Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 584 Unstable Cultivation Environment (Please subscribe)

Seeing Wei Tianbao getting down to the topic, Wu Tao immediately straightened up and listened quietly.

Wei Tianbao began to explain to Wu Tao carefully. The first thing was that there were some third-level low-level real weapons that early-stage Jindan cultivators needed to refine and repair.

There are still four third-level low-level real weapons that have not yet been repaired, and two third-level low-level real weapons that have not been refined. Wei Tianbao said as he took out the real weapons that needed to be repaired from the storage bag and handed them to Wu Tao's hands.

The real weapons and spiritual materials that needed to be refined were also handed over to Wu Tao.

Then he said: "Junior Brother Li, this is the task of repairing and refining the real weapon. I will inform the six Jindan Junior Brothers that they have been handed over to you, and they will come to you when the time comes."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay."

Wei Tianbao continued: "The remaining thing is to check the war ship every month. If there is no friction between our Immortal Palace and Huiyue Immortal Palace, we only need to inspect it on a fixed date. If there is friction and the war ship is damaged, The boat needs to be inspected and repaired immediately."

"There are a lot of things involved here. I may need to spend a few more days to explain it to you in detail."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wei!" Wu Tao said to Wei Tianbao.

Wei Tianbao smiled and said: "Junior Brother Li, don't be polite. I should have done this. Okay, Junior Brother Li, come with me. I will take you to the place where you will live and practice."

Wu Tao nodded and watched Wei Tianbao get up. He immediately got up and followed Wei Tianbao out of the hall.

On the way, Wei Tianbao said to him: "In the area where our weapon refiners live and move, there are three True Fire Palaces, which are provided for the three third-level weapon refiners to live and practice."

"The one in the middle is where Senior Brother Zhao lives, and the True Fire Palace on the left is where I live. The True Fire Palace on the right was originally where Junior Brother Xian lived. However, Fellow Daoist Li must also know that Junior Brother Xian has returned to the Dao at the end of his life. . From now on, Junior Brother Li, you will live in the True Fire Palace on the right."

"Junior Brother Li, don't worry. All the items left by Junior Brother Xian have been cleared away. Junior Brother, you can move in immediately."

Wei Tianbao quickly brought Wu Tao to the square in front of the three True Fire Palaces and introduced the three True Fire Palaces to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the three true fire palaces. These three true fire palaces were the most magnificent palaces in the entire weapon refiner activity area.

It is called the True Fire Palace, and it is naturally for the residence of third-level weapon refiners, because only third-level weapon refiners can condense true fire.

Wei Tianbao took Wu Tao to the True Fire Palace on the right. He touched his hand on the storage bag on his waist, and a token suddenly appeared. He handed it to Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Li, this is the prohibition of this True Fire Palace." Token, please refine it."

Wu Tao took it, nodded, and then poured his spiritual thoughts and mana into the token, and quickly refined it. After refining, he asked the token to be pressed on the palace door.

The palace door immediately opened with a rumble.

Later, Wu Tao followed Wei Tianbao to visit the True Fire Palace.

The True Fire Palace is very large, with a training room, a weapon refining room, a library, etc. inside.

"Junior Brother Li, you have come to the Border Islands at the right time. The spiritual veins in this True Fire Palace are all third-level advanced spiritual veins, which are equivalent to the third-level islands in the Golden Core Sea... Junior Brother Li, you are still a first-level island now. Right?" Wei Tianbao stood in the training room and pointed at the third-level advanced spiritual veins under the spirit gathering array.

Wu Tao nodded and said, "To tell you what Senior Brother Wei is saying, my Golden Core Island is a first-class island!"

As for whether it was right or not, Wu Tao didn't have to say it, because he didn't think it was right. The third-level advanced spiritual vein cultivation made the spiritual energy richer and could save more golden elixirs. However, he would rather have more golden elixirs. Spend some golden elixirs and don't want to come to the Boundary Islands.

High returns indicate high risks, just like stock trading.

"Okay, Junior Brother Li, you can rest first! Tomorrow, I will summon you with the summons token. Let's go to the place where the war boat is parked!" Wei Tianbao finally said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, Senior Brother Wei!" Immediately, Wu Tao sent Wei Tianbao out of the True Fire Palace.

After sending Wei Tianbao away, he returned to the True Fire Palace. He first used the cleaning technique to clean the entire True Fire Palace, and then he came to the training room and started practicing.

As for the matter that Wei Tianbao had just handed over to him to refine and repair real artifacts for some early Golden Elixir cultivators, the date was very generous and he was not in a hurry to get it. Therefore, Wu Tao planned to come back in a few days to repair and refine the artifacts.

Time passed quickly and it was the next day.

Wu Tao had just finished practicing the Nine Refiners of the Golden Pill when he sensed movement on the summons token. Without having to guess, he knew it was Wei Tianbao who had summoned him.

