Not long after, all the immortal cultivators and demons from the three realm camps arrived.

Among those who couldn't come, Yuanding Shenjun and Tianmo Xuanyi were still in retreat at the War Merit Hall to break through to the great realm. There are also some God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords patrolling the borders of the Northern God Territory.

Especially at the important moment of the attack on Demon Abyss, it is necessary to patrol the border to prevent the local God-Transforming God Lord from the Northern God Territory from entangled with the other God-Transforming God Lords from the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm to fight back.

If they counterattack at such an important moment, it will be very difficult for the Three Realms camp, so the plan to capture the Demonic Abyss has not been leaked.

In the main hall of the God Lord, on the futons below, there are Nascent Soul cultivators and original gods and demons sitting cross-legged.

Because Wu Tao ranked first in the battle in the last battle in the Northern God Territory, his futon is at the front, closest to the God of Transformation and the Demon Lord on the black and white throne.

If he had it his way, he could sit anywhere, but the God of Transformation asked him to sit at the front.

Naturally, Wu Tao would not violate the arrangement of the God of Transformation. Of course, when Wu Tao sat in this position, there was no Nascent Soul cultivator or original god demon clan who was dissatisfied.

At this time, God Gu Yue on the black and white throne spoke: "Everyone, this time we fight against the Demon Abyss, there are 13 Demon Lords in the Demon Abyss. We will work together to kill these 13 Demon Lords."

"Strive to capture the Demon Abyss in the Northern Cold Land within today. The Taoist friends patrolling the border defense line of the Northern God Territory have returned with news that the God-Transforming Lord of the Northern God Territory who will escape is already lobbying the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory. The God-Transforming Lord of the God Realm is expected to counterattack soon."

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist Gu Yue, there are only 13 demons in the demon abyss, and our number is twice as many as theirs. We will definitely be able to defeat the 13 demons in the demon abyss within one day with the help of the killing magic weapon exchanged by the War Merit Hall." The Demon Lords will surround and kill them all." said the Demon XuanEi of the Demon Clan.

Lord Gu Yue nodded. He didn't pay much attention to the 13 Demon Lords in the Demon Abyss. Then he set his sights on the Nascent Soul cultivators and the Original God Demon Clan, led by Wu Tao. He continued. : "Everyone, the 13 Demon Lords of the Demon Abyss will be attacked by us, the God-Transforming God Lord, and fellow Demon Lords of the Demon Clan. However, the terrain of the Demon Abyss is steep, and there are eighteen Demonic Passes. These eighteen Demonic Passes, then It's up to you and others to capture it."

"There are eighteen magic levels. Each level is more dangerous than the other level and is more difficult to conquer. Now Daoist Fellow Yaori will issue a task for you. You will be divided into eighteen teams, and each team will be tasked with taking one level."

After Divine Lord Gu Yue finished speaking, he looked at Divine Lord Yaori. Divine Lord Yaori nodded slightly and immediately stood up from the white throne. His eyes scanned the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons sitting cross-legged below: "I will take care of you next. You are divided into 18 teams."

"Tianmo Guyi..." Lord Yaori began to recite the names of the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons one by one. After finishing reciting, he said: "This team is led by Tianmo Guyi of the Tianmo royal family to attack the first line. Magic Pass.”

"Yes, Lord Yaori, I, Tianmo Guyi, will definitely live up to the high expectations of all the gods and Lord Demon Lords and conquer the first demonic barrier." Tianmo Guyi immediately stood up from the futon and faced the black and white throne. All the gods and demon kings bowed and saluted.

Lord Yaori nodded slightly to Tianmo Guyi, and then continued to assign tasks.

"Wen Xingrui, thank you for your hard work..." God Lord Yaori said, "This team will be led by Wen Xingrui to conquer the 15th level."

Upon hearing this, Wen Xingrui immediately stood up from the futon and bowed to Lord Yaori: "Yes, Lord God, I will definitely conquer the 15th Demonic Pass."

The Lord Yao Ri nodded gently to the man and motioned for him to sit down. Wen Xingrui sat down, and Lord Yaori continued to assign teams.

Wu Tao really wanted to congratulate his master Wen Xingrui for becoming the leader of the team. When the time comes, rewards will be given based on merit, and the leader will receive more military exploits.

But this time is not the time to congratulate Master Wen Xingrui. The God of Sunlight is assigning tasks, so how can we communicate with each other? This is disrespectful to the God of Transformation.

I can only wait until I leave for the Demon Abyss before congratulating Master Wen Xingrui. Wu Tao listened carefully as Lord Yao Ri continued to assign tasks, and assigned two teams in succession. The leaders of these two teams were both Yuan Ying and Yuan Ying. They had achieved more than 10,000 combat merits when they captured the Northern God Territory last time.

The eighteen magic levels are more difficult to capture as they go further back. At present, teams have been assigned to capture the previous 17 magic levels, and only the 18th level is left.

After allocating the 17th magic level, Lord Yaori stopped. At this moment of pause, almost all the Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God Demons in the hall focused their attention on Wu Tao who was at the front.

