Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 312 Trump Card +1 (Please subscribe)

Wu Tao's current spiritual range is fifty-three miles, so he will not stay away from Chen Yao for fifty-three miles. He must always pay attention to Chen Yao's situation. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

If Chen Yao encounters trouble that cannot be solved and is in danger of life, he can take action in time. Wherever his spiritual thoughts come, the attack will come instantly. This is the power of foundation building.

Some of Chen Yao's actions were sensed by Wu Tao's spiritual mind. He could 'see' that Chen Yao was very cautious and steady in his advancement. Apparently, he carefully recorded the experience he imparted to Chen Yao last night.

When Chen Yao advanced to twenty miles, she finally encountered a first-level low-level monster, which was comparable to the second-level Qi Refining of an Immortal Cultivator. Chen Yao used the Qingling Sword Sutra and killed it in one turn.

As time passed slowly, it soon reached noon, and Chen Yao also advanced to the level of fifty miles. She found a place, muttered something in her mouth, and said: "When you rest, you must set up a formation, it is safer. . Moreover, this is a retreat. When we advance later, if we encounter a first-order high-level monster, this will also be a retreat."

“Everything must be done with stability in mind.”

As she muttered, Chen Yao took out the three-pole fire and water sword array from her storage bag and arranged it. After arranging it, she sat down, took out the monsters from her storage bag, and started grilling.

All of this fell into Wu Tao's mind. He was very pleased and said to himself: "It seems that Ayao has swallowed up all my experience and knows the way of stability."

After saying this, Wu Tao reached out and touched the storage bag, and the small five-element upside-down formation appeared in his hand. He kept throwing out the formation flags with both hands, and then arranged the small five-element upside-down formation.

"Although this place has been cleaned up by Lingxu Sect and there are no second-level monsters, it is not within Lingxu Sect after all, so we still have to be careful."

Wu Tao thought in his heart.

After noon, Chen Yao continued to move forward.

Half an hour later, she finally encountered a first-level high-level monster, which was comparable to the seventh level of Qi Refining. Sensing the aura of this monster, Chen Yao thought to herself: "If I fight with all my strength, I can kill this monster." Behead him. But my senior brother said that fighting head-on is a mindless act. When we are evenly matched, it is not advisable to fight head-on. Killing with a plan is the safest way. Therefore, I should provoke him and lead him to In the three-pole water and fire sword formation, kill them with the formation."

Thinking of this, Chen Yao immediately angered this high-level monster. Sensing the aura of this human cultivator, which was almost as powerful as his own, the monster rushed towards Chen Yao.

Chen Yao immediately sent Qingye Zhou to fly towards the three-pole water and fire sword formation.

The first-level high-level monsters chased after him madly and entered the formation.

"It's done, senior brother is really powerful." Chen Yao saw that the monsters had entered the formation, and immediately activated the three-pole water and fire sword formation. Then, when she touched the storage bag, bottles of Qi Restoration Pills, about hundreds of them, all appeared. In front of you, you can respond at any time.

"Not bad." Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao's response and was very satisfied.

"After consuming five bottles of Qi Restoration Pill, I finally refined this high-level monster to death." Looking at the ashes of the first-level high-level monster in the formation, Chen Yao's face lit up with excitement, feeling very accomplished.

The day passed quickly, and Chen Yao did not encounter any danger today. That was because she deeply remembered her senior brother's teachings and would never go deep into the cave rashly. After encountering a first-order high-level monster, she stopped going deeper.

Instead, they continued to bully those first-level intermediate and low-level monsters.

Seeing that it was almost time, Wu Tao appeared in front of Chen Yao and said, "Ayao, it's time to return to the sect."

Chen Yao had blood stains on her body. Her eyes shone brightly. She looked at Wu Tao expectantly and said, "Brother, how did I perform today?"

