"Friend Daoist Li, here.

As soon as Wu Tao arrived at the Ten Thousand People Square, he heard someone calling him, it was Gu Xingyuan.

He turned around and saw Gu Xingyuan standing under a flying boat. Next to him were Liu Song and two other third-level advanced weapon refiners in his group.

There were more than just the four of them. There were other immortal cultivators in that area. Through the special uniform robes, Wu Tao saw several Taoist fellows from Fulu Hall and several Taoist fellows from Formation Hall. They should have gone to Lost Way with them. The sea area inspects and repairs the third-level advanced talisman master and the third-level advanced array master of the broken god pillar in the town.

And it's not just them. There is an area under each airship. There are 12 airships in total, leading to 12 restricted areas and the sea.

The three major immortal palaces, the nine major immortal sects, and those who practice the three arts. It was divided into three parts, led by the three major Immortal Palaces. This year, tasks were randomly assigned, and Star Immortal Palace was drawn. Therefore, this time, Star Immortal Palace led the three major Immortal Sects, and some casual cultivators of the three arts to destroy the area. Maintenance inspection of the sacred pillar.

Therefore, the area under these 12 flying boats is not all filled with weapon refiners, talisman masters, and formation mages from the Star Immortal Palace. They set out from the Star Immortal Palace and then went to the three major immortal palaces to pick up the other three arts cultivators who were drawn. The casual cultivators who were drawn also went to the nearby Immortal Sect to wait for the arrival of the flying boat from Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Wu Tao immediately walked to the area where Gu Xingyuan was, and when he came to Gu Xingyuan, Wu Tao immediately greeted the four of them: "Fellow Daoist Gu, Fellow Daoist Liu, Fellow Daoist Fang, and Fellow Daoist Han. I'm late."

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Li, you're still here early, it's not time to set off yet." Gu Xingyuan said with a smile.

Liu Song and two other third-level senior weapon refiners, Fang Xiaotong and Han Mingde, also surrendered to Wu Tao.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Xiaotong is a female weapon refiner. Female weapon refiners are extremely rare, and Fang Xiaotong can become a third-level advanced weapon refiner, which shows that her talent for weapon refinement is very good.

However, Fang Xiaotong is also 300 years old.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you're polite." The third-level senior talisman master wearing the talisman hall and the third-level senior formation master wearing the talisman hall all came over and bowed their hands to Wu Tao.

"Fellow Daoist He, Fellow Daoist Jin... Fellow Taoists..." Wu Tao also immediately greeted the six third-level senior formation masters and third-level senior talisman masters.

This time, the third-level senior formation master who accompanied them to the Lost Sea was He Youxian. He brought two third-level senior formation master teammates with him, as well as two other third-level senior formation masters. It was said that they were from the Seven Star Immortal Sect.

Jincheng Ruo is the third-level senior Talisman master who leads the team. He also brings two third-level senior Talisman masters with him. The remaining two third-level senior Talisman masters are one from the Immortal Sect below and the other is a casual cultivator. Talisman repairer.

Because the inspection and repair of the town-breaking God Pillar requires the talisman master, the weapon refiner, and the array mage to jointly inspect it, just like when they work together to refine it.

So before they set off, they got to know each other so that they could work together in the future.

"I heard that the fourth-level weapon refiner who led the team to the Lost Sea this time was Uncle Duanmu." Gu Xingyuan asked Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Yes, it's Master Duanmu."

Inspecting and repairing the God-breaking Pillar in the Town is not only the task of the third-level senior weapon refiner, but also the task of the fourth-level weapon refiner, because the parts inspected by the third-level senior weapon refiner are only relatively superficial parts, and the fourth-level weapon refiner The division's inspection is more in-depth. The final guarantee is the fifth-level weapon refiner, but there are only three fifth-level weapon refiners, one for each of the three major immortal palaces.

Therefore, the fifth-level weapon refiner is not responsible for leading the team. The three of them will inspect the 12 restricted sea areas together. Therefore, the fifth-level weapon refiner has the heaviest task.

The same applies to the Talisman Master and the Formation Master. There is also a fourth-level Talisman Master and a fourth-level Formation Master leading the team.

So after Wu Tao finished speaking, he looked at Jin Chengruo and He Youxian and said, "Fellow Daoist Jin, Fellow Daoist He, I wonder which deputy hall master is leading your hall?"

Jin Chengruo said: "It's our Deputy Hall Master Zhao."

"It turns out to be Deputy Hall Master Zhao." Deputy Hall Master Zhao is a fourth-level talisman master, and Wu Tao has naturally heard of his name.

He Youxian said: "Our Formation Hall is led by Deputy Hall Master Hua."

"Deputy Hall Master Hua, I'm lucky enough to have met him once." Of course what Wu Tao was talking about was not the time when they joined forces to refine the town's God-breaking Pillar in the square with tens of thousands of people, but on other occasions.

While Wu Tao was chatting with these talisman masters and formation masters, time passed slowly, and soon it was time to set off.

The deputy hall masters of the three halls leading the team also appeared.

There are also two Yuan Ying stage master uncles accompanying him.