From this point of view, Taoist friend Li Mo should be the leader of the 18th most difficult level. In fact, Wu Tao was the leader in conquering the 18th Demon Pass, which was not surprising to any of the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons present. After all, when he conquered the Northern God Territory, Wu Tao won the first place in combat achievements due to his strength.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the God of Sunlight. In fact, he also guessed that he must be allowed to go to the 18th level, the most difficult level to overcome.

Sure enough, God Lord Yao Ri's eyes fell on Wu Tao and said: "The remaining people who are not assigned to conquer the magic level will follow Li Mo to conquer the 18th magic level."

"After the tasks are assigned, you will start heading to the Northern Cold Land."

As soon as the Yao Ri Divine Lord finished speaking, all the Nascent Soul Immortal cultivators and the original gods and demons in the hall stood up, raised their hands to the Yao Ri Divine Lord and other transformed gods and demons, and said: "Yes, I will set off soon, and I will definitely 18 magical passes captured.”

Divine Lord Yaori waved his hand, and Wu Tao, the Nascent Soul cultivators, and the original god demon clan all turned around and left the Divine Council Hall.

As soon as he left the meeting hall of the Divine Lord, Wu Tao walked naturally beside Wen Xingrui, raised his hand to Wen Xingrui and said, "Congratulations, master, for becoming the leader of a team."

During the last battle in the Northern God Territory, Wen Xingrui was assigned to Wu Tao's group.

Wen Xingrui said with a smile: "This 15th magic level is also difficult. If something unexpected happens then, my disciple, you have to come to my aid as my master."

Wu Tao heard this and laughed in a low voice: "Master is joking. With your current Nascent Soul Perfection cultivation level, it is not easy to conquer this 15th magic level."

"Okay, don't flatter me, just get ready to set off." Wen Xingrui said with a smile.

Wu Tao nodded and immediately organized his team. After integrating, he headed to the Northern Cold Land with Team 18.

The God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords have also set off. They are faster. Their mission is to lure the 13 Demon Lords from the Demon Abyss out of the Demon Abyss, and then encircle and kill them.

The remaining demons under the Demon Lord in Moyuan were killed by Wu Tao and his 18 teams.

Half an hour later.

Wu Tao and his 18 commanders have already led their men to the edge of the Demon Abyss. Wu Tao looked at the other seventeen commanders and said: "Fellow Taoists, the Demon Abyss is in front of us. We will part ways and attack each other. If anything happens to the assigned magic gate, you can send out a communication talisman to help each other."

"What Fellow Daoist Li said is absolutely true!"

"With the strength of Fellow Daoist Li, even the most difficult to overcome the 18th Demonic Pass, Fellow Daoist Li can easily win it. When the time comes, Fellow Daoist Li has conquered the 18th Demonic Pass, don't forget to come and support me in the 17th Demonic Pass. "The leader of the 17th Demonic Pass is Yu Zhengsheng, a perfect cultivator of Nascent Soul from Star Palace.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao quickly raised his hands and said: "Young Daoist Yu are being humble. With Yu Daoist's strength, I can easily win the 17th magic level. If you win the 17th magic level one step ahead of me, I hope you will come to support me."

"Hahaha," Yu Zhengsheng obviously liked hearing this. After hearing this, he burst out laughing and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Li, if I win the 17th Demonic Level before you do, I will lead my troops to go to the 18th Demonic Level of Fellow Daoist Li immediately. Demon Pass, support fellow Daoist Li."

"Fellow Taoists, take care. I wish you all a victory in this battle." Wu Tao saluted the 17 commanders, then waved his hand and led his 18th team to fly to the 18th magic pass.

Naturally, before leaving, he did not forget to send a message to Wen Xingrui alone, telling Wen Xingrui to seek help in time when he was in danger.

Sensing Wu Tao's concern for his master, Wen Xingrui was naturally very happy and immediately responded to Wu Tao with his spiritual thoughts. If he encountered an enemy that was difficult to conquer, he would definitely seek help from Wu Tao as soon as possible.

Although he is now a perfect Nascent Soul cultivator, he is also very self-aware and knows that his Yuanying Perfect Cultivation is no match for his good disciple, so he should just go to him if there is anything he needs.

As soon as he entered the scope of the Demonic Abyss, Wu Tao felt that the demonic energy was overwhelming, permeating the entire Demonic Abyss, and he felt like he had entered the Demonic World.

"It seems that every world of cultivating immortals has immortals and demons. The Three Realms are actually one world of cultivating immortals, but because of the existence of the boundary wall, they are divided into the Immortal Realm, the Demon World and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Sword Realm."

"Now the three realms are merging into one realm. After the fusion is completed, it will be like the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. I don't know if when the three realms merge into one realm, it will be upgraded to a higher level of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Six births will be born. Level spiritual veins!”

Wu Tao thought in his heart.

Now that he entered the Demon Abyss, the demons in the Demon Abyss would definitely be on guard, so he immediately summoned two original god demons and asked them to act as scouts to explore ahead.

Because the God-Transforming Lords and Demon Lords from the Three Realms camp have already entered the Demon Abyss in advance, they should have lured away the 13 Demon Lords from the Demon Abyss and went to the Tiangang layer to establish the God-Transformation battlefield.

