Revolver? !

The four looked shocked, Hattori Heiji rubbed his eyes, and even thought he was wrong.

The only trump card was exposed, and Makoto Yada struggled violently: "Let me go! Let me go!"

He growled and roared, but he was powerless to resist.

next second.

Hearing the sound of "Kacha", his two arms were directly dislocated.


Pain filled his nerves, and Yada Makoto let out a heart-piercing scream.

"It's so noisy, be quiet." Ye Geng raised his hand and knocked on the opponent's head decisively a few times.

Hmm... It doesn't feel as good as the little detective.

At this time, dense footsteps came from the corridor. Soon, the police from Ausui Town rushed to the door of the living room.


This is the voice of Hattori Heiji and Yada Makoto.

But the difference is that the former is just pure worry, and the revolver is also part of the murderer's planting.

A police officer with thinning hair and a stubble chin shouted this way:

"Hey, let him go soon..."

He didn't know what happened here, anyway, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Gengyi working as a laborer for Teng Shinichi.

"Did you see this revolver? Come here first, a police officer, and put the gun away."

Ye Gengyi took over the command very calmly, and said: "Hey, don't stand still, and don't all crowd at the door, make way for the doctor, there is someone dying over there."

He glanced at the location of the female reporter in Shenli, Hanoi.

Seeing this, the police did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed suit.

After some busy work.

Order was restored in the room.

The leading police officer of Okusui Town obviously knew Kudo Shinichi, and after a simple inquiry, he learned from Ye Geng that the person who tried to kill Hanoi Shenli was this high school student, so he dared not believe it, "No way? Yes Is there something wrong?"

"Just, that's right," Hattori Heiji tried to restore the situation, "Someone must have framed Kudo, including the revolver that was put on him by someone."

"Are you still pretending?" Ye Gengyi looked at Makoto Yada, "There are some things that you admit to yourself, and the consequences of being told by others are different."

Let myself almost think that all this is a conspiracy of the organization. In order to prevent Kudo Shinichi from becoming a real brain-dead, he had to use the healing function of nano-robots.

Although the headache has been relieved, he is really too lazy to repeat the reasoning that has already cleared his mind. Now he only hopes that this kid can be more aware of current affairs.

As for the reason why Makoto Yada killed Kawachi Fukasato and framed Kudo Shinichi?

Feel sorry…

Really not interested.

"Hey, Kudo..." Hattori Heiji lowered his voice and reminded, "If you have something to hide, please speak up!"

Exploration missions have become Hell-level difficulty.

But the teammate is still a patient with amnesia. This kind of helplessness against everyone makes a certain Osaka black chicken almost die of anxiety.

"I, I'm very scared." Makoto Yata hesitated for a moment, then said with a hoarse voice, "I did invite the newspaper reporter here."

"What?! Hey, Kudo, are you kidding me?" Hattori Heiji only felt a roar in his ears.

He, what did he hear just now... Kudo actually became a murderer? !

Heh, the fake ones are shocked like this, if you know that the real Kudo Shinichi not only betrayed Hondo Eisuke to the fbi for the sake of the investigation organization to manipulate Mizumu Rena some time ago, but also teamed up with them to kill Kusuda Rikumichi, In the end, he hid the other party's body from the police. After playing an 'undercover game', did the three views collapse?

There is no absolute good person in the world...

Ye Gengyi looked at Hattori Heiji's face, and after silently slandering, he was about to suggest to the police in Okuho Town to take Yada Makoto back to the police station for interrogation, and they also made a statement by the way.

Hearing this, Yada Makoto said with tears in his eyes, "Because that newspaper reporter said he wanted to expose the reasoning mistakes I made a year ago, and threatened to destroy all my reputation and glory. What are those, but... I'm so scared, I'm really scared..."

"Kudou, do you know what you're talking about?!"

Hattori Heiji subconsciously took half a step back. It seems that he wants to take a good look at this peer who he once regarded as the biggest opponent in his life... Why, it feels so strange?

"So, is that why you attempted to kill Ms. Hanoi..."

The police officer in Ausui Town suddenly felt as if he had passed away, "Obviously, when that guy Mugure introduced you to me a year ago, you were still so confident and calm, such an excellent you, why...why did you do it?" What a stupid thing to do!"

"You praise me too much. I am not a god. I also hate others and make mistakes... Just like what happened here a year ago, I also called the innocent Japanese village chief a murderer."

Makoto Yada was sobbing, and the true feelings on his face were revealed, for a moment Ye Gengyi couldn't see that he was acting.


There was a "snap".

Ye Geng stretched out his hands and patted the opponent's shoulders that were swollen due to dislocation.


Makoto Yada yelled again, with snot and tears streaming out from the pain.

Hattori Heiji couldn't bear to see Kudo Shinichi in such a mess, so he silently turned his head and lowered his gaze.

"I'm giving you a chance, you're useless..." Ye Geng said calmly, but the strength of his hands became heavier and heavier, and he slowly called out the opponent's name:

"Yada Makoto."

"Yada Makoto?"

The police officer in Ausui Town apparently met the adopted son who was adopted by the head of the Japanese village a year ago.

At this moment, when Ye Geng read the other party's name, he forgot to stop his 'violent' behavior for a while, and looked around in a daze.

Others are still a little unclear.

But Makoto Yada was directly shocked. After realizing that the stern young man in front of him was indeed talking to him, he couldn't help shrinking his eyes, and his expression showed extreme shock.

Why? ! Why does this person know that he is not Kudo Shinichi?

While thinking, a man with white hair and black clothes with a shawl pushed open the sliding window and came in from the outside.

His voice was also Looking at the shocked faces besides Ye Gengyi, he finally looked at Makoto Yada and said:

"Yuda, things have already developed to this point, so you don't want to act any longer. Ahem, and... Teacher Ye, can you let him go for my sake?"

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"When did you come?" Ye Gengyi let go of Yatian Makoto, turned around and came here.

"That... Actually, the ambulance and the police are all me... Hey boy..."

Before Kudo Shinichi could finish his words, he was slapped on the head, and his white hair was also blown away.'s the feel.

Ye Geng found a reason for this behavior in a nonchalant manner, and said, "Next time, when we talk about face, remember to show your face."

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