Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 311 New mission, experience (please subscribe)

Wu Tao returned the jade slip and left the secret book building. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

Then, he went to the Weapon Refining Hall to see Zhao Zhen. On the way, he happened to meet Meng Haoting. He immediately said to Meng Haoting: "Xiao Meng, tomorrow, go to Dihuo Peak and register for a Weapon Refining Room. Three days later, I will I need to refine the magic weapon."

Meng Haoting said yes.

He has memorized the secrets of the Xuanming Magic Robe and the Dragon-Defying Spear, and analyzed the secrets. He only needs to practice them a few times, and then go to the Hall of Merit to redeem the refined spiritual materials before he can start refining them.

Saying goodbye to Meng Haoting, Wu Tao found Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen said to him: "Junior Brother Han, starting tomorrow, in addition to the task of inspecting the virtual vessel twice a month, you also have the task of refining the virtual vessel components. Come tomorrow, I will Tell you more carefully."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Zhao."

Since he had to wait until tomorrow, Wu Tao said goodbye and returned to the cave. After returning to the cave, Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, there are new arrangements in the weapon refining hall. I will take a look at your training tomorrow. arrange."

Chen Yao said: "Everything depends on senior brother."

the next day.

Wu Tao then came to the weapon refining hall and met Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen took a jade slip and said: "Junior Brother Han, this is one of the parts of the immortal boat, and it is also the most numerous part. From today on, you will meditate on this jade slip. After meditating, I will Arrange for you to go to Earth Fire Peak to refine this component."

Wu Tao took it and nodded: "Okay, Senior Brother Zhao."

In the following time, Wu Tao spent some time to understand this jade slip. This component should be the deck of the immortal boat. It requires nine second-level spiritual materials. There are second-level low-level magic taboos. This magic taboo is nine. Legal prohibition has the functions of reinforcement and connection.

Each piece is not big, so the quantity required is extremely large.

"A void battleship in the world of immortality?" Wu Tao imagined the general appearance of a void vessel in his mind.

But Wu Tao can't see Xuzhou's secret book yet, and can only refine some of its most unimportant parts.

"The jade slip states that this kind of component costs hundreds of thousands, and each piece is equivalent to a second-order low-level magical weapon. Doesn't that mean that hundreds of thousands of second-order low-level magical weapons are composed of a large killing weapon?"

Just thinking about this concept makes Wu Tao feel frightened and shocked.

He no longer thought about it, he would know it after the immortal boat was actually refined.

The next day, Wu Tao took the time to go to the Hall of Merit and used spiritual stones to buy the spiritual materials needed to refine the Xuanming Robe and the Dragon-Defying Spear. Each of them was enough to refine two pieces.

If it succeeds twice, then use it as a backup.

On the third day, Wu Tao went to Earth Fire Peak to refine the magic weapon.

"Junior Brother Han, I have prepared the weapon refining room for you." As soon as they arrived at Earth Fire Peak, Fang Zhengqi, who managed Earth Fire Peak, smiled and said to Wu Tao, and handed over the jade sign that opened the weapon refining room.

Wu Tao took the jade token, held it in his hand and said to Fang Zhengqi, "Senior Brother Laofang is here."

Fang Zhengqi smiled and said: "My family, you don't have to be polite. This is not the first time for Junior Brother Han to come to the Earth Fire Peak to refine magic weapons. Senior brother will not send you away. The energy of the Earth Fire is uncomfortable."

"I don't dare bother Senior Brother Fang anymore, I can do it myself.

Wu Tao handed over his hand again, and then went to the entrance of the underground fire. Feeling the raging and hot air of the underground fire, he glanced at the number on the jade plate, and he jumped and flew towards the entrance of the underground fire.

"Number eleven."

Wu Tao flew to the refining room No. 11, opened the door of the refining room, and entered the refining room.

He swallowed the mana pill to restore his condition to its peak, and then put the required spiritual materials aside. After making preparations, Wu Tao took out the clear fire pill and swallowed it.

As soon as the Qinghuo Dan entered the mouth, he felt that the burning sensation on the outside of the body and inside the body instantly dissipated, and the body felt cool. Only then did Wu Tao walk out of the weapon refining hall, run the Xuanyuan weapon refining method, and start to extract the earth fire.

