Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 884 Seventh level of Yuan Ti, twenty thousand miles of divine thoughts

When Wu Tao received news of the truce in the Three Realms Alliance, they were still on the task of repairing the damaged war boat.

Therefore, after Wu Tao asked the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region's Nascent Soul Army to kill the two Nascent Soul cultivators who had formed the foundation of the gods, the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region's army would not dare to invade easily again unless they could gather more Nascent Soul cultivators who had mastered the basics of transforming into gods came to surround him and kill him. Only when they felt confident did they dare to attack again.

However, these damaged war ships have not been repaired, and they still have to continue to complete their missions, and repairing these war ships will also be rewarded with military merit.

Wu Tao, Wen Xingrui, Gu Zhouming, and Wu Chongyi were all very happy when they got the news of the truce between the two sides.

The truce means that they can slowly repair the war boat and have more time to practice. Isn't the war merit they earn meant to be used to improve their cultivation?

Gu Zhouming and Wu Chongyi have not yet reached the perfection of Nascent Soul, and they want more time to practice.

Although Wen Xingrui has cultivated to the perfection of Yuanying with the help of Yuanling Secret Realm, he still needs more time to accumulate his own cultivation and prepare to develop the foundation of becoming a god.

As for Wu Tao, a cultivator who has mastered the foundation of transforming into gods, he needs time to understand the nerve of fire source transformation in order to be ready to break through to the realm of transforming into gods.

"Great, I wonder if we won this time, or not?" Gu Zhouming said with a face of joy. He was not asking about the battle at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, but the battle situation at the Battlefield of Transformation.

Gu Yueshenjun issued the announcement relying on the message array of the War Merit Hall, and the message was sent to everyone's summons token. They didn't even see the faces of the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord, so everyone I don’t even know what the situation is like with the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord.

Wen Xingrui thought for a while and said: "Since the truce has been called, it means that the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory can't do anything to us at all. It also means that we will be settled in the Northern God Territory for a long time to come. "

"As long as we are given ten years, relying on the War Merit Hall, we will definitely be able to give birth to many immortal cultivators in the realm of god transformation."

Wu Tao nodded when he heard the words and echoed Wen Xingrui's words: "What the master said is absolutely true. What we need most now is time. As long as there is enough time, let alone the realm of transformation into gods. With the powerful immortal weapon of the War Merit Hall, , even the Void Refining Heavenly Lord and the Demon King can spring up like mushrooms after a rain."

The four chatted for a while and then continued to repair the war boat.

After repairing the war boat here for three days, they received a message from Lord Ning Qiudao Ning, asking them to go to the conference hall to conduct this time's merit review and reward.

After receiving the summons from Ning Qiudao, Wu Tao and the others immediately went to the conference hall and saw Ning Qiudao. However, the only god in the conference hall was Ning Qiudao.

It seems that the God-Transforming God Lords in the Three Realms camp should be recovering or recovering from their injuries. It is impossible for the God-Transforming God Lords who fought against the Eastern God Realm, Western God Realm and the Northern God Realm to flee in the Tiangang Layer without any injuries.

Regarding this point, Ning Qiudao also had an explanation. He told Wu Tao and the other Nascent Soul cultivators that there was no need to worry about the God-Transformation Lords above. In this battle between the God-Transformation Lords at the Tiangang level, none of the Soul-Transformation Lords died.

The reward hall has a main hall master, Ning Qiudao, and a deputy hall master who is a demon lord from the demon clan. Therefore, this time the reward will be given based on merit, and the demon clan will do it in the demon abyss, and the deputy palace master will do it. The master of the palace, the demon king, rewards the original gods and demons for their merits.

Next, Ning Qiudao began to reward the human Nascent Soul cultivators based on their merits. This side was responsible for guarding the border defense line of the North City Territory. Yu Zhengsheng was in charge of the orthodox territory, and Wen Xingrui was the deputy commander.

Therefore, Yu Zhengsheng and Wen Xingrui have gained a lot of military exploits. They guarded the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, and other Nascent Soul cultivators have also gained a lot of military exploits, which is enough for them to practice for a long time in the future.

After discussing their merits and rewarding Yu Zhengsheng, Wen Xingrui and other Nascent Soul cultivators, Ning Qiudao began to reward Wu Tao based on his merits.

Although Wu Tao was still practicing in seclusion at the beginning of the war, the most important reason why the border defense line of the Northern God Territory was able to defend and was not broken by the Nascent Soul army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory was because of Wu Tao.

Therefore, even if Wu Tao did not receive the duties of the orthodox leader or deputy commander, after Ning Qiu Tao, discussing merit and deeds, Wu Tao gained more military exploits than the orthodox leader Yu Zhengsheng.

In this way, Wu Tao's military exploits have passed the 100,000 mark and reached over 110,000.

After Ning Qiu Dao discussed his merits and rewarded him, he told Wu Tao and the other Nascent Soul cultivators to practice hard and break through to the realm of God Transformation as soon as possible. The Three Realms camp needs more God Transformation Lords.

