When Divine Lord Xuan Yue heard what Lord Kaiyang said, he shook his head and said, "Fellow Taoist Kaiyang, we have all underestimated Junior Brother Li's cultivation strength. He has already killed Lord Human Shadow!"

"Now, only the Earth Shadow God Lord is left. As long as he kills the Earth Shadow God Lord, he will leave the Western God Territory quickly.

Hearing what Lord Xuanyue said, Lord Earth Shadow was frightened. In this fifth-level intermediate killing formation, and if Lord Xuanyue came over, he would only die.

The despair of death spread in his heart.

Kaiyang Shenjun heard the words of Xuanyue Shenjun and immediately said with great joy: "Okay, fellow Taoist Xuanyue, come quickly and join me in killing this Earth Shadow Shenjun."

Xuanyue Shenjun would not hesitate. When Kaiyang Shenjun just spoke, he had already mobilized the power of the fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing array to suppress the Earth Shadow Divine Lord with the trapping and killing array. He himself also used magical powers to attack the Earthly Shadow. The king of gods kills him.

The cultivation level of the Earth Shadow Divine Lord was even weaker than that of the Sky Shadow Divine Lord, so naturally he could not be the opponent of the Xuanyue Divine Lord. In less than 10 rounds, the Earth Shadow Divine Lord had already died tragically due to the combined efforts of the Xuanyue Divine Lord and the Kaiyang Divine Lord.

Before his death, Earth Shadow God Lord shouted unwillingly: "Outer Territory Demons, wait until the top immortal sects in Zhongzhou free up manpower in the Western Wasteland. None of you Extraterrestrial Demons will be able to escape."

Regarding the final reluctance of Earth Shadow God Lord, Xuanyue God Lord and Kaiyang God Lord did not care. If that time really comes, their Three Realms camp might also have Yuanding God Lord and Tianmo Xuanyi promoted to the realm of refining the void and the realm of the devil king.

Moreover, there is the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall. They believe that Emperor Shenjun brought them to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, and set up the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall so that they can kill the immortal cultivators in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, earn war merits, and improve their cultivation. They will never be wiped out so easily by the immortal cultivators from the Tailing Immortal Realm.

There are even speculations by the God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord in the Three Realms camp that the ruins of the Immortal Cave in the Western Wilderness might have been the work of the Emperor God Lord, just to give the Three Realm camp time to develop.

Putting away the storage bag of Earth Shadow God Lord, Xuan Yue God Lord immediately activated the formation disk and put away the Five Worlds Intermediate Killing Formation in an instant. The formation flags turned into light and fell on the formation disk.

As soon as the fifth-level intermediate trap and kill array was put away, Wu Tao's figure sitting cross-legged in the void also appeared. At this time, he had just finished wearing out the restrictions on the storage bag of the human shadow god, and saw the fifth-level intermediate trap and kill by Xuanyue Shenjun. After the formation was put away, he immediately stood up and came to the front of Divine Lord Xuanyue and Lord Kaiyang.

At this time, wherever there were figures in the formation, the three divine lords of the Luoying Divine Sect, namely the Sky Shadow Divine Lord, the Earth Shadow Divine Lord, and the Human Shadow Divine Lord, had all died in the hands of Wu Tao and the others.

This time their mission was successfully completed.

However, Xuanyue Shenjun, Kaiyang Shenjun and Wu Tao were not in the fifth-level intermediate killing formation, and there was no cover from the vision. The casual cultivators in the entire Luoshen Mountains all discovered Xuanyue Shenjun, Kaiyang Shenjun and Wu Tao. Wu Tao's figure.

"Is it an extraterrestrial demon?"

"Lord Sky Shadow Divine Lord, Lord Earth Shadow Divine Lord and Lord Human Shadow Divine Lord are missing?"

"This is a trap set by the demon from outside the territory. Everyone, please run away quickly."

At this moment, these casual cultivators were not fools, and they knew that this was a trap set by the Lord Xuanyue, Wu Tao and others. Without seeing the figures of Lord Sky Shadow, Lord Earth Shadow and Lord Human Shadow, they must have been captured by Lord Xuanyue and the others. The devil from outside the territory has caused harm.

