To be able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, not to mention the cultivation talent, the hardships and tribulations experienced in cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage are countless.

In a word, it is not easy to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage.

In just one year, three Nascent Soul cultivators were killed during the expedition to the Lost Sea.

In the Star Sea Immortal Realm, there are 12 restricted sea areas, and in the other 11 restricted sea areas, there must be Nascent Soul cultivators who died in battle. In one year, at least 30 Nascent Soul cultivators would have been killed.

This kind of death rate is extremely small for Nascent Soul Lord Nascent Soul who has been promoted in the entire Xingchenhai Immortal World. But in the war against the demon world, this death rate is extremely high.

"It's really dangerous. Seniors at the Nascent Soul stage can hardly save their own lives. We, the weapon refiners who are not good at fighting, will be even more dangerous if we enter the Lost Sea." Wu Tao sighed with emotion.

Tang Jingquan looked at Wu Tao and said, "You don't have to worry about this, Li Daoyouzhi. We need your weapon refiners, talisman masters, and formation masters to inspect and repair the God-breaking Pillar in the town. If you enter the Lost Sea, we will inevitably increase the protection of you."

"Fellow Taoist Tang is right, I still believe in the sect on this point." Wu Tao nodded.

"I heard that the forbidden area in the Demon Realm is more dangerous. The Demon Realm is deeply invaded and polluted by the forbidden area this time, but there is no extra force to send to the boundary wall battlefield. Therefore, more manpower can be drawn from the boundary wall battlefield to return to the Star Sea Cultivation Realm to face it. The restricted area is the sea." Tang Jingquan talked about the Demon Realm.

"That's fine. This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm and the Demon Realm. Although the Demons are naturally aggressive and have a demonic side, they are not without brains. They know the dangers of the restricted area. If they are not eradicated, the Three Realms will be destroyed. Integrating into one realm would be harmful rather than beneficial to them," Wu Tao said.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Li's analysis is good." Tang Jingquan nodded. In fact, basically every immortal cultivator can see through Wu Tao's analysis.

"Compared to going to the boundary wall battlefield to conquer the demons, this forbidden sea is much more dangerous." Pi Baibai said at this time, but his face was extremely excited. Obviously, he felt that this weird forbidden sea was It's a challenge.

Pi Baibai had always had a restless temper and was very out-of-touch, but fortunately Tang Jingquan had a calm temper and often wiped his butt, otherwise Pi Baibai would have made a lot of enemies.

"Fellow Daoist Li, when did you enter the forbidden sea?" Tang Jingquan asked at this time.

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "I have just arrived in the Lost Sea Area and have just arranged a place to stay. When will I enter the forbidden sea to inspect the God-breaking Pillar in the town, I still need the deputy hall masters above to issue mission orders."

Tang Jingquan heard this and said: "I see, but this time, senior brother should go with you."

Only the chief true disciple Cui Qing has the qualification to be able to call Tang Jingquan, a core disciple, senior brother.

Wu Tao has often heard about the chief true disciple Cui Qing, but has never had close contact with him. Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Fellow Taoist Tang, you mean that chief Cui is here too?"

Tang Jingquan nodded and said: "Yes, Chief Cui is here. He often goes to guard the formation of the God-breaking Pillar in the town to avoid attacks by ghost ships."

The cultivation of Cui Qing, the chief true disciple of Xingchen Immortal Palace, has always been a mystery. Everyone knows that he is in the Nascent Soul stage, but no one knows exactly which level of the Nascent Soul he is in. Everyone in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World has speculated that he has reached the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Wu Tao thought that Tang Jingquan's brother Tang Jingyu was also a true disciple and had frequent contact with Cui Qing, so he should know about it, so he asked: "Fellow Taoist Tang, do you know what level of cultivation Chief Cui has reached?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Jingquan heard this question and shook his head and said: "It should be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I don't know exactly what level of cultivation I have reached."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Tang, your brother is a true disciple and often comes into contact with Chief Cui. Doesn't your brother know that and didn't tell you?"

Tang Jingquan said: "It's true that my brother is a true disciple, and he often comes into contact with Chief Cui. However, Chief Cui's heart is like an abyss, and it is difficult for people to figure it out. The specific cultivation level is really not clear."

From this point of view, Cui Qing is also an old man who hides his cultivation and waits for the situation to arise... Wu Tao muttered silently in his heart, and then stopped inquiring about Cui Qing's cultivation because they entered the restricted area to inspect the town's broken gods. Zhu, it is impossible that only Cui Qing and a Nascent Soul cultivator follow and protect him, there must be at least five or six of them.

Afterwards, after chatting with Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai for two more pots of spirit tea, Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai said goodbye and left.

Wu Tao closed the door and prepared to take a rest before practicing again.

They arrived at the Lost Sea Area in the afternoon, and it was almost dark now. It was estimated that they would enter the Lost Sea Area to check the town's God-breaking Pillar, and they would go there tomorrow.