Ning Qiudao also explained why not so many God-Transforming God Lords from the Eastern Divine Region, Western God Territory and Northern God Territory escaped this time. It was because the immortal ruins in the Western Wasteland attracted a large number of Divine Transformation Lords from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region. If all the immortal ruins in the Western Wasteland are explored by the Lianxu Sect and the Demon King Demon Clan in Zhongzhou.

At that time, what the Three Realms camp had to face was not just the God-Transforming God Lords who had escaped from the Northern God Territory and some of the God-Transforming God Lords from the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, but the entire Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm.

Ning Qiudao's words made all the Nascent Soul cultivators present feel a sense of urgency, that is, practice quickly and rely on their current military exploits to exchange them in the War Merit Hall for cultivation resources that can quickly improve their cultivation.

After Ning Qiudao left, Wu Tao could feel a sense of urgency on the faces of all the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Three Realms camp.

"Fellow Daoist Li, congratulations on becoming the top achiever this time." Yu Zhengsheng said sincerely, congratulating Wu Tao.

He has real admiration and admiration for Wu Tao. Without Wu Tao, he would not have been able to obtain so many military exploits this time. If the border defense line of the Northern God Territory was breached, it would be impossible for him not to be punished by Ning Qiudao. of.

Therefore, Yu Zhengsheng felt that it was natural for Wu Tao to gain the top position in terms of military achievements even though he did not hold the status of an orthodox leader this time.

Not only Yu Zhengsheng, but other Nascent Soul cultivators also came to congratulate Wu Tao for winning the first place in military merit for the third time.

Wu Tao responded generally, and then said to them: "Fellow Taoists, Ning Shenjun also said just now that we in the Three Realms need time very much and need more Taoist friends to improve their cultivation. It is best to break through to the realm of transforming gods. Only then can we Faced with the future closure of the Immortal Cave ruins in the Western Wasteland, immortal cultivators from the entire Tailing Immortal World will attack."

"The Void Refining Sect in Zhongzhou and the demons in Zhongzhou will not allow us, the extraterrestrial demons, to settle in this Northern God Territory."

As soon as Wu Tao said these words, a sense of oppression suddenly came. If Zhongzhou's Lianxu Tianjun and others come to attack, it would be terrible. I only hope that both Yuanding Shenjun and Tianmo Xuanyi can break through.

But both Yuanding Shenjun and Tianmo Xuanyi have broken through, and they are fighting against soldiers against generals. What they have to face may be the God-Transforming God-Jun, because there are too many God-Transforming God-Juns in the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm, and they can defeat all of them. The three-realm camp's God-Transforming God Lord and the Demon Lord are all restrained. As long as one or two God-Transforming God Lords are freed up, no matter how many Nascent Soul cultivators they have, it will be of no use.

Therefore, they still have to rely on themselves. They cannot rely on others, nor can they rely on the War Merit Palace to save them. The War Merit Palace only gives them the opportunity to become stronger and rely on themselves.

"Fellow Daoist Li is absolutely right. Then we will go back to the War Merit Hall to exchange for cultivation resources." Yu Zhengsheng and other immortal cultivators left quickly.

Wu Tao also left the conference hall with his master Wen Xingrui.

Walking on the road, Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui: "Master, I have already practiced the foundation of transforming into gods. Let's go back to the war merit hall. I will tell you about my insights on practicing the foundation of transforming into gods."

When Wen Xingrui heard this, he felt happy and nodded: "Okay."

The two masters and disciples no longer hesitated, activated the mark of the War Merit Hall on their wrists, and returned to the War Merit Hall, back to the War Merit Hall. The two of them came to the rest room No. 13.

After sitting down cross-legged, Wu Tao began to talk about his insights into practicing the foundation of becoming a god. Wen Xingrui listened attentively. At this time, it seemed that Wen Xingrui was like an apprentice and Wu Tao was like a master.

But Wen Xingrui doesn't care about this at all. A master doesn't have to be inferior to a disciple, and a disciple doesn't have to be inferior to a master. When a disciple becomes stronger, he can also take care of him as a master in some aspects.

So after Wu Tao finished speaking, Wen Xingrui pondered for a moment, and then began to ask Wu Tao, his apprentice, about his doubts one by one, and Wu Tao answered them one by one very seriously.

After Wu Tao finished answering, he looked at his master Wen Xingrui and said: "Master, after all, I have developed the foundation of divine transformation with spiritual objects such as the fifth-level pure spirit lotus platform. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the master has cultivated the foundation of divine transformation through his own cultivation. The difference. Therefore, the master does not have to practice the foundation of becoming a god according to my experience."

Wen Xingrui nodded when he heard this and said: "Don't worry, I still know this as a teacher, but the understanding of cultivating the foundation of transforming into gods will never change without one's sect. There may be some differences, but stones from other mountains can also attack jade. For With your teaching experience, my teacher will definitely be able to develop the foundation of becoming a god faster."

"It's my honor to be able to help the master." Wu Tao said with a smile.