"Fellow Daoist Kaiyang, Junior Brother Li, let's leave quickly. The God-Transforming Lords from Xiyuanzhou are probably coming." Lord Xuanyue sensed the weather and immediately said to Lord Kaiyang and Wu Tao.

Wu Tao put away the storage bag of the Human Shadow God Lord, nodded and said, "Okay, Senior Sister Xuan Yue."

Xuan Yue Shenjun has already sacrificed his Moon Shadow Flying Boat. Wu Tao moved and jumped onto the Moon Shadow Flying Boat and stood quietly. Kaiyang Shenjun glanced around the Luoshen Mountains and looked at each person in the Luoshen Mountains. The foundation-building immortal cultivators and Qi-refining immortal cultivators in the Tailing Immortal Realm wanted to escape from the Luoshen Mountains.

Kaiyang Shenjun immediately released his divine mind and swept it out. Within the sweep range of his divine mind, every foundation-building immortal cultivator and Qi-refining immortal cultivator in the Tailing Immortal Realm died immediately. remove.

In the blink of an eye, Kaiyang Divine Lord finished all this and stepped onto the Moon Shadow Flying Boat. Xuanyue Divine Lord immediately commanded the Moon Shadow Flying Boat, and the flying boat turned into a ray of moonlight and flew towards the Northern God Territory at high speed.

And just over 30 breaths after Xuan Yue Shenjun and the others left, six figures descended on the Luoshen Mountains. These six figures were the other two immortal cultivators of the Divine Transformation Sect in Xiyuanzhou.

The auras of these six figures are powerful, and the cultivation level of three or four of them is similar to that of Lord Tianying, or even stronger.

Their spiritual thoughts were released covering the faces of the entire Luoshen Mountain Range, and they were filled with shock and confusion.

"There is a strange phenomenon in the sky and earth in the Luoshen Mountains. It is said that the cave ruins of the cultivator of the Great Perfection of Gods have appeared. Our sect is not closer to the Luoshen Mountains than the Luoying Shen Sect. Why can't we see the shadows of the sky, the shadows of the earth, and the human figures? Three people?”

A Xiyuanzhou God-incarnation Lord frowned.

The most powerful person in cultivation, the Divine Lord of Xiyuanzhou, carefully sensed the Luoshen Mountain Range with his spiritual thoughts, and soon he discovered the clues. He once said: "Fellow Taoists, I have sensed it. There are the auras of Taoist Fellow Tianying and the others, as well as the remaining auras of the demons from outside the territory.”

After speaking, he pointed to the realm where the visions of heaven and earth erupted.

Hearing this, the other five God-Transforming God Lords of Xiyuanzhou immediately released the subtle induction of the God-Transforming Divine Mind at that point. Sure enough, as he said, a trace of the remaining traces of the Luoying Divine Sect's three God-Transforming God Lords could be sensed there. Aura, and the residual aura of the demon from outside the territory.

"It seems that the three of them, Sky Shadow Divine Lord, Earth Shadow Divine Lord, and Human Shadow Divine Lord, have encountered unexpected events. This is a conspiracy of the demon from outside the territory."

Being able to cultivate to the state of becoming a god is not stupid, and he has already guessed the general situation with his thoughts.

"The residual aura of the three extraterrestrial demons and the residual aura of the formation. Unfortunately, the three of them, Sky Shadow, Earth Shadow, and Human Shadow, did not survive our arrival."

"Even if we rely on the fifth-level trapping formation, it will take a while to kill the three of them, Sky Shadow, Earth Shadow and Figure. They should have just left not long ago. Fellow Taoists, can we hunt down those three extraterrestrial demons?"

A Xiyuanzhou God Transformation Lord said, looking at the other God Transformation Lords to ask for their opinions.

When the other five Xiyuanzhou God-Transformation God Lords heard this, their eyes moved slightly, and they were all thinking. After thinking for a breath or two, one of the Xiyuanzhou God-Transformation God Lords said: "The demons from outside the territory are well prepared, and they can hide. Open, our eyes on the edge of the Northern God Territory have entered our Western God Territory, and we must be fully confident that we can escape back to the Northern God Territory. If we pursue it rashly, there may be more traps waiting for us, and we may fall into danger. The footsteps of the Shadow God Sect.”

