Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 583 Wu Tao’s choice (please subscribe)

Wei Tianbao heard the noise outside the hall and said to Wu Tao with a smile: "Junior Brother Li, the nephew of Master Fu is here!"

Wu Tao looked as usual, but his mind was already lost in memories. When he heard the name Fu Xuan, he thought it was the same name. But now listening to the voice outside, he knew it was not the same name, but the Fu Xuan he knew. select.

However, he clearly saw Fu Xuan being sucked into the storm at sea. He wanted to grab Fu Xuan and pull him out, but in the end he could only pull out one of Fu Xuan's arms.

Recall that Wei Tianbao just said that Fu Xuan was lacking in immortality, which meant that Fu Xuan was a disabled person.

"Such a fierce sea storm pulled Fu Xuan into it during the collision. It was obvious that he was injured if he was rubbed, and died if he touched it? Did Fu Xuan have any adventure?"

"Yes, I met a mysterious old man in the Lost Sea. He is Yuanding Shenjun, the God-Transforming Lord of the Starry Palace. There are divine Lords in the Lost Sea. It is very likely that Fu Xuan was rescued by the Divine Lord."

As his mind turned, Wu Tao couldn't help feeling happy. After all, his old friend was still alive, which was indeed good news.

Hearing Wei Tianbao's words at this time, Wu Tao showed a smile on his face, nodded and said: "Okay, Senior Brother Wei, then let Senior Nephew Fu Xuan come in."

Wei Tianbao nodded slightly, and then said: "Master Fu, come in."

The voice was very soft, but it reached Fu Xuan's ears very clearly outside the palace. Fu Xuan raised his head and glanced at the palace door, then walked up, gently opened the palace door, raised his eyes slightly, and looked inside the palace. When it came to the four second-level senior weapon refiners that they usually knew, they were all from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall and were sent to work in the Border Islands.

Although the four of them did not usually show their contempt for him, of course, they did not look down on him.

But Fu Xuan knew that subconsciously, they did not regard themselves as the same type of weapon refiner after all. And after so many years of getting along with each other, Fu Xuan also knew that there was a big gap between him, a casual cultivation weapon master who was born in the barren sea, and these weapon refiners who came from the largest sect in the Xingchen Sea Immortal World. A gap that cannot be bridged.

After he learned about these gaps, this huge gap made him feel that he could not be promoted to the third level of weapon refiner. I feel a huge despair, so desperate that sometimes I cry secretly.

A ninth-level immortal cultivator and second-level advanced weapon refiner would secretly cry when he is alone at night.

He was thinking that he took a risk and almost died in the lost sea. It was because of his hope in the way of refining weapons and wanting to take a further step in the way of refining weapons that he dared to take such a big risk.

Even if he died in the lost sea, he would still be willing to do so.

But after the adventure, he did not die, but was surrounded by huge despair, and he could not feel any hope.

"In my whole life, I'll just live like this."

Because of this, Fu Xuan learned that the third-level low-level weapon refiner Xian Zhenren had returned. The Immortal Palace Weapon Refining Hall will definitely send another third-level low-level weapon refining master to replace him, and when the time comes, he will choose a second-level high-level weapon refining master as his weapon refining assistant.

The desperate Fu Xuan did not think that he could become the weapon refining assistant of the new third-level low-level weapon refining master, because there was also a second-level high-level weapon refining master who was officially born in the weapon refining hall. He did not have that kind of fate. It's not his turn.

Therefore, when Fu Xuan learned that the four of them were going to meet the newly dispatched third-level low-level weapon refiner, Fu Xuan did not feel any fluctuations in his heart.

But he didn't expect that only two quarters of an hour later, he would receive a summons asking him to meet the new third-level low-level weapon refiner.

"Maybe it's just to set off the excellence of their Immortal Dao sect's weapon refiner!" Fu Xuan came here with this idea in mind, so when he looked up and saw the third-level intermediate weapon refiner After seeing Master Wei Tianbao, he saw the middle-aged man of about thirty-five years old sitting next to Master Wei Tianbao.

This person should be the newly dispatched third-level low-level weapon refiner.

With this in mind, Fu Xuan walked to the front, lined up with the other four second-level senior weapon refiners, and saluted Wei Tianbao: "Disciple Fu Xuan, pay homage to Master Wei, and pay homage to this true man."

Although I don’t know Wu Tao’s name, he is Jin Dan, and as a junior foundation builder, I should still pay him respects.

Don't lose touch with etiquette.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Fu Xuan the moment he opened the door. When he saw Fu Xuan's familiar face and only one arm left, he couldn't help but secretly thought: "It's great that Fu Xuan is alive." .”

At that time, he really had no hope that Fu Xuan would survive.

I didn't expect to see Fu Xuan again after more than ten years. It was an unexpected surprise.

