Zhou Tiansheng's extremely arrogant words resounded throughout the entire Northern God Territory border defense line.

Wu Tao's 18,200-mile spiritual thought fell on Zhou Tiansheng, but Zhou Tiansheng didn't notice it at all.

He sensed that Zhou Tiansheng had the aura of mastering the foundation of becoming a god. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant.

"Fellow Daoist Li, this person is really arrogant and arrogant. Please take action, Friend Daoist Li. Kill this person!" Yu Zhengsheng said while cupping his hands to Wu Tao.

The ancient demon spirit also looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Zhou Tiansheng, but he also sensed the one in Taihe. Both of them had mastered the foundation of becoming gods.

"It seems that I failed last time at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. Knowing that I had mastered the foundation of the God Transformation and could not break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, I went to invite two Nascent Souls who had also mastered the foundation of the God Transformation. The cultivators will deal with me."

Wu Tao thought.

However, he would not look down upon the two Nascent Soul cultivators who had also mastered the foundation of divine transformation.

There are differences among Nascent Soul cultivators who have also mastered the foundation of divine transformation, and the difference may be very big. For example, now his divine thoughts have fallen on Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe, but these two people have no Sensing Wu Tao's spiritual prying eyes.

If their spiritual thoughts fell on Wu Tao, Wu Tao would definitely be able to detect it immediately.

Wu Tao's mind turned, and in front of the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region, beside Yu Taihe, some Nascent Soul cultivators thought of Wu Tao's previous fierce power, and the spiritual source attack beams stacked up by hundreds of warships could not blast him. kill.

Then someone said to Taihe: "Senior Brother Yu, why don't you and Brother Zhou take action together to kill the immortal cultivator among the demons from outside the territory who has mastered the foundation of becoming a god!"

Yu Taihe shook his head when he heard what he said: "What? You don't believe Fellow Daoist Zhou."


Before the man finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yu Taihe: "Don't worry, if fellow Daoist Zhou is not that man's enemy, I will take action and kill him. I will never delay your important event."

Yu Taihe said this with full confidence. He was a cultivator who had mastered the foundation of becoming gods, and he could be said to be a quasi-god king. Therefore, no one dared to refute his words, and no one dared to force him to join Zhou Tiansheng. Take action against Wu Tao.

Wu Tao sensed what Yu Taihe said. He frowned slightly, and with a movement of his body, he got out of the war boat and out of the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, facing Zhou Tiansheng from a distance.

He looked at Zhou Tiansheng, then at Yu Taihe who was on the battle boat of the Yuan Ying army in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, and said, "Won't that fellow Taoist take action with you?"

Zhou Tiansheng snorted coldly when he heard this and said: "I am enough, so I won't bother my Taoist friends to take action."

Wu Tao knew that the proud sons of the Shenhua Sect like Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe were very high-spirited and would not want to join forces to fight with him at the same level, but in his heart he wanted Yu Taihe and Zhou Tiansheng. life, so he wanted to lure Yu Taihe out.

Immediately kill Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe to prevent Yu Taihe from turning into a shrunken turtle and shrinking into 200 war boats. In that case, Wu Tao will not be able to kill them.

Although he has mastered the basics of becoming a god, he is not a true god after all. With the cover of 200 war boats, Yu Taihe can still escape if he wants to escape.

Therefore, we must find a way to lure Yu Taihe out.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao's eyes fell on Zhou Tiansheng. Originally, he planned to kill Zhou Tiansheng with one move, but in that case, Yu Taihe would be frightened, and Yu Taihe would definitely run away like a tortoise. .

Yu Taihe is a Nascent Soul cultivator who has mastered the foundation of becoming a god. He is 100% able to advance to the realm of becoming a god in the future. He will not think about leaving his life here.

When it comes to breaking through to a great realm, immortal cultivators will be more cautious.

"Okay, then I'll see how this fellow Taoist kills me at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory." As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Tao reached out and patted the storage bag, and six red flame divine fire shields flew away. Come out and shroud Zhou Tiansheng.

Regarding Wu Tao's six dimensional divine fire shields, Zhou Tiansheng chuckled and immediately took out a talisman, but it was a water attribute talisman. Water attribute spells came towards Wu Tao's six red flame divine fire shields.

Wu Tao deliberately controlled his own strength and directly released the water. Therefore, he had a back-and-forth with Zhou Tiansheng, but the whole process was so gorgeous that onlookers felt that he had mastered the foundation of becoming a god. Nascent Soul cultivators are so powerful, and the power of the aftermath emitted from every battle cannot be matched by themselves.

After fighting like this for hundreds of rounds, Wu Tao and Zhou Tiansheng were evenly matched, with no one able to defeat the other.

Seeing this anxious situation, Yu Taihe cursed out loud, scolding Zhou Tiansheng for being a waste for not being able to defeat Wu Tao for so long.

Wu Tao and Zhou Tiansheng were fighting inextricably. Their magic weapons kept colliding with each other, and their spiritual thoughts also began to collide. Zhou Tiansheng's spiritual thoughts were very powerful, but Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts were actually as powerful as him.

