Feeling the magical aura of the Sun Yao Treasure Mirror in Wu Tao's hand, the Human Shadow Divine Lord trembled in his heart. The Sun Yao Baojian turned out to be more powerful than the aura of the treasure mirror in his hand, but the Human Shadow Divine Lord was not panicked. This was his first battle to be promoted to the Divine Lord of Transformation. He must deal with it well and accumulate experience in fighting in the realm of gods for himself.

Wu Tao's thoughts were also the same as those of the Human Shadow God Lord. It was also the first time he fought against the God Transformation Lord after he was promoted to the Transformation God. Naturally, the previous battle with the Heavenly Sun God Lord was not counted.

The sunlight beam emitted from the Sun Treasure Mirror in his hand was directed towards the Human Shadow God Lord, and the Human Shadow God Lord immediately activated the treasure mirror in his hand. Black light suddenly shot out from the mirror, shining towards Wu Tao's Sun Light Treasure Mirror. The sun's beams collide and go away.

The treasured mirror of the Human Shadow God Lord is made from the black and mysterious evil light. The treasured mirror can illuminate the black and mysterious evil light. If it shines on the opponent's body, it can pollute the opponent's mana and divine will to a certain extent. If it shines on it, The other party's magic weapon also has the effect of contaminating the other party's magic weapon.

Although this treasure mirror is only a fifth-level primary magic weapon, its power is extraordinary. At that time, he invested all his wealth in order to refining this precious mirror.

The sunbeams emitted by the Ri Yao Treasure Mirror collided with the black and mysterious light emitted by the Human Shadow God Lord's treasured mirror. The Human Shadow God Lord suddenly felt a thump in his heart and said something bad in his heart: "Oops, the black mysterious light emitted by my treasured mirror Although it can contaminate mana, spiritual thoughts and magic weapons, this black evil light is of a dark type, but it is most afraid of magic weapons with the sun attribute. The light of the sun illuminated by the opponent's treasure mirror is the nemesis of my black evil light. .”

He quickly increased his intensity and was able to offset the Sunlight Treasure Mirror beam emitted by Wu Tao.

Once they fought, Wu Tao knew that the human shadow god's magic weapon was not as good as the Sun Yao treasure mirror in his hand, and it also restrained the opponent's treasure mirror. The human shadow god's Luo Ying Shen sect was a sect of the human race, but the techniques they practiced were more inclined to the demonic way. , so the refined mirror is like a demon.

In Wu Tao's view, the Human Shadow God Lord is an ordinary God-Transforming God Lord. His spiritual thoughts should be at 22,000 miles, but Wu Tao's divine thoughts have already reached 30,000 miles, and his magic power has also gone through the previous golden elixir period "Golden Elixir" "Nine Refinements" lays the foundation, and his magic power should be stronger than that of the Human Shadow God Lord.

Now that they have fought, Wu Tao already roughly knows the strength gap between the God-Transforming God Lord of the same realm and himself. He also thought that this time they came from the North City Territory to the West God Territory and wanted to fight quickly, so Wu Tao did not waste time and prepared to go all out. To go.

At this point, Wu Tao's mana and spiritual thoughts were poured into the Sun Treasure Mirror. In an instant, beams of sunlight shot out from the Sun Treasure Mirror and attacked the human silhouette of the Lord.

At this moment, the Human Shadow God felt tremendous pressure. He was busy avoiding the sun's beams, and was busy using his treasured mirror to cast out the black evil light to offset the sun's beams.

He was also horrified in his heart: "How come this person's magic power and spiritual thoughts are so powerful? How can he activate the magic weapon without stopping?"

Thinking like this, the Human Shadow Divine Lord knows that it is impossible to win with magic weapons alone. He has also studied magical powers in the past twenty years, and his magical powers are the top divine transformation powers in the Luoying Divine Sect.

As soon as he used his magical power, a black shadow was peeled off from the body of the human shadow god. This was his magical power's shadow transformation technique. This magical power's shadow was completely black and faceless, but it exuded a powerful aura.

Coming towards Wu Tao to attack.

This wave feels a bit like two against one.

Wu Tao didn't hesitate when he saw the magical power of the Human Shadow God Lord. He wanted to test how powerful the Burning Heaven Magical Power he had just learned was.