Perhaps this is the wonderful thing about the world of immortality.

Fu Xuan did not dare to look directly at Jin Dan, so he did not know that Wu Tao was staring at him.

When Wei Tianbao saw Wu Tao's eyes falling on Fu Xuan, he seemed to be really curious about this casual cultivation weapon master. He smiled and said: "This is Fu Xuan's nephew, Fu Xuan's nephew. This is the new dispatch from the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall." The third-level low-level weapon refiner Li Zhenren came down."

"Meet Mr. Li." Fu Xuan saluted again.

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Master Fu, you don't need to be polite."

He is now using the secret technique of transformation to hide his identity, and his changed face is no longer the same as when he was in the waters of Twenty-Seven Islands. Therefore, Fu Xuan does not recognize that the person sitting in front of him at this time is the twenty-seventh island back then. The first person to cultivate immortality and the first person to refine weapons in the island sea area.

Of course, Wu Tao cannot reveal his true identity to Fu Xuan.

Perhaps, even if the entrustment to Senior Wang is not completed, his identity cannot be exposed in front of Fu Xuan.

But Wu Tao was overjoyed to see his old friend again without revealing his identity, and he also planned to take more care of Fu Xuan while working on this border island.

Fu Xuan straightened up and stood at the edge honestly.

Wei Tianbao said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, this Master Fu's nephew is also here. Take a look, who do you want to choose as your weapon refining assistant?"

Wu Tao glanced at the five people, and then said: "Five nephews, please briefly introduce yourselves."

Naturally, he wanted to choose Fu Xuan, but he couldn't be so direct, because Fu Xuan's circle of friends was the circle of second-level advanced weapon refiners. If he directly chose Fu Xuan, he would be in the circle of second-level senior weapon refiners. It's not easy to mess around, so he asked Fu Xuan to talk about his resume first, so that he could choose based on Fu Xuan's resume, and finally said that he liked Fu Xuan's characteristics.

Even if you take care of Fu Xuan, you must choose the right way. Don't cause trouble to others just because you take care of him.

The five of them looked at each other, and finally the second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed He spoke first and recommended himself: "Greetings to Mr. Li, why is my disciple named? I was born in the Immortal Palace Armor Refining Hall since childhood, and has an extremely solid foundation." After arriving in the Border Islands, he was selected by Master Xian to be his assistant for refining due to his solid basic knowledge of weapon refining. Therefore, the disciple felt that he could help Master Li... "

He Suowei spoke out all his advantages.

Wu Tao nodded. If Fu Xuan had not been chosen, He Weixing would indeed be his first choice.

But there is no way, nepotism has been the case since ancient times, and Wu Tao is not immune to it.

When He Suowei saw Wu Tao nodding, he stepped aside obediently, and the second second-level senior weapon refiner began to introduce himself.

Wu Tao listened carefully, and finally it was Fu Xuan's turn. Fu Xuan glanced at the four second-level senior weapon refiners who were born in the Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall. He did not feel that he had any hope of being selected by this Zhenren Li. Therefore, he took a step forward and said, "Disciple Fu Xuan, follow the instructions of the real master."

After finishing speaking, he respectfully retreated into the queue.

Hearing Fu Xuan's simple words of self-recommendation, the four second-level advanced weapon refiners from the Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall shook their heads in their hearts, thinking that although this fellow Daoist Fu was not born with an advantage, he did not have to give up on himself like this. Bar.

They still hope that Fu Xuan will make a serious self-recommendation introduction.

Of course, they think this way because they don't think Fu Xuan is their competitor, so they don't care.

Wei Tianbao was also a little disappointed with Fu Xuan. He called you here just to give you a chance, but you actually gave up on yourself like this. But firstly, Wu Tao was choosing a weapon refining assistant, and secondly, he was a real Jindan person, so he didn’t have to argue with a foundation builder.

Therefore, he said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Li, can you make a decision?"

Wu Tao was also thinking at this time that Fu Xuan was too simple. Moreover, Fu Xuan seemed to be in a bad state. After thinking about it, he understood.

Turning to look at Wei Tianbao, he nodded with a smile and said, "I already have a candidate."

After that, he looked from left to right. When he saw the first second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed Liu, the second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed Liu was overjoyed and thought Wu Tao had chosen him. But the next second, he was completely disappointed, because his eyes skipped and fell on the second-level senior weapon refiner beside him.

The ups and downs of the second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed Liu have been experienced by every second-level senior weapon refiner. Wu Tao finally laid his eyes on Fu Xuan and said, "I choose this nephew Fu Xuan." Bar."

"Huh?" Fu Xuan, who originally didn't have any hope, couldn't help but utter a word of surprise when he heard this, his face froze in place.