Zhou Tiansheng originally thought that he would be able to kill this extraterrestrial demon who had mastered the foundation of becoming a god as soon as he took action. However, after fighting for hundreds of rounds, he still hadn't defeated Wu Tao, which made him anxious. I got up and felt that my reputation was going to be ruined.

If only the Nascent Soul army from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region were here, he wouldn't think anything of it, but if Taihe was watching the battle from the sidelines, wouldn't it mean that Yu Taihe was looking down on himself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tiansheng used all his trump cards and increased his strength by another 20%. As expected, Wu Tao was defeated in one fell swoop.

Wu Tao was put at a disadvantage, but he couldn't find a chance to kill Wu Tao.

This made Zhou Tiansheng even more depressed and vomited blood.

Seeing that Wu Tao was defeated by Zhou Tiansheng, the faces of the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons in the Three Realms camp began to show worried looks. If Wu Tao were defeated, the border defense line of the Northern God Territory would not be able to be defended.

However, Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling, who are the orthodox leaders of the human race and demon race, have no worries on their faces, because they know very well that Wu Tao's combat power is not what he shows now.

Wu Tao was hiding his clumsiness, but as for why he was hiding his clumsiness, Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling didn't know.

Wu Tao pretended to be struggling to resist Zhou Tiansheng's attack, and his words stimulated Zhou Tiansheng and said: "Before the fight, fellow Taoist's tone was very crazy. How come it has been hundreds of rounds now, but fellow Taoist has not yet finished it?" Shall I take it?"

Zhou Tiansheng felt depressed when he heard this, but he still said bravely: "You are already at a disadvantage. As long as I consume your spiritual thoughts and magic power, I will be able to kill you with one blow. Don't be arrogant and do not know when you are about to die. "

"Fellow Taoist, with your strength, if I want to escape, what can you do to me? It would be better for you to ask your fellow Taoist for help and join forces with you to possibly kill me. , if it was too late, I would have missed an excellent opportunity if I returned to the defensive line." Wu Tao also said for Zhou Tiansheng's sake.

Zhou Tiansheng snorted coldly, but did not answer. He did not want to ask Yu Taihe to help. If Yu Taihe took action, even if the two of them killed Wu Tao, Yu Taihe would still brag about it when he returned to the Eastern God Territory. He said that Zhou Tiansheng was not as good as him. Zhou Tiansheng couldn't even take down an extraterrestrial demon without him taking action.

For Zhou Tiansheng, who values ​​​​face, this is unacceptable.

Yu Taihe observed the fight between Wu Tao and Zhou Tiansheng, and kept mocking Zhou Tiansheng in a low voice for his lack of strength, but he had no idea of ​​taking action.

The Nascent Soul cultivator next to him became more and more anxious as he watched. If Yu Taihe was willing to help, Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon who had mastered the foundation of becoming a god, might have been killed by this time, and then they could break through the North Divine border defense line.

At this moment, war boats flew towards this side from the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. There were more than 20 war boats, including demon war boats.

"Commander Yu, this is the war boat that was just repaired today. Please accept it, Commander Yu and Commander Tianmo." The immortal cultivator responsible for transporting the war boat reported to Yu Zhengsheng and the ancient demon spirit.

Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling looked at the more than 20 war boats that had just been sent, and looked at each other. They finally understood. It turned out that Wu Tao released the water and did not directly kill Zhou Tiansheng in order to delay time so that the more than 20 war boats could be sent. A war boat was sent to join in the upcoming battle.

Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling immediately began to arrange for the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons to enter the war boat and control the war boat to join the original battle queue.

The situation on Yu Zhengsheng's side was naturally noticed by the Nascent Soul Army of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region. However, seeing that there were only more than 20 more war ships in the Three Realms camp, they did not care, because the most important thing was not that they had more war ships. With more than 20 warships, what can affect the situation of the battle is whether Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon who has mastered the foundation of becoming a god, can be killed by Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe.

Wu Tao is their biggest obstacle to breaking through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory.

As long as Wu Tao is killed, the border defense line of the Northern God Territory can be broken at any time.

But now Zhou Tiansheng, a Nascent Soul cultivator who has mastered the foundation of transforming into gods, has been unable to kill Wu Tao, which makes the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Eastern Divine Region and Western Divine Region anxious.

Therefore, in order to quickly break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory, a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Dongyi Sect said to Yu Taihe: "Please also ask Senior Brother Yu to take action. Senior Brother Zhou Tiansheng from the Dongyan Sect cannot defeat that extraterrestrial demon alone." .”

"Senior Brother Yu, the God Transformation War may be almost over. If the God Transformation Lord above knew that Senior Brother Yu had taken action to kill the extraterrestrial demons who had practiced the foundation of God Transformation, he helped us break through the God Transformation Lord on the border defense line of the Northern God Territory. , I will definitely reward my senior brother."

Yu Taihe didn't really want to take action at first. He waited for Zhou Tiansheng to realize that he couldn't kill the extraterrestrial demon. After returning to the formation, he took action again and killed Wu Tao alone. This was his real idea.

