Territory is only maintained by 12 Nascent Soul cultivators. If I take action, I can break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory in a matter of seconds!"

The main function of the border defense line in the North City is not to guard against the God of Transformation, but to guard against the Immortal Cultivators of the Nascent Soul. Normally, the God of Transformation to guard against the Supreme Immortal Realm is composed of the God of Transformation and the Demons from the Three Realms camp. Demon Lord patrols and takes precautions.

Because the border defense line of the Northern God Territory is too long, it needs to be exchanged for a defensive array of that length at the war merit store. With the current strength of the Three Realms camp, it is simply unaffordable, so the exchanges are for the world's most advanced defensive arrays.

Moreover, the God-Transforming Lords of the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm also know that breaking through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory has no effect. The most important thing is to break through the sect-protecting formations of the individual Transforming God Sects in the Northern God Territory. They don't know that the Three Realms camp has already extracted all the spirit-changing sects. The spiritual veins of the Shen Sect were integrated into the Shen Hua Sect.

This Northern God Territory border defense line is more like a place for Nascent Soul cultivators from both sides to gain experience.

Having already made a decision in his heart, Liu Tianyong immediately appeared. As soon as he appeared, he directly used his magic power to bombard the defensive formation on the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

Liu Tianyong had just been promoted to the God-Transformation Lord. He had not yet refined the God-Transformation Magical Treasure, nor had he practiced any God-Transformation Magical Powers. However, the power of the Transformation God-Transformation alone was not something that a Nascent Soul cultivator could compete with.

His single blow surpassed the power of the spiritual attack beams gathered by hundreds of war ships. Suddenly, the defensive formation shook violently, and the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators who maintained the defensive formation immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and their breath plummeted.

"It's Liu Tianyong. He has indeed been promoted to the God of Transformation."

Seeing Liu Tianyong appear to attack and defend the formation, the faces of Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling all changed.

Liu Tianyong was promoted to the God of Transformation, which meant that they could not hold the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, so they had to retreat and return to the War Merit Hall to save their lives first.

"After all, this defensive formation is not a fifth-level defensive formation. It can't withstand Liu Tianyong's many attacks! Let's retreat quickly." Yu Zhengsheng watched Liu Tianyong's divine transformation power constantly attacking the defensive formation, his voice was low. Said to Wen Xingrui and Tianmo Guling.

Each attack injured the 12 Nascent Soul cultivators who maintained the defensive formation. If the attack continues, these 12 Nascent Soul cultivators will suffer fundamental damage, which will be extremely difficult to heal and will most likely affect their promotion. The realm of transformation into gods.

Liu Tianyong's appearance made everyone in the Nascent Soul Army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory look happy.

This time it is stable, and none of these extraterrestrial demons can escape.

The people with panic on their faces were all the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons from the Three Realms camp. However, Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui, and Tianmo Guling did not issue an order to retreat, and they still stuck to their war boats.

The Demon Ancient Spirit nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Yu, give the order to retreat!"

Wen Xingrui also nodded. Just as he was about to speak, the summons token in his storage bag started to move. He frowned slightly, wondering who would send him the summons at this time, but he still took out the summons token and divine thought. As soon as he reached in, a smile appeared on his face.

Seeing Wen Xingrui's smile, Yu Zhengsheng looked at him doubtfully, thinking that this was not a situation that he should be happy about, so he asked: "Friend Wen, what's going on?"

"It was Li Shenjun who summoned me!"

"Li Shenjun, which Li Shenjun?" Tian Mo Gu Ling said bluntly.

"The only other Li Shenjun who is close to Li Mo is Li Shenjun." After Yu Zhengsheng finished speaking, he was stunned again:

"Isn't Li Shenjun in the mysterious land of the West? How can I send you a message? Fellow Daoist Wen, this is not the time to joke."

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