"Greetings to Deputy Hall Master Duanmu, Deputy Hall Master Hua, Deputy Hall Master Zhao, Uncle Master Ming, Uncle Master Gui." Wu Tao and other weapon refiners, talisman masters, and formation masters all came to Duanmulei, Deputy Hall Master Hua, Deputy Hall Master Zhao, and Ming Master. The surname is Yuanyingqi, and your surname is Yuanyingqi.

"The time has come, get on the flying boat." Deputy Hall Master Hua of the Formation Hall said.

Of the three deputy hall masters, Deputy Hall Master Hua, who belongs to the Formation Hall, is the most senior and is a fourth-level intermediate formation master, while Deputy Hall Master Zhao is a fourth-level low-level talisman master. Not to mention Duan Mulei, he is a rookie fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.

Therefore, Deputy Hall Master Hua of the Formation Hall spoke, and Wu Tao and others immediately followed the five Nascent Soul cultivators on the flying boat. On the flying boat, there were also some golden elixir cultivators. They were only responsible for driving the flying boat, as well as on the flying boat. Doing daily business on the flying boat.

Not only those from their area boarded the flying boat, but the immortal cultivators from other areas also flew onto their own flying boats.

After boarding the flying boat, Deputy Hall Master Hua asked them each to choose a room.

Wu Tao and others immediately went to choose a room. After selecting the room, the flying boat was started.

Wu Tao stayed in the room and did not go out, but practiced.

This trip to the Lost Sea takes half a month. In the past half month, he planned to practice hard in his room.

There are complete formations in the room. In addition to the daily anti-peep and soundproof formations and lighting formations, there is also a spirit gathering formation. Of course there are no spiritual veins on the flying boat, but there are formations for converting spiritual stones into spiritual energy. The flying boat will supply spiritual stones to be converted into spiritual energy, and then transmitted to the spiritual gathering array for use by the immortal cultivators in the room.

However, before Wu Tao practiced, he specially installed a breath-avoiding array. This breath-avoiding array allowed him to cover up the aura of his real star body when he was practicing the Zhoutian Star Body Training Technique, so that he would not be caught by the people on the flying boat. Nascent Soul Master sensed it.

Of course, True Monarch Nascent Soul is also of good character and will not spy on the juniors of his sect at will.

But this breath-avoiding circle is like a lock, not to protect against gentlemen, but against villains.

Seven days later, Feizhou arrived at the Seven Stars Immortal Sect. Two third-level senior formation masters from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect boarded the flying boat, as well as two Nascent Soul stage masters from the Seven Stars Immortal Sect.

Since then, there are still two third-level senior talisman masters left. They need to go to the Moon Shadow Immortal Sect to pick them up.

Nine days later, they arrived at Yueying Immortal Sect. Among the two third-level senior Talisman Masters from Yueying Immortal Sect, one of them was a third-level senior casual cultivator Talisman Master.

However, when they boarded the flying boat, Wu Tao did not go out and continued to practice in the room, planning to get familiar with these four people again after arriving in the Lost Sea.

Gu Xingyuan summoned Wu Tao several times and asked him if he wanted to get together with his fellow Taoists on the flying boat. Wu Tao told him to wait until he reached the Lost Sea.

Time passed quietly, and half a month passed quickly. On this day, Wu Tao was practicing the Nine-Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill in the flying boat room, when he heard the voice of Deputy Hall Master Hua resounding throughout the flying boat.

The Lost Sea has arrived.

Wu Tao immediately stopped practicing the Nine-Yao Yang Fusion Art, walked out of the room, met Gu Xingyuan and other immortal cultivators in the corridor, and walked onto the front deck of the flying boat together.

On the deck at the front, seven Yuanying bosses were already standing there.

Wu Tao and others went over and saw that the flying boat was still high in the sky and was about to land.

Their eyes looked into the distance, and they saw the Lost Sea Area whose depths could not be seen. And on the edge of the Lost Sea Area, stood thousands of feet of Zhenyu Breaking God Pillars, forming the Zhenyu Breaking God Pillar. From the pillar formation, it can be seen that the fog from the Lost Sea has been impacting the formation of the God-breaking Pillars of the Town. Therefore, the God-Breaking Pillars of the Town shone with flickering light.

"By the way, this is my first time in this lost sea area. The forbidden sea is truly worthy of its reputation. It is shocking and heartbreaking to see it." Beside Wu Tao, Liu Song sighed.

In fact, it's not just Liu Song. Anyone who is a formation master, amulet master, or a weapon refiner from the Immortal Sect Immortal Palace will come to the restricted sea to wander around. All the knowledge about the restricted sea is through books, and there is no immersive experience there. experience.

But Wu Tao had traveled through the lost sea area once, and he knew the dangers there, not to mention various sea storms, and the weird Dharma boat. If it weren't for Mr. Ding, he would have been deeply trapped in the Dharma boat and died.

As for Fu Xuan, one of his arms was broken off by a storm at sea, resulting in a lack of immortality. It was a fluke to become a golden elixir, but he probably had little hope of becoming a Yuanying.

