"How many stars do you need?" Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and asked.

Wu Tao said: "Master, the stars and streams of light are of great help to my cultivation. Naturally, the more the merrier. However, how much Yuanding Shenjun can take out depends on him. We can't force a God-Transformation Shenjun, right?"

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "We really can't force a God-Transforming Lord. Let's do this. If the Yuanding Lord takes too few star streamers, I'll ask Head Ning to help you capture some star streamers."

The stars are shining in the Tiangang layer, and the transformed god can ascend to the Tiangang layer without fear of all kinds of dangers in the Tiangang layer. But God Transformation God doesn't just go to the Tiangang layer for free. Only when Yuanding Shenjun's magic weapon needs the star streamer, Yuanding Shenjun will go to the Tiangang layer to capture the star streamer.

"Master, let's first see how many star streams the Lord Yuanding brought out." Wu Tao said.

If the star streamers brought out by Yuanding Shenjun are really pitiful and there is a chance to meet the head of Ning, he does not need his master Wen Xingrui to ask. He can also ask Ning Qiudao to help him capture some star streamers.

After all, Ning Qiudao has a cooperative relationship with Master Ding in his mind sea. Based on this relationship, Ning Qiudao probably won't refuse.

"That's fine. If it's enough, there's no need to bother the leader." Wen Xingrui nodded. Ning Qiudao's temperament now seems to be different from before. In fact, he doesn't really want to deal with Ning Qiudao unless necessary.

In the past, when Ning Qiudao was still in the Golden Core stage, he often dealt with Ning Qiudao and was as close as his fellow disciples. However, since Ning Qiudao showed his cultivation as the God of Transformation, his behavior style is really different from before. , which is why Wen Xingrui told Wu Tao that Ning Qiudao is different.

Three days later, Wu Tao was meditating on the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hiding Gods in the training room. There was movement in the storage bag around his waist. He immediately stopped studying the Hiding Gods and took out the communication token from the storage bag.

He found out that his master Wen Xingrui had sent him a message, saying that Xingchen Liuguang had obtained it.

Wu Tao's face was filled with joy, and he immediately put the jade slip of the Nine Mysterious Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique into his storage bag, got up, left the training room, and came to the main hall.

Then he saw Wen Xingrui sitting there in the main hall. He hurried over and said, "Master."

Wen Xingrui asked him to sit down, then stretched out his hand to touch his waist, and streams of light flew out from his waist and floated in front of Wu Tao. There were 10 streams of light in total, which were 10 jade bottles.

Wen Xingrui pointed to the 10 jade bottles and said: "There are a hundred star streams in total, and there are ten star streams in each jade bottle."

Wu Tao's face was overjoyed and he said: "That's great. These one hundred star streams are enough for me to practice."

He is now at the eighth level of the real body, and 100 star streams are enough for him to cultivate to the perfection of the real body. Even if he cannot cultivate to the perfection of the real body, it will not be too far away. When the time comes, he will just cultivate slowly by himself.

After all, if he practices the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique with the Star Streaming Light, his true body cultivation will improve rapidly and will soon surpass his legal cultivation. By then, he may have perfected his true body realm and reached the legal cultivation level. The golden elixir has not reached consummation yet.

"Okay, then you put it away." Wen Xingrui said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded, put the 10 jade bottles into the storage bag, and then asked Wen Xingrui: "Master, Master Ning is in the Xingchen Palace now?"

Wen Xingrui nodded and said, "Yes, I met Master Ning. He is now with the God-Transforming Lords in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm."

"Then when will you return to the Immortal Realm?" Wu Tao asked.

This is also something he is concerned about, because when Master Wen Xingrui returns to the Lingxu Immortal Gate of the Immortal Realm, Lingxu Island will be closed by the Xingchen Immortal Palace, and he will not be able to continue to use the fourth-level high-level spirit on Lingxu Island. The pulse has been cultivated.

Wen Xingrui said: "I don't know, it depends on what Master Ning wants. You should go practice first."

"Yes, Master, that disciple will leave first." Wu Tao stood up and bowed to Wen Xingrui, then left and returned to the training room.

Sitting on the futon in the training room, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the progress of Zhou Tianxingchen's physical training.

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Real Physique Chapter·Eighth Level: (39%)

"39%, close to 40%. According to the current cultivation progress, it will take three years to reach the ninth level of the true body. But now, I have the star flow, and it should take at most one year to reach the ninth level of the true body. .”

Thinking of this, he immediately closed his personal information, took out the Star Streaming Light and started practicing the Zhoutian Star Refining Sky.

This was not the first time that Wu Tao used the Star Streaming Light to practice the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise, but even so, he still felt that his training speed was very fast, almost doubling the speed when he used the Star Streaming Light to practice again.

This feeling of speeding up my practice is really great.

In the following days, Wu Tao used the star streamer to practice Zhou Tianxing's physical exercise. In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

A month later, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the progress of Zhou Tianxingchen's physical exercise.

Zhoutian Xingchen Body Training·Real Physique Chapter·Level 8: (45%)

"In one month, we have increased the progress by 5 levels. In this way, in one year, we can just break through the 9th level of the real body."