With a thought in his mind, Wu Tao instantly used the Burning Sky Magical Power, and a large piece of Burning Sky Flame flew out from his hand and shrouded the black shadow incarnation of the human shadow god.

The Burning Heaven Divine Power is also a fire-attributed magical power, and the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield is also a fire attribute, but it is only a fourth-level Nascent Soul spell. Therefore, the flame intensity of the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield is far inferior to that of the Burning Sky Divine Power. Sky flame.

The sky-burning flames fell on the black shadow, instantly burning holes into the black shadow. Seeing this scene, the figure god was shocked, shocked and horrified. His magical power was transformed into a shadow after more than 20 years of sacrifice. Sacrifice and refine this thin shadow.

If he was given another 20 years, he would be able to more solidify the shadow and become more powerful.

At this moment, the Human Shadow God Lord felt a little despair in his heart, because his magical power was no match for the magical power of the extraterrestrial demon, and his magic weapon was not as powerful as the extraterrestrial demon's magic weapon.

If the battle continues, it will be very detrimental to him, although he is confident that he is also at the first level of God Transformation and can save his life.

But he is currently in a trap and kill formation. If the fifth-level intermediate-level trap and kill formation attacks from the side, and there is an extraterrestrial demon of the same level in front of him, his life may not be saved.

"At this time, this fifth-level intermediate-level trapping and killing formation has not launched an attack on me. It should be that the more powerful extraterritorial demon is using the fifth-level intermediate-level trapping and killing formation to deal with Senior Brother Tianying." The Human Shadow God thought of this in his mind and couldn't help but worry. The safety of the Lord God is brought up from the sky.

The demons from outside the territory deliberately planned to sneak over to Xiyuanzhou, and then set up traps to lure him, senior brothers Tianying and Diying over. There must be a certain degree of certainty.

"So I can't place my hopes on Senior Brother Tianying and Senior Brother Diying. I have to work hard to protect myself, and then wait for the other Divine Transformation Lords from Xiyuanzhou to come." Thinking of this, the Human Shadow Divine Lord has forgotten his original intention.

His original intention was naturally to kill Wu Tao, but now he just wanted to save his life, save some mana and spiritual energy, and not consume too much, and Wu Tao would seize the opportunity to kill him.

It took him more than 600 years to go from the Qi refining stage to the realm of divine transformation, which is already considered very remarkable. He still has 1,400 years of life, so naturally he doesn't want to die today.

Therefore, the Human Shadow Divine Lord immediately took back the black shadow transformed by his magical power and began to use the escape method to avoid the sun beam emitted by Wu Tao's Sun Treasure Mirror.

When Wu Tao saw the Human Shadow God Lord like this, he already roughly knew the Human Shadow God Lord's intentions. He thought in his heart: "This is a quick battle. I want to quickly deal with the Human Shadow God Lord, so that the Xuanyue God Lord and the Kaiyang God Lord can focus on solving the Sky Shadow God Lord and the Earthly Lord." Lord Shadow God.”

Thinking of this, the Burning Sky Divine Power attacked the Human Shadow God Lord.

Wu Tao's Burning Heaven Magic Power is only at the entry level, but the Human Shadow God Lord can dodge it.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he was able to avoid it and suffered a small injury without any problem. As long as the other gods of transformation from Xiyuanzhou came over, all the disasters could be solved, just like what Tianying Shenjun said.

Just when the Human Shadow Divine Lord was avoiding Wu Tao's Burning Sky Magical Power, the surrounding fifth-level intermediate killing array suddenly started to move. Sword lights rose up from the surroundings, locking on the Human Shadow Divine Lord. At this moment, the Human Shadow Divine Lord trembled in his heart. If he was If these sword beams were locked, he would have to avoid Wu Tao's Burning Heaven Magical Power and Sun Yao Treasure Mirror.

It was impossible to dodge all the attacks from both sides. They were either attacked by the sword light of the fifth-level intermediate formation, or attacked by Wu Tao's Sun Yao Treasure Mirror and Burning Sky Divine Power.