He took it out and saw that it was true. He immediately put the summons token into his storage bag, walked out of his True Fire Palace, and saw Wei Tianbao waiting at the door of his True Fire Palace.

"Senior Brother Wei has been kept waiting for so long!" Wu Tao apologized to Wei Tianbao.

Wei Tianbao smiled and shook his head and said: "I didn't wait long. Junior Brother Li, without further ado, I will take you to the Boundary Islands war boat parking place now!"

"Excuse me, Senior Brother Wei!" Wu Tao said.

Wei Tianbao reached out and touched his waist, and a stream of light flew out and landed at his feet. It was the real flying weapon. He stepped on the real flying weapon and looked at Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Li, it will be faster to use the real flying weapon!"

When Wu Tao heard this, he immediately remembered his Jiyunzhou and stepped on it.

Then two streams of light streaked across the sky above the Border Islands.

Not long after, Wei Tianbao took Wu Tao to the parking place of the war boat.

It was a super vast square, but it was now empty, and not a single warship was seen.

Seeing this situation, Wei Tianbao was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Wu Tao and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Li, it seems that we came at the wrong time!"

Wu Tao looked at the empty square where the war boats were parked and asked: "Senior Brother Wei, the war boats have sailed out. Are they already at war with the cultivators of the Boundary Islands over at Huiyue Immortal Palace?"

Wei Tianbao said calmly: "I don't know about that. Anyway, since Huiyue Immortal Palace was replaced by the true guard, every time we go out, we will send out all the war boats, just in case."

"However, it is true that when Huiyue Immortal Palace was not guarded by Zhenzhuan, although there were frictions between the two Immortal Palaces, they were rare. Now, frictions often occur..."

"Junior brother Li, don't worry. We don't need to participate in the frontline battle. We are just weapon refiners. We only need to help our fellow Jindan disciples in the battle to repair and refine the real weapons."

"Even if we are asked to fight, we weapon refiners are not good at it!"

"But having said that, it is also because the Huiyue Immortal Palace has changed its true guard. The Immortal Palace has more and more support for the Border Islands, and our weapon refiners are also making more and more money!"

Listening to Wei Tianbao's words, Wu Tao's mind was racing, but he said thanks: "Thank you, Brother Wei, for clearing up the confusion!"

"What's the point?" At this point, Wei Tianbao sighed again: "Junior brother Li is still young and there is still hope. Working hard for ten or eight years in the Border Islands is like working in the Immortal Palace for fifty or sixty years. Earning money through cultivation Resources, promotion as early as possible, whether it is promotion of mana cultivation or weapon refining, will be of great benefit!"

"As for me, I'm nearly 400 years old, and I feel like I don't have much to improve. If I earn too much cultivation resources, I can only use them to cultivate future generations!"

Wu Tao listened to Wei Tianbao's words and saw a trace of loneliness on his face. Any immortal cultivator wants to make further progress and live longer.

It can be said that the more powerful the immortal cultivator is, the more he values ​​Shouyuan.

Therefore, Wu Tao nodded in agreement and replied: "Yes, if there is no hope in the future, junior brother, I will also marry a wife and have children, and put my hope in the younger generations."

Wei Tianbao didn't seem to want to continue this topic. He glanced around and said, "Junior Brother Li, let's go back. When Senior Brother Fang and the others come back, they will probably have to repair and inspect the war boat."

Wu Tao nodded, and then the imperial envoy Ji Yunzhou followed Wei Tianbao and flew back to the True Fire Palace.

As soon as he returned to the True Fire Palace, Wu Tao saw a figure standing in front of the True Fire Palace where he was, it was Fu Xuan.

Wu Tao said goodbye to Wei Tianbao and landed in front of Fu Xuan at the door of his True Fire Palace.

Fu Xuan saw a ray of light falling in front of him, manifesting Wu Tao's figure. He immediately bowed and saluted: "Disciple Fu Xuan, pay homage to Master Li."

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Fu Xuan. He and Wei Tianbao went to the parking lot of the war boat very early. It is estimated that Fu Xuan came to wait for her arrangements not long after he left.

So he smiled and said: "No need to be polite, you have been waiting for a long time, right?"

When Fu Xuan heard this, he felt a warmth in his heart. At this moment, he felt that Zhenren Li was different from the other two third-level weapon refiners in the Border Islands, and indeed regarded him as more of an equal.

He can feel it.

Maybe Master Li was also born as a practicing weapon master, Fu Xuan thought, and then said respectfully: "It is the duty of the younger generation to wait for Master Li. If Master Li has any orders, Fu Xuan will do it immediately."

Wu Tao looked at Fu Xuan and wanted to ask him how he survived from the Lost Sea, but after thinking about it, he appeared in front of Fu Xuan with another identity. It was very inappropriate to ask him like this.