"However, today is the day when Master and the others leave the Xingchen Immortal Palace and return to the Immortal Realm."

This month, Ning Qiudao came to Lingxu Island, and Wu Tao, who learned about it, also went to visit Ning Qiudao.

In this month, through sources of internal and external information, Wu Tao also learned that immortal cultivators had gone to the 12 restricted areas and began to conquer the 12 restricted areas and weaken the power of the 12 restricted areas.

Among these immortal cultivators who conquered the 12 restricted areas, there were those from the three major Immortal Palaces, the nine major Immortal Sects, as well as casual cultivators.

"Go see Master off first." Wu Tao closed his personal information, got up from the futon, walked out of the training temple, and went to find Chen Yao first.

After finding Chen Yao, Wu Tao took Chen Yao to see his master Wen Xingrui. Wen Xingrui was currently on the pier of Lingxu Island, and hovering over the pier was the fourth-order advanced airship of the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm.

There was a cultivator from the Lingxu Immortal Sect, who was flying on the flying boat.

There are also some immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect, moving things on the dock and onto the flying boats. These things are the cultivation resources given to the Lingxu Immortal Sect by the three major immortal palaces. They are to express their gratitude to the Lingxu Immortal Sect for this time. A huge help to the world of immortality.

"Master." Wu Tao brought Chen Yao to Wen Xingrui and bowed to Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui saw them coming and said, "You are here."

"Master, I really can't bear to see you leave. With you here, my weapon refining skills have improved rapidly. Now that you are leaving, although you can ask for advice from other fourth-level weapon refiners in the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall, you cannot consult the master. It’s the same thing every day.” Wu Tao said.

"Master, I can't bear to leave you either." Chen Yao also said.

Wen Xingrui said with a smile: "I can't bear to bear it. The master has to go back to Lingxu Immortal Sect. That is the master's sect. My good disciple, the master knows your talent in weapon refining. Take your time and don't be impatient. , presumably, when you break through the Nascent Soul stage, you will be able to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. At that time, don’t forget what you promised the master.”

Wu Tao nodded heavily and said: "Master, don't worry, when that time comes, I will immediately offer a fourth-level low-level treasure money to the master."

"Okay, it's almost time. Let's get on the flying boat first and leave the Nascent Soul Sea. Head Ning will probably arrive soon," Wen Xingrui said.

Ning Qiudao is still in the Xingchen Immortal Palace at this time, but he will not arrange these trivial things of moving things here on Lingxu Island. Instead, he will stay with the other gods of transformation in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm, discussing bigger things. things.

So Wen Xingrui was asked to arrange for the disciples of the Lingxu Immortal Sect to wait for him outside the Yuanying Sea Area.

Wu Tao and Chen Yao wanted to send Wen Xingrui out of the Xingchen Immortal Palace, so they also followed Wen Xingrui on the fourth-level advanced flying boat of the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

When everything was ready, the fourth-level advanced airship started immediately and flew out of the Nascent Soul Sea.

As soon as the flying boat left the Nascent Soul Sea, four figures were seen floating in the sky, one of which was Ning Qiudao.

Wu Tao looked around and recognized the three figures beside him. One was the Yuanding Divine Lord, and a majestic middle-aged man wearing a sun-patterned robe. He was the Sun God Lord of the Sun Immortal Palace, and the other was a beautiful man. The woman is Gu Yue Shenjun of Huiyue Immortal Palace.

Wu Tao has also gotten to know these two divine monarchs through other channels in the past few days, including other divine transformation divine monarchs from the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

"Feizhou is here. Fellow Daoist Yuanding, Fellow Daoist Yaori, Fellow Daoist Gu Yue, Ning will take my leave first." Ning Qiudao handed over to the three of them, Divine Monarch Yuanding, Divine Monarch Yaori, and Divine Monarch Gu Yue.

"Goodbye, fellow Daoist Ning. If you have a chance, come to my Star Palace as a guest again."

"Fellow Daoist Ning must come to our Huiyue Immortal Palace if you have the opportunity. Our Huiyue Immortal Palace welcomes you Daoist Ning very much." Lord Gu Yue said to Ning Qiudao with a smile.

"Friend Daoist Ning is always welcome in Taiyang Immortal Palace." Divine Lord Yao Ri was a little dull in temperament, but he still tried his best to show enthusiasm.

"Okay, three Taoists, I will definitely visit these three Taoists when I have time." After Ning Qiudao finished speaking, he stepped forward and turned into a stream of light that fell on the flying boat. Wen Xingrui, Wu Tao and others before.

"Master." Wen Xingrui bowed his hands to Ning Qiudao.

"Meet Master Ning." Wu Tao and Chen Yao also quickly visited Ning Qiu.

Ning Qiudao looked at Wen Xingrui and said, "Let's go back to the Xianyuan world."

The flying boat continued to start and flew towards the exit of the sect-protecting formation of Xingchen Immortal Palace.

Yuanding Shenjun and other three god-transforming god-lords also turned back one after another and disappeared from where they were.