"Xuanming's robe, the nine magic prohibitions, has the function of absorbing magic damage and resisting spell attacks and physical attacks."

Wu Tao thought to himself and began to refine the Xuanming robe.

Time passed slowly. Wu Tao's refining techniques were quite skillful. Half an hour later, he refined the Xuanming robe, successfully refining it in one go.

Then, Wu Tao adjusted his breath and prepared to refine the Dragon-Defying Spear.

Two hours later.

Two Xuanming robes and two dragon-defying spears appeared in front of Wu Tao.

Not once failed.

Wu Tao reached out and picked up the Xuanming robe and started refining it. Now, he was still wearing the first-level and ninth-level gold gilt robe. After a while, he finished refining, took off the gold robe and put on the Xuanming robe.

Xuanming's robe was bright and silver. After putting it on, Wu Tao's whole temperament seemed to have improved a lot.

"A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle, and immortal cultivators are no exception!" Wu Tao couldn't help but sigh.

Then, he refined the Dragon-Defying Spear and eliminated the Flame Spear.

The flaming spear is a first-level and ninth-level magic weapon. The last time he fought with the Tianyin sect on the fourth level of foundation building, he used Duanjiang, but he did not dare to use the flaming spear because the flaming spear would not be able to withstand the power of Duanjiang and directly Collapsed.

Duanjiang is a physical technique that can only be performed by condensing the spirit body.

After refining the magic weapon and equipping it, Wu Tao felt a little more at ease and felt a sense of security.

After returning to the cave, Wu Tao said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, I will take you to practice tomorrow."

He had already comprehended the components of the Immortal Boat and was ready to refine it, but he wanted to postpone it for a day and take Chen Yao to practice for a day.

Chen Yao's face showed excitement, looking forward to tomorrow's experience.

She has been protected by Chen Shan since she was born. She only lives in the relatively orderly and safe Xiuxian City and rarely goes out into the wild. Chen Shan is a kind person and does not interact with others, so Chen Yao has no experience in fighting.

Later, Chen Shan passed away, and Wu Tao was also a kind person who did not do evil to others, so Chen Yao had no chance to face danger.

Now that Chen Yao has reached the seventh level of Qi refining, Wu Tao thinks that he can take Chen Yao to practice. After all, he firmly believes that his own cultivation is everything. He cannot be by Chen Yao's side every day and every moment.

Chen Yao should not be his vassal, but an independent immortal cultivator.

However, Wu Tao still wanted to escort Chen Yao for the first time.

The next day.

A blue light and a green light cut through the air, flying towards the outside of Lingxu Sect. Standing on the blue light was Wu Tao, and standing on the Qingye boat was Chen Yao.

After leaving the sect, there is the wild forest. From here to Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City, for thousands of miles, Lingxu Sect has swept away the second-level monsters, leaving only the first-level monsters for Lingxu Sect disciples in the Qi refining period. Used for experience.

In the mission hall, there are many Qi refining missions, which are actually related to killing monsters.

Wu Tao stood on the flying sword boat and said to Chen Yao: "Ayao, do you still remember the precautions I told you last night?"

Chen Yao nodded seriously and said, "Yes, I will remember it, senior brother."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Then go down by yourself. Pay attention to safety."

Chen Yao nodded and sent Qingye Zhou to land in the wild. He looked up and saw that Wu Tao was no longer in the air. She silently took a deep breath and recalled what her senior brother had told him last night.

"Play it safe. Don't think about going deep into a strange place so quickly. Push forward slowly first. The closer you get to the mountain gate of Lingxu Sect, the weaker the monsters will be. The deeper you go, the stronger the monsters will be. I am currently at the seventh level of Qi Refining. You should first practice with a first-level low-level monster."

With this thought in mind, Chen Yao moved forward cautiously, much like Wu Tao did when he came to the wild for the first time.

Thank you everyone for your monthly votes. I finally have 1,000 monthly votes. Thanks to Brother No. 1 in the world for his 2,400 starting coin reward, to Jun Chen Qingxin for his 1,000 starting coin reward, to book friend 2022***0158 for his 300 starting coin reward, to thank you for the 100 starting coin reward of the prosperous rain and the only one in my heart. Reward. Keep writing and write another update.

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