Wei Tianbao was also a little surprised, but it was none of his business who Junior Brother Li chose. He had no choice but to look at the astonished Fu Xuan and said, "Master Fu, please thank Master Li quickly."

When Fu Xuan heard this, he quickly put away his astonishment and bowed to Wu Tao: "Thank you so much for choosing Master Li as your disciple. I will definitely assist Master Li with all my heart in the future."

"No need to be polite, just follow me and do things from now on!" Wu Tao smiled and stretched out his hand to help Fu Xuan straighten up.

Although there is no difference between directly choosing Fu Xuan directly, he now thinks that the third-level low-level weapon refiner and Tangtang Jindan master do not seem to have to explain to these unselected second-level foundation-building high-level weapon refiners.

Wei Tianbao glanced at Fu Xuan and the other four second-level senior weapon refiners. When he saw that those who were not selected by Wu Tao had a look of loneliness on their faces, he waved his hand and said, "Fu Xuan, send your message to the master." Give it to Master Li, let the others exit first."

"Yes, disciple, please leave." He Suiwei and the other four bowed before exiting the hall.

Upon hearing this, Fu Xuan also gave Wu Tao his idea of ​​summoning the token, and was then sent out of the hall by Wei Tianbao, because Wei Tianbao had to explain other things to Wu Tao.

Fu Xuan walked out of the hall in a daze. After closing the door of the hall respectfully, he looked back at the hall, then shook his head and walked forward.

After walking dozens of steps, suddenly there were four figures standing there in front of them. It was He Suiwei and the four people who should be waiting for him there.

Fu Xuan stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Four fellow Taoists."

He Suowei looked at Fu Xuan and was silent for three seconds before saying: "I didn't expect Master Li to choose Fellow Daoist Fu in the end, but congratulations to Fellow Daoist Fu." The words were very complicated.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Fu!" The other three people also raised their hands to express their congratulations to Fu Xuan.

However, there was a bit of sourness in the words of congratulations. They couldn't understand that they had introduced their own advantages so much, and in the end they lost to Fu Xingxing District in one sentence.

Is it possible that Mr. Li likes assistants who talk less?

He Suiwei and the other four could only comfort themselves in this way, because they were not selected by Zhenren Li.

A real person's mind is as deep as the sea, and it's really hard for us to build a foundation.

Fu Xuan also knew that he had been chosen by Zhenren Li, and the four fellow Taoists in front of him must have felt sour in their hearts. But fortunately, he usually did not fight or grab, and now he would not be found troublesome.

"The four fellow Taoists laughed. Actually, Fu doesn't know why Master Li chose me..."

"Yes, who can figure out a real person's thoughts..." He Suowei nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed Liu said: "By the way, I seem to have heard that Zhenren Li was a casual cultivator and joined the Immortal Palace weapon refiner hall... Do you think it's possible that it's because of this? This reason?"

"Heard? Who said it?" The others heard this and looked at the second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed Liu.

"I heard what fellow Taoist Guan said." said the second-level senior weapon refiner surnamed Liu.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Guan, so it might be true..."

That Fellow Daoist Guan is the weapon-refining assistant of Uncle Zhao, the third-level senior weapon-refining master here, so what he says is extremely credible.

"It seems that Master Li chose Fellow Daoist Fu just because he and Fellow Daoist Fu were both from the same background as casual cultivators..."

After thinking about this, He Weiwei and the other four people understood that it was not because they were not as good as Fu Xuan that they were not selected.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, I'll take the first step!"

He Suiwei waited for the four people to leave, and Fu Xuan stood there. He turned back and looked in the direction of Master Li, and couldn't help but murmured: "Did you choose me because we are both casual cultivators? "

"Yes, Master Li is a casual cultivator and can become a third-level weapon refiner, so why can't I? Moreover, Master Li chose me, and I have the opportunity to learn the art of weapon refinement from Master Li..."

Thinking like this, Fu Xuan's dead eyes were regaining their brightness little by little.

His fighting spirit, his hope, was back.

"From now on, I must stay with Master Li and learn the art of weapon refining!" Fu Xuan said in a firm tone.

In the main hall.

Wei Tianbao's eyes fell on Wu Tao and said: "Junior Brother Li, you chose Fu Xuan because Junior Brother Li is also a San Cultivation Weapon Master, right?"

Wu Taosan's identity as a weapon master is not a secret, so it is not surprising that Wei Tianbao knows about it. At this time, hearing what Wei Tianbao said, Wu Tao admitted generously: "Not bad! It made Senior Brother Wei laugh!"

This also happens to be an excuse.

Wei Tianbao shook his head and said with a smile: "What's funny about this? We, Master Jindan, will use anyone we like!"

"Okay, Junior Brother Li, let me tell you some things that Junior Brother Xian left behind!"

Wei Tianbao began to introduce the topic.

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