Wen Xingrui chuckled and said: "Disciple, you still need to work hard to break through to the realm of God Transformation faster, and then watch the process of your breakthrough for me. In this way, I can learn from the past when I break through to the realm of God Transformation. "

Wu Tao smiled when he heard this and said: "Don't dare to disobey Master's orders. I will seize the time to break through to the realm of divine transformation."

Afterwards, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui had a conversation, left the rest room No. 13, and went to the training room to practice. Wu Tao now has more than 110,000 combat merits. When he chose the training room, he naturally went directly to the 10x accelerated training room. Now that he is wealthy, he can still afford the 10x accelerated training room.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the 10x acceleration training room, Wu Tao thought to himself: "Now that there is a truce between the two sides, I will seize this truce time to break through to the realm of god transformation. Of course, during this period, I will also improve the star yuan body." Go up."

Wu Tao must go down the road of dual cultivation of law and body. He can be so powerful because he is a dual cultivation of law and body. If he were not a dual cultivation of law and body, the last time he faced Zhou Tiansheng at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. It's easy to say that he has the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual and the Ninth Refining of the Golden Elixir that he practiced when he was in the Golden Elixir realm, and he has some foundation in mana and spiritual thoughts. But if there is another Yu Taihe, he may lose. It is impossible to kill Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe instantly with such a powerful move.

"Okay, let's seize the time to understand the fire source and transform the nerves, and then practice non-stop day by day, Zhoutianxingxingbianqigongyuanti chapter."

With this in mind, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the current progress of the 6th level of the Yuan Ti Chapter of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Training.

Level 6 of the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Training Yuan Ti chapter: (8%)

Seeing this progress, Wu Tao calculated in his mind: "In the past, when I was practicing the sixth level of the Star Yuan Ti, I was practicing in the three-level acceleration training room. The improvement speed was only 6 points per month. Calculated at this speed If so, it will take another year and three months to break through to the seventh level of the Yuan Ti."

"But now I am practicing in a 10x acceleration training room. Multiplied by three times the acceleration, then I can break through to the seventh level of Yuan Ti in 5 months or even more than 4 months."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao no longer hesitated, and immediately took out the Star Streaming Light and started practicing. Practicing in this 10x accelerated training room, Wu Tao felt that the speed at which he could refine the Starry Streaming Light was more than three times faster than in the 3x accelerated training room.

The speed of his cultivation has increased, and the speed at which he can refine the Star Streaming Light has also accelerated. It feels like the Star Streaming Light is consumed very quickly, but fortunately, he is now wealthy and has more than 110,000 battle merits, which is enough for him to exchange for a lot of Star Streaming Light.

Time passed day by day, and every day Wu Tao understood the source of fire and transformed into nerves, and then practiced the Yuan Ti Chapter of the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Kung Fu to improve the Star Yuan Ti.

As for the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region, ever since Wu Tao killed Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe, after they returned, they planned to use the Nascent Soul from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region's Divine Transformation Sect to refine the foundation of the Divine Transformation. Immortal cultivators are invited to come out to surround and kill Wu Tao, so that they can break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

After they had just withdrawn from the Northern God Territory border defense line, there was no truce on the God Transformation battlefield at the Tiangang level, so their mission was still to break through the Northern God Territory border defense line.

Therefore, after the discussion, we actually went to invite other immortal cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region who had practiced the foundation of divine transformation. As soon as it was revealed that both Yu Taihe and Zhou Tiansheng had died in the hands of Wu Tao, these cultivators from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region who had practiced the foundation of divine transformation in seclusion, all of them rejected them directly.

Just kidding, they don't think they are stronger than Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe.

If they can't invite a cultivator who has mastered the foundation of transforming gods to leave the sect, it means that they will never be able to break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. For them, after the battlefield of transforming gods at the Tiangang layer is over, they are determined to You will be punished by the gods.

Just when they were anxious, the God Transformation Lord above told them that there was going to be a truce, which made them relieved.

But you still need to face punishment.

Of course Wu Tao doesn't care about these, nor do the immortal cultivators from the Three Realms camp. They only care that they have temporarily settled in the Northern God Territory.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than four months have passed since the truce.

On this day, Wu Tao was practicing in the 10x accelerated training room.

There is a jade slip on his forehead, which is the jade slip from which the source of fire turns into nerves.

After meditating for two hours, Wu Tao took off the jade slip that turned the source of fire into nerves from his forehead. It was time for him to practice the Yuan Ti Chapter of the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique.

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Yuan Ti Chapter·Level 6: (99%)

"Today I will break through the seventh level of the Yuan Ti, and my spiritual will will also break through 20,000 miles!" Wu Tao looked through the personal information, and then closed the personal information.

At the beginning of last month, he had completed the 8th level of the Nascent Soul stage of the Tianyan Divine Refining Scripture, and his divine mind had been enhanced to 19,200 miles.

As long as the Star Yuan Ti breaks through to the 7th level today, at least 800 more miles of divine will will be added, and then the divine will can break through to 20,000 miles.


With a thought in his mind, Wu Tao began to refine the star stream that had been prepared and merge it into his own star body.

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