"Lingyuan Xuanming Pill is really a good pill!"

Wu Tao felt the cultivation of the ninth level of his Nascent Soul and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's a pity. If I wasn't going to fight against the Demonic Abyss soon, I could start refining this fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform and completely cultivate my cultivation to the perfect level of Nascent Soul."

"By the way, if you reach the 9th level of Nascent Soul, you can redeem it with Master Ning as a reward for the top battle merit in the Northern God Territory." Wu Tao, as the first person in the Northern God Territory's top battle merit list this time, will be rewarded with 30,000 merit in addition to the reward , you can also choose a god-transforming god king from the Three Realms camp, and let the other party talk about the god-transforming skills he has learned.

But Wu Tao has already made a decision in his heart. He does not want to choose any of the gods from the Three Realms camp to learn the god-transformation techniques they practice.

He wanted to realize his military exploits, and then choose a god-transformation technique in the War Merits Hall. His idea was also very simple. The God-Transforming Lord of the Three Realms camp, Ning Qiudao, who was born in the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm, must have great skills as well.

Because the person behind Ning Qiudao also exists alongside the Coffin Nailer, Di Shenjun and others, otherwise there would be no cooperation.

As for finding a nail in the coffin to obtain the divine transformation technique, that is unrealistic. Then the only choice is to choose a god-transformation technique in the War Merit Hall. The war merit palace is an immortal weapon, and the god-transformation skills it contains are definitely better than those practiced by any god-transformation god in the Three Realms camp.

"I just don't know how much combat merit is required for the god-transformation technique in the War Merit Hall?"

Wu Tao thought in his heart, and then planned to leave the 10x acceleration training room. Now that the 10x acceleration training room has reached the end, the light on the token has dissipated, and there will be no acceleration.

"I wonder if Master and the others have come out of the Yuanling Secret Realm?" Wu Tao walked out of the 10x acceleration training room and took out the communication token from his storage bag to see if there was any information.

After looking at it, there was no information, which meant that Master Wen Xingrui, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the Original God Demons had not yet come out of the Yuanling Secret Realm and the Yuanmo Secret Realm.

But they just haven't come out at this moment. It has been 10 days since they entered the Yuanling Secret Realm and the Yuanmo Secret Realm, and they will come out in a few hours at most.

"I hope that with the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm I gave, the master can improve his cultivation to the level of Yuanying perfection." Wu Tao thought in his heart.

Then, he wanted to put the summons token back into the storage bag. At this moment, a light flashed from the summons token, indicating that a summons was coming.

Wu Tao immediately read it with his spiritual mind. This reading immediately made him look a little surprised, but he smiled and said: "Isn't this a coincidence? I just wanted to go to Head Ning, but Head Ning sent me a message. News!”

The summons token contained a message sent to him by Ning Qiudao, saying that he was waiting for him in the rest room No. 13.

"I wonder why Master Ning is looking for me this time?" Wu Tao thought, and went directly to the rest room No. 13.

Arriving at the door of Rest Room No. 13, Wu Tao pressed the notification button at the door. The next second, the door of Rest Room No. 13 opened automatically. Wu Tao instantly saw Ning Qiudao sitting cross-legged in the rest room.

Wu Tao immediately entered the rest room and bowed to Ning Qiudao: "This disciple has met the master."

This disciple ceremony is the disciple ceremony of Lingxu Immortal Sect. Wu Tao used disciple worship to meet Ning Qiudao, which was telling Ning Qiudao that he was still a disciple of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Ning Qiudao saw Wu Tao performing the disciple ceremony of Lingxu Immortal Sect, with a satisfied smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to signal: "Sit down."

When Wu Tao heard this, he slightly arched his hands, then sat cross-legged opposite Ning Qiudao, and asked, "I wonder why the master is looking for a disciple?"

Ning Qiudao glanced at Wu Tao and sensed that Wu Tao had broken through to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, and judging from his aura, it looked like he had just broken through, so he said with a smile: "Not bad, he has broken through to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul."

"When you break through to the 9th level of Nascent Soul, you can choose a God-Transforming Lord and learn the God-Transforming Technique from him."

"Or do you want to realize your military exploits?" As the master of the reward hall, Ning Qiudao looked at Wu Tao, waiting for his choice.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao cupped his hands and said: "Master, I am learning the Divine Transformation Technique from a Divine Transformation Lord. I have to work hard to teach it in person. The disciple's understanding is average and may delay the cultivation of the Divine Lord. Therefore, the disciple decided to realize it." For war merits, then choose a god-transformation technique in the War Merits Hall for self-comprehension and practice."

Wu Tao spoke beautifully in this scene, but Ning Qiudao didn't care what the scene said. He nodded and said: "It's a good choice. The War Merit Palace is an immortal weapon, and the deity transformation techniques in it are naturally better than those practiced by the deity transformation gods in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm." The magic technique needs to be advanced.”

"Let's do this. As the master of the Reward Hall, I will now add the realized military exploits to the imprint of your War Merits Palace."