"That's what I mean. It's better not to chase him rashly. Let's first see if there are any strong people from outside the region in other states of the Western God Territory."

"It's true, it can only be said that the strength of the Luoying Divine Sect is weaker than ours after all, so the demons outside the territory are weak in picking persimmons."

"Fellow Taoist, there are other possibilities. For example, in the last counterattack against the Northern God Territory, the Luoying Divine Sect had two Taoist friends, Tianying and Diying, but our two Divine Transformation Lords only had one Taoist friend each. Therefore, the hatred of the demons outside the territory towards the Luoying Divine Sect is naturally much deeper than ours."

"Let the extraterrestrial demons be arrogant for a while first. When Zhongzhou frees up their hands, these extraterrestrial demons will be wiped out sooner or later. During this period of time, we should stay quietly in the sect. Relying on the sect-protecting magic circle in the sect, we are probably still safe. of."

"Fellow Taoist is right, we shouldn't stay here for a long time. Let's return to our sect as soon as possible. By the way, the Luoying Divine Sect is one of the divine transformation sects of our Xiyuan Continent. Now that there is no Luoying Divine Sect, our Xiyuan Continent is comparable to other states. If you are weaker, will it affect the allocation of places in the next secret realm?"

"If something like this happens, it will definitely affect the allocation of quotas in the next secret realm. However, it is impossible for the extraterritorial devil to just make such a small move. There must be a bigger move. Seeing if there are extraterritorial devils in other states is also like to Luoying. Shenzong is like this."

"Now the Luoying Divine Sect has lost its three god-transforming Taoist friends, Tianying, Diying and Renying, but the Luoying Divine Sect is a sect with fifth-level spiritual veins, and sooner or later a new god-transforming god-lord will be born. "

"What we should be thinking about now is how to deal with the Luoying Divine Sect."

The two Shenhua Sects in Xiyuanzhou have already begun to discuss how to allocate the training resources of the Luoying Shen Sect.

This is the case in the world of cultivating immortals. If the Transformation God Sect does not have the presence of the Transformation God Lord, it will be unable to protect the fifth-level spiritual veins and the inheritance of the Transformation Soul.

Of course, it is not Wu Tao and the three realm camp's God-Transforming Lords who have to consider how the six God-Transforming Lords of Xiyuanzhou distribute the Luoying Divine Sect. Their action this time is to weaken the power of the God-Transforming Lords of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory.

The Moon Shadow Flying Boat quickly left the scope of Xiyuanzhou and flew towards the Northern God Territory.

On the Moon Shadow Flying Boat, Kaiyang Shenjun looked at Wu Tao and said: "Unexpectedly, among the three of us, Junior Brother Li was the first to kill the Human Shadow Shenjun. However, it was me and fellow Taoist Xuan Yue who saw Junior Brother Li clearly and thought that Junior Brother Li had just made a breakthrough. In the realm of God Transformation, it is impossible to kill the Human Shadow God Lord, who has broken through for more than 20 years. I apologize to fellow Taoist Xuan Yue and Junior Brother Li for this, and I hope Junior Brother Li will not blame you."

Lord Xuan Yue controlled the Moon Shadow Flying Boat and also looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao shook his head when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Xuan Yue, Senior Brother Kaiyang, I can't thank you enough for taking care of me. What you said makes Junior Brother feel ashamed."

"As for killing the Human Shadow God Lord, it was just a lucky move, relying on the power of the magic weapon."

"Junior Brother Li is really humble. However, Junior Brother Li, you were so powerful when you were in the Nascent Soul Realm. Your cultivation strength is far higher than that of ordinary Yuanying Immortal cultivators. Now that you have broken through to the Divine Transformation Realm, if you practice well and settle down, you will definitely be stronger in the future. They are in the same realm." Kaiyang Shenjun said with a smile.

Divine Monarch Xuanyue also nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist Kaiyang is right, and the God Transformation Technique practiced by Junior Brother Li is the God Transformation Technique redeemed from the Immortal Weapon War Merit Hall. This is not the God Transformation Skill of our Three Realms. Law can be compared.”

