Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 700 Hidden God in the Golden Pill

"Let's go, Ayao, let's go back to Bixing Island.

Watching the fourth-level high-level flying boat of Lingxu Immortal Sect disappear from sight, Wu Tao said to Chen Yao, then he took out the flying boat and stepped on the flying boat.

Chen Yao nodded and stepped onto the Feilang Boat, standing behind Wu Tao.

Wu Tao's magic power was poured into the Feilang Boat, and he made the Feilang Boat fly towards the Jindan Sea Area.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao and Chen Yao returned to Bixing Island.

The Feilang Boat landed on the square outside the main hall. Chen Yao got off the Feilang Boat first. At this time, a sharp cry sounded in the sky, a golden voice like an eagle, and the three-headed third-order early-stage monster beast that was lying on the ground practicing also immediately Qi Qi came over.

The figure of the golden-winged eagle appeared in the sky and landed on Chen Yao's shoulders like a sword.

Wu Tao was about to put Feilangzhou into the storage bag at this time. Chen Yao said: "Brother, you see, we haven't returned to Bixing Island for two months. We have been staying on Lingxu Island without feeding them. We can make them greedy." ”

Saying this, Chen Yao took out the elixir and fed it to the golden-winged eagle and other monsters.

When Wu Tao saw Chen Yao feeding the four monster beasts, the Golden-winged Eagle, one by one, he said, "Ayao, you feed them first, and I'll go to the training hall to handle some things."

"Brother, go ahead." Chen Yao threw a golden elixir to the earth bear monster and turned to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded and entered the training hall in a flash.

Entering the training hall, he immediately entered the spirit gathering array, sat cross-legged on the futon, and recalled in his mind the scene on the fourth-level advanced flying boat of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Ning Qiudao's inconsistency made him feel something was wrong.

"Could it be that Master Ning was really taken away from him? The current Master Ning is not Master Ning. That's why the master said that his personality has changed. The master is the same generation as Master Ning. He has been in constant contact with Ning. The leader is familiar with him, so he can feel his difference..."

"Also, did he call me by my real name just now?"

"In Lingxu Sect, only Master and Head Ning know my real name."

"And he hurriedly said a word, then returned to his previous appearance, and asked me what I said?"

Wu Tao fell into thought and frowned tightly. There were coffin nails in his mind, and he thought that it was very possible for him to be taken away from his body and possessed by a big boss in this world of immortality.

"So, is this the reason why Master Ning became the God-Transforming Lord in a short period of time?"

"He asked me to help him in the future, is it to help him kill the powerful person behind him?"

"Why is he looking for me? You know, I have average cultivation talent and am still a weapon refiner. I know it's because of Master Ding in my spiritual mind. He feels that Master Ding exists and should be able to help him get out of trouble."

"Leader Ning should not know the existence of Lord Ding, but the person behind him may know. It is normal that he knows through this channel."

"By the way, ask Master Ding. Master Ding should know the situation of Head Ning, but I don't know if I can ask anything.

Thinking of the coffin nails, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts immediately sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. In the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, two coffin nails were suspended quietly. Then, his thoughts were transmitted to one coffin nail.

But his thoughts were conveyed to the coffin nails. For a long time, there was no movement from the coffin nails. Wu Tao knew that his question was in vain and a waste of time.

He simply withdrew from the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and stopped asking about Coffin Nail. At his current level, he was indeed unable to attract Coffin Nail's attention and felt that he could not talk to Coffin Nail on an equal footing.

"Forget it, let's not think about it. I am still a golden elixir cultivator. How can I help Master Ning? Let's wait until I become a god."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao simply stopped thinking about it, dispelled this thought in his mind, and started to practice. The most important thing now is practice.

Only when your cultivation level is improved can you control your own destiny and be able to help others. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about anything else.

The formation of the God-breaking Pillar in the town has successfully blocked the expansion of Juehai in the 12 restricted areas, and all the immortal cultivators in the Star Sea Immortal World breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the hidden danger of the forbidden sea has not been eliminated. The three major immortal palaces and the nine immortal sects are not too optimistic and began to organize the immortal cultivators in their sects and the casual cultivators to conquer the 12 forbidden seas.