After Ning Qiudao finished speaking, he took out a simple token with the logo of the War Merit Hall embossed on it. Wu Tao saw that he tapped the token lightly, and a light jumped out from the token and landed directly on it. The mark of the War Merit Palace on Wu Tao's wrist.

Wu Tao looked down and saw the imprinted number on the War Merits Hall jump, instantly increasing by 30,000 war merits.

Ning Qiudao put the token away and said: "This is measured according to the level of the God Transformation Technique practiced by the God Transformation Lord of the Three Realms camp. To redeem such a technique in the War Merit Hall, you only need 30,000 battle merit."

"I've seen some of the highest-level god-transformation techniques in the War Merit Hall. Your current war merits are far from enough. However, if you perform well in the battle against the Demon Abyss this time and become the top of the list of war merits, you will definitely be able to exchange for the highest level in the War Merits Hall. The spirit-transformation technique.”

Wu Tao had never seen the God Transformation Techniques that could be redeemed in the War Merit Hall, so he did not understand Ning Qiudao as well as Ning Qiudao. When Ning Qiudao said it, he immediately said respectfully: "Yes, this disciple must strive to do his best in this battle against the Demon Abyss." Fight for first place.”

After this group of Nascent Soul cultivators and Original God Demon Clan come out from the Yuanling Secret Realm and the Yuan Demon Secret Realm, they will immediately set off to conquer the Demonic Abyss.

In order to exchange for the best god-transformation skills in the War Merit Hall, Wu Tao must strive to become the top of the list of war merits again in this battle against the Demon Abyss.

Ning Qiudao nodded. He also believed in Wu Tao's strength. He said, "Now that your affairs are done, let's handle mine."

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately raised his hands and said: "Master, if you have anything to ask the disciples to do, I will definitely go and do it for the master."

Ning Qiudao shook his head and said, "It's not my business, but their business."

Wu Tao was startled when he heard the words. Just as he reacted, he felt the aura of Ning Qiudao in front of him suddenly change. Just as he was about to speak, he felt the coffin nail body in his mind sea shake slightly. The next second His body has been accepted by the coffin nails.

He has fallen into chaos, and his five senses, six consciousnesses, and his spiritual thoughts have been blocked.

In the forbidden space, Wu Tao had already understood that this was the person behind Ning Qiudao, who wanted to discuss things with Master Ding. No wonder Ning Qiu asked him to come over.

"That's all. What these two masters are discussing must be a big deal. It's not something that low-level beings like me can get involved in. Let's wait until they finish discussing it!"

In the forbidden space, Wu Tao no longer thought about it.

I don't know how much time passed, but Wu Tao suddenly felt that the sealed space had loosened. The next second, his five senses and six consciousnesses came back, and he regained control of his body.

In the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, the body of Coffin Nail was floating quietly, as if it had never been in control of his body just now.

After sensing the coffin nail, Wu Tao looked at Ning Qiudao, who was sitting opposite him, and found that the aura on Ning Qiudao's body had changed back to the real Ning Qiudao he was familiar with, instead of the existence that was equivalent to the coffin nail and the Emperor Shenjun.

"Master..." Wu Tao handed over to Ning Qiudao. Before he could finish his words, Ning Qiudao interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"No need to say more, go down and make adequate preparations for the next battle in the Demon Abyss."

Seeing that Ning Qiudao didn't want to talk more about the person behind him, Wu Tao didn't ask any more questions. He stood up from the futon, bowed to Ning Qiudao again and made a disciple salute, and said: "Yes, Master, that disciple first Resigned."

Wu Tao exited Rest Room No. 13. He didn't think too much about the important matter that Nail controlled his body and discussed with the being behind Ning Qiudao. He simply left it behind and came to triple acceleration. Training room.

Sitting cross-legged in the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao did not start training, but opened his personal information and sorted himself out.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 122/1859】

[Realm: Ninth Level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The ninth level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (0%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the eighth level of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (88%), the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the seventh level of the Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique (45%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Expert (71%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique Expert (3%), Nascent Soul Level 3rd Level of Artifact Refining and Fighting (32%)

Mastering the Restrictions: Slightly, Level 4 Advanced Divine Restriction (37%), Level 4 Advanced Luobao Money (18%)]

[Sub-professional · Physical Training: Zhoutian Star Body Training · Yuan Ti Chapter: Sixth Level (2%), Wu Dao War Technique Shattering the Stars · Mastery (70%), slightly]

Seeing the life span column, Wu Tao suddenly realized that he had gone from 121 to 122 years old without knowing it.

"Time flies so fast, but for me, I still have more than 1,000 years to live, and I can live longer than the God of Transformation." Wu Tao continued to read with emotion.

Seeing that the progress of the ninth level of his Jiuyaotian Divine Law was 0, Wu Tao did not have any worries. If he had been in the past, he would have understood that it would take at least ten years to break through to the ninth level and then practice to the perfection of Nascent Soul.

Or maybe more.

But now he has obtained the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform in the Yuanling Secret Realm. As long as he completes the refining of the fifth-level Pure Spirit Lotus Platform, he will be able to break through to the Yuanying Consummation and develop the foundation of God Transformation.