Between these two, the attack of the fifth-level intermediate-level trapping and killing formation was equivalent to that of the middle stage of God Transformation. He did not dare to force it at all, and Wu Tao's Sun Yao Baojian and Burning Heaven Magical Power would cause serious injuries if they were force-caught.

And Wu Tao also knew that this was the Divine Lord Xuan Yue who wanted to help him deal with the Human Shadow Divine Lord. The Divine Lord Xuanyue may have thought that the Human Shadow Divine Lord was promoted 20 years before him, and since he had just been promoted, he must not be the opponent of the Human Shadow Divine Lord. To deal with the Lord Tianying, he also came to help Wu Tao.

Wu Tao was very touched by this kind of care, but Xuan Yue Shenjun was distracted and mobilized formations to deal with Human Shadow Shenjun, so he would definitely not be able to go all out to deal with Tianying Shenjun.

Thinking that he could deal with the Human Shadow Lord, Wu Tao immediately said loudly: "Senior Sister Xuanyue, leave this human shadow Lord to me. You can concentrate on dealing with the Sky Shadow Lord."

Although it was said loudly, it was accompanied by Wu Tao's magical power. Divine Lord Xuan Yue, who was fighting against the Lord Tianying, naturally heard it. At this moment, she chose to believe Wu Tao and immediately withdrew the sword light that was used to deal with the Lord Human Shadow. He fully mobilized the fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing formation, coupled with his own strength, to deal with the Lord Tianying.

The Human Shadow God naturally heard Wu Tao's words. In the next moment, he saw that all the formations and swords aimed at him had dissipated, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was naturally impossible to be grateful to Wu Tao. He just felt that Wu Tao was too arrogant and actually thought that someone of the same level could kill him.

However, the more arrogant and arrogant the opponent is, the Human Shadow God King prefers it, but those who are cautious and cautious are the most terrifying.

Naturally, Wu Tao noticed the awe-inspiring look in the eyes of the Human Shadow God Lord. He had decided to go all out and simply radiated all his 31,000 miles of divine will, using the Sun Yao Baojian and the Burning Sky Magical Power one after another.

Feeling Wu Tao's 31,000-mile spiritual will, the Human Shadow God was so shocked that he couldn't help blurting out: "How can your spiritual will be so powerful?"

This divine thought was so powerful that even the Shadow God Lord felt the pressure from the divine thought, making him realize that this extraterrestrial demon might not be arrogant, but actually had the strength to kill him.

At this moment, the Human Shadow God Lord was no longer calm.

The battle between the Divine Lord Tianying and the Divine Lord Xuanyue is very fierce. The strength of the Divine Lord Xuanyue and the Divine Lord Tianying are almost the same. The Divine Lord Xuanyue is a little stronger than the Divine Lord Tianying, but if you use your own cultivation strength, you have to kill Tianying quickly. God, that is impossible.

But now that there is a fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing formation, Xuan Yue Shenjun used the fifth level intermediate trapping and killing formation to deal with Tianying Shenjun with all his strength. In a short time, Tianying Shenjun was suppressed by Xuanyue Shenjun and was unable to take off at all.

Divine Lord Xuanyue was confident that he would kill the Divine Lord Tianying before the other Divine Lords of Transformation arrived in Xiyuanzhou.

She originally thought that Wu Tao had just been promoted to the God of Transformation not long ago, and he might not have learned his magical powers yet, so he was arranged to fight. At that time, neither Xuanyue Shenjun nor Kaiyang Shenjun agreed with Ning Shenjun's arrangement of Wu Tao's mission, but Ning Shenjun insisted on his decision, and Xuanyue Shenjun and Kaiyang Shenjun could not veto Ning Shenjun's decision.

Because Lord Xuan Yue was not confident in Wu Tao's cultivation, she had just thought of mobilizing the power of the fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing array to help Wu Tao quickly deal with Lord Human Shadow.

But I didn’t expect Wu Tao to say that he could deal with the Human Shadow Lord alone.

Since Wu Tao was so confident, Lord Xuanyue transferred back the mobilized fifth-level intermediate killing formation sword light and concentrated on dealing with Lord Tianying.

She doesn't care whether Wu Tao has the confidence to kill the Shadow God Lord, as long as Wu Tao is safe. After killing Lord Tianying with all her strength, she went to help Wu Tao.