Wen Xingrui had something to deal with, so he apologized to Ning and left the deck of the flying boat.

"Yes, the cultivation speed is quite fast." Ning Qiudao's eyes fell on Wu Tao and he said with a look of appreciation on his face.

When Wu Tao heard this, he quickly bowed his hand to Ning Qiudao and said humbly: "A disciple is not as good as one ten thousandth of the master."

Ning Qiudao shook his head and said: "I am in the realm of transformed gods. You don't need to compete with me. What you are competing with are those golden elixirs and those true inheritances. Now that I see how outstanding you are, I really feel that when you returned to Lingxu Immortal Sect, So I should keep you in the Lingxu Immortal Sect instead of letting you go back to the Xingchen Immortal Palace. As a result, I don’t have a single capable golden elixir disciple in the Lingxu Immortal Sect.”

Wu Tao said: "No matter what the master said, Fellow Daoist Ji Lingxu and Fellow Daoist Pei are excellent and outstanding."

"They are not as good as you. If you still stay in our Lingxu Immortal Sect, I will send you to challenge the true disciples of the three major immortal palaces and let them see that our Lingxu Immortal Sect also has powerful golden elixir disciples. It's a pity. Yes!" Ning Qiudao said.

Wu Tao said helplessly: "Master, I am just a weapon refiner and not good at fighting. How can I fight with the true disciples of the three major immortal palaces?"

"Okay, you don't have to pretend in front of me. Moreover, even the God Transformation Lord can't spy on us when we talk and communicate." At this point, Ning Qiudao glanced in one direction. That direction is the devil world. In the direction, he said: "Of course that Taoist friend is very advanced and should be able to spy. However, if he wants to spy, he can't avoid my induction."

"The master has great magical powers and the disciples admire him. The disciple will definitely practice well and become a person like the master." Wu Tao immediately flattered him.

Suddenly, Ning Qiudao's eyes seemed to change. He stepped forward and grabbed Wu Tao's shoulders with his hands. Wu Tao was startled and immediately wanted to retreat instinctively, but Ning Qiudao's hands had already grasped his shoulders and moved closer. He turned around and whispered in Wu Tao's ear, like a mosquito, "Wu Tao, help me in the future!"

Wu Tao's face was stunned, thinking that he had heard wrongly. Ning Qiudao's sentence had no beginning and no end, and he quickly asked: "Master, what are you talking about?"

There was another change in Ning Qiudao's eyes. He returned to his original majestic appearance. He removed his hands from Wu Tao's shoulders and put them behind his back. He stared at Wu Tao's eyes and said, "What did I just say?"

Wu Tao's heart moved, and he felt goosebumps on his back. However, when he thought that Master Ding was sitting in the battle in his mind, Master Ding was a partner of Ning Qiudao and belonged to the same level. He immediately calmed down and said: " The leader just told me to practice hard."

"Really?" Ning begged, her eyes staring closely at Wu Tao's.

Being stared at by a God-Transforming Lord, Wu Tao felt extremely stressed, but he still endured the pressure, nodded and said: "Yes, Master, you just told me to practice hard."

"You really have to practice hard." Ning Qiudao nodded, and then said: "Okay, I'll see you off for a thousand miles, but we have to say goodbye eventually, so you can send us here."

"Yes, Master." Seeing Ning Qiudao speak, Wu Tao had no choice but to bow and salute Ning Qiudao, and then flew out of the flying boat with Chen Yao.

Then his eyes fell on the flying boat, watching the flying boat go away in his eyes. Jun Ning, the god of transformation, standing on the flying boat gradually disappeared from his pupils.

"Brother, what happened just now?" Chen Yao stood next to Wu Tao, also looking confused.

Wu Tao suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, shook his head and said: "It's nothing."

On the flying boat, Wen Xingrui took care of things. Seeing that the flying boat was about to arrive at the exit of the Zongda Formation in the Starry Palace, he immediately came to say goodbye to his good disciple.

But after coming out, Wu Tao and Chen Yao were not seen. Only Ning Qiudao stood on the flying boat, quietly looking at the sea of ​​clouds.

"Master, where are they?" Wen Xingrui bowed to Ning Qiudao and asked.

Ning Qiudao said with a smile: "They left earlier and asked me to say goodbye to you."

"That's it." Wen Xingrui didn't doubt it either.

Ning Qiudao said: "Okay, leave the other matters to the disciples."

After finishing speaking, Ning Qiudao went back to his exclusive residence on the flying boat.

Sitting cross-legged in his residence, Ning Qiudao's face darkened, and he said to himself: "What did you say to him when you seized control just now, or to be more precise, what did you say to that fellow Taoist who nailed the coffin?" What?"

"You gave me the control first. We agreed at the beginning that I would only give you the control of my body when I need you. Now, you lock me in the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts..."

"When my plan is completed, this body will be handed over to you. The body of the God-incarnation Lord is my gratitude to you."

"What on earth are you going to do?" This voice was exactly that of Ning Qiudao, but the voice was full of fear.

"Don't worry about what I do. I use your body and I will naturally give you back the blessings of creation. In the future, I can also help you reach the realm above the gods."

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