His eyes fell on the spell column. Now with his strength, even the real spell at the golden elixir level can be invincible in the Nascent Soul realm when used in his hands. Therefore, he has to make a choice in the next practice.

Naturally, he must continue to practice the Divine Soul Secret Technique Tianyan Divine Refining Manual. Even if he can soon break through to the realm of divine transformation, he must continue to practice. He must not underestimate the additional 2000 miles of divine thoughts.

When you reach the realm of Transforming Gods, having 2,000 more miles of spiritual thoughts in the same realm may be the key to victory.

"Therefore, the next goal is to quickly advance to the state of becoming a god."

Only by entering the realm of becoming gods can one be regarded as standing at the top of the Three Realms camp in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm.

And as long as Zhongzhou's Lianxu Tianjun doesn't take action, Wu Tao will no longer be afraid of any immortal cultivator in this Tailing Cultivation Immortal World.

It is enough to protect oneself in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, rather than having to ask the great god Nail in the Coffin to protect him whenever he encounters danger.

His eyes continued to move downwards and landed on the list of weapon refiner professions. The weapon refiner profession is not very needed in this Tailingxiu Immortal Realm, but now it has settled in the Northern God Territory and established the Three Realms Alliance, and the Three Realms Alliance Sect has also opened The Weapon Refining Hall will definitely need Weapon Refining Masters in the future.

After the Demon Abyss is captured and the Northern God Territory is completely stabilized, Wu Tao and the others may be able to use weapon refiners.

Then Wu Tao and the others can reduce their fighting and killing, and rely on helping the immortal cultivators from the Three Realms camp to refine weapons, earn battle merits, and earn cultivation resources.

"I hope this day comes soon. I really don't like fighting, and I'm not good at fighting." Wu Tao said in his heart.

Then he looked at the physical training column. He had just broken through to the sixth level of the Yuan Ti. It might take more than 10 years to cultivate the Yuan Ti to successfully break through to the divine body.

"Coming to this Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, with the Yuanling Secret Realm and the War Merit Palace exchangeable for the Lingyuan Xuanming Pill, my level of legal cultivation surpassed the level of physical cultivation in one fell swoop."

Wu Tao was also very sad about this. He had to admit that the journey of cultivating immortality was so strange and unpredictable.

He then closed his personal information.

In short, I will focus on breaking through to the state of becoming a god.

Not long after, there was movement in the summons token in Wu Tao's storage bag. He took it out, and without having to guess, he knew that his master Wen Xingrui had come out of the Yuanling Secret Realm at about the same time.

As soon as his spiritual thoughts read it, it turned out that Master Wen Xingrui had come out of the Yuanling Secret Realm.

Wu Tao immediately left the triple acceleration training room and went to meet his master Wen Xingrui.

"Master, how's the harvest?" Wu Tao looked at his master Wen Xingrui. Seeing the joyful smile on his face, he knew that Wen Xingrui would definitely gain a lot from entering the Yuanling Secret Realm this time.

The joy on Wen Xingrui's face could not be concealed, because he had finally surpassed his apprentice again in terms of cultivation: "This time I entered the Yuanling Secret Realm, and asked my disciple for the Yuanling Secret Realm guide you gave me, and the disciple The life-strangling lock you gave me allowed me to finally raise my cultivation to the level of Yuanying perfection this time in the Yuanling Secret Realm."

"Congratulations, master, congratulations, master. It seems that master, you will step into the realm of the God-Transforming God earlier than me." Wu Tao quickly congratulated Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui laughed and felt even happier.

After chatting with their master Wen Xingrui for a while, they received a notice from above, asking them all to withdraw from the War Merit Hall, return to the Northern God Territory, and gather at the Divine Lord's Conference Hall.

This is the mobilization meeting to start the battle against the Demon Abyss.

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui immediately left the War Merit Hall and returned to their respective training halls in the Northern God Territory. Then they went from their respective training halls to the Divine Sovereign Meeting Hall.

When they arrived at the meeting hall of the Lord of Gods, they saw the Lord of Transformed Gods and the Lords of the Demon Tribe sitting on the black and white thrones above.

One after another, Nascent Soul cultivators and original gods and demons came to the meeting hall of the God Lord. Wu Tao discovered with a moment of induction that each of the Nascent Soul cultivators and original gods and demons in the three realms had made breakthroughs.

This time entering the Yuanling Secret Realm and the Yuanmo Secret Realm gave many immortal cultivators in the three realms a breakthrough.

The number of immortal cultivators and demons with perfect Yuan Ying and original gods has exceeded 10 figures. If there are no accidents, in ten or twenty years, the Three Realms camp will have at least 10 more god-turned-gods and demons. Clan Demon Lord.

It can also slightly reduce the gap with Tai Lingxiu Immortal Realm.

The Tailing Immortal Realm is a higher immortal world than the Three Realms, and the number of immortals who transform into gods is too huge.

There are more immortality cultivators from Lianxu Sect in Zhongzhou than there are third-level immortality cultivators.

Thanks to Li Zhuzi for the 3000 starting coin reward

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