There will always be casualties when conquering the forbidden seas. Wu Tao is in the Starry Palace and hears news from the 12 forbidden seas from time to time. For example, when conquering the immortal cultivators in the lost seas, they say they encounter many ghost ships. , the ghost ship is very scary, as long as you are pulled on the ghost ship, you will become a part of the ghost ship.

When Wu Tao heard the news about the ghost ship, he couldn't help but think of the strange French ship he had encountered when he crossed the Lost Sea from the 27 Islands.

If Master Ding hadn't existed at that time, he might have been dragged into the strange Dharma Ship and became part of the Dharma Ship.

The dangers faced in each restricted sea area are different. In the Lost Sea Area, you encounter ghost ships, while in the Blood Sea Forbidden Area, you encounter a bloody giant.

But relying on the magic weapons created by the God-breaking Pillar Formation in the area, as well as the Magic Ship and Feifei Lian, they can actually deal with the special forces in each restricted area, such as ghost ships and blood-colored giants.

Wu Tao also began to return to the war boat department. Not only him, but all the weapon refiners, talisman masters, and formation masters returned to their posts.

They also heard that the Demon Realm is also blocking the invasion and pollution of various restricted areas in the Demon Realm.

Therefore, the investment in the boundary wall battlefield was less.

But for the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, this is not an opportunity, because the demon world has restricted areas, and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm also has restricted areas.

Maybe there will be friction between the Demon Realm and the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm again, and they will have to wait until they get used to this situation.

Time passed unknowingly, and it was more than ten days in a flash. On this day, Wu Tao had just arrived at the war boat department when he received a notice from the above. It was sent through a group of summons tokens from the Weapon Refining Deacon Hall, asking them to go to the meeting hall. Have a meeting.

Wu Tao immediately went to meet Geng Xiangshu and Lin Qijun and headed to the meeting hall. Just as he was about to leave the war boat department, he saw Gu Xingyuan coming out.

"Fellow Daoist Li, wait for me." Gu Xingyuan quickly called to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao turned back to look at Gu Xingyuan, and with a thought in his heart, he said, "Fellow Daoist Gu, are you also going to the meeting hall for a meeting?"

Gu Xingyuan nodded and said, "Yes, Fellow Daoist Li."

"It seems that only third-level senior weapon refiners are eligible to attend this meeting." Wu Tao said, and then brought Gu Xingyuan, Geng Xiangshu, and Lin Qijun to join him.

The four of them arrived at the meeting hall and found that only the third-level senior weapon refiner was present.

Wu Tao came to Su Sanxian's side, raised his hands to Su Sanxian and said, "Fellow Daoist Su, do you know what the purpose of this time is?"

Su Sanxian said: "It should be related to the restricted area of ​​Juehai. The notice was sent from the Deacon Hall. I will ask fellow Taoist Yu when he comes."

Wu Tao nodded and felt that it was most likely related to the restricted sea. After all, the big issue facing him now was the restricted sea.

As soon as he mentioned Yu Zhixin, Yu Zhixin came. Su Sanxian waved to Yu Zhixin. Yu Zhixin came over and asked about the gathering in the discussion hall today.

Yu Zhixin said it was related to the restricted sea area.

After exchanging a few words with Su Sanxian and Yu Zhixin, Wu Tao returned to his seat and sat upright, waiting for the fourth-level weapon refiner above the latter to come over.

After a while, Deputy Hall Master Luo and Duan Mulei appeared.

"Deputy Hall Master Luo, Deputy Hall Master Duanmu." Wu Tao and other third-level senior weapon refiners immediately stood up and bowed to Deputy Hall Master Luo and Deputy Hall Master Duanmu Lei.

"Everyone, there is no need to be polite, please take a seat." Deputy Hall Master Luo waved his hand and said, and he also took a seat.