So, he simply said: "Fu Xuan, I don't have any plans for these two days. You should go back and do your own thing first."

Seeing what Wu Tao said, Fu Xuan did not dare to disobey Zhenren Li's order, so he had no choice but to bow and say: "Fu Xuan will obey Zhenren Li's order."

"Go!" Wu Tao smiled and waved his hand.

Fu Xuan bowed and slowly backed away, but after taking a few steps, he turned around and looked at Wu Tao.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Wu Tao smiled and said, "Fu Xuan, what else do you want?"

Fu Xuan listened to his gentle tone and finally asked the doubts in his heart: "Zhenren Li, did you choose me because you are also a San Cultivation weapon master?"

Unexpectedly, Fu Xuan was struggling with this issue. Wu Tao nodded and said, "Exactly."

Fu Xuan's heart was true, but he was still very happy that Master Li could choose him, so he said firmly and gratefully: "Fu Xuan will definitely not let down Master Li's choice."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Go, I'm going to start practicing. You can make up for the basic knowledge of weapon refining. If you want to reach a higher level, the foundation must be solid to stand firm."

"Fu Xuan understands. Many thanks to Master Li for his teachings. Disciple resigns."

Fu Xuan left, and Wu Tao also entered the True Fire Palace and came to the training room to start practicing.

Three days later, Wu Tao, who was practicing, received another message from Wei Tianbao. He immediately stopped practicing and went to the parking lot of the war boat with Wei Tianbao.

Sure enough, I saw rows of war boats where the war boats were parked.

There were at least seventy war ships.

They are all Tier 3 battle boats.

Moreover, many war boats were damaged, and what was even more serious was that one war boat had its head completely missing.

Seeing the war boat without even a head, Wei Tianbao said: "This is a third-level advanced war boat. It seems that Senior Brother Zhao is very busy."

"The war boat has been damaged so much. It seems that our Immortal Palace, under the leadership of Senior Brother Fang, has another battle with Huiyue Immortal Palace."

Wu Tao also set his sights on the damaged war boats. Seeing the shocking traces left by the fighting on them, he could completely imagine that a big battle must have taken place at that time.

As expected, the border island is not a stable place.

I hope I don’t even have the chance to go to the front line?! Of course, this is just hope. Here, everyone must obey Fang Zhengqing’s orders. Even if Fang Zhengqing asks the weapon refiner to go to the front line to repair the war boat, Wu Tao and others cannot disobey.

"So you still have to strengthen yourself, that's the fundamental thing!"

Wu Tao thought so firmly, but said: "Brother Wei, do wars of this level happen often?"

Wei Tianbao nodded and said: "It happens about once every few months, but fortunately, very few Jindan Daoists died on both sides, and the battle boats were all seriously damaged."

"Come, Junior Brother Li, I will take you to those third-level low-level war ships. You are responsible for inspecting and repairing the third-level low-level war ships. Senior Brother Zhao and I are responsible for the rest. And after every battle, there will be many Master Jindan came to us to repair and refine the real weapon. During this period, he will be very busy, so Junior Brother Li, you must be mentally prepared in advance."

Wei Tianbao took Wu Tao to the parking area of ​​the third-level low-level warships, and first made some mental preparations for Wu Tao.

"Junior Brother Li, look, that's it. You take your time and look, I'll take a look at the damage to those third-level intermediate battle boats." Wei Tianbao left after saying that.

Wu Tao, on the other hand, took a preliminary look at the surface damage of each war boat, and found that there were many traces of fighting on the surface of the war boat, including fire, water penetration, sword marks, etc.

It can be seen that the confrontation between the two sects was very fierce at that time.

Just as Wu Tao was checking, another Dharma Light Officer came down and revealed an old figure.

"Fellow Taoist, are you here to replace fellow Taoist Xian?" The old man fell in front of Wu Tao, his eyes fell on Wu Tao, and he cupped his hands slightly.

Wu Tao bowed his hand in return and said, "I have met fellow Taoist Taoist Master Xian. I am Li Mo, who is here to replace Taoist Fellow Taoist Xian."

"I am Kong Qi, the third-level low-level formation master of the Formation Hall. I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Li who came to replace Fellow Daoist Xian to be so young." Kong Qi said slightly surprised.

Wu Tao could only say that he was already a centenarian and not young at all.

Hearing Wu Tao's humble words, Kong Qi stroked his white beard and shook his head: "Fellow Daoist Li, is it appropriate for you to say this to a four hundred-year-old man like me?"

"Fellow Taoist, I'm so sorry!"

Kong Qi said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, Fellow Daoist Li, you can check it first. I also want to check the damage of the formation on the war boat. I am really old and I can't take more rest."

With that said, Kong Qifei got on a war boat and began to check the formations in the war boat.

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