Wu Tao was quite satisfied, and a cleaning technique fell on Chen Yao, cleaning away the blood on her body, and said with a smile: "The performance is very good, but the wisdom of the monsters is not as cunning as the immortal cultivators. You have not met the immortal cultivators yet. "

Chen Yao said: "I will definitely be able to handle it according to the experience my senior brother taught me."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Well, as long as you remember, stability is the main thing."

After that, Wu Tao carried Chen Yao back to the cave in the flying sword boat.

The next day.

Wu Tao went to the Refining Hall to see Zhao Zhen. After meeting Zhao Zhen, Wu Tao said directly: "Brother Zhao, I have fully understood and can refine the components of the immortal boat."

When Zhao Zhen heard this, he was surprised and said: "So fast?"

It had only been four days, and even if he had learned all the second-level low-level spells, he would not be able to analyze them so quickly. From this point of view, his junior brother Han's talent in weapon refining was indeed extraordinary.

No wonder being able to be promoted to the second-level weapon refiner as a casual cultivator is not just a matter of chance.

After a moment of surprise, Zhao Zhen put away his surprise and said to Wu Tao: "Okay, Junior Brother Han, follow me and call Meng Haoting."

Wu Tao immediately went to call Meng Haoting.

Then, Zhao Zhen took Meng Haoting to the spiritual material reserve room of the Refining Hall, and said to Meng Haoting: "From now on, you will be responsible for the transportation of spiritual materials. If your uncle Han runs out of spiritual materials, you will come here to collect the spiritual materials and send them to me." Go to Dihuo Peak to give it to your Uncle Han."

Meng Haoting nodded and said, "Yes, Master Zhao."

Zhao Zhen said to Wu Tao: "Let's go to Earth Fire Peak. There is a special refining room for you to refine."

The three people left the weapon refining hall and flew towards Earth Fire Peak.

When he came to Earth Fire Peak and said hello to Fang Zhengqi, Zhao Zhen did not forget to give Meng Haoting a bottle of Clear Fire Pill and said to him: "Every time you come to deliver spiritual materials, you must remember to swallow the Clear Fire Pill. Otherwise, the energy of earth fire will damage your body. When you use it up, you can go to the weapon refining hall to get it."

Meng Haoting said yes.

Then, Zhao Zhen took the two of them to the weapon refining room No. 10 and said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Han, from now on, you can refine the fairy boat parts in this weapon refining room. Every month, at least three For ten pieces, the loss rate must be minimized and kept at 30%. Spiritual materials are precious, and by gathering the power of the seven sects, we can only refine three immortal boats at most."

Wu Tao said: "I understand, Senior Brother Zhao."

Then, Wu Tao did not forget to ask about the most important thing. He asked: "Senior Brother Zhao, how are the merits calculated for refining the components of this immortal boat?"

Zhao Zhendao: "Refining one piece will earn you fifty merit points, which means you have one thousand and fifteen merit points in a month. If you refine a few more pieces, you can earn more merit points."

"I understand, Senior Brother Zhao."

Next, Meng Haoting placed the spiritual materials in the refining room No. 10 and left the Earth Fire Peak. He was only in the Qi refining period, and the Earth Fire was fierce. Although he was not in direct contact, the Earth Fire Qi would also affect him, so he could not stay for a long time. You have to leave after putting the spiritual materials away, otherwise you will regret it as soon as the effect of the Clear Fire Pill wears off.

Wu Tao planned to start trying to refine it today. Seeing this, Zhao Zhen left Earth Fire Peak and completely handed over the refining room to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon. As soon as he sat down, his heart moved and he felt movement in the beast's bag.

He immediately took out the animal bag and penetrated it with his spiritual thoughts.

"The soul-eating worm has finally begun to complete its final transformation, and its aura has begun to rise. When I advance to the second-level soul-eating worm, I can add another one to my trump card."

Update completed, fourth update. Go to sleep and keep your spirits up, there will be an update tomorrow.

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