But now that these people have moved out of the Transformation God Lord, Yu Taihe has to take action, because he has decided to go out to help the Nascent Soul Army of the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region to break through the border defense line of the Northern Divine Region, so he cannot delay the fight due to personal matters.

So thinking of this, Yu Taihe nodded and said: "Okay, Yu will take action now and kill the demon from outside the territory. After I kill him, you can break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory!"

Seeing that Yu Taihe was finally willing to take action, the faces of the Nascent Soul cultivators around him were all overjoyed. They raised their hands and said to Yu Taihe, "If Senior Brother Yu takes action, the demon from outside the territory will definitely die."

"Hahaha." Yu Taihe laughed three times, and with a movement of his body, he got out of the war boat, flew directly towards Wu Tao and Zhou Tiansheng, and said loudly: "Zhou Tiansheng, you have been practicing in seclusion for so long, and this is all. , there is no progress at all, let’s see how I kill this extraterrestrial demon!”

When Wu Tao saw that Yu Taihe was finally willing to come out, he stopped trying. He reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist. 20 attack magic weapons, as well as the 6 red flame divine fire shields that originally attacked Zhou Tiansheng, were all thrown at him. Yu Taihe enveloped him and moved away so fast that Yu Taihe looked horrified.

At the same time, Wu Tao had transformed into a big star, and with a flash of starlight, he had arrived in front of Zhou Tiansheng, shattering the stars and submerging Zhou Tiansheng's body.

"How can it be?"

Yu Taihe was overwhelmed by the torrent of twenty magic weapons and six red flame divine fire shields, and he screamed in horror.

But I heard two booms!

20 torrents of magic weapons and 6 red flame divine fire shields have already been applied to Taihe's eye mask, and Wu Tao, who transformed into a big star, also shattered the stars and blasted Zhou Tiansheng's Nascent Soul body into powder.

In an instant, in one move.

Zhou Tiansheng, who had mastered the foundation of transforming into gods from Dongyan Sect, and Yu Taihe, who had mastered the foundation of transforming into gods from Dongyizong, both died.

The starlight on Wu Tao's body converged into his body, and he held a storage bag in his hand, which was Zhou Tiansheng's storage bag. And he stretched out his hand, and the 20 magic weapons flew into his hand, wrapped in Yu Taihe's storage bag.

Wu Tao turned around and faced the Nascent Soul army of the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, just suspended in the void.

It only needs to be suspended so quietly to form the most powerful shock.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? This is all about practicing the foundation of becoming a god? Senior Brother Zhou and Senior Brother Yu?"

The Nascent Soul cultivators in the Nascent Soul army in the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region couldn't believe what was happening. Zhou Tiansheng and Taihe were both immortal cultivators who had mastered the foundation of transforming into gods, and their cultivation base was profound. They were only one step away from being able to How could he be killed instantly by this extraterrestrial devil in just one move after he was promoted to the God of Transformation?

But the fact is that the Nascent Soul bodies of Zhou Tiansheng and Yu Taihe have been reduced to ashes, and not even the complete bodies have fallen.

The Nascent Soul army in the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory caused a wave of commotion. They knew deeply that with Wu Tao here, they would never be able to break through the border defense line of the Northern God Territory today.

"Withdraw your troops!"

The war ships from the Eastern Divine Region and the Western Divine Region began to retreat quickly.

Yu Zhengsheng and the Demon Ancient Spirit came to Wu Tao's side and asked, "Commander Li, do you want to pursue him?"

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "They are all in the war boat, and the war boat has formed a battle formation. We chased them, but there was no success. Forget it, just guard the border defense line of the Northern God Territory!"

Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Ancient Spirit naturally listened to Wu Tao's words. They nodded and returned to the border of the Northern God Territory with Wu Tao.

None of the Nascent Soul cultivators who have mastered the foundation of the God Transformation are Wu Tao's opponents. Unless the God Transformation God Lord withdraws, it is possible to break through the border of the Northern God Territory. However, the God Transformation God Lord on the other side of the East God Territory and the West God Territory can't defeat him. He was restrained by the God Transformation Lord and the Demon Lord from the Three Realms camp.

Therefore, Yu Zhengsheng and Tianmo Guling can relax.

After Wu Tao stayed at the border defense line of the Northern God Territory for a day, he returned to the Three Realms Alliance Sect and began to slowly repair the war boat. At the same time, he understood the fire source nerves, practiced the Zhoutian star physical training skills, and improved the star yuan body cultivation level.

Another five days passed like this.

The God-Transforming God Lord and Demon Lord Demon Lord from the Three Realms camp are back, which means that the battle on the God-Transforming Battlefield is over.

Gu Yueshenjun issued a notice saying that the two sides have reached a truce. For a long time in the future, the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory will not attack the Northern God Territory. The immortal cultivators in the Three Realms camp can start to recharge their batteries and improve their cultivation.

This is exactly the result Wu Tao wants to see.

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