After practicing the Jiu Yao Yang Fusion True Skill for an hour, there is also a third-order advanced spiritual vein in this room, but the third-order advanced spiritual vein is of the same level as Bixing Island. Wu Tao has already noticed that the third-order advanced spiritual vein created here is after all. It is not as pure and rich as the innate spiritual energy of Bixing Island.

Just a little bit different.

Wu Tao stopped practicing and just got up from the futon and was about to take a sip of spiritual tea when he noticed movement on the summons token. He picked it up and saw that it was Duan Mulei who summoned him. This summons was sent in bulk, not only to him, but also to Gu Xingyuan, Liu Song and other weapon refiners, asking them to go to the meeting hall together.

The meeting hall is a hall in the area where they live. It is a place where the weapon refiners, talisman masters, and formation masters who come to inspect the broken pillar of the town hold meetings.

Wu Tao drank the spiritual tea in one gulp, then put away the summons token and left the room.

As soon as they left the room, several doors of the rooms next door opened at the same time. It was Gu Xingyuan, Liu Song and the others.

Wu Tao then went to the meeting hall with them.

When I arrived at the meeting hall, I found that Jin Chengruo and He Youxian, the third-level advanced talisman masters, had already arrived. The area where they lived was closer to the meeting hall.

"Fellow Daoist Li, here we come." Jin Chengruo greeted Wu Tao with cupped hands.

He Youxian also nodded, which was regarded as saying hello to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao also immediately greeted the two of them and then sat down.

Not long after, footsteps were heard outside the meeting, and when I looked back, it was Deputy Hall Master Hua, Deputy Hall Master Zhao, and Duan Mulei coming over.

"Meet Deputy Hall Master Hua, Deputy Hall Master Zhao, and Deputy Hall Master Duanmu." Wu Tao and others immediately bowed to the three deputy hall masters.

"You don't have to be polite, please sit down." Vice Hall Master Hua and Duan Mulei came to the top three seats and sat down.

After sitting down, Deputy Hall Master Hua said: "I'm calling you here this time to let you get familiar with it first. Tomorrow we will enter the Lost Sea Area to start the inspection and maintenance of the God-breaking Pillar in the town."

"There is indeed danger in the Lost Sea, but please don't worry about this. This time, there will be 6 Nascent Soul Lords accompanying us to protect us. If we encounter danger, we will not die until they die."

The latter sentence is indeed a bit rough, but the words are not rough. The lives of their weapon refiners, formation masters, and talisman masters are indeed more precious than those of ordinary immortal cultivators.

Afterwards, Deputy Hall Master Hua talked about the work of their formation master. Deputy Hall Master Zhao also talked about the work of their Talisman Master, and Duan Mulei also talked about the work of the Artifact Refining Hall. The reason for this is for better cooperation tomorrow to avoid unclear division of labor and waste of time.

In this dangerous place in the Lost Sea, the only option is to be as efficient as possible. time is life.

Moreover, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one territory-breaking divine pillars that need to be inspected for a period of one month, and the time is really tight. Therefore, a cooperation process needs to be discussed in advance. When the time comes, you only need to follow this process. .

In view of the differences in each major, the three deputy hall masters quickly discussed the specific process of cooperation, and explained it to Wu Tao, Jincheng, Ruo Youxian and others.

Wu Tao, Jin Chengruo, and He Youxian, the third-level senior weapon refiners, the third-level senior talisman masters, and the third-level senior array masters, took notes carefully and did not dare to slack off, because they also knew the dangers of the lost sea.

To slack off is to make fun of one's own life. It is not easy for them to cultivate to this point, but they will not be irresponsible for their own lives.

Now that the detailed cooperation process has been discussed, the next step is to let these third-level advanced weapon refiners, fulu masters and array masters get familiar with each other and understand each other, which will be helpful in the cooperation process. Thinking that the three deputy hall masters would only make them uncomfortable if they stayed here, so the three deputy hall masters, deputy hall master Hua, left the meeting hall.

"Fellow Daoist Li, let me introduce to you, these two are from the Seven-Star Immortal Sect..." He Youxian introduced the two third-level advanced formation mages from the Seven-Star Immortal Sect to Wu Tao and others.

As the subordinate sect of Xingchen Immortal Palace, the Seven Stars Immortal Sect still has great goodwill toward its subordinate sect, He Youxian and other immortal cultivators of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

As for the third-level senior Talisman Master of the Moon Shadow Immortal Sect who was added later, although he is also one of the nine Immortal Sects, it can be seen from the exchanges that these immortal cultivators in the Star Immortal Palace have little regard for this third-level senior Talisman Master of the Moon Shadow Immortal Sect. In terms of attitude, he is not as close to the two third-level senior array masters of the Seven Stars Immortal Sect.

The least close person should be Chen Li, the third-level senior talisman master of casual cultivators. As a casual cultivator, being able to cultivate the talisman to the third level is considered a gift.

Chen Li also knew that as a casual cultivator, he had no background and no backing. It was normal for him to be looked down upon by these Immortal Palace cultivators and Immortal Sect cultivators. Therefore, he did not have any displeasure.