Then the demons in the Demonic Abyss will inevitably receive instructions from the Demon Lord of the Demonic Abyss, telling them to be careful of the demons outside the realm. Although the demons in the Demonic Abyss are also demons, they are demons who are too spiritual to cultivate the immortal world. Wu Tao and others from the Three Realms The Nascent Soul cultivators and demons in the camp are considered extraterrestrial demons.

Wu Tao determined that every magic pass must be heavily defended, and they must be careful on the way to capture the magic pass. A large ambush was set up on the opposite side, so it was very necessary for them to send scouts to explore.

The scouts traveled 20,000 miles ahead, and Wu Tao took the remaining Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons and slowly flew towards the 18th Demonic Pass.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao felt the auras of two Original God Demon Clan flying towards him. It was the two Original God Demon Clan scouts he sent out. After they stopped in front of him, one of the Original God Demon Clan came to Wu Tao. Reported: "Commander Li, we have not found any ambush from Mo Yuan for the time being."

Wu Tao heard this, waved his hand and said: "Continue to explore."

"Yes, Commander Li." Upon hearing Wu Tao's order, the two original god demons immediately turned around and went to explore again.

Wu Tao and his 18 commanders have the responsibility of leadership. In the battle with Moyuan, if there are any timid ones, they can directly kill them. This is why the gods of the Three Realms camp and the demon king gave them these 18 The right of a leader.

However, no Nascent Soul cultivator and original god demon from the Three Realms camp dared to escape when they captured the Eighteen Demonic Passes, because in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, they had to rely on the War Merit Palace to survive.

If they dare to fight and escape, they will have no place to survive in the Tailing Immortal Realm. Immortal cultivators from the Three Realms camp will not tolerate them, and the immortal cultivators and demons in the Tailing Immortal Realm will regard them as extraterrestrial demons.


Two quarters of an hour later, still half way to the 18th Demonic Level, Wu Tao's 17,200-mile spiritual sense suddenly sensed a loud noise.

He swept out with his spiritual thoughts, and sure enough he saw that the two original god demon scouts he sent out were being besieged by 10 demons from the Demon Abyss.

Seeing this situation, Wu Tao immediately said loudly: "Go ahead at full speed!"

After hearing this, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original gods and demons behind him immediately followed Wu Tao and flew forward using his Yuanying level escape technique with all his strength.

Soon he appeared in front of 10 Moyuan Demons besieging two Three Realm Original God Demons. Wu Tao immediately ordered to kill these ten Moyuan Demons.

Seeing that the immortal cultivators from the Three Realms camp had arrived so quickly, these 10 Demon Abyss Demon Lords quickly abandoned the two Original God Demons, but it was already too late. There was no need for Wu Tao to take action. These Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God Demons he led Then they worked together to kill these ten Demon Abyss Demons.

After killing these 10 Demon Abyss Demon Clan, Wu Tao asked the two Original God Demon Clan scouts to return to the camp to rest and recuperate, and replaced two human Nascent Soul cultivators as scouts. As for these 10 Demon Abyss Demon Clan, Wu Tao was sure that this was a scout sent from the 18th Demon Pass in Moyuan.

Unexpectedly, the scout met the scout, but they bumped into each other. The 10 demons from Moyuan died, and the 18th Demon Pass did not send back the news in time. They must know that they died on the side of the Three Realms camp, and they will definitely be on guard.

Wu Tao led the Nascent Soul cultivators and the original god demons from the Three Realms camp steadily towards the 18th Demonic Pass. Soon the two Nascent Soul cultivators he sent out came back to report:

"Commander Li, there was no ambush from the Demon Abyss until the 18th Demonic Pass. They have already set up defenses at the 18th Demonic Pass and are waiting for us."

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao waved them back to the queue and said, "In that case, fellow Taoists, go ahead at full speed!"

"Yes, Commander Li."

In the next moment, the escaping lights flashed with different rays of light and flew directly towards the 18th magic level at full speed.

A quarter of an hour later, figures fell down in front of the 18th Demonic Pass, manifesting themselves as a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Three Realms camp and the Original God Demon Clan, with Wu Tao at the forefront.

The eighteenth magic pass is flanked by black magic mountains. In the middle of the magic mountain is a city wall that is a hundred feet high. On top of the city wall, stands the various shapes of the Demon Abyss Demon Clan.

Wu Tao glanced at the 100-foot-high city wall and knew that this was the 18th Demon Pass. At the center of the city wall stood a demon more than 30 feet tall. This demon had two horns on its head and eyes like Like a giant drum.

The demon aura on his body is very strong, and there are demons of different shapes beside him. None of these demons are as big as him, and they are obviously headed by him.

This 30-foot-tall Moyuan demon, with eyes as big as gongs and drums, suddenly looked at Wu Tao. His mouth opened and closed, and then a drum-like sound sounded: "I am the 18th demon from Moyuan." Commander Guan, the Ancient Demon Clan, the Ancient Hero."

"Whoever you are imprisoning, tell me your name. I, Taikoo Xiong, will not kill the unknown people!"

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