However, it was Fu Xuan's obsession to become a golden elixir cultivator and a third-level weapon refiner, and now he has finally fulfilled this obsession. It can also be regarded as a reward for risking his life to cross the lost sea.

Of course, without the Emperor Shenjun, Fu Xuan would definitely die.

"Look at the small island below. I heard that the Transformation God Lord and the others used their great magic power to move a small island here as our place to stay. Lingyuan Palace also buried an acquired spiritual vein here, and the level reached the third level of advanced level. ." Gu Xingyuan said, pointing to the island below.

Although it is said to be a small island, it is actually very large. Their airship is landing on this island.

Wu Tao's eyes also fell on the island. He naturally understood the acquired spiritual veins mentioned by Gu Xingyuan. Generally, spiritual vein islands are innate spiritual veins, which are formed naturally like mountains and terrain, while acquired spiritual veins are man-made. They are actually spiritual veins paved with spiritual stones and then gathered together using formations.

Because the 12 forbidden seas must have immortal cultivators entering and conquering them all year round, consuming the power of the forbidden seas. Therefore, the edge areas of the forbidden seas were moved to the island by the God of Transformation, creating acquired spiritual veins. It is used for daily practice by cultivators who conquer immortality.

"It seems that Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan are conquering the Lost Sea Area. I will ask them later if they are here. If they are there, they can pass through their Lost Sea Area." Wu Tao thought to himself, Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan are the core Jindan disciples in the sect. , naturally they had to participate in the conquest of the forbidden sea. They seemed to have received the task of conquering the forbidden sea. Before setting off, they said hello to Wu Tao.

It seemed to say about the Lost Sea, but Wu Tao was not sure, so he needed to ask.

The flying boat quickly landed on the pier in front of the island. Wu Tao and the others followed the seven Nascent Soul Lords and got off the flying boat. As soon as they got off the flying boat, some foundation-building immortal cultivators came over and arranged accommodation for them.

These foundation-building immortal cultivators come from the Nine Immortal Sects and casual cultivators. Because the forbidden sea belongs to the entire Xingchen Sea Immortal Cultivator World, many casual cultivators are also recruited to do the work.

Working for the Immortal Palace and the Immortal Sect is what these casual cultivators dream of. The benefits are high, who wouldn’t want to come? If you do well, you will be noticed by the Immortal Palace and the Immortal Sect and recruited into it, it will be a life-long turnaround.

There are also casual cultivators who have been recruited to conquer the restricted area of ​​Juehai. Of course, this kind of recruitment is compulsory.

Although it is compulsory recruitment, some skills, good spells, and immortal cultivation resources have also been released. Therefore, casual cultivators are also grateful for this.

After arranging accommodation, Wu Tao immediately sent a message to Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai in his residence, asking them if they were in the lost sea area.

It should be mentioned that a formation has also been set up on the island, which allows them to send messages to fellow cultivators who hold communication tokens.

If Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai were on the island, they would definitely be able to receive his message.

After waiting for a while, Wu Tao's summons token moved. He immediately read it with his spiritual mind. Sure enough, it was a reply from Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai, asking him to report his residence and they would come immediately.

Wu Tao immediately sent his location, waiting for the arrival of Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Tang Jingquan and Pi Baibai's voices sounded outside the door. Wu Tao immediately brought them in. In the tea room, the three of them sat opposite each other.

"Fellow Daoist Tang, Friend Pi, can you tell me about the situation in the Lost Sea?" Wu Tao asked Pi Baibai and Tang Jingquan.

Pi Baibai said: "The Lost Sea is so exciting. It's even more exciting than going to the Immortal Realm to wipe out the remnants of the demonic path."

"Oh, fellow Taoists, have you ever faced a strange magic ship head-on?"

Tang Jingquan nodded and said: "Yes, we have encountered ghost ships twice. Fortunately, there are magic ships specially designed to control the lost sea area, as well as special magic weapons. Otherwise, one ghost ship can annihilate our entire army."

"However, destroying that ghost ship also paid a huge price for us. A late Yuan Ying master uncle has been seriously injured, and several golden elixir cultivators have died in it."

"The second time we encountered that ghost ship, our experience was richer than the first time. With the formations and various magical weapons on the magic ship, only one Jindan Daoist fell, so the ghost ship Destroyed.”

Listening to Tang Jingquan's narration, Wu Tao pondered. The ghost ship mentioned by Tang Jingquan seemed to be different from the strange magic ship he encountered. Could it be that in this lost sea area, there are not only strange magic ships, but also all kinds of ghosts that Tang Jingquan described. Boat?

"That's really dangerous!" Wu Tao said.

Tang Jingquan shook his head and said: "Actually, we rely on Dharma ships and flying boats to patrol the lost seas and conquer ghost ships. It is not the most dangerous, because it is relatively rare to encounter ghost ships. And guarding the ninety-nine and eighty-one territory-breaking divine pillars The senior Nascent Souls below are the most dangerous, because from time to time ghost ships attack, trying to destroy the formation of the God-breaking Pillar in the town."

"Three Nascent Soul seniors have been injured in the Lost Sea."

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