Hearing the words of Lord Xuan Yue, Lord Kaiyang said with emotion: "Now it seems that our three realms have broken through to the realm of transforming into gods, but we have missed the opportunity of this Immortal Weapon and Battle Palace's transforming into gods technique."

"Fellow Taoist Kaiyang, there is no need to lament. If Taoist Kaiyang is determined, he can also practice the exercises again." Xuan Yue Shenjun joked.

Hearing this, Kaiyang Shenjun said: "Fellow Daoist Xuan Yue, what you said is that relearning the skills is not a trivial matter and will waste a lot of time. Moreover, when we came to this Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, we have not just been promoted to the realm of God Transformation. It can be rebuilt if it is rebuilt.”

"Besides, we are all over 1,000 years old, and our longevity will not be enough if we re-cultivate. Now we only hope that we can break through to the realm of refining with the help of this immortal weapon and war merit palace, which is considered good."

Listening to the words of Kaiyang Shenjun and Xuanyue Shenjun, Wu Tao also sighed in his heart: "I still have a long way to go to the realm of refining the void."

In the past, when he was in the Three Realms, the highest cultivator in the Three Realms was the Incarnation God Lord. Wu Tao dreamed of one day breaking through the Incarnation God Lord and standing at the top of the Three Realms. At that time, he also felt the power of Ning Qiudao, Yuanding Shenjun, and Emperor Shenjun. , The Nail in the Coffin and the others were under pressure, and he dreamed of breaking through to the realm of divine transformation in the future, perhaps being able to be on an equal footing with them, and find out why he felt a strange feeling in his heart every time he saw the Emperor Shenjun.

Now that he has come to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, he realizes that even if he breaks through to the realm of becoming gods, he cannot be on an equal footing with the Emperor God Lord and Coffin Nailer. He would rather be on an equal footing with them.

Especially Emperor Shenjun and Master Ding, they are immortal-like beings. Even if he breaks through to the realm of refining the void, he will still be like an ant to these two beings.

"If you think about it this way, I actually have some connection with the immortal-like existence Emperor Shenjun. Could it be my previous life?" This idea suddenly came to Wu Tao's mind.

This idea is not absurd, and it is not surprising that there is a theory of reincarnation in the world of immortality, although Wu Tao is not exposed to this in his current city.

But since he traveled from the earth, he also strongly believed in this theory of past lives. Of course, the past life he was talking about was not his past life on earth, but the past life of this body.

"If that's the case, then we have to investigate after becoming an immortal."

Next, Wu Tao, Divine Lord Xuanyue, and Lord Kaiyang talked for a while, and then concentrated on their way.

When they approached the Northern God Territory, they had already met up with the God Transformation Lord and the Demon Lord from the other three realm camps.

Some God-Transforming God Lords from the Western God Territory came to chase and kill them, but when the God-Transforming God Lords from the Three Realms camp mixed with the Demon Lords, these God-Transforming God Lords from the Western God Territory all stopped chasing and used escape techniques to leave.

At dusk, all those who went out to the Northern God Territory to kill the Eastern God Territory, and the Western God Territory's God-incarnated God Lord and the Demon Lord from the three realms all returned to the Northern God Territory. Of course, not everyone went so smoothly and completed all the tasks in hand.

Some teams did not complete the mission, and some even suffered some minor injuries, but no serious injuries.

After Wu Tao and the others from the Three Realms camp returned to the Northern God Territory, they immediately held a high-level meeting.

Ning Qiudao, Gu Yueshenjun and Tianmo Xuanxie were still the ones presiding over this meeting. Because this task was assigned by Ning Qiudao, Ning Qiudao was the first to speak:

"In this mission, although some fellow Taoists did not kill the designated God-Transforming God Lords, the overall mission goal was achieved this time and a total of 16 God-Transforming God Lords were killed in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory."

"It has greatly weakened the overall god-level strength of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory."

"Fellow Taoists, in fact, the mission this time is not simply to kill the God-Transforming Lords of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region and weaken their strength, but has other purposes."

Hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Wu Tao, the God Transformation Lord and the Demon Lord all looked at Ning Qiudao.

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