Wu Tao and others all looked at Deputy Hall Master Luo, waiting for him to speak.

Deputy Hall Master Luo said: "I have summoned you here this time for the purpose of the Town-breaking God Pillar. You have also participated in the refining of the Town-Breaking God Pillar, and you know that the Town-Breaking God Pillar is placed in the forbidden sea. There is a force in Juehai in the restricted area that has been invading the town's God-breaking Pillar, trying to destroy the town's God-breaking Pillar formation, so the town's God-breaking Pillar will be damaged."

"If there is any damage, it must be inspected and repaired regularly. Once the town's God-breaking Pillar is damaged, the entire formation will be unable to operate, and it will be unable to continue to block the expansion of the restricted area. You know that there will be great consequences. And the town's God-breaking Pillar For inspection and maintenance, you, the third-level senior weapon refiners, are needed. Of course, the small problem is that you are responsible for inspection and maintenance, and we and the weapon refiners above also need to perform regular inspections and maintenance."

Hearing Deputy Hall Master Luo's words, Wu Tao and others were all moved. They must know that the God-breaking Pillar of the Town is placed in the forbidden sea. For inspection and maintenance, it is necessary to go deep into the restricted area and the deep sea, which is very dangerous.

Of course, they also know that if they enter the restricted sea area to inspect and repair the God-breaking Pillar in the town, they will definitely send someone to accompany them to protect them.

But protection is protection, and the danger is only reduced a little.

However, for this task, all the third-level senior weapon refiners present must carry out it, because it is a matter of life and death for the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm. If one evades this task, the first of the three Immortal Palaces will be destroyed.

"This is the inspection and maintenance secret book for the town's broken god pillar. You all have to take it with your hands to understand it. The town's broken god pillar must be inspected once a year. There are still 11 months left before the first inspection. These 11 You must thoroughly understand this secret book in a month."

Deputy Hall Master Luo said, and with a swipe on his waist, streaks of light flew out, accurately floating in front of Wu Tao, a third-level senior weapon refiner.

Wu Tao looked at the jade slip suspended in front of him and stretched out his hand to take it.

Other third-level advanced weapon refiners also reached out to take the jade slip.

Seeing them taking the jade slips, Deputy Hall Master Luo said: "Okay, that's what I called you here today. Let's all be over. If you have any difficult questions during the enlightenment process, remember it first. Every month I and I Junior Brother Duanmu will explain the problems you encounter."

"Yes, Deputy Hall Master Luo." Wu Tao and other third-level senior weapon refiners said in unison.

Subsequently, the meeting was dissolved, and Duan Mulei and Deputy Hall Master Luo left the meeting hall. Duan Mulei did not say a word during the meeting.

He had just been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner for only eleven years, and his qualifications were definitely not as good as those of the veteran fourth-level weapon refiner like Deputy Hall Master Luo.

"It's too dangerous to go deep into the forbidden sea to inspect the town's God-breaking Pillar." As soon as Deputy Hall Master Luo and Duan Mulei left, the atmosphere was naturally less depressing. A third-level senior weapon refiner said with emotion.

Immortal cultivators cherish their lives, and so do weapon refiners.

"Well, the danger is danger, but there is nothing we can do about it. This kind of task is mandatory, who can refuse it. But don't worry too much, there will definitely be seniors from the sect accompanying us to protect us." Geng Xiangshu said.

"Fellow Daoist Geng is right. You don't have to worry. If the hidden dangers of Juehai in the forbidden area are not solved, it will only become more dangerous. Okay, everyone, please go back. Don't stay in the meeting hall." Yu Zhixin said to everyone.

As the golden elixir deacon of the Weapon Refining Hall, Yu Zhixin manages all the Weapon Refining Masters in the Weapon Refining Hall. As soon as he spoke, these third-level senior Weapon Refining Masters all threw their hands and left in twos and threes.

Wu Tao, Gu Xingyuan, Geng Xiangshu, and Lin Qijun also left the meeting hall and returned to the weapons hall.