Xuan Yue Shenjun went all out to crush Tianying Shenjun. After only twenty breaths, she suddenly felt that there was a missing breath in the formation, because she presided over the fifth-level intermediate trapping and killing formation. As long as the gods in the formation were All gods can be sensed by her.

"Has Fellow Daoist Kaiyang already dealt with the Earth Shadow God Lord?" God Lord Xuan Yue thought in his mind, and immediately poured his spiritual thoughts into the array, and sensed the location where Kaiyang God Lord and Earth Shadow God Lord were fighting. It senses that Kaiyang Shenjun and Earth Shadow Shenjun are still fighting.

"It's not fellow Taoist Kaiyang, is it?"

Xuan Yue Shenjun was startled and confused, and immediately turned his senses towards Wu Tao and the Human Shadow Divine Lord. In an instant, he sensed that the aura of the Human Shadow Divine Lord had disappeared.

"Okay, okay, Junior Brother Li is really not lying. He has already solved the Human Shadow God Lord in a short time."

Xuan Yue Shenjun said in his heart, and withdrew the induction from Wu Tao's body, and then continued to concentrate on dealing with Tianying Shenjun. After killing Tianying Shenjun, he went to help Kaiyang Shenjun deal with Earth Shadow Shenjun.

On Wu Tao's side, he was holding a storage bag in his hand. This storage bag belonged to the Human Shadow God, and the body of the Human Shadow God had been annihilated by him using the Burning Sky Divine Power.

The magic weapon mirror of the Human Shadow God Lord also fell into his hands. This magic weapon magic mirror is driven by the skills of the Human Shadow God Lord, so Wu Tao can't use it, but he can take it back and recycle it to the War Merit Hall.

After the Human Shadow God was killed by him, Wu Tao immediately looked at the War Merit Hall brand on his wrist and found that the war merit in the War Merit Hall brand had increased by 5,000.

"The difference is too big. A Nascent Soul cultivator is only in the dozens or dozens, but a God Transformation Level 1 directly increases by 5,000?"

However, Wu Tao felt that it was unreasonable and useless, because the amount of military merit depended on the War Merit Palace, and he did not question the power of the immortal weapon.

Now that the Human Shadow Divine Lord has been killed, Wu Tao sat down in the void in the formation and waited for the victory of Xuanyue Divine Lord and Kaiyang Divine Lord. As for helping Xuanyue Divine Lord and Kaiyang Divine Lord, it was unrealistic, because he only Being at the first level of spiritual transformation can't help at all.

As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, the storage bag of the Human Shadow God Lord was already wrapped by Wu Tao's mana and spiritual thoughts. He began to eliminate the restrictions in the storage bag of the Human Shadow God Lord and see what items were in the storage bag. The cultivation level can be used.

The divine will of the Human Shadow God Lord is not very powerful. He is just a first-level immortal cultivator who has just passed the exam. His spiritual will is 22,000 miles, while Wu Tao's divine will has reached 31,000 miles. Every breath of time that passes by, Wu Tao feels this. The ban is about to wear off.

And just when Wu Tao was killing the restrictions on the human shadow god's storage bag, Xuan Yue Shenjun finally killed the sky shadow god with the help of the fifth-level intermediate trapping formation.

Then she immediately mobilized the fifth-level intermediate killing formation and moved her figure in front of the Earth Shadow God Lord and the Kaiyang God Lord.

Seeing the appearance of Divine Lord Xuanyue, Divine Lord Earth Shadow was shocked. He and Divine Lord Kaiyang were indistinguishable in their fighting skills. They were equally matched, but Divine Lord Xuanyue was as powerful as his senior brother Tianying Divine Lord. If Lord Xuanyue comes now, wouldn't it mean that Senior Brother Tianying has died in the hands of this extraterrestrial demon?

"How could it be so fast? With the strength of Senior Brother Tianying, it shouldn't be?" Diying Shenjun felt a hint of despair.

When Kaiyang Shenjun saw Xuanyue Shenjun coming to help him, he immediately said: "Fellow Xuanyue, go and help Junior Brother Li. Junior Brother Li has just advanced to the realm of god transformation and should not be the opponent of the human shadow Shenjun."

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