However, he felt happy in his heart because he found that Li Mo, the third-level senior weapon refiner of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Armor Refining Hall who led the team, treated him differently. It seemed that he did not treat him just because he was a casual cultivator. His tone was different from the others.

"This person doesn't look down on me. I can make friends with him. Find an opportunity to visit him." Chen Li thought in his mind.

After half an hour, we got to know each other well, and the topics we talked about were almost the same, so we said goodbye and left, went back to our rooms to rest, and prepared to enter the lost sea tomorrow.

After Wu Tao and others left, He Youxian also left with his formation masters, and naturally Jinchengruo also left with the four third-level senior talisman masters.

Chen Li quickly stepped forward and came to Jin Chengruo's side. He raised his hands and asked, "Senior brother Jin, can you tell me about that senior brother Li Mo? I want to find that senior brother Li Mo to refine the real weapon."

Although Jinchengruo is a third-level senior talisman master like him, Jinchengruo was born in the three major immortal palaces. Therefore, Chen Li felt that his aura was a bit shorter, so he called Jinchengruo his senior brother.

He used the excuse of refining real weapons to inquire about the weapon refiner Li Mo, but it was impeccable.

Jincheng Ruo didn't care when he saw him calling him senior brother. If a third-level senior talisman master from the three major immortal palaces called him senior brother, Jincheng Ruo would definitely say humbly that they could just call each other fellow Taoists.

Seeing that Chen Li wanted to refine a real weapon, Jincheng Ruo did not doubt his presence and said, "Then you have found the right person. Among the five weapon refiners, fellow Taoist Li Mo is the one with the best weapon refinement skills, and he He is also a department head of our Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall, and he has half a foot in the center of power."

"Oh, by the way, it seems that fellow Taoist Li Mo is also a casual cultivator. However, unlike you, fellow Taoist Li Mo has an excellent talent in weapon refining." In addition to his words, it was said that Chen Li's talent in making talismans was average.

Chen Li was inadvertently belittled by Jincheng Ruo, but he didn't care. Instead, he got a piece of news that made him happy, that is, the weapon refiner Li Mo was also a casual cultivator. No wonder, he did not discriminate against his status as a casual cultivator. In this way, wouldn't it be easier to make friends if we are both casual cultivators?

Chen Li's dream is to join a top immortal sect like Immortal Palace so that he can continue to develop his talismans. However, he is so unlucky that he cannot even enter the Immortal Sect. Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he not Catch it?

Chen Li respectfully thanked Jin Chengruo: "Thank you, Senior Brother Jin."

The next day.

Wu Tao and others arrived at the small island pier, where there were already Dharma boats and flying boats waiting here.

This time, because they were going into the Lost Sea to inspect the town's God-breaking Pillar, the airships and magic ships that were supposed to patrol the Lost Sea and conquer the ghost ships had stopped their missions to pick up Wu Tao, the weapon refiners, and the talisman masters. , Array Master to ensure their safety.

There are already many immortal cultivators gathered on the Dharma Ship and the Flying Boat, all of whom are Golden Core and above.

Not long after, Duan Mulei, Deputy Hall Master Hua, Deputy Hall Master Zhao appeared, as well as 6 Nascent Soul stagers, and Wu Tao saw Cui Qing.

Cui Qing is a talented person, and because she has been in the chief position all year round and manages all the disciples in the Star Palace, she also has a very majestic look. This majesty is slowly developed, a kind of aura of a superior person.

The palace master of Xingchen Immortal Palace is usually succeeded by the chief true successor. It is very likely that Cui Qing will take over as the palace master of Xingchen Immortal Palace in the future.

The palace owner of Xingchen Immortal Palace will put aside all matters and concentrate on breaking through the realm of divine transformation.

When everyone arrived, the Dharma ship and the airship were immediately activated, and layers of light curtains appeared on the formations on the Dharma ship and the airship.

Afterwards, the Dharma boat sailed on the sea, and the flying boat was on top of the Dharma boat, escorting them all the way into the lost sea area.

As soon as they entered the Lost Sea, Wu Tao and others could still feel the fog in the Lost Sea, although they were protected by the formation light curtain on the Dharma Ship.

Because they knew in advance that there was danger in the Lost Sea, these third-level advanced weapon refiners, third-level advanced talisman masters, and third-level advanced array masters were still a little uneasy.

Cui Qing and other Nascent Soul Masters released their Nascent Soul Soul and cooperated with Feizhou's detection methods to detect the surroundings. Once danger appeared, they would immediately give priority to protecting the weapon refiner, talisman master, and formation master.

The Dharma boat and the flying boat were moving slowly. Because of the heavy fog, extremely low visibility, and extremely low spiritual detection, they could not go too fast.

Time passed slowly, and it would still take some time before the first territory-breaking divine pillar was established.

At this moment, in Cui Qing's spiritual sense, the outline of a ghost ship appeared in the fog of the lost sea. Looking at this direction, it seemed to be heading towards them.

"Fellow Taoists, be careful, the ghost ship appears within the sensing range of spiritual thoughts." Cui Qing immediately warned several Nascent Soul cultivators around her.

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