Returning to the war boat department, Gu Xingyuan said: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Ye and Fellow Daoist Jin have not encountered such a mission."

"Don't worry, the Town Breaking God Pillar requires our third-level senior weapon refiner to inspect it, so we will inevitably increase efforts to protect our safety. Otherwise, we will all die. Who will check it? Even if we have to replace the new Town Breaking Pillar, We also need to work together to refine the divine pillar. The lives of us weapon refiners, talisman masters, and formation masters are precious," Wu Tao said.

"Fellow Daoist Li is absolutely right." Gu Xingyuan handed over to Wu Taogong, then left and returned to his weapon refining hall.

Wu Tao also returned to his office. After returning to the office, he first dealt with today's daily affairs. After finishing the handling, he came to the training room and sat cross-legged on the futon and took out the money that Luo Deputy Hall had just given in the meeting hall. Jade slips distributed by the Lord.

Looking at the jade slip in his hand, Wu Tao muttered: "It is indeed dangerous to enter the forbidden sea. Judging from the news obtained these days, once the golden elixir cultivators encounter the dangers in the forbidden sea, they will inevitably suffer casualties."

"Juehai, the restricted area, must also want to suppress the Territory Breaking God Pillar and continue its expansion."

"I have experienced the weird magical ships in the Lost Sea. I hope that the next mission will be assigned to the Lost Sea and I will finally be familiar with it. With the existence of Master Nai in my mysterious sea, there should be no big problem."

Thinking of this, he put the jade slip away and was not busy studying it. After all, there were still 11 months before the first inspection of the Zhenyu Breaking God Pillar.

With his current cultivation speed, which is as fast as the stars, he could reach the 9th level of the real body in 11 months.

By then, his strength will be enhanced, and he will have more power to protect himself when he enters the forbidden sea to carry out the task of inspecting and maintaining the God-breaking Pillar in the town.

"So it's better to practice first."

Immediately following his thoughts, Wu Tao immediately took out the high-quality golden elixir and ninth-level spiritual fire and spiritual water, and began to practice the Nine-Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill.

Now, he is practicing the Jiu Yao Fusion Yang Zhen Gong on Bixing Island and practicing in the training room of the War Boat Department. They are all third-level advanced spiritual veins. The speed of training is indeed greatly reduced. He did not practice with the fourth-level advanced spiritual veins on Lingxu Island. so fast.

He estimated that one month would be about a progress.

Therefore, it really takes seven or eight years to cultivate to the perfect state of golden elixir.

In the following days, in addition to daily practice, Wu Tao also wanted to understand the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden God Technique and the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method. There are also secret jade slips issued by the sect for the task of inspecting and repairing the God-breaking Pillar in the town.

The days passed quickly, and Wu Tao often heard news about the 12 restricted areas in the Juehai. He heard how many immortal cultivators in the Star Sea Immortal World had suffered casualties in their conquests in the restricted area, and how many times they had defeated the town in the restricted area. The destructive behavior of the Territory Breaking Pillar.

Three months later, Wu Tao finally understood the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Method thoroughly and entered it into his personal information.

This day.

He was sitting cross-legged in his own training hall on Bixing Island, planning to separate his spiritual thoughts today and hide them in the golden elixir!

"This Nine-Xuan Tiangang Qi is really expensive. In the future, practicing the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique will cost another expense. However, now I have no shortage of meritorious deeds and I have a balance every month."

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the Jiuxuan Tiangang Qi on the side. This Tiangang Qi was exchanged for his meritorious service in the Star Palace two days ago.

To practice the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden God method, you need to use not only the energy of the Nine-Xuan Tiangang, but also the radiance of stars and the true fire for refining weapons.

He has the brilliance of stars and the true fire of weapon refining himself, so there is no need to go to the Star Palace to exchange them.

Everything was ready, Wu Tao released all his spiritual thoughts. He was going to cut his divine thoughts and hide the cut divine thoughts in the golden elixir.

Thanks to Lingzhuzi for